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=== WooCommerce POS ===
Contributors: kilbot
Tags: cart, e-commerce, ecommerce, inventory, point-of-sale, pos, sales, sell, shop, shopify, store, vend, woocommerce,  wordpress-ecommerce
Requires at least: 4.0 & WooCommerce 2.3.7
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 0.4.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Finally, a Point of Sale plugin for WooCommerce! Sell online and in your physical retail store - no monthly fees, no need to sync inventory.

== Description ==

WooCommerce POS is a simple interface for taking orders at the Point of Sale using your [WooCommerce]( store. WooCommerce POS provides an alternative to Vend or Shopify POS - no need to sync inventory and no monthly subscription fees.

= DEMO = 
You can see a demo of the WooCommerce POS plugin in action by going to []( with `login/pass` : `demo/demo`

* Website:
* Roadmap:
* GitHub:
* Translate:
* Upgrade to Pro:

* WooCommerce >= 2.3.7
* PHP 5.4+
* [A modern browser](
* [A good web host](

== Installation ==

= Automatic installation = 
1. Go to Plugins screen and select Add New.
2. Search for "WooCommerce POS" in the WordPress Plugin Directory.
3. Install the plugin
4. Click Activate Plugin to activate it.

= Pro installation = 
If you have purchased a license for [WooCommerce POS Pro]( please follow the steps below to install and activate the plugin:

1. Go to:
2. Under My Downloads, click the download link and save the plugin to your desktop.
3. Then go to your site, login and go to the Add New Plugin page, eg: http://<>/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=upload
4. Upload the plugin zip file from your desktop and activate.
5. Next, go to the POS Settings page and enter your License Key and License Email to complete the activation.

= Manual installation = 
To install a WordPress Plugin manually:

1. Download the WooCommerce POS plugin to your desktop.
2. If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the Plugin folder to your desktop.
3. With your FTP program, upload the Plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
4. Go to Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded Plugin in the list.
5. Click Activate Plugin to activate it.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where can I find more information on WooCommerce POS? =
There is more information on our website at [](
* [FAQ](
* [Documentation](
* [Blog](

= Where can I request a feature? =
Visit the [Roadmap]( for information on what is coming in the next version of WooCommerce POS. If your feature isn't mentioned leave a request in the comments.

= Where can I get support? =
WooCommerce POS has a support page within the plugin (eg: http://*<yourstore>*/pos/#support). If you are experiencing an error or problem please visit this support page and send a message using the form provided. This form will attach important information we need to assist you.

= Where can I report bugs? =
Bugs can be reported on the [WooCommerce POS GitHub repository](

== Screenshots ==

1. WooCommerce POS main screen

== Changelog ==

= 0.4.6 - 2015/11/** =
* Important: Pro users should update [WooCommerce POS Pro]( to version 0.4.6
* Fix: POS not showing for some users
* Fix: issue with some product variation names, e.g.: 000, 00 and 0
* Fix: display of print receipt path in settings
* Tweak: Add Reply-To header to support emails
* Tweak: remove hard dependence for unique customer email

= 0.4.5 - 2015/10/28 =
* Important: WooCommerce POS now requires PHP 5.4 or higher
* Important: WooCommerce POS now requires WooCommerce 2.3.7 or higher
* Important: Pro users should update [WooCommerce POS Pro]( to version 0.4.5
* Fix: Layout issues in Chrome 46+
* Fix: POS permalink bug introduced in 0.4.2 - [22388f7](
* Fix: POS Cash not recording amount tendered or change - [2ef2260](
* Fix: POS Cash and Card gateways not showing for some users
* Fix: Permalink slugs should not begin with slash
* Fix: Product variation popover where variant contains a comma or special character
* Fix: Firebox bug where POS would be unresponsive after printing receipt
* Improve: POS template caching and performance
* Improve: Plugin update notices - [08058a9](
* Improve: Customer search
* New: (Pro) Edit customer details during checkout

= 0.4.4 - 2015/08/26 =
* Fix: cart totals going to zero with new fee or shipping line item - commit [35f547c](
* Improve: scanning barcodes multiple times - commit [670173b](

= 0.4.3 - 2015/08/24 =
* Fix: barcode scanning bug introduced in version 0.4.2 - commit [8a608c8](

= 0.4.2 - 2015/08/24 =
* New: local storage will now clear on version change - commit [85ec411](
* New: option to automatically print receipt after checkout - commit [16fba05](
* New: add cashier to receipt data - commit [c4caa8d](
* New: add pos_cash info to receipt data - commit [e7e443b](
* New: WooPOS icon to denote POS orders in WP Admin
* Fix: variation display and select issues - commit [91c7ec1](, [b3d6543](
* Fix: variation barcode search for products in queue - commit [3fda531](
* Fix: variation stock adjustment after sale - commit [26978fd](
* Fix: populate order addresses from customer id - commit [b86bc56](
* Fix: compatibility fix for WC 2.4 SSL authentication - commit [525671b](
* Fix: modal CSS conflict in WP Admin - commit [837b918](
* Fix: numpad discount bug introduced in 0.4.1
* Fix: quick edit links not showing on WP Admin Products page - commit [07d3e98](
* Fix: POS visibility options not showing on new product page - commit [ef20a5b](
* Tweak: WP Admin CSS - commit [c5a38c7](

= 0.4.1 - 2015/07/10 =
* Important: WooCommerce POS now requires WooCommerce 2.3 or greater
* New: added woocommerce_pos_email_receipt hook
* Improve: blur() barcode search field after successful match
* Improve: editing a product/fee/shipping title in cart - commit [216e8a5](
* Improve: css tweaks for Firefox - commit [216e8a5](
* Improve: keyboard entry for qty and prices - commit [ee61744](
* Improve: variation attributes now stored as line item meta for display on receipts
* Fix: support for legacy server HTTP methods - commit [5765491](
* Fix: Internal Server Error for PHP 5.2.x - commit [d800d40](
* Fix: parse $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA global to array - commit [ac88f50](
* Fix: decimal quantity display - commit [358d95f](
* Fix: check WooCommerce has loaded - commit [80285c4](
* Fix: variation selection issues in popover - commit [5c9673b](
* Fix: incorrect total tax calculation for negative fees - issue [#85](kilbot/WooCommerce-POS#85)
* Fix: decimal bug on numpad entry, eg: 0.01 - commit [b46884d](
* Update npm dependencies

= 0.4 - 2015/06/02 =
* Important: this is a major code refactor, almost every line of code has been rewritten
* Important: check your POS admin after upgrade as many settings have changed
* Products: Variation popover/drawer
* Products: Infinite scroll
* Products: Hotkey for barcode search
* Products: Attributes now show in tooltip
* Cart: Tax settings can now be changed per cart item
* Cart: Meta data can be added to cart items
* Cart: Ability to add shipping line item
* Cart: Ability to fee line item
* Hotkeys: Use hotkey '?' to display a list of available hotkeys
* Translations: WooCommerce POS now uses automatic downloads
* New: Set custom permalink for POS front-end
* Improved: Responsive design for tablets & mobile
* Pro: Add customer during checkout
* Pro: Open multiple carts
* Pro: Hotkey for credit card readers
* Pro: New product page for quick product management
* Pro: New customer page for quick add/edit customers
* Pro: New order page
* Pro: New coupon page
* Pro: Multiple stores
* Pro: Compatibility fix for Stripe gateway
* Fix: all the things

[View full changelog](

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.4.6 =
* Pro users should update [WooCommerce POS Pro]( to version 0.4.6.

= 0.4.5 =
* WooCommerce POS now requires PHP 5.4 or higher.
* WooCommerce POS now requires WooCommerce 2.3.7 or higher.
* Pro users should update [WooCommerce POS Pro]( to version 0.4.5.


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