$status = TRUE; break; } if (!$status) { Tap::plan('skip_all', 'unable to connect to test job url: ' . $url); } Tap::plan(5); $tube = '__test__'; Job::config()->addConnection(new Pheanstalk('', '11300')); Job::config()->setQueuePrefix('test'); $runner = new Runner(); $ct = $runner->flush($queue); print "\nJOBS flushed from the queue before starting: {$ct}\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $start = microtime(TRUE); $job = new Job($url); $job->queue = $queue; $id = $job->store(); $elapsed = number_format(microtime(TRUE) - $start, 3); print "\nSTORE " . $id . ' ' . $elapsed . 's'; } $start = microtime(TRUE); $runner->watch($queue); $runner->setTimelimit(20); $runner->setMax(10); $runner->attachDebugger($debugger = function ($v) { if ($v instanceof Exception) { $v = $v->__toString(); } if (!is_scalar($v)) { strval($v);
protected function buildTubePattern($v) { $prefix = Job::config()->queuePrefix(); return '#^' . preg_quote($prefix, '#') . '(' . str_replace('\\*', '([^\\n]+)?', preg_quote($v, '#')) . ')' . '_([\\d]{8})$#'; }
print json_encode(array('')); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['signed'])) { die("\n<h1>ok</h1>\n"); } use Gaia\Job; $nonce = new Gaia\Nonce('test001'); $server = new Gaia\Container($_SERVER); $hash = $server->HTTP_X_JOB_NONCE; $id = $server->HTTP_X_JOB_ID; $uri = $server->REQUEST_URI; $valid = $nonce->check($hash, $uri); $status = $valid ? 'complete' : 'failed'; if ($id) { header('X-JOB-ID: ' . $id); } if ($id && $valid) { Job::config()->addConnection(new Pheanstalk('', '11300')); $job = Job::find($id); if (!$job->complete()) { $status = 'failed-to-mark-complete'; $valid = FALSE; } } header('X-JOB-STATUS: ' . $status); if (!$valid) { header($server->SERVER_PROTOCOL . ' 403 Forbidden'); } echo "\n<h1>{$status}</h1>\n"; // EOF