  * Create an Exercise
  * @access private
  * @param \UJM\ExoBundle\Entity\Exercise $exercise exercise to create
 private function onSuccess(Exercise $exercise)
     // \ pour instancier un objet du namespace global et non pas de l'actuel
     $exercise->setDateCreate(new \Datetime());
     if ($this->action == 'add') {
         $subscription = new Subscription($this->user, $exercise);
  * Subscribes a Use to an Exercise.
  * @param Exercise $exercise
  * @param User     $user
  * @param bool     $flush
  * @return SubscriptionManager
 public function subscribe(Exercise $exercise, User $user, $flush = false)
     $subscription = new Subscription();
     if ($flush) {
     return $this;
 public function onCopy(CopyResourceEvent $event)
     $em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $resource = $event->getResource();
     $exerciseToCopy = $em->getRepository('UJMExoBundle:Exercise')->find($resource->getId());
     $listQuestionsExoToCopy = $em->getRepository('UJMExoBundle:ExerciseQuestion')->findBy(array('exercise' => $exerciseToCopy->getId()));
     $newExercise = new Exercise();
     foreach ($listQuestionsExoToCopy as $eq) {
         $questionToAdd = $em->getRepository('UJMExoBundle:Question')->find($eq->getQuestion());
         $exerciseQuestion = new ExerciseQuestion($newExercise, $questionToAdd);
     $user = $this->container->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
     $subscription = new Subscription($user, $newExercise);
Beispiel #4
  * create the exercise
  * @param String $title
  * @param Object User $user
 private function createExo($title, $user)
     $newExercise = new Exercise();
     $newExercise->setDateCreate(new \Datetime());
     $newExercise->setStartDate(new \Datetime());
     $newExercise->setEndDate(new \Datetime());
     $newExercise->setDateCorrection(new \Datetime());
     $subscription = new Subscription($user, $newExercise);
     return $newExercise;