Beispiel #1
 public function create(array $params)
     $form = new \Kingboard\Lib\Forms\BattleCreateForm();
     if (!$form->validate($_POST)) {
         // @todo handle invalid
         return $this->error("form is not valid");
     $user = \Kingboard\Lib\Auth\Auth::getUser();
     $key = $form->apiKey;
     $scope = "char";
     // for now we default to char. Account keys are never corp keys.
     if ($key['type'] == "Character") {
         $scope = "char";
     if ($key['type'] == "Corporation") {
         $scope = "corp";
     $pheal = new Pheal($key['apiuserid'], $key['apikey'], $scope);
     $contacts = $pheal->ContactList(array('characterID' => $form->character));
     // reset to neutral pheal
     $pheal = new Pheal();
     $characterInfo = $pheal->eveScope->CharacterInfo(array('characterID' => $form->character));
     $positives = array();
     foreach ($contacts->corporateContactList as $contact) {
         // accumulate postive standings
         if ($contact->standing > 0) {
             $positives[$contact->contactID] = $contact->contactName;
     // alliance standings override corp standings
     foreach ($contacts->allianceContactList as $contact) {
         if ($contact->standing > 0) {
             $positives[$contact->contactID] = $contact->contactName;
         } else {
             // negative standings, we only need those if corp has positive, but alliance negative
             if (isset($positives[$contact->contactID])) {
     $battleSetting = new \Kingboard\Model\BattleSettings();
     $battleSetting->startdate = new \MongoDate(strtotime($_POST['startdate']));
     $battleSetting->user = $user->_id;
     $battleSetting->enddate = new \MongoDate(strtotime($_POST['enddate']));
     $battleSetting->system = $_POST['system'];
     $battleSetting->key = $key;
     // lets fix some info about the creator of this report
     $battleSetting->ownerCharacter = $form->character;
     $battleSetting->ownerCharacterName = $characterInfo->characterName;
     $battleSetting->ownerCorporation = (int) $characterInfo->corporationID;
     $battleSetting->ownerCorporationName = $characterInfo->corporation;
     $battleSetting->ownerAlliance = (int) $characterInfo->allianceID;
     $battleSetting->ownerAllianceName = $characterInfo->alliance;
     $battleSetting->positives = $positives;
     $battleSetting->runs = 0;
     $battleSetting->nextRun = new \MongoDate(time());
     // we are done here, lets redirect to the battle!
     $this->redirect("/battle/" . $battleSetting->_id);
Beispiel #2
 public function delete(array $params)
     if (\Kingboard\Lib\Form::getXSRFToken() != $params['xsrf']) {
         return $this->error('xsrf token missmatch');
     $user = \Kingboard\Lib\Auth\Auth::getUser();
     if (isset($user['keys'])) {
         $keys = $user['keys'];
         $user->keys = $keys;
Beispiel #3
  * constructor, should be called by all derived views
  * will cause redirect if $loginrequired and not logged in
  * @param bool $loginrequired
 public function __construct($loginrequired = false)
     if (isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {
     if ($loginrequired && !Auth::isLoggedIn()) {
     $reg = Registry::getInstance();
     $this->_context['images'] = $reg->imagePaths;
     $this->_context['baseHost'] = $reg->baseHost;
     $this->_context['disqus'] = $reg->disqus;
     // ownerID, if this is an owned board, this should be filled, for public boards this needs to be false
     $this->_context['ownerID'] = $reg->ownerID;
     // ownerType, if this is an owned board, this should be filled, for public boards this doesn't matter
     $this->_context['ownerType'] = $reg->ownerType;
     // when user is logged in we provide user object to all pages, false otherwise
     $this->_context['user'] = Auth::getUser();
     // make sure all views have the XSRF Token available
     $this->_context['XSRF'] = Form::getXSRFToken();
     // Global Kingboard information
     // pass version information
     $this->_context['Kingboard']['Version'] = Kingboard::VERSION;
     // ownerName, use Kingboard if not set
     if (!is_null($reg->ownerName) && $reg->ownerName) {
         $this->_context['Kingboard']['Name'] = $reg->ownerName;
     } else {
         $this->_context['Kingboard']['Name'] = Kingboard::NAME;
     // release name
     $this->_context['Kingboard']['ReleaseName'] = Kingboard::RELEASE_NAME;
     // pick bootstrap theme path from public/css/themes folder
     $this->_context['theme'] = !is_null($reg->theme) ? $reg->theme : "default";
     // set header image, fall back to default if non configured
     $this->_context['header_image'] = !is_null($reg->headerImage) ? $reg->headerImage : "/images/banner/kingboard.png";
     $debugbar = $reg->debugbar;
     if (!is_null($debugbar)) {
         $jsrenderer = new JavascriptRenderer($debugbar, '/DebugBar');
         $this->_context['debugbar_header'] = $jsrenderer->renderhead();
         $this->_context['debugbar'] = $jsrenderer->render();
     // ingame browser check
     $this->_context['igb'] = $this->isIGB();
  * validate if character is actually a character of the current user
  * @param $characterData
  * @return bool
 protected function validateCharacter($characterData)
     $characterData = explode("|", $characterData);
     // dont have a user, meaning not logged in..
     if (!($user = \Kingboard\Lib\Auth\Auth::getUser())) {
         return false;
     // user does not have any api keys, so can't be his character
     if (is_null($user->keys) || !is_array($user->keys)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($user->keys[$characterData[0]]) || !$user->keys[$characterData[0]]["active"]) {
         return false;
     // key was not found
     $this->apiKey = $user->keys[$characterData[0]];
     $this->character = (int) $characterData[1];
     return true;
Beispiel #5
  * uses Kingboart_Auth to destroy the session, therefor logging the user out.
  * @param $params
 public function logout(array $params)
Beispiel #6
 public function logout($request)