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A Myna client for PHP 5.3+. See here.


Full documentation is on the Myna site.


This repository uses the Git flow branching model. Development is done on the develop branch (the default branch) and releases from the master branch.


There is a Vagrant configuration for testing.

  • Install Ansible: pip install ansible
  • Run Vagrant: vagrant up

You now have a box with PHP installed, ready to use and abuse.

To run the tests:

  • vagrant ssh
  • cd /vagrant
  • ./bin/phpspec run


Vagrant is not very reliable. Different versions of Vagrant and Virtualbox work together more or less well. If you cannot run the ansible deployment successfully, the following command will do so manually. You must have the VM running first (via vagrant up).

ansible-playbook --inventory-file ./vagrant_ansible_inventory_default playbook.yml -u vagrant --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key

If you have a SSH error it is usually an out-of-date entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

ansible all --inventory-file ./vagrant_ansible_inventory_default -m ping -vvvv -u vagrant --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key