Author: Sean Fraser (
Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
 public function test_it_prunes_non_recursively()
     $artisan = $this->getArtisan();
     $media1 = factory(Media::class)->create(['id' => 1, 'disk' => 'tmp', 'directory' => '']);
     $media2 = factory(Media::class)->create(['id' => 2, 'disk' => 'tmp', 'directory' => 'foo']);
     $artisan->call('media:prune', ['disk' => 'tmp', '--non-recursive' => true]);
     $this->assertEquals([2], Media::pluck('id')->toArray());
     $this->assertEquals("Pruned 1 record(s).\n", $artisan->output());
Beispiel #2
  * Move the file to a new location on disk.
  * Will invoke the `save()` method on the model after the associated file has been moved to prevent synchronization errors
  * @param  \Plank\Mediable\Media $media
  * @param  string                $directory directory relative to disk root
  * @param  string                $name      filename. Do not include extension
  * @return void
  * @throws \Plank\Mediable\Exceptions\MediaMoveException If attempting to change the file extension or a file with the same name already exists at the destination
 public function move(Media $media, $directory, $filename = null)
     $storage = $this->filesystem->disk($media->disk);
     if ($filename) {
         $filename = $this->removeExtensionFromFilename($filename, $media->extension);
     } else {
         $filename = $media->filename;
     $directory = trim($directory, '/');
     $target_path = $directory . '/' . $filename . '.' . $media->extension;
     if ($storage->has($target_path)) {
         throw MediaMoveException::destinationExists($target_path);
     $storage->move($media->getDiskPath(), $target_path);
     $media->filename = $filename;
     $media->directory = $directory;
 public function test_it_updates_existing_media()
     $this->markTestIncomplete('working locally, sporadically failing in Travis. Need to investigate further.');
     $artisan = $this->getArtisan();
     $media1 = factory(Media::class)->create(['disk' => 'tmp', 'filename' => 'bar', 'extension' => 'png', 'mime_type' => 'image/png', 'aggregate_type' => 'foo']);
     $media2 = factory(Media::class)->create(['disk' => 'tmp', 'filename' => 'bar', 'extension' => 'png', 'size' => 8444, 'mime_type' => 'image/png', 'aggregate_type' => 'image']);
     $this->seedFileForMedia($media1, fopen(__DIR__ . '/../../_data/plank.png', 'r'));
     $this->seedFileForMedia($media2, fopen(__DIR__ . '/../../_data/plank.png', 'r'));
     $artisan->call('media:import', ['disk' => 'tmp', '--force' => true]);
     $this->assertEquals(['image', 'image'], Media::pluck('aggregate_type')->toArray());
     $this->assertEquals("Imported 0 file(s).\nUpdated 1 record(s).\nSkipped 1 file(s).\n", $artisan->output());
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     $disk = $this->argument('disk');
     $directory = $this->option('directory') ?: '';
     $recursive = !$this->option('non-recursive');
     $counter = 0;
     $records = Media::inDirectory($disk, $directory, $recursive)->get();
     foreach ($records as $media) {
         if (!$media->fileExists()) {
             $this->info("Pruned record for file {$media->getDiskPath()}", 'v');
     $this->info("Pruned {$counter} record(s).");
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     $disk = $this->argument('disk');
     $directory = $this->option('directory') ?: '';
     $recursive = !$this->option('non-recursive');
     $force = (bool) $this->option('force');
     $files = $this->listFiles($disk, $directory, $recursive);
     $existing_media = Media::inDirectory($disk, $directory, $recursive)->get();
     foreach ($files as $path) {
         if ($record = $this->getRecordForFile($path, $existing_media)) {
             if ($force) {
                 $this->updateRecordForFile($record, $path);
         } else {
             $this->createRecordForFile($disk, $path);
Beispiel #6
 protected function seedFileForMedia(Media $media, $contents = '')
     app('filesystem')->disk($media->disk)->put($media->getDiskPath(), $contents);
 public function test_it_can_replace_duplicate_files()
     $uploader = $this->mockDuplicateUploader();
     $method = $this->getPrivateMethod($uploader, 'verifyDestination');
     $media = factory(Media::class)->create(['disk' => 'tmp', 'directory' => '', 'filename' => 'plank', 'extension' => 'png']);
     $method->invoke($uploader, $media);
     $this->assertEquals(0, Media::all()->count());
  * Delete the media that previously existed at a destination.
  * @param  \Plank\Mediable\Media  $model
  * @return void
 private function deleteExistingMedia(Media $model)
     Media::where('disk', $model->disk)->where('directory', $model->directory)->where('filename', $model->filename)->where('extension', $model->extension)->first()->delete();
Beispiel #9
 public function test_it_can_be_queried_by_path_on_disk_when_directory_is_empty()
     factory(Media::class)->create(['id' => 4, 'disk' => 'tmp', 'directory' => '', 'filename' => 'bat', 'extension' => 'jpg']);
     $this->assertEquals(4, Media::forPathOnDisk('tmp', 'bat.jpg')->first()->id);
Beispiel #10
  * Get a list of all tags that the media is attached to.
  * @param  \Plank\Mediable\Media  $media
  * @return array
 public function getTagsForMedia(Media $media)
     return $this->media->reduce(function ($carry, Media $item) use($media) {
         if ($item->getKey() === $media->getKey()) {
             $carry[] = $item->pivot->tag;
         return $carry;
     }, []);