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Simple PHP Oject Framework

This micro-framework was first created to help people learning Object Oriented Programming through a framework.

It's quite simple to get started and quite alike with a well known micro-framework : Silex (based on Symfony components).

The aim is not to provide a production ready framework that you should use in your enterprise project but mostly to try things and to bootstrap a small structured project very quickly.


The recommended way to install Sophwork is through Composer:

$ composer require sophwork/sophwork "0.1.1"

As you can also download it from : here

Getting started

Server configuration

You first need to configure your server to use Sophwork. You can take exemple on the .htaccess file in the sources folder. (Make sure Apache2 mod_rewrite is enabled: here is a quick tutorial).

#Default htaccess
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

Using Sophwork


use Sophwork\app\app\SophworkApp;
use Sophwork\modules\handlers\requests\Requests;

// If you're not using composer, you must define your sources path
$autoloader->sources = __DIR__ . '/../src/';

 *	Create a new applicaion with the Sophwork class
 * 	It will create 3 new class :
 *		- appController class
 *		- appModel class
 *		- appView class
 * 	Set up app parameters here or in the config file
$app = new SophworkApp();

Then you need to define your routes


 * Simply declare your routes and the pattern to match
 * and link them to the controller
 * You can match the following http requests
 * 		- get
 * 		- post
 * 	You can also attribute them a name so you can use UrlGenerator to create links
$app->get('/', function(SophworkApp $app, Requests $request) {
	return "<h1>Hello World !</h1>";

As you can see you can declare controller directly through your router, but I mostly recommend to do it in a proper controller file :

// src/MyApp/Controller/Home.php

namespace MyApp\Controller;

use Sophwork\app\app\SophworkApp;
use Sophwork\modules\handlers\requests\Requests;

class Home
	public function show(SophworkApp $app, Requests $requests) {
		return 'Hello World';

And then call the right method in the controller you've just define :

// index.php
// Separate controller file (recommended)
$app->get('/', ['MyApp\Controller\Home' => 'show'], 'home');

Now you have configured your app, it's about time to actually run it (It will not run any of your controllers, unless you call this method)

// Run the actual app


Sophwork isn't tested yet. (As I said it's not production ready yet).


Sophwork is licensed under the MIT license.