public function handleOrder(VirtualProductOrderHandleEvent $event)
     $documentId = MetaDataQuery::getVal('virtual', MetaDataModel::PSE_KEY, $event->getPseId());
     if (null !== $documentId) {
         $productDocument = ProductDocumentQuery::create()->findPk($documentId);
         if (null !== $productDocument) {
  * Retrieve meta data associated to an element
  * params should contain at least key an id attributes. Thus it will return
  * an array of associated data.
  * If meta argument is specified then it will return an unique value.
  * @param array $params
  * @param \Smarty $smarty
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return string|array|null
 public function metaAccess($params, $smarty)
     $meta = $this->getParam($params, 'meta', null);
     $key = $this->getParam($params, 'key', null);
     $id = $this->getParam($params, 'id', null);
     $cacheKey = sprintf('meta_%s_%s_%s', $meta, $key, $id);
     $out = null;
     if (array_key_exists($cacheKey, self::$dataAccessCache)) {
         return self::$dataAccessCache[$cacheKey];
     if ($key !== null && $id !== null) {
         if ($meta === null) {
             $out = MetaDataQuery::getAllVal($key, (int) $id);
         } else {
             $out = MetaDataQuery::getVal($meta, $key, (int) $id);
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("key and id arguments are required in meta access function");
     self::$dataAccessCache[$cacheKey] = $out;
     if (!empty($params['out'])) {
         $smarty->assign($params['out'], $out);
         return $out !== null ? true : false;
     } else {
         if (is_array($out)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The argument "out" is required if the meta value is an array');
         return $out;
  * Retrieve meta data associated to an element
  * params should contain at least key an id attributes. Thus it will return
  * an array of associated datas.
  * If meta argument is specified then it will return an unique value.
  * @param $params
  * @param $smarty
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return string|array|null
 public function metaAccess($params, $smarty)
     $meta = $this->getParam($params, 'meta', null);
     $key = $this->getParam($params, 'key', null);
     $id = $this->getParam($params, 'id', null);
     $cacheKey = sprintf('meta_%s_%s_%s', $meta, $key, $id);
     $out = null;
     if (array_key_exists($cacheKey, self::$dataAccessCache)) {
         return self::$dataAccessCache[$cacheKey];
     if ($key !== null && $id !== null) {
         if ($meta === null) {
             $out = MetaDataQuery::getAllVal($key, (int) $id);
         } else {
             $out = MetaDataQuery::getVal($meta, $key, (int) $id);
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("key and id attributes are required in meta access function");
     self::$dataAccessCache[$cacheKey] = $out;
     return $out;
 protected function getPSEVirtualDocument(ProductSaleElementsModel $pse)
      * Compute documents with the associated loop
     $documentLoop = new Document($this->container);
     // select only not visible documents
     $documentLoop->initializeArgs(["product" => $pse->getProductId(), "visible" => 0]);
     $documents = $documentLoop->exec($documentPagination);
     $documentId = intval(MetaDataQuery::getVal("virtual", "pse", $pse->getId()));
     $data = [];
     /** @var \Thelia\Core\Template\Element\LoopResultRow $document */
     for ($documents->rewind(); $documents->valid(); $documents->next()) {
         $document = $documents->current();
         $data[] = ["id" => $document->get("ID"), "url" => $document->get("DOCUMENT_URL"), "title" => $document->get("TITLE"), "is_associated" => $documentId === $document->get("ID"), "filename" => $document->model->getFile()];
     return $data;
Beispiel #5
 protected function createOrder(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher, ModelOrder $sessionOrder, CurrencyModel $currency, LangModel $lang, CartModel $cart, CustomerModel $customer)
     $con = \Propel\Runtime\Propel::getConnection(OrderTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
     $placedOrder = $sessionOrder->copy();
     $deliveryAddress = AddressQuery::create()->findPk($sessionOrder->getChoosenDeliveryAddress());
     $taxCountry = $deliveryAddress->getCountry();
     $invoiceAddress = AddressQuery::create()->findPk($sessionOrder->getChoosenInvoiceAddress());
     $cartItems = $cart->getCartItems();
     /* fulfill order */
     /* hard save the delivery and invoice addresses */
     $deliveryOrderAddress = new OrderAddress();
     $invoiceOrderAddress = new OrderAddress();
     /* memorize discount */
     /* fulfill order_products and decrease stock */
     foreach ($cartItems as $cartItem) {
         $product = $cartItem->getProduct();
         /* get translation */
         $productI18n = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'Product', $product->getId());
         $pse = $cartItem->getProductSaleElements();
         /* check still in stock */
         if ($cartItem->getQuantity() > $pse->getQuantity() && true === ConfigQuery::checkAvailableStock() && 0 === $product->getVirtual()) {
             throw new TheliaProcessException("Not enough stock", TheliaProcessException::CART_ITEM_NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK, $cartItem);
         if (0 === $product->getVirtual()) {
             /* decrease stock for non virtual product */
             $allowNegativeStock = intval(ConfigQuery::read('allow_negative_stock', 0));
             $newStock = $pse->getQuantity() - $cartItem->getQuantity();
             //Forbid negative stock
             if ($newStock < 0 && 0 === $allowNegativeStock) {
                 $newStock = 0;
         /* get tax */
         $taxRuleI18n = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'TaxRule', $product->getTaxRuleId());
         $taxDetail = $product->getTaxRule()->getTaxDetail($product, $taxCountry, $cartItem->getPrice(), $cartItem->getPromoPrice(), $lang->getLocale());
         // get the virtual document path
         $virtualDocumentPath = null;
         if ($product->getVirtual() === 1) {
             // try to find the associated document
             if (null !== ($documentId = MetaDataQuery::getVal('virtual', MetaDataModel::PSE_KEY, $pse->getId()))) {
                 $productDocument = ProductDocumentQuery::create()->findPk($documentId);
                 if (null !== $productDocument) {
                     $virtualDocumentPath = $productDocument->getFile();
         $orderProduct = new OrderProduct();
         /* fulfill order_product_tax */
         foreach ($taxDetail as $tax) {
         /* fulfill order_attribute_combination and decrease stock */
         foreach ($pse->getAttributeCombinations() as $attributeCombination) {
             $attribute = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'Attribute', $attributeCombination->getAttributeId());
             $attributeAv = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($lang->getLocale(), 'AttributeAv', $attributeCombination->getAttributeAvId());
             $orderAttributeCombination = new OrderProductAttributeCombination();
     return $placedOrder;
Beispiel #6
 public static function getExtraOrderData($id, $isCart = true)
     if ($isCart) {
         $data = MetaDataQuery::getVal(self::METADATA_KEY_ORDER, self::METADATA_CART_KEY, $id, []);
     } else {
         $data = MetaDataQuery::getVal(self::METADATA_KEY_ORDER, MetaData::ORDER_KEY, $id, []);
     return $data;
Beispiel #7
 public function activationAction($ref, $refId)
     if (null !== ($response = $this->checkAuth([], ['comment'], AccessManager::UPDATE))) {
         return $response;
     $message = ["success" => false];
     $status = $this->getRequest()->request->get('status');
     switch ($status) {
         case "0":
         case "1":
             MetaDataQuery::setVal(\Comment\Model\Comment::META_KEY_ACTIVATED, $ref, $refId, $status);
             $message['success'] = true;
         case "-1":
             $deleted = MetaDataQuery::create()->filterByMetaKey(\Comment\Model\Comment::META_KEY_ACTIVATED)->filterByElementKey($ref)->filterByElementId($refId)->delete();
             if ($deleted === 1) {
                 $message['success'] = true;
     $message['status'] = MetaDataQuery::getVal(\Comment\Model\Comment::META_KEY_ACTIVATED, $ref, $refId, "-1");
     return $this->jsonResponse(json_encode($message));
Beispiel #8
 public function getContentDefinition(CommentDefinitionEvent $event)
     $config = $event->getConfig();
     // is comment is authorized on this product
     $commentProductActivated = MetaDataQuery::getVal(Comment::META_KEY_ACTIVATED, \Thelia\Model\MetaData::CONTENT_KEY, $event->getRefId());
     // not defined, get the global config
     if ("1" !== $commentProductActivated) {
         if ("0" === $commentProductActivated || false === $config['activated']) {
             throw new InvalidDefinitionException($this->translator->trans("Comment not activated on this element.", ['%ref' => $event->getRef()], CommentModule::MESSAGE_DOMAIN));