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This fork of the plugin for Omeka allows users to import metadata of items from a simple CSV (comma separated values) file, and then map the CSV column data to multiple elements, files, and/or tags. Improvements are: use of tabulation as a separator, import of metadata of files, import of files one by one to avoid to overload the server.



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CSV Import (plugin for Omeka)

CSV Import is a plugin for Omeka that allows users to import or update items from a simple CSV (comma separated values) file, and then map the CSV column data to multiple elements, files, and/or tags. Each row in the file represents metadata for a single item. This plugin is useful for exporting data from one database and importing that data into an Omeka site.

This fork adds some improvments:

  • more options for import;
  • import of metadata of collections and files;
  • update of collections, items and files;
  • import extra data of records that are not managed via standard elements but via specific tables.

The similar tool Xml Import can be useful too, depending on your types of data.


Uncompress files and rename plugin folder "CsvImport".

Then install it like any other Omeka plugin and follow the config instructions.

If you want to use local files inside the file system, the allowed base path or a parent should be defined before in the file "security.ini" of the plugin.

Set the proper settings in config.ini like so:

plugins.CsvImport.columnDelimiter = ","
plugins.CsvImport.enclosure = '"'
plugins.CsvImport.memoryLimit = "128M"
plugins.CsvImport.requiredExtension = "txt"
plugins.CsvImport.requiredMimeType = "text/csv"
plugins.CsvImport.maxFileSize = "10M"
plugins.CsvImport.fileDestination = "/tmp"
plugins.CsvImport.batchSize = "1000"

All of the above settings are optional. If not given, CsvImport uses the following default values:

memoryLimit = current script limit
requiredExtension = "txt" or "csv"
requiredMimeType = "text/csv"
maxFileSize = current system upload limit
fileDestination = current system temporary dir (via sys_get_temp_dir())
batchSize = 0 (no batching)

Set a high memory limit to avoid memory allocation issues with imports. Examples include 128M, 1G, and -1. This will set PHP's memory_limit setting directly, see PHP's documentation for more info on formatting this number. Be advised that many web hosts set a maximum memory limit, so this setting may be ignored if it exceeds the maximum allowable limit. Check with your web host for more information.

Note that 'maxFileSize' will not affect 'post_max_size' or 'upload_max_filesize' as is set in 'php.ini'. Having a maxFileSize that exceeds either will still result in errors that prevent the file upload.

'batchSize': Setting for advanced users. If you find that your long-running imports are using too much memory or otherwise hogging system resources, set this value to split your import into multiple jobs based on the number of CSV rows to process per job.

For example, if you have a CSV with 150000 rows, setting a batchSize of 5000 would cause the import to be split up over 30 separate jobs. Note that these jobs run sequentially based on the results of prior jobs, meaning that the import cannot be parallelized. The first job will import 5000 rows and then spawn the next job, and so on until the import is completed.


On some servers, in particular with shared hosts, an option should be changed in the application/config/config.ini file:

jobs.dispatcher.longRunning = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_BackgroundProcess"


jobs.dispatcher.longRunning = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_Synchronous"

Note that this change may limit the number of lines imported by job. If so, you can increase the time limit for process in the server or php configuration.

Note about local paths

For security reasons, to import files from local file system is forbidden. Nevertheless, it can be allowed for a specific path. This allowed base path or a parent should be defined in the file "security.ini" of the plugin.


Fourteen examples of csv files are available in the csv_files folder. They are many because a new one is built for each new feature. The last ones uses all of them.

They can be all imported with all formats (except "Omeka Report"). For this, you should select the manual mode. This is the only one for "Item" and "Files", but optional for others, with the parameter "Contains extra data".

Some files may be updated with a second file to get full data. This is just to have some examples.

They use free images of Wikipedia, so import speed depends on the connection.

  1. test.csv

    A basic list of three books with images of Wikipedia, with non Dublin Core tags. To try it, you just need to check Item metadata, to use the default delimiters , and enclosure ".

  2. test_automap.csv

    The same list with some Dublin Core attributes in order to automap the columns with the Omeka fields. To try it, use the same parameter than the previous file and check option Automap column.

    Note that even you don't use the Automap option, the plugin will try to get matching columns if field names are the same in your file and in the drop-down list.

  3. test_special_delimiters.csv

    A file to try any delimiters. Special delimiters of this file are:

    • Column delimiter: tabulation
    • Enclosure: quotation mark "
    • Element delimiter: custom ^^ (used by Csv Report)
    • Tag delimiter: double space
    • File delimiter: semi-colon
  4. test_files_metadata.csv

    A file used to import metadata of files. To try it, you should import items before with any of previous csv files, select tabulation as column delimiter, no enclosure, and | as element, file and tag delimiters, and check File metadata in the first form and Filename in the first row of the second form.

  5. test_mixed_records.csv

    A file used to show how to import metadata of item and files simultaneously, and to import files one by one to avoid server overloading or timeout. To try it, check Mixed records in the form and choose tabulation as column delimiter, no enclosure, and | as element, file and tag delimiters.

    Note: in the csv file, the file rows should always be after the item to which they are attached, else they are skipped.

  6. test_mixed_records_update.csv

    A file used to show how to update metadata of item and files. To try it, import test_mixed_recods.csv above first, then choose this file and check Update records in the form.

  7. test_collection.csv

    Add an item into a new collection. A created collection is not removed if an error occurs during import. Parameters are Mixed records, tabulation as column delimiter, no enclosure and | as element, file and tag delimiters.

  8. test_collection_update.csv

    Update metadata of a collection. Parameters are the same as in the previous file, except format.

  9. test_extra_data.csv

    Show import of extra data that are not managed as elements, but as data in a specific table. The mechanism processes data as post, so it can uses the default hooks, specially after_save_item. The last row shows an example to import one item with attached files on one row (unused columns, specially sourceItemId and recordtType, can be removed). This simpler format can be used if you don't need files metadata or if you don't have a lot of files attached to each item. To try this test file, install Geolocation and check Mixed records with tabulation as column delimiter, no enclosure, and | as element, file and tag delimiters. You should set the option "Contains extra data" to "Yes" too (or "Manual" to check manually). Use the update below to get full data for all items.

  10. test_extra_data_manual.csv

    This file has the same content than the previous, but header are not set, so you should set "Contains extra data" to "Manual" to map them to the Omeka metadata. Note that extra data should kept their original headers.

  11. test_extra_data_update.csv

    Show update of extra data. To test it, you need to import one of the two previous files first, then this one, with the same parameters, except the Update records format.

  12. test_manage_one.csv

  13. test_manage_two.csv

  14. test_manage_script.csv

    These files show how to use the "Manage" process. They don't use a specific column, but any field. So, each row is independant from others. The first allows to import some data and the second, similar, has got new and updated content. The third is like a script where each row is processed one by one, with a different action for each row. To try them, you may install Geolocation and to check Manage Records with tabulation as column delimiter, no enclosure, | as element, file, and tag delimiters, and Dublin Core:Identifier as the field identifier. If you import them manually, the special value "Identifier" should be set too for the Dublin Core:Identifier, so this column will be used as identifier and as a metadata. The third should be imported after the first and the second to see changes.


  1. Manage Records

    Manage records allows to manage creation, update and deletion of all records with the same file (or different ones if you want). See below for possible actions.

    Be warned that if you use always the same csv file and that you update records from the Omeka admin board too, they can be desynchronized and overwritten.

    Each row is independant from the other. So a file can be imported before an item and an item in a collection that doesn't exist yet.

    Three columns may be used to identify records between the csv file and Omeka. If they are not present, the default values will be used.

    • Identifier All records should have a unique identifier. According to IdentifierField column or the default parameter, it can be an internal id or any other metadata field. It can be a specific identifier of the current file too, but in that case, the identifier is available only for the current import. When the identifier field is a metadata, this column is optional as long as this metadata has got a column. If it is empty and identifier is not set in a metadata column, the only available action is "Create". If the record doesn't exist when updating, the row will be skipped. Note: When the mapping is done manually and when the field is a metadata, the column should be mapped twice, one as a metadata and the second as a special value "Identifier".

    • IdentifierField This column is optional: by default, the identifier field is set in the main form. It should be unique, else only the first existing record will be updated. It can be the "internal id" of the record in Omeka. Recommendation is to use a specific field, in particular "Dublin Core:Identifier" or an added internal field. Files can be identified by their "original filename", Omeka "filename" and "md5" authentication sum too.

    • RecordType The record type can be "Collection", "Item" or "File". "Any" can be used only when identifier is not the internal id and when the identifier is unique accross all records. If empty, the record type is determined according to other columns when possible. If not, the record is an item. This column is recommended to avoid useless processing.

    The column "Item" is required to identify the item to which the file is attached. It contains the same identifier as above.

  2. Omeka Csv Report

    This is an internal format of Omeka, that you can use if you have such a file.

  3. Items

    This is not really a format, because you can map manually any csv file in a second step. See file example test.csv or `test_automap.csv.

  4. Files metadata

    This format allows to update existing files with metadata. The files should exist already. So, they should have been added or imported previously.

    Files can be identified with their "internal id", their "original filename", their Omeka "filename" or their md5 sum. If used, tjhe filename should be unique to avoid update of a vrong file.

    Like for Items, the names of the headers are free because a manual mapping is made in a second step.

    Because this format updates and overrides existing data if any, it cannot be undone, but you can update data muliple times.

  5. Mixed records (deprecated)

    The formats Mixed records and Update have been deprecated and replaced by Manage records, that is simpler and more resilient.

    The columns they use are the next ones.

    • sourceItemId (removed) Allows to set the relation between a file and an item. This is needed only when files are imported separately.

    • recordType (replaced by RecordType, see above) This column is needed only when files that are attached to an item are imported separately in order to add their metadata or to avoid a server overload or timeout. If you don't use this column and want to import a file separately, the file column header should be "fileUrl" or manually mapped to "Zero or one file".

    The mapping can be done manually in a second step if wished.

    Files can be imported as in Items, with multiple paths or urls in the same column and with other metadata of the item, or separately, with one file by row, that can avoid avoid server overload or timeout when attached files are big or many. To attach a file to an item with Update, use the column name file.

  6. Update records (deprecated)

    This format is the same than Mixed records, except it adds optional columns.

    • updateMode (replaced by Action, see below) Only "Update" (default), "Add" and "Replace" modes are available. The default is "Update".

    • recordIdentifier (replaced by Identifier) This column is mandatory when files are imported separately from the items. According to updateIdentifier column, it can be an internal id or anything else. If the record doesn't exist, the row is skipped.

    • updateIdentifier (replaced by IdentifierField) This column is optional: by default, the identifier is the "internal id" of the record. If another one is used, for example "Dublin Core:Identifier", "Dublin Core:Title", it should be unique, else only the first existing record will be updated (at least unique for the record type). Files can be identified too by their "original filename", Omeka "filename" and "md5" sum.

    Because this format updates and overrides existing data if any, it cannot be undone, but you can update data muliple times.


  • Columns

    • Columns can be ordered in any order.
    • Columns names are case sensitive.
    • Spaces can be added before or after the default column name separator :, except for extra data and the identifier field, when they are imported automatically.
    • Manual mapping is slower, conducive to careless mistakes, more boring than automatic import, but it allows to map some columns with more than one field. For example, a column of tags can be mapped as a Dublin Core Subject too. Furthermore, it allows too to set each element as an html one or not.
    • Item type can be changed, but not unset.
    • Tags can be added to an item, but not removed.
  • Characters encoding

Depending of your environment and database, if you imports items with encoded urls, they should be decoded when you import files. For example, you can import an item with the file Edmond_Dant%C3%A8s.jpg, but you may import your file metadata with the filename Edmond_Dantès.jpg. Furthermore, filenames may be or not case sensitive.

  • Update of attached files

Files that are attached to an item can be fully updated. If the url is not the same than existing ones, the file will be added. If it is the same, no reimport will be done. To reimport a file with the same url, you should remove it first. This process avoids many careless errors. Files are ordered according to the list of files. Note : This process works only when original filenames are unique.

  • Status page

The status page indicates situation of previous, queued and current imports. You can make an action on any import process.

Note that you can't undo an update, because previous metadata are overwritten.

The column "Skipped rows" means that some imported lines were non complete or with too many columns, so you need to check your import file.

The column "Skipped records" means that an item or a file can't be created, usually because of a bad url or a bad formatted row. You can check error.log for information.

The count of imported records can be different from the number of rows, because some rows can be update ones. Furthermore, with "Manage" format, multiple records can be created with one row. Files attached directly to items are not counted.

  • Available actions with Manage format

The column Action used with the Manage format allows to set the action to do for the current row. This parameter is optional and can be set in the first step of import.

The actions can be (not case sensitive): - Empty or "Update else create" (default): Update the record if it exists, else create a new one. - "Create": Insert a new record if the identifier doesn't exist yet. - "Update": Update fields of the record, so remove values of all fields that are imported before inserting the new values. - "Add": Add values to fields. - "Replace": Remove only values of imported fields whose values are not empty, then update fields with new values. - "Delete": Remove the record (and files, if the record is an item). - "Skip": Skip the row and record from any process.


This mode doesn't apply to extra data, because the way the plugins manage updates of their data varies. So existing data may be needed in the update file in order to not be overwritten (this is the case for the Geolocation plugin).

  • Management of extra data

Extra data are managed by plugins, so some differences should be noted. - The formats Manage records should be used. Mixed records and Update records can process them too. - The Contains extra data parameter should be set to "Yes" or "Manual". - The header of each extra data column should be the name used in the manual standard form. - Columns can't be mapped manually to a specifc plugin, so they should be named like the post fields in the hooks before_save_* or after_save_*. If the plugin does not use these hooks, they can be set in a specific plugin. - All needed columns should exists in the file, according to the model of record and the hooks. For example, the import of data for the Geolocation plugin implies to set not only "latitude" and "longitude", but "zoom_level" too. "map_type" and "address" can be needed too in a next release of the plugin. Their values can be set to empty or not. - If the model allows the data to be multivalued, the column name should be appended with a ':'. - For update, as the way the plugins manage updates of their data varies, the updateMode is not used for extra data. So existing data may be needed in the update file in order to not be overwritten (this is the case for the Geolocation plugin). - As Omeka jobs don't manage ACL, if a plugin uses it (usually no), the jobs displatcher should be the synchronous one and be set in config.ini, so the ACL will use the one of the current user: jobs.dispatcher.longRunning = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_Synchronous"

  • Order of files

In some cases, in particular when the item is saved in another process while the import job is still working in background, order of files can be broken. In that case, simply reorder them.


Use it at your own risk.

It's always recommended to backup your files and database regularly so you can roll back if needed.


See online Csv Import issues and fork issues.


This plugin is published under GNU/GPL.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


Current maintainers:

This plugin has been built by Center for History & New Media. Next, the release 1.3.4 has been forked for University of Iowa Libraries and upgraded for École des Ponts ParisTech and Pop Up Archive. The fork of this plugin has been upgraded for Omeka 2.0 for Mines ParisTech.


  • Copyright Center for History and New Media, 2008-2013
  • Copyright Daniel Berthereau, 2012-2015
  • Copyright Shawn Averkamp, 2012


This fork of the plugin for Omeka allows users to import metadata of items from a simple CSV (comma separated values) file, and then map the CSV column data to multiple elements, files, and/or tags. Improvements are: use of tabulation as a separator, import of metadata of files, import of files one by one to avoid to overload the server.


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  • PHP 97.0%
  • JavaScript 3.0%