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Интоор Library

"If a Wordpress theme was a cherry then the Интоор Library is the pit."

This library can and should be used as the backbone of your Wordpress theme development. It provides additional levels of functionality not currently built into the core Wordpress CMS and allows you as a theme developer to quickly extend the Wordpress Admin.

It may be helpful to know that Интоор [ɪn.ˈtɔːr], pronounced in-tor, is the Mongolian word for 'Cherry' and is commonly Romanized as Intoor.

NOTE: This project is still in its infancy so changes and updates will come fast and often so stay tuned.

Key Features

  • Create admin menus, custom post types, custom meta boxes, database tables, and much more simply with arrays
  • Email mailing list creation and management
  • Popularity tracking including page views, likes, and shares
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Secure data encryption



  1. Navigate to your Wordpress theme directory and create a new sub-directory called 'lib'. Note: You can call the new sub-directory anything you want just be sure to complete installation step 5.

    $ cd
    $ mkdir lib
    $ cd lib
  2. Initialize git and clone this repo into the lib/ directory you created in step 1.

    $ git init
    $ git remote add origin
    $ git fetch
    $ git checkout -t origin/master
  3. Create a configuration file unique to your project called config.php by copying config-sample.php. Note: Do not change files directly in the Интоор Library other than config.php or else you run the risk of major conflicts if you ever want to update the library in the future.

    $ cp config-sample.php config.php
  4. Update the configuration file you created in step 3 with unique phrases to keep your data secure. Feel free to use keys generated by's secret-key service if you'd like:

    define( 'INTOOR_API_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here' );
    define( 'INTOOR_MAIL_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here' );
  5. [Optional] If you called the Интоор Library directory something other than 'lib', make sure to update the INTOOR_DIR_NAME definition in the config.php file you created in step 3.

    define( 'INTOOR_DIR_NAME', 'lib' );
  6. Connect the Интоор Library to your Wordpress theme by including lib/config.php at the beginning of your theme's functions.php file.

    require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/lib/config.php";
  7. [Optional] Add the lib/ directory to your theme's .gitignore file. This prevents a copy of the Интоор Library from being stored in your theme's git repo.

Updating Instructions

  1. Navigate to the lib/ directory inside your Wordpress theme and run a git pull to retrieve the updated and modified project files.

    $ cd
    $ git pull
  2. Update your lib/config.php file with the current version.

    define( 'INTOOR_LIB_VERSION', '1.2' );

Change Log

v1.2 - Current Version

  • Setup and configuration refactor


  • PHP v5.5 progressive refactor (dropped support for PHP v5.3)
  • Mailing List, Popular, & Social API refactor


  • Initial file structure (config, paths, etc)
  • Database, encryption, and general function classes that manage interaction with $wpdb
  • Admin Menu class to create WP admin menu pages
  • Post Type class to create custom post types
  • Mailing List - WP admin menu, mailing list API, HTML subscribe & unsubscribe emails, CSV generation
  • Popular Tracking - Views and likes API
  • Social Network Integration


Copyright © 2014, Hazard Media Group LLC



Colton James Wiscombe