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country-geotime dataset, for geospatial information related to countries.


The motivations of this repo comes from a discussion at country-codes/issues/22 and datasets/registry/issues/119.

The preparation use more than one source, and many methods to extract data.


There are two CSV tables, both described by datapackage.json,

  • contry-geotime.csv: the main data, ordered by iso_alpha2 and listing neighbors, official languages and legal time.

  • territoryContainment.csv: a "type,contains" table describing standard geographical agregators as European Union (EU) or Soth America (005).


Some data was prepared from maps and checked by Wikidata, others, as unicode_CLDR_tr35 folder, are "ready for use" official data, where the only work was to transform into worksheet.

The spatial data come from different reliable open sources, and can be prepared by standard SQL (like PostgreSQL) and OGC-compliant tool (ex. PostGIS). The preparation scripts, are relevant part of this dataset, in the roleof its "recipe". Sources are described also by the datapackage.js metadata file.

ID coluns

This dataset is a complement of country-codes, that use ISO 3166-1 labels. The most popular label is the alpha-2 (for humans), and, for other uses, numeric. Any other ID (ex. FIFA or Marc) can be obtained by join with country-codes tables.

Country neighbors

As showed in peakbagger's depentab, "(...) there are therefore 254 'countries' in the world: 194 independent nation-states, 55 dependencies, Antarctica, and 4 other areas", so a map of units for the 194, and a "full map" for join all other contries. Here, using Natural Earth vector maps of each methodology.

  CREATE TABLE neighbors AS
  WITH mundi_aug AS (
    SELECT iso_a2, geom FROM countries WHERE iso_a2 NOT IN (SELECT iso_a2 FROM mundi)
    SELECT iso_a2, geom FROM mundi WHERE iso_a2!='-99' -- no ocean
  ) SELECT ref_country, array_agg(neighbor) AS neighbor_list
    FROM (
	    SELECT DISTINCT m.iso_a2 AS ref_country, scan.iso_a2 AS neighbor
	    FROM mundi_aug AS m INNER JOIN mundi_aug AS scan
		 ON ST_dwithin(m.geom, scan.geom, 0.00001) -- SRID4326 degree metric
	    WHERE m.iso_a2!=scan.iso_a2 -- not optimized, scans geom twice
	    ORDER BY 1, 2
    ) source
    GROUP BY ref_country;

The distance_of_srid parameter of ST_DWithin can range from 0.0000001 to 0.0001, so the country's neighbor topology is stable, and into a 100 or less meters error scale.

# # # # # # #
# get main mundi map, witn only ~190 "country units"
mkdir sandbox
cd sandbox
wget -c
shp2pgsql  -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_map_units public.mundi | psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox
rm *.*
# get secondary mundi map, witn all ~240 countries
wget -c
shp2pgsql  -s 4326 ne_10m_admin_0_countries public.countries | psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox
rm *.*

psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox -c < createNeighbors.sql

# make a report as COPY CSV or 
psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox -c "select *, array_length(neighbor_list,1) list_len from neighbors"

See more details at report.

About territoryContainment of CLDR-tr35 ...

UTM references

You can check utm_zones.csv with this online interface. Antartica (AQ) was omited, check this special definition

Using mundi and countries of the [Country neighbors preparation](#Country neighbors), and the utm_zones of preparation below, the lists came from a direct quering on polygon intersections,

CREATE VIEW mundi_utm_lists AS
  WITH mundi_aug AS (
   SELECT iso_a2, geom FROM mundi WHERE iso_a2!='-99' -- no ocean
   SELECT iso_a2, geom FROM countries WHERE iso_a2 NOT IN (SELECT iso_a2 FROM mundi)
  ) SELECT  m.iso_a2, array_agg(u.code) AS utm_codes
    FROM utm_zones u INNER JOIN mundi_aug m 
      ON (m.geom && u.geom AND st_intersects(m.geom,u.geom))
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1

them, using global-utm-zones as source, the preparation is:

mkdir utm_zones
cd utm_zones
wget -c -O
shp2pgsql  -s 4326 utm_zones_final.dbf public.utm_zones | psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox
rm *.*
psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox -c "SELECT *, array_length(utm_codes,1) AS list_len FROM mundi_utm_lists"

Each country is under one or more cells of the UTM-grid, that is the main standard to describe contry territory in a local-planar projection. See Utm-zones.jpg.

Time references

For usual source, translated as time_zones.csv, see "Time zones" at

Each country have its standard official UTC hour fuses (column FUSES), corresponding to an official approximation to the exact UTC fuses tha cross the country area; and have an extetion to these fuses, the "legal time" (column DST_legal) corresponding to the....


CREATE VIEW mundi_time_lists AS
  WITH mundi_aug AS (
   SELECT iso_a2, geom FROM mundi WHERE iso_a2!='-99' -- no ocean
   SELECT iso_a2, geom FROM countries WHERE iso_a2 NOT IN (SELECT iso_a2 FROM mundi)
  ) SELECT  m.iso_a2, array_agg( AS time_refs
    FROM time_zones t INNER JOIN mundi_aug m 
      ON (m.geom && t.geom AND st_intersects(m.geom,t.geom))
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1
mkdir time_zones
cd time_zones
wget -c
shp2pgsql  -s 4326 timezone public.time_zones | psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox
rm *.*
psql -h localhost -U postgres sandbox -c "SELECT *, array_length(time_refs,1) AS list_len FROM mundi_time_lists"


Unicode, Inc. CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification All CLDR-tr35 data is expressed in the supplementalData.xml and was extracted (convertion to CSV) by extract.php,

  • list of official and secondary languages per country:
  • percentage of population that use a secondary language: this dataset was prepared with a 1% treshold.

Other suggestions

... language ... Wikidata/Wikipedia conventions for "simple and useful data"...


Thanks to @sumariva in prepare and review all PostGIS scripts, and generate results after hours of CPU.


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