Beispiel #1
  * @param string $picture
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($picture)
     $matches = preg_match_all('/([YMDdWwFHhmsfZzPCE])\\s*(.*)/', $picture, $groups);
     if ($matches === 0) {
         $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('No valid components found');
         throw $exception;
     $this->componentSpecifier = $groups[1][0];
     $modifier = $groups[2][0];
     if (($comma = strpos($modifier, ',')) !== false) {
         $this->presentationModifier = substr($modifier, 0, $comma);
         if (($dash = strpos($modifier, '-')) !== false) {
             $widthModifier = substr($modifier, $comma + 1);
             list($this->minWidth, $this->maxWidth) = explode('-', $widthModifier);
             if ($this->maxWidth === '*') {
                 $this->maxWidth = null;
             if ($this->minWidth === '*') {
                 $this->minWidth = null;
         } else {
             $this->minWidth = (int) substr($modifier, $comma + 1);
     } else {
         $this->presentationModifier = $modifier;
  * @param DOMAttr $attribute
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @credits
 public function transform(DOMAttr $attribute)
     $expression = $attribute->nodeValue;
     $components = [];
     $length = strlen($expression);
     $last = 0;
     while ($last < $length) {
         $i0 = strpos($expression, "{", $last);
         $i1 = strpos($expression, "{{", $last);
         $i8 = strpos($expression, "}", $last);
         $i9 = strpos($expression, "}}", $last);
         if (($i0 === false || $length < $i0) && ($i8 === false || $length < $i8)) {
             // found end of string
             $components[] = substr($expression, $last);
         } elseif ($i8 >= 0 && ($i0 === false || $i8 < $i0)) {
             // found a "}"
             if ($i8 !== $i9) {
                 // a "}" that isn't a "}}"
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException("Closing curly brace in attribute value template \"" . $expression . "\" must be doubled");
                 throw $exception;
             $components[] = substr($expression, $last, $i8 + 2 - $last);
             $last = $i8 + 2;
         } elseif ($i1 >= 0 && $i1 === $i0) {
             // found a doubled "{{"
             $components[] = substr($expression, $last, $i1 + 2 - $last);
             $last = $i1 + 2;
         } elseif ($i0 >= 0) {
             // found a single "{"
             if ($i0 > $last) {
                 $components[] = substr($expression, $last, $i0 - $last);
             if ($i8 === false) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException("Curly brace in attribute value template \"" . $expression . "\" must be closed");
                 throw $exception;
             $compileFrom = $i0 + 1;
             $compileUntil = $i8 - $compileFrom;
             $components[] = '{';
             $components[] = $this->xpathCompiler->compile(substr($expression, $compileFrom, $compileUntil), $attribute);
             $components[] = '}';
             $last = $i8 + 1;
         } else {
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             throw new RuntimeException("Internal error parsing Attribute Value Template");
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     $attribute->nodeValue = htmlentities(implode('', $components), ENT_XML1);
Beispiel #3
  * @param DateTimeInterface $date
  * @param string $picture
  * @param $locale
  * @param $calendar
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @credits
 public function format(DateTimeInterface $date, $picture, $locale, $calendar)
     if ($date->format('Y-m-d') === '2017-01-01') {
         if ($this->flagsDate && $this->flagsTime) {
             return DateTimeFormatter::createWithFlagDateTime()->format($date, $picture, $locale, $calendar);
         if ($this->flagsDate) {
             return DateTimeFormatter::createWithFlagDate()->format($date, $picture, $locale, $calendar);
         if ($this->flagsTime) {
             return DateTimeFormatter::createWithFlagTime()->format($date, $picture, $locale, $calendar);
     $result = [];
     $i = 0;
     $escaped = false;
     while (true) {
         while ($i < strlen($picture) && substr($picture, $i, 1) !== '[') {
             if ($escaped === false) {
                 $result[] = self::ESCAPE;
                 $escaped = true;
             $result[] = substr($picture, $i, 1);
             if (substr($picture, $i, 1) === ']') {
                 if ($i == strlen($picture) || substr($picture, $i, 1) != ']') {
                     $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong formatted date, escape by doubling [[ and ]]');
                     throw $exception;
         if ($i === strlen($picture)) {
         // look for '[['
         if ($i < strlen($picture) && substr($picture, $i, 1) === '[') {
             $result[] = '[';
         } else {
             $close = $i < strlen($picture) ? strpos($picture, "]", $i) : -1;
             if ($close === -1 || $close === false) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong formatted date, missing ]');
                 throw $exception;
             $pictureString = new PictureString(substr($picture, $i, $close - $i));
             $specifier = $pictureString->getComponentSpecifier();
             if (isset($this->components[$specifier])) {
                 if ($pictureString->getPresentationModifier() === 'N') {
                     if ($escaped === false) {
                         $result[] = self::ESCAPE;
                         $escaped = true;
                     $result[] = strtoupper($this->formatPattern($date, $locale, $this->components[$specifier]->format($pictureString, $date)));
                 } elseif ($pictureString->getPresentationModifier() === 'n') {
                     if ($escaped === false) {
                         $result[] = self::ESCAPE;
                         $escaped = true;
                     $result[] = strtolower($this->formatPattern($date, $locale, $this->components[$specifier]->format($pictureString, $date)));
                 } else {
                     if ($escaped) {
                         $result[] = self::ESCAPE;
                         $escaped = false;
                     $result[] = $this->components[$specifier]->format($pictureString, $date);
             } else {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException("Component [{$specifier}] is not supported");
                 throw $exception;
             $i = $close + 1;
     if ($escaped) {
         $result[] = self::ESCAPE;
     return $this->formatPattern($date, $locale, implode('', $result));
Beispiel #4
  * @param DateTimeImmutable $date
  * @param string $componentFormat
  * @param int $flags
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @credits
 private static function formatDateComponent(DateTimeImmutable $date, $componentFormat, $flags)
     $matches = preg_match_all('/([YMDdWwFHhmsfZzPCE])\\s*(.*)/', $componentFormat, $groups);
     if ($matches === 0) {
         $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('No valid components found');
         throw $exception;
     $ignoreDate = ($flags & self::FLAG_DATE) === 0;
     $ignoreTime = ($flags & self::FLAG_TIME) === 0;
     $component = $groups[1][0];
     switch (substr($component, 0, 1)) {
         case 'Y':
             // year
             if ($ignoreDate) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use date context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('Y');
         case 'M':
             // month
             if ($ignoreDate) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use date context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('m');
         case 'D':
             // day in month
             if ($ignoreDate) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use date context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('d');
         case 'd':
             // day in year
             if ($ignoreDate) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use date context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('z');
         case 'W':
             // week of year
             if ($ignoreDate) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use date context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('W');
         case 'H':
             // hour in day
             if ($ignoreTime) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use time context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('H');
         case 'h':
             // hour in half-day (12 hour clock)
             if ($ignoreTime) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use time context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('h');
         case 'm':
             // minutes
             if ($ignoreTime) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use time context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('i');
         case 's':
             // seconds
             if ($ignoreTime) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use time context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('s');
         case 'Z':
             // timezone in +hh:mm format, unless format=N in which case use timezone name
             return $date->format('P');
         case 'z':
             // timezone
             return $date->format('O');
         case 'F':
             // day of week
             if ($ignoreDate) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use date context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('O');
         case 'P':
             // am/pm marker
             if ($ignoreTime) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use time context');
                 throw $exception;
             return $date->format('A');
     $exception = new InvalidArgumentException("Component [{$component}] is not supported");
     throw $exception;
Beispiel #5
  * @param DateTimeInterface $date
  * @param string $picture
  * @param $locale
  * @param $calendar
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @credits
 public function format(DateTimeInterface $date, $picture, $locale, $calendar)
     $result = [];
     $i = 0;
     while (true) {
         while ($i < strlen($picture) && substr($picture, $i, 1) != '[') {
             $result[] = $this->escape(substr($picture, $i, 1));
             if (substr($picture, $i, 1) == ']') {
                 if ($i == strlen($picture) || substr($picture, $i, 1) != ']') {
                     $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong formatted date, escape by doubling [[ and ]]');
                     throw $exception;
         if ($i == strlen($picture)) {
         // look for '[['
         if ($i < strlen($picture) && substr($picture, $i, 1) == '[') {
             $result[] = '[';
         } else {
             $close = $i < strlen($picture) ? strpos($picture, "]", $i) : -1;
             if ($close === -1 || $close === false) {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong formatted date, missing ]');
                 throw $exception;
             $pictureString = new PictureString(substr($picture, $i, $close - $i));
             $specifier = $pictureString->getComponentSpecifier();
             if (isset($this->components[$specifier])) {
                 $result[] = $this->components[$specifier]->format($pictureString, $date);
             } else {
                 $exception = new InvalidArgumentException("Component [{$specifier}] is not supported");
                 throw $exception;
             $i = $close + 1;
     return $date->format(implode('', $result));