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Viajero: Centralised Location Management System

Viajero is a web-application that aims to maintain a database of clean location data, i.e. city and postcode combinations and tagging.

Viajero comes with a fully functional and simple to use REST API, which then query the data using any web-or mobile application framework and content-management system regardless of the technology employed.

By factory default, the source package contains the import data to setup all the countries of the world, along with for the United Kingdom and Benelux regions.

The ultimate goal is to enable a deployment of the system functioning as content-provider, providing a full data set, providing the appropriate licence fees, while having the application source code remain 100% Open-Source.

Documentation is at docs/guide/

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    config/              contains shared configurations
    mail/                contains view files for e-mails
    models/              contains model classes used in both api and app
    config/              contains console configurations
    controllers/         contains console controllers (commands)
    migrations/          contains database migrations
    models/              contains console-specific model classes
    runtime/             contains files generated during runtime
    assets/              contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
    config/              contains api configurations
    controllers/         contains Web controller classes
    models/              contains api-specific model classes
    runtime/             contains files generated during runtime
    views/               contains view files for the Web application
    web/                 contains the entry script and Web resources
    assets/              contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
    config/              contains app configurations
    controllers/         contains Web controller classes
    models/              contains app-specific model classes
    runtime/             contains files generated during runtime
    views/               contains view files for the Web application
    web/                 contains the entry script and Web resources
    widgets/             contains app widgets
vendor/                  contains dependent 3rd-party packages
environments/            contains environment-based overrides
tests                    contains various tests for the advanced application
    codeception/         contains tests developed with Codeception PHP Testing Framework


Centralised Location Management System







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