Beispiel #1
  * val() should return int if var is a long-length integer name
 public function testVal_returnsInt_ifVarIsLongName()
     return $this->assertEquals(Num::val('one million four hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred twenty-two'), 1437522);
  * Numbers a street address accordingly
  * A street address contains a numeric street address in addition to, potentially,
  * a numeric street name (e.g., "123 101st st"). The street name can be a number 
  * ("101"), an ordinal (e.g., "101st"), or a cardinal (e.g., "one hundred and 
  * first"). Ultimately, all of those should resolve to the same norm.
  * For example:
  *     self::number("123 101 st");                    // returns "123 101 st"
  *     self::number("123 101st st");                  // returns "123 101 st"
  *     self::number("123 one hundred first st");      // returns "123 101 st"
  *     self::number("123 one hundred and first st");  // returns "123 101 st"
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @param  string  $street  the street address to number
  * @return  string
 protected static function number($street)
     // validate street
     if ($street === null || !is_string($street)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . "() expects parameter one to be a string street address");
     // break $street into words
     $words = explode(' ', $street);
     // get the numeric value of each word (or zero if the word is not a number)
     // for example, ["123", "one", "hundred", "and", "first", "st"] will become
     //     [123, 1, 100, 0, 1, 0]
     $numbers = array_map(function ($v) {
         return \Jstewmc\PhpHelpers\Num::val($v);
     }, $words);
     // if the street address has numeric words
     // for example, in the example above, there are three "number words" ("one",
     //     "hundred", and "first")
     $hasNumerics = count(array_diff(array_filter($numbers), $words));
     if ($hasNumerics > 0) {
         // we're going to replace the numeric words with their value
         // for example, ["123", "one", "hundred", "and", "first", "st"] becomes
         //     ["123", "101", "st"]
         $newWords = array();
         // loop through the words and determine exactly which words need replacing
         // a word needs replacing if the word's numeric value is not zero and it isn't
         //     already a number in the address, it needs to be replaced
         $numerics = array();
         foreach ($words as $k => $word) {
             $numerics[] = $numbers[$k] !== 0 && $numbers[$k] != $word;
         // loop through the words (again)
         $number = array();
         foreach ($words as $k => $word) {
             // if the word is a "number word", add it to the number
             // otherwise, if the word is "and", the number isn't empty, and the next word
             //    is a number word, add it to the number
             // finally, the word is not a number word and the number is finished
             if ($numerics[$k]) {
                 $number[] = $word;
             } elseif ($word === 'and' && !empty($number) && array_key_exists($k + 1, $numerics) && $numerics[$k + 1]) {
                 $number[] = $word;
             } else {
                 // if a number exists it's complete
                 // get the number's value, append it to new words, and reset the number
                 if (!empty($number)) {
                     $number = implode(' ', $number);
                     $newWords[] = \Jstewmc\PhpHelpers\Num::val($number);
                     $number = array();
                 $newWords[] = $word;
         // glue the street address back together again
         $street = implode(' ', $newWords);
     return $street;