Beispiel #1
  * @return HtmlTagBuilder
 protected function createCheckoutConfirmation()
     // checkout confirmation
     $confirmation = new HtmlTagBuilder('div');
     $cartView = $this->renderCart();
     $checkoutSummary = $this->renderCheckoutSummary();
     return $confirmation;
Beispiel #2
  * Cart Table
  * @param CartWithShipping $cart
  * @param bool             $edit - show edit input fields
  * @return HtmlTagBuilder
 public function renderCart($cart, $edit = false)
     $cartWrapper = new HtmlTagBuilder('div', array('class' => 'cartOverview'));
     $cartTable = new HtmlTagBuilder('table', array('class' => 'cartTable'));
     // empty cart
     if ($cart->totalUniqueItems() === 0) {
     } else {
         /** @var CartItem $item */
         foreach ($cart->all() as $item) {
             $cartTable->append($this->renderCartRow($edit, $item));
         $this->addCartSummary($cart, $cartTable);
     return $cartWrapper;
  * Creates an html tag object that output build the basis for the javascript
  * responsive image lib
  * @param string|\Render\APIs\APIv1\MediaImage $image
  *    The media image object or its id
  * @param array $imageCfg
  *    The image manipulations; The following keys/values are supported
  *    # 'crop'    => array('x' => int, 'y' => int, 'width' => int, 'height' => int)
  *    # 'resize'  => array('width' => int, 'height' => int)
  *    # 'quality' => int
  * @param array attributes
  *    A set of additional tag attributes (key -> attribute name, value -> attribute value)
  * @return \Rukzuk\Modules\HtmlTagBuilder
 public function getImageTag($image = null, $imageCfg = null, $attributes = null)
     // wrapper
     $wrapper = new HtmlTagBuilder('div', array('class' => 'responsiveImageWrapper'));
     // image tag
     $imgTag = new HtmlTagBuilder('img', array('alt' => ''));
     // fill height element which helps to keep aspect ratio of image (using %-padding technique)
     $fillHeight = new HtmlTagBuilder('div', array('class' => 'fillHeight'));
     try {
         if (is_string($image)) {
             // get the image object if a image id was given
             $image = $this->api->getMediaItem($image)->getImage();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // we have a image (object)
     if (is_object($image)) {
         // height in percent of the width (used for padding trick)
         $origWidth = $image->getOriginalWidth();
         $origHeight = $image->getOriginalHeight();
         $origHeightRatio = $origHeight / $origWidth * 100;
         // create the image urls for each of the pre-defined and most common device resolutions
         $imgUrls = $this->getResponsiveImageUrls($image->getMediaItem(), $imageCfg);
         // provide big, not cropped image,
         // used in image cropper (panzoom) and for rz_lightbox
         try {
             $image = $image->resizeScale(ResponsiveImageBuilder::$maxResponsiveImageResolution);
             $imgTag->set('data-cms-origsrc', $image->getUrl());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // do nothing
         // indicate that we have an actual image
         // data for js image replacement code (lazy sizes)
         // build src set
         $srcSet = array();
         foreach ($imgUrls as $w => $u) {
             $srcSet[] = $u . ' ' . $w . 'w';
         $imgTag->set(array('data-sizes' => 'auto', 'data-srcset' => implode(', ', $srcSet)));
         // set default image (smallest resolution LQIP for fast responses)
         $preloadSrc = $this->getResponsiveImageUrl($image, $imageCfg, ResponsiveImageBuilder::$previewResponsiveImageResolution);
         $imgTag->set('src', $preloadSrc);
         // set fill height value
         $imgHeight = $this->api->getFormValue($this->unit, 'imgHeight', '0%');
         // use original aspect ratio as height if 0%
         $fillHeightPaddingBottom = $imgHeight == '0%' ? sprintf('%F', $origHeightRatio) . '%' : $imgHeight;
     } else {
         // show a blank image
         $imgTag->addClass('blankImgPlaceholder')->set('src', $this->getPlaceholderUrl());
         // set fill height value - use 50% if it is 0% (original image) because blank image has no size (it is a background)
         $blankHeight = $this->api->getFormValue($this->unit, 'imgHeight', '0%');
         // use 50% as height, because we don't have a original aspect ratio
         $fillHeightPaddingBottom = $blankHeight == '0%' ? '50%' : $blankHeight;
     $fillHeight->set('style', 'padding-bottom: ' . $fillHeightPaddingBottom . ';');
     return $wrapper;
  * @param $variants
  * @return HtmlTagBuilder
 private function buildVariantSelect($variants)
     $variantSelect = new HtmlTagBuilder('select', array('name' => 'variant', 'class' => 'pd-addToCartVariants'));
     foreach ($variants as $variant) {
         $variantSelect->append(new HtmlTagBuilder('option', array('value' => $variant), array($variant)));
     return $variantSelect;
Beispiel #5
  * @param HeadAPI        $api
  * @param Unit           $unit
  * @param HtmlTagBuilder $wrapper
 protected function showErrors($api, $unit, $wrapper)
     $errors = $this->getUnitContext($api, $unit, 'errors', array());
     foreach ($errors as $errorMessage) {
         $wrapper->append(HtmlTagBuilder::div($errorMessage)->set('class', 'errorMessage'));