  * Checks if a user can create new posts inside this topic. Since this topic is
  * only a shadow topic, this method will ALWAYS return FALSE.
  * @param FrontendUser $user       The user.
  * @param string        $accessType The access type to be checked.
  * @return boolean TRUE, if the user can create new posts. Always FALSE.
 public function checkAccess(FrontendUser $user = NULL, $accessType = 'read')
     if ($accessType === 'newPost') {
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         return parent::checkAccess($user, $accessType);
Beispiel #2
  * Performs an access check for this post.
  * @access private
  * @param FrontendUser $user
  * @param string $accessType
  * @return boolean
 public function checkAccess(FrontendUser $user = NULL, $accessType = 'read')
     switch ($accessType) {
         case 'editPost':
         case 'deletePost':
             return $this->checkEditOrDeletePostAccess($user, $accessType);
             return $this->topic->checkAccess($user, $accessType);
Beispiel #3
  * Adds a topic.
  * @param Topic $topic
  * @return void
 public function addTopic(Topic $topic)
     if ($this->lastTopic === NULL || $this->lastTopic->getTimestamp() <= $topic->getTimestamp()) {
     $topicLastPost = $topic->getLastPost();
     if ($topicLastPost !== NULL && ($this->lastPost === NULL || $this->lastPost->getTimestamp() <= $topicLastPost->getTimestamp())) {
     // topic will increase postCount itself when adding the initial post to it
  * Generates a data array that will be passed to the typoscript object for
  * rendering the icon.
  * @param \Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Topic $topic
  *                             The topic for which the icon is to be displayed.
  * @return array               The data array for the typoscript object.
 protected function getDataArray(\Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\Topic $topic = NULL)
     if ($topic === NULL) {
         return array();
     } elseif ($topic instanceof \Mittwald\Typo3Forum\Domain\Model\Forum\ShadowTopic) {
         return array('moved' => TRUE);
     } else {
         return array('important' => $topic->getPostCount() >= $this->arguments['important'], 'new' => !$topic->hasBeenReadByUser($this->frontendUserRepository->findCurrent()), 'closed' => $topic->isClosed(), 'sticky' => $topic->isSticky(), 'solved' => $topic->getIsSolved());
  * Marks a topic as read by the current user.
  * @param Topic $topic The topic that is to be marked as read.
 protected function markTopicRead(Topic $topic)
     $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     if ($currentUser === NULL || $currentUser->isAnonymous()) {
     } else {
         if ($topic->hasBeenReadByUser($currentUser)) {
  * Delete a topic from repository!
  * @param Topic $topic The topic that is be deleted.
  * @return void
 public function topicConformDeleteAction(Topic $topic)
     foreach ($topic->getPosts() as $post) {
     $this->controllerContext->getFlashMessageQueue()->enqueue(new FlashMessage(Localization::translate('Moderation_DeleteTopic_Success', 'Typo3Forum')));
     $this->redirect('show', 'Forum', NULL, array('forum' => $topic->getForum()));
  * Fav Subscribes the current user to a forum or a topic.
  * @param Forum $forum The forum that is to be subscribed. Either this value or the $topic parameter must be != NULL.
  * @param Topic $topic The topic that is to be subscribed. Either this value or the $forum parameter must be != NULL.
  * @param bool $unsubscribe TRUE to unsubscribe the forum or topic instead.
  * @return void
  * @throws InvalidArgumentValueException
  * @throws NotLoggedInException
 public function favSubscribeAction(Forum $forum = NULL, Topic $topic = NULL, $unsubscribe = FALSE)
     // Validate arguments
     if ($forum === NULL && $topic === NULL) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentValueException("You need to subscribe a Forum or Topic!", 1285059341);
     $user = $this->getCurrentUser();
     if ($user->isAnonymous()) {
         throw new NotLoggedInException('You need to be logged in to subscribe or unsubscribe an object.', 1335121482);
     # Create subscription
     $object = $forum ? $forum : $topic;
     if ($unsubscribe) {
         $topic->getAuthor()->decreasePoints((int) $this->settings['rankScore']['gotFavorite']);
     } else {
         $topic->getAuthor()->increasePoints((int) $this->settings['rankScore']['gotFavorite']);
     # Update user and redirect to subscription object.
     $this->controllerContext->getFlashMessageQueue()->enqueue(new FlashMessage($this->getSubscriptionFlashMessage($object, $unsubscribe)));
  * Sets a post as solution
  * @param Topic $topic
  * @param Post  $post
 public function setPostAsSolution(Topic $topic, Post $post)