Beispiel #1
  * Extract a year from a human-readable date.  Return false if no year can
  * be found.
  * @param string $date Date to reformat
  * @return string|bool
 public function extractYear($date)
     try {
         return $this->converter->convertFromDisplayDate('Y', $date);
     } catch (\VuFind\Exception\Date $e) {
         // bad date? just ignore it!
         return false;
Beispiel #2
  * Place Hold
  * Attempts to place a hold or recall on a particular item and returns
  * an array with result details or throws an exception on failure of support
  * classes
  * @param array $holdDetails An array of item and patron data
  * @throws ILSException
  * @return mixed An array of data on the request including
  * whether or not it was successful and a system message (if available)
 public function placeHold($holdDetails)
     $patron = $holdDetails['patron'];
     // convert expire date from display format
     // to the format Symphony/Unicorn expects
     $expire = $holdDetails['requiredBy'];
     $expire = $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate($this->config['Catalog']['server_date_format'], $expire);
     // query sirsi
     $params = ['query' => 'hold', 'itemId' => $holdDetails['item_id'], 'patronId' => $patron['cat_username'], 'pin' => $patron['cat_password'], 'pickup' => $holdDetails['pickUpLocation'], 'expire' => $expire, 'comments' => $holdDetails['comment'], 'holdType' => $holdDetails['level'], 'callnumber' => $holdDetails['callnumber'], 'override' => $holdDetails['override']];
     $response = $this->querySirsi($params);
     // process the API response
     if ($response == 'invalid_login') {
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => "authentication_error_admin"];
     $matches = [];
     preg_match('/\\^MN([0-9][0-9][0-9])/', $response, $matches);
     if (isset($matches[1])) {
         $status = $matches[1];
         if ($status == '209') {
             return ['success' => true];
         } else {
             return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => $this->config['ApiMessages'][$status]];
     return ['success' => false];
Beispiel #3
  * Test citation generation
  * @return void
 public function testDates()
     // Build an object to test with (using empty configuration to ensure default
     // settings):
     $date = new Converter(new Config(array()));
     // Try some conversions:
     $this->assertEquals('11-29-1973', $date->convertToDisplayDate('U', 123456879));
     $this->assertEquals('11-29-1973', $date->convertToDisplayDate('m-d-y', '11-29-73'));
     $this->assertEquals('11-29-1973', $date->convertToDisplayDate('m-d-y', '11-29-1973'));
     $this->assertEquals('11-29-1973', $date->convertToDisplayDate('m-d-y H:i', '11-29-73 23:01'));
     $this->assertEquals('23:01', $date->convertToDisplayTime('m-d-y H:i', '11-29-73 23:01'));
     $this->assertEquals('01-02-2001', $date->convertToDisplayDate('m-d-y', '01-02-01'));
     $this->assertEquals('01-02-2001', $date->convertToDisplayDate('m-d-y', '01-02-2001'));
     $this->assertEquals('01-02-2001', $date->convertToDisplayDate('m-d-y H:i', '01-02-01 05:11'));
     $this->assertEquals('05:11', $date->convertToDisplayTime('m-d-y H:i', '01-02-01 05:11'));
     $this->assertEquals('01-02-2001', $date->convertToDisplayDate('Y-m-d', '2001-01-02'));
     $this->assertEquals('01-02-2001', $date->convertToDisplayDate('Y-m-d H:i', '2001-01-02 05:11'));
     $this->assertEquals('05:11', $date->convertToDisplayTime('Y-m-d H:i', '2001-01-02 05:11'));
     $this->assertEquals('01-2001', $date->convertFromDisplayDate('m-Y', '01-02-2001'));
     // Check for proper handling of known problems:
     try {
         $bad = $date->convertToDisplayDate('U', 'invalid');
         $this->fail('Expected exception did not occur');
     } catch (DateException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue((bool) stristr($e->getMessage(), 'failed to parse time string'));
     try {
         $bad = $date->convertToDisplayDate('d-m-Y', '31-02-2001');
         $this->fail('Expected exception did not occur');
     } catch (DateException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue((bool) stristr($e->getMessage(), 'parsed date was invalid'));
  * Change pickup location
  * This is responsible for changing the pickup location of a hold
  * @param string $patron      Patron array
  * @param string $holdDetails The request details
  * @return array Associative array of the results
 public function changePickupLocation($patron, $holdDetails)
     global $configArray;
     $username = $patron['cat_username'];
     $password = $patron['cat_password'];
     $pickupLocationId = $holdDetails['pickupLocationId'];
     try {
         $validFromDate = date('Y-m-d');
         $validToDate = isset($holdDetails['requiredBy']) ? $this->dateFormat->convertFromDisplayDate('Y-m-d', $holdDetails['requiredBy']) : date('Y-m-d', $this->getDefaultRequiredByDate());
     } catch (DateException $e) {
         // Hold Date is invalid
         throw new ILSException('hold_date_invalid');
     $requestId = $holdDetails['requestId'];
     list($organisation, $branch) = explode('.', $pickupLocationId, 2);
     $function = 'changeReservation';
     $functionResult = 'changeReservationResult';
     $conf = ['arenaMember' => $this->arenaMember, 'user' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'language' => 'en', 'id' => $requestId, 'pickUpBranchId' => $branch, 'validFromDate' => $validFromDate, 'validToDate' => $validToDate];
     $result = $this->doSOAPRequest($this->reservations_wsdl, $function, $functionResult, $username, ['changeReservationsParam' => $conf]);
     $statusAWS = $result->{$functionResult}->status;
     if ($statusAWS->type != 'ok') {
         $message = $this->handleError($function, $statusAWS->message, $username);
         if ($message == 'ils_connection_failed') {
             throw new ILSException('ils_offline_status');
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => $message];
     return ['success' => true];
Beispiel #5
  * Get the year of publication for inclusion in a citation.
  * Shared by APA and MLA functionality.
  * @return string
 protected function getYear()
     if (isset($this->details['pubDate'])) {
         if (strlen($this->details['pubDate']) > 4) {
             try {
                 return $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate('Y', $this->details['pubDate']);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // Ignore date errors -- no point in dying here:
                 return false;
         return preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $this->details['pubDate']);
     return false;
Beispiel #6
  * Protected support method for getMyTransactions.
  * @param array $row An array of keyed data
  * @throws \VuFind\Exception\Date
  * @return array Keyed data for display by template files
 protected function processTransactionsRow($row)
     $dueStatus = false;
     // Convert Horizon Format to display format
     if (!empty($row['DUEDATE'])) {
         $dueDate = $this->dateFormat->convertToDisplayDate("M d Y", trim($row['DUEDATE']));
         $now = time();
         $dueTimeStamp = $this->dateFormat->convertFromDisplayDate("U", $dueDate);
         if (is_numeric($dueTimeStamp)) {
             if ($now > $dueTimeStamp) {
                 $dueStatus = "overdue";
             } else {
                 if ($now > $dueTimeStamp - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60) {
                     $dueStatus = "due";
     return ['id' => $row['BIB_NUM'], 'item_id' => $row['ITEM_NUM'], 'duedate' => $dueDate, 'barcode' => $row['ITEM_BARCODE'], 'renew' => $row['RENEW'], 'request' => $row['REQUEST'], 'dueStatus' => $dueStatus, 'volume' => $row['VOLUME'], 'publication_year' => $row['PUBLICATION_YEAR'], 'title' => $row['TITLE']];
Beispiel #7
  * Use a record driver to assign metadata to the current row.  Return the
  * current object to allow fluent interface.
  * @param \VuFind\RecordDriver\AbstractBase $driver    The record driver
  * @param \VuFind\Date\Converter            $converter Date converter
  * @return \VuFind\Db\Row\Resource
 public function assignMetadata($driver, \VuFind\Date\Converter $converter)
     // Grab title -- we have to have something in this field!
     $this->title = $driver->tryMethod('getSortTitle');
     if (empty($this->title)) {
         $this->title = $driver->getBreadcrumb();
     // Try to find an author; if not available, just leave the default null:
     $author = $driver->tryMethod('getPrimaryAuthor');
     if (!empty($author)) {
         $this->author = $author;
     // Try to find a year; if not available, just leave the default null:
     $dates = $driver->tryMethod('getPublicationDates');
     if (isset($dates[0]) && strlen($dates[0]) > 4) {
         try {
             $year = $converter->convertFromDisplayDate('Y', $dates[0]);
         } catch (DateException $e) {
             // If conversion fails, don't store a date:
             $year = '';
     } else {
         $year = isset($dates[0]) ? $dates[0] : '';
     if (!empty($year)) {
         $this->year = intval($year);
     return $this;
Beispiel #8
  * Place Hold
  * Attempts to place a hold or recall on a particular item and returns
  * an array with result details or throws an exception on failure of support
  * classes
  * @param array $details An array of item and patron data
  * @throws ILSException
  * @return mixed An array of data on the request including
  * whether or not it was successful and a system message (if available)
 public function placeHold($details)
     list($bib, $sys_no) = $this->parseId($details['id']);
     $recordId = $bib . $sys_no;
     $itemId = $details['item_id'];
     $patron = $details['patron'];
     $pickupLocation = $details['pickUpLocation'];
     if (!$pickupLocation) {
         $pickupLocation = $this->getDefaultPickUpLocation($patron, $details);
     $comment = $details['comment'];
     if (strlen($comment) <= 50) {
         $comment1 = $comment;
     } else {
         $comment1 = substr($comment, 0, 50);
         $comment2 = substr($comment, 50, 50);
     try {
         $requiredBy = $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate('Ymd', $details['requiredBy']);
     } catch (DateException $de) {
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'hold_date_invalid'];
     $patronId = $patron['id'];
     $body = new \SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<hold-request-parameters></hold-request-parameters>');
     $body->addChild('pickup-location', $pickupLocation);
     $body->addChild('last-interest-date', $requiredBy);
     $body->addChild('note-1', $comment1);
     if (isset($comment2)) {
         $body->addChild('note-2', $comment2);
     $body = 'post_xml=' . $body->asXML();
     try {
         $this->doRestDLFRequest(['patron', $patronId, 'record', $recordId, 'items', $itemId, 'hold'], null, "PUT", $body);
     } catch (AlephRestfulException $exception) {
         $message = $exception->getMessage();
         $note = $exception->getXmlResponse()->xpath('/put-item-hold/create-hold/note[@type="error"]');
         $note = $note[0];
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => "{$message} ({$note})"];
     return ['success' => true];
Beispiel #9
  * Place Hold
  * Attempts to place a hold or recall on a particular item and returns
  * an array with result details.
  * @param array $holdDetails An array of item and patron data
  * @return mixed An array of data on the request including
  * whether or not it was successful and a system message (if available)
 public function placeHold($holdDetails)
     // Simulate failure:
     if (rand() % 2) {
         return array("success" => false, "sysMessage" => 'Demonstrating failure; keep trying and ' . 'it will work eventually.');
     if (!isset($this->session->holds)) {
         $this->session->holds = new ArrayObject();
     $lastHold = count($this->session->holds) - 1;
     $nextId = $lastHold >= 0 ? $this->session->holds[$lastHold]['item_id'] + 1 : 0;
     // Figure out appropriate expiration date:
     if (!isset($holdDetails['requiredBy']) || empty($holdDetails['requiredBy'])) {
         $expire = strtotime("now + 30 days");
     } else {
         try {
             $dateFormat = new DateConverter();
             $expire = $dateFormat->convertFromDisplayDate("U", $holdDetails['requiredBy']);
         } catch (DateException $e) {
             // Hold Date is invalid
             return array('success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'hold_date_invalid');
     if ($expire <= time()) {
         return array('success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'hold_date_past');
     $this->session->holds->append(array("id" => $holdDetails['id'], "location" => $holdDetails['pickUpLocation'], "expire" => date("j-M-y", $expire), "create" => date("j-M-y"), "reqnum" => sprintf("%06d", $nextId), "item_id" => $nextId));
     return array('success' => true);
Beispiel #10
  * Place ILL Request
  * Attempts to place an ILL request on a particular item and returns
  * an array with result details
  * @param array $details An array of item and patron data
  * @return mixed An array of data on the request including
  * whether or not it was successful and a system message (if available)
 public function placeILLRequest($details)
     if (!$this->ILLRequests) {
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'ILL requests are disabled.'];
     // Simulate failure:
     if ($this->isFailing(__METHOD__, 50)) {
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'Demonstrating failure; keep trying and ' . 'it will work eventually.'];
     $session = $this->getSession();
     if (!isset($session->ILLRequests)) {
         $session->ILLRequests = new ArrayObject();
     $lastRequest = count($session->ILLRequests) - 1;
     $nextId = $lastRequest >= 0 ? $session->ILLRequests[$lastRequest]['item_id'] + 1 : 0;
     // Figure out appropriate expiration date:
     if (!isset($details['requiredBy']) || empty($details['requiredBy'])) {
         $expire = strtotime('now + 30 days');
     } else {
         try {
             $expire = $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate('U', $details['requiredBy']);
         } catch (DateException $e) {
             // Expiration Date is invalid
             return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'ill_request_date_invalid'];
     if ($expire <= time()) {
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'ill_request_date_past'];
     // Verify pickup library and location
     $pickupLocation = '';
     $pickupLocations = $this->getILLPickupLocations($details['id'], $details['pickUpLibrary'], $details['patron']);
     foreach ($pickupLocations as $location) {
         if ($location['id'] == $details['pickUpLibraryLocation']) {
             $pickupLocation = $location['name'];
     if (!$pickupLocation) {
         return ['success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'ill_request_place_fail_missing'];
     $session->ILLRequests->append(['id' => $details['id'], 'source' => $this->getRecordSource(), 'location' => $pickupLocation, 'expire' => $this->dateConverter->convertToDisplayDate('U', $expire), 'create' => $this->dateConverter->convertToDisplayDate('U', time()), 'processed' => rand() % 3 == 0 ? $this->dateConverter->convertToDisplayDate('U', $expire) : '', 'reqnum' => sprintf('%06d', $nextId), 'item_id' => $nextId]);
     return ['success' => true];
Beispiel #11
  * To Koha Date
  * Turns a display date into a date format expected by Koha.
  * @param string $display_date Date to be converted
  * @throws ILSException
  * @return string $koha_date
 protected function toKohaDate($display_date)
     $koha_date = "";
     // Convert last interest date from format to Koha format
     $koha_date = $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate("Y-m-d", $display_date);
     $checkTime = $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate("U", $display_date);
     if (!is_numeric($checkTime)) {
         throw new DateException('Result should be numeric');
     if (time() > $checkTime) {
         // Hold Date is in the past
         throw new DateException('hold_date_past');
     return $koha_date;
Beispiel #12
 public function placeILLRequest($user, $attrs)
     $payment = $attrs['payment'];
     $new = $attrs['new'];
     $additional_authors = $attrs['additional_authors'];
     $source = $attrs['source'];
     $publisher = $attrs['publisher'];
     if (!isset($attrs['ill-unit'])) {
         $attrs['ill-unit'] = $this->defaultIllUnit;
     if (!isset($attrs['pickup-location'])) {
         $attrs['pickup-location'] = $this->defaultIllPickupPlocation;
     try {
         $attrs['last-interest-date'] = $this->dateConverter->convertFromDisplayDate('Ymd', $attrs['last-interest-date']);
     } catch (DateException $de) {
         return array('success' => false, 'sysMessage' => 'hold_date_invalid');
     $attrs['allowed-media'] = $attrs['media'];
     $attrs['send-directly'] = 'N';
     $attrs['delivery-method'] = 'S';
     if ($new == 'serial') {
         $new = 'SE';
     } else {
         if ($new == 'monography') {
             $new = 'MN';
     $patronId = $user['id'];
     $illDom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $illRoot = $illDom->createElement('ill-parameters');
     $illRootNode = $illDom->appendChild($illRoot);
     foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
         $element = $illDom->createElement($key);
     $xml = $illDom->saveXML();
     try {
         $path = array('patron', $patronId, 'record', $new, 'ill');
         $result = $this->alephWebService->doRestDLFRequest($path, null, 'PUT', 'post_xml=' . $xml);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return array('success' => false, 'sysMessage' => $ex->getMessage());
     $baseAndDocNumber = $result->{'create-ill'}->{'request-number'};
     $base = substr($baseAndDocNumber, 0, 5);
     $docNum = substr($baseAndDocNumber, 5);
     $findDocParams = array('base' => $base, 'doc_num' => $docNum);
     $document = $this->alephWebService->doXRequest('find-doc', $findDocParams, true);
     // create varfield for ILL request type
     $varfield = $document->{'record'}->{'metadata'}->{'oai_marc'}->addChild('varfield');
     $varfield->addAttribute('id', 'PNZ');
     $varfield->addAttribute('i1', ' ');
     $varfield->addAttribute('i2', ' ');
     $subfield = $varfield->addChild('subfield', $payment);
     $subfield->addAttribute('label', 'a');
     if (!empty($additional_authors)) {
         $varfield = $document->{'record'}->{'metadata'}->{'oai_marc'}->addChild('varfield');
         $varfield->addAttribute('id', '700');
         $varfield->addAttribute('i1', '1');
         $varfield->addAttribute('i2', ' ');
         $subfield = $varfield->addChild('subfield', $additional_authors);
         $subfield->addAttribute('label', 'a');
     if (!empty($source)) {
         $varfield = $document->{'record'}->{'metadata'}->{'oai_marc'}->addChild('varfield');
         $varfield->addAttribute('id', '590');
         $varfield->addAttribute('i1', ' ');
         $varfield->addAttribute('i2', ' ');
         $subfield = $varfield->addChild('subfield', htmlspecialchars($source));
         $subfield->addAttribute('label', 'a');
     if (!empty($publisher)) {
         $varfield = $document->{'record'}->{'metadata'}->{'oai_marc'}->addChild('varfield');
         $varfield->addAttribute('id', '260');
         $varfield->addAttribute('i1', ' ');
         $varfield->addAttribute('i2', ' ');
         $subfield = $varfield->addChild('subfield', htmlspecialchars($source));
         $subfield->addAttribute('label', 'b');
     $updateDocParams = array('library' => $base, 'doc_num' => $docNum);
     $updateDocParams['xml_full_req'] = $document->asXml();
     $updateDocParams['doc_action'] = 'UPDATE';
     try {
         $update = $this->alephWebService->doXRequestUsingPost('update-doc', $updateDocParams, true);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return array('success' => false, 'sysMessage' => $ex->getMessage());
     return array('success' => true, 'id' => $docNum);