  * @internal Removes a term.
  * Removes a term from all translations.
  * @param string $term The term to remove
  * @return void
  * @attribute[RequestParam('term','string')]
 function Remove($term)
     default_string("TITLE_REMOVE_TERM", "Remove term");
     default_string("TXT_REMOVE_TERM", "Do you really want to remove this term? This cannot be undone!");
     if (!AjaxAction::IsConfirmed("REMOVE_TERM")) {
         return AjaxAction::Confirm("REMOVE_TERM", 'TranslationAdmin', 'Remove', array('term' => $term));
     $this->ds->ExecuteSql("DELETE FROM wdf_translations WHERE id=?", $term);
     return AjaxResponse::Redirect('TranslationAdmin', 'Translate', array('lang' => $_SESSION['trans_admin_lang'], 'offset' => $_SESSION['trans_admin_offset'], 'search' => $_SESSION['trans_admin_search']));
Beispiel #2
  * Creates a standard AJAX submit action
  * Will create everything needed to post this form via AJAX to a PHP-side handler.
  * @param object $controller Handler object
  * @param string $event Handler method name
  * @return Form `$this`
 function AjaxSubmitTo($controller, $event)
     $s = AjaxAction::Post($controller, $event, "\$(this).serializeArray()");
     $this->script("\$('#{self}').submit( function(){ {$s} return false; } );");
     return $this;
  * High level confirm procedure.
  * This will return a standard confirmation dialog that will perform the specified action
  * when OK is clicked. Will also set a session variable so that the OK action PHP side code
  * can simply test with <AjaxAction::IsConfirmed>($text_base) if the confirmation was really shown and accepted by the user.
  * @param string $text_base Text constants basename (like CONFIRMATION). Confirmation will need TITLE_$text_base and TXT_$text_base
  * @param mixed $controller Controller for OK action
  * @param string $event Method for OK action
  * @param string|array $data Data for OK action
  * @return uiConfirmation Dialog ready to be shown to the user
 public static function Confirm($text_base, $controller, $event = '', $data = '')
     $dlg = new uiConfirmation($text_base);
     $q = self::Url($controller, $event);
     $data = self::_data($data);
     $data = "var d = " . ($data ? $data : '{}') . "; for(var n in \$('#{$dlg->id}').data()) if( typeof \$('#{$dlg->id}').data(n) == 'string') d[n] = \$('#{$dlg->id}').data(n); ";
     $action = "{$data}" . AjaxAction::Post($controller, $event, 'd', $dlg->CloseButtonAction);
     $_SESSION['ajax_confirm'][$text_base] = md5(time());
     $dlg->setData('confirmed', $_SESSION['ajax_confirm'][$text_base]);
     return $dlg;
Beispiel #4
  * @attribute[RequestParam('table','string',false)]
  * @attribute[RequestParam('action','string',false)]
  * @attribute[RequestParam('model','array',false)]
  * @attribute[RequestParam('row','string',false)]
 function DelProduct($table, $action, $model, $row)
     // require admin to be logged in
     // we use the ajax confirm features of the framework which require some translated string, so we set them up here
     // normally we would start the sysadmin and create some, but for this sample we ignore that.
     default_string('TITLE_DELPRODUCT', 'Delete Product');
     default_string('TXT_DELPRODUCT', 'Do you really want to remove this product? This cannot be undone!');
     if (!AjaxAction::IsConfirmed('DELPRODUCT')) {
         return AjaxAction::Confirm('DELPRODUCT', 'Admin', 'DelProduct', array('model' => $model));
     // load and delete the product dataset
     $ds = model_datasource('system');
     $prod = $ds->Query('products')->eq('id', $model['id'])->current();
     // delete the image too if present
     if ($prod->image) {
         $image = __DIR__ . '/../images/' . $prod->image;
         if (file_exists($image)) {
     return AjaxResponse::Redirect('Admin');