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#Laravel Updated to 4.2.* from 4.1.* Added a Repo "Quantum" in app/"-Any helper classes can go in here

Follow the link for upgrade path: followed by

--composer update --composer dump-autoload

Industry project Installation instructions

  1. clone the repository

  2. Create a new branch and switch to that branch( git branch yourname followed by git checkout yourname)

  3. Add your hostname(type hostname in terminal) to bootstrap/start.php on line number 27 after 'bashanta-17595477.local'

  4. Create a folder named 'development' in app/config directory and create file named database.php

  5. Add following content in database.php and modify database, username and password

     return [
     	'connections' => array(
     		'mysql-wordpress' => array(
         		'driver'    => 'mysql',
         		'host'      => 'localhost',
         		'database'  => getenv('wp_database'),
         		'username'  => getenv('wp_username'),
         		'password'  => getenv('wp_password'),
         		'charset'   => 'utf8',
         		'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
         		'prefix'    => 'wp_',
     		'mysql' => array(
     			'driver'    => 'mysql',
     			'host'      => "localhost",
     			'database'  => "your-database-name",
     			'username'  => "your-mysql-username",
     			'password'  => "your-mysql-password",
     			'charset'   => 'utf8',
     			'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
     			'prefix'    => ''
  6. clone wordpress site for wordpress authentication( and paste put sql from SQL/ wordpress.sql to wordpress database.

  7. add environment variables in .env.development.php as follows and edit values

     return array(
     	'max_per_page'  => pagination max per page,
     	'max_file_size' => max file size you want to upload in server,
     	'wp_database'	=> 'database for wordpress',
     	'wp_username'  => 'wordpress db username',
     'wp_password'  => 'wordpress password'
  8. run composer(composer.phar) update

  9. copy getRememberToken(), getRememberTokenName(), setRememberToken() functions from user model to vendor/hampel/wordpress- auth-laravel/src/Hampel/WordPress/Auth/WordPressUser.php (this is patch)

  10. run php artisan migrate:install

  11. run php artisan migrate

  12. run php artisan serve


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