Beispiel #1
  * Gets whether this model has a relation with the provided model
  * @param string $modelName Name of the relation model
  * @param integer $type Type identifier to get only the provided type
  * @return boolean True if there is a field with a relation to the provided model, false otherwise
 public function hasRelationWith($modelName, $type = null)
     $relations = $this->table->getRelationFields($modelName);
     if ($type !== null) {
         return array_key_exists($type, $relations) && !empty($relations[$type]);
     return !(empty($relations[ModelTable::HAS_MANY]) && empty($relations[ModelTable::HAS_ONE]) && empty($relations[ModelTable::BELONGS_TO]));
  * @expectedException zibo\library\orm\exception\OrmException
 public function testGetRelationFieldsThrowsExceptionWhenInvalidTypeProvided()
     $table = new ModelTable('table');
     $table->getRelationFields('model', 'test');
  * Deletes or clears, depending on the keepRecord argument, the values of the provided table
  * which have a relation with the provided data
  * @param zibo\library\orm\definition\ModelTable $modelTable Table definition of the model of the has many relation
  * @param integer $id Primary key of the data
  * @param boolean $keepRecord True to clear the link, false to delete the link
  * @return null
 private function clearHasMany(ModelTable $modelTable, $id, $keepRecord)
     $table = new TableExpression($modelTable->getName());
     $relationFields = $modelTable->getRelationFields($this->getName());
     $fields = $relationFields[ModelTable::BELONGS_TO];
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $fieldName = $field->getName();
         if ($keepRecord) {
             $statement = new UpdateStatement();
             $statement->addValue(new FieldExpression($fieldName), null);
         } else {
             $statement = new DeleteStatement();
         $condition = new SimpleCondition(new FieldExpression($fieldName), new SqlExpression($id), Condition::OPERATOR_EQUALS);
     $model = $this->getModel($modelTable->getName());
Beispiel #4
  * Gets the foreign keys from the provided model table for the provided relation model. When no foreign keys are found and the relation
  * model is a localized model, the unlocalized model will be queried for the foreign keys.
  * @param zibo\library\orm\definition\ModelTable $modelTable Table definition of the model
  * @param string $relationModelName Model name to get the foreign keys of
  * @return array Array with ModelField objects
  * @throws zibo\library\orm\exception\ModelException when there are no foreign keys found the provided model
 private function getForeignKeys(ModelTable $modelTable, $relationModelName)
     if (!$relationModelName) {
         throw new ModelException('Provided relation model name is empty');
     $foreignKeys = $modelTable->getRelationFields($relationModelName, ModelTable::BELONGS_TO);
     if (!$foreignKeys) {
         if (preg_match('/' . LocalizedModel::MODEL_SUFFIX . '$/', $relationModelName)) {
             $relationModelName = substr($relationModelName, 0, strlen(LocalizedModel::MODEL_SUFFIX) * -1);
             $foreignKeys = $modelTable->getRelationFields($relationModelName, ModelTable::BELONGS_TO);
         if (!$foreignKeys) {
             throw new ModelException('No foreign key found for ' . $relationModelName . ' found in ' . $modelTable->getName());
     return $foreignKeys;