Beispiel #1
  * Handle writes, save the entity
  * @param \Spot\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
  * @param bool $insert, use insert if true, or use update
  * @return bool
  * @todo - UPDATE operation should only update modified data
 public function saveEntity(EntityInterface $entity, $insert = true)
     // Run beforeInsert to know whether or not we can continue
     $resultAfter = null;
     #if (false === $this->eventsManager->triggerInstanceHook($entity, 'beforeInsert', $this)) {
     #    return false;
     // Get the entity class name
     $entityName = $entity->toString();
     // Get field options for primary key, merge with overrides (if any) passed
     $columns = $this->entityManager->getColumns($entityName);
     // Get identity/sequence columns
     $exceptColumns = [];
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         ($column->isIdentity() || $column->isSequence() || $column->isRelation()) && ($exceptColumns[] = $column->getName());
     // If the primary key is a sequence, serial or identity column, exclude the PK from the array of columns to insert
     if ($insert) {
         $data = !empty($exceptColumns) ? $entity->getDataExcept($exceptColumns) : $entity->getData();
     } else {
         $data = !empty($exceptColumns) ? $entity->getModifiedExcept($exceptColumns) : $entity->getModified();
     if (count($data) <= 0) {
         return false;
     // Save only known, defined fields
     $data = array_intersect_key($data, $columns);
     // Initialize options array
     $options = ['identity' => false, 'sequence' => false, 'primaryKey' => false];
     // Get meta data
     $metaData = $entityName::getMetaData();
     // Loop through each $exceptColumns (which will be identity or sequence columns)
     foreach ($exceptColumns as $column) {
         if ($metaData->getColumn($column)->isSequence()) {
             $options['primaryKey'] = $column;
             $options['sequence'] = !empty($metaData->getSequence()) ? $metaData->getSequence() : $metaData->getTable() . "_{$column}_seq";
     // Create binds from data
     $binds = [];
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $binds[$key] = ['value' => $value, 'bindType' => $metaData->getColumn($key)->getBindType()];
     // Send to adapter
     if ($insert === true) {
         $result = $this->getAdapter()->createEntity($this->entityManager->getTable($entityName), $binds, $options);
         // Update primary key on entity object
         if ($result !== false) {
             $primaryKeys = $this->entityManager->getPrimaryKeys($entityName);
             $entity->{$primaryKeys[0]} = $result;
         // Load relations on new entity
         $this->relationManager->loadRelations($entity, $this);
     } else {
         // Return false if nothing to update
         if (!count($data)) {
             return true;
         // Build conditions using PK
         $conditions = [];
         foreach ($this->entityManager->getPrimaryKeyValues($entity) as $key => $value) {
             $conditions[] = ['conditions' => [$key . ' :eq' => $value]];
         $result = $this->getAdapter()->updateEntity($this->entityManager->getTable($entityName), $binds, $conditions, $options);
     // Run afterInsert
     #        $resultAfter = $this->eventsManager->triggerInstanceHook($entity, 'afterInsert', [$this, $result]);
     $resultAfter = null;
     return null !== $resultAfter ? $resultAfter : $result;