Beispiel #1
  * Compiles AngularJS ng-repeat attribute.
  * Each element's copy is treated and rendered as separate template with it's
  * own Scope data. Those elements are later appended to element's parent node.
  * @todo Think of refactoring methods.
  * @todo Implement expression cache for better performance.
  * @param \DOMElement $domElement DOM element to compile.
  * @param Scope $scope Scope object.
  * @return void
 public function compile(\DOMElement $domElement, Scope $scope)
     $parsedArray = $this->parseRepeat($domElement);
     $repeatArray = $scope->getData($parsedArray['array']);
      * Reset interrupting to default value.
      * Let's check if variable we're trying to enumerate is array.
     if (is_array($repeatArray) === true) {
          * Helper variables for ng-repeat special scope variables e.g. $index.
         $repeatCount = count($repeatArray);
         $repeatIndex = 0;
         foreach ($repeatArray as $repeatKey => $repeatValue) {
             $subScope = new Scope($scope->getData());
             $this->setScopeData($subScope, $parsedArray, $repeatKey, $repeatValue);
             $this->setScopeSpecial($subScope, $repeatCount, $repeatIndex);
              * Append subcompiled DOM element.
             Utils::appendHTML($domElement->parentNode, $this->subcompile($domElement->cloneNode(true), $subScope));
          * We stop further compiling of source DOM element, we want it to
          * be intact and hidden so we can replace it back on the client side.
         Utils::addClass($domElement, 'ng-hide');
Beispiel #2
  * Compiles given AngularJS expression with given Scope data.
  * @param string $expression Expression string to compile.
  * @param Scope $scope Scope object containing data for expression.
  * @return string Compiled expression.
  * @throws InvalidExpressionException Exception is thrown if expression contains brackets "()"
  * to prevent eval from calling functions for security reasons.
 public function compile($expression, Scope $scope)
     $expression = trim($expression, '{} ');
      * We forbid any function calls inside expressions.
     if (preg_match('/[\\(\\)]/', $expression) === 1) {
         throw new InvalidExpressionException('Expression contains one or both of forbidden characters: "()"!');
     $expressionOperators = '/[^' . preg_quote('+-/*!=&|?:<>%,\'"', '/') . ']+/';
     preg_match_all($expressionOperators, $expression, $expressionMatches);
      * I no special operators found just replace access string with value.
     if (isset($expressionMatches[0][0]) && $expressionMatches[0][0] === $expression) {
         $renderedExpression = $scope->getData($expression);
     } else {
          * Check each expression we can replace.
         foreach ($expressionMatches[0] as $expressionMatch) {
             $expressionMatch = trim($expressionMatch);
              * If we can replace it with data - do this and format variable if required for later eval.
             if (is_numeric($expressionMatch) === false) {
                 $expression = str_replace($expressionMatch, var_export($scope->getData($expressionMatch), true), $expression);
         $renderedExpression = $this->evalaluate($expression);
     return $renderedExpression;
Beispiel #3
  * Compiles AngularJS ng-class-odd attributes by evaluating expression inside it
  * and setting element's class attribute if element has odd index.
  * @param \DOMElement $element DOM element to compile.
  * @param Scope $scope Scope object containing data for expression.
  * @return \DOMElement Compiled DOM element.
 public function compile(\DOMElement $element, Scope $scope)
     if ($scope->getData('$odd') == true) {
         $ngClass = new NgClass($this->phCompile);
         $ngClass->compile($element, $scope);
Beispiel #4
  * Returns value corresponding to given access string.
  * @param string|null $accessString Access string to wanted config value,
  * null if you want entire config array.
  * @return mixed Value corresponding to given access string or null if value
  * does not exist.
 public function getConfig($accessString = null)
     return $this->config->getData($accessString);
Beispiel #5
  * @covers PhCompile\Scope::getData
  * @depends testSetData
  * @dataProvider getDataProvider
 public function testGetAllData($data, $access, $expected)
     $this->assertSame($data, $this->scope->getData());