Beispiel #1
  * Parse the data into the template
 private function parse()
     // get vars
     $title = \SpoonFilter::ucfirst(FL::msg('BlogAllComments'));
     $link = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog');
     $detailLink = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Detail');
     $description = null;
     // create new rss instance
     $rss = new FrontendRSS($title, $link, $description);
     // loop articles
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         // init vars
         $title = $item['author'] . ' ' . FL::lbl('On') . ' ' . $item['post_title'];
         $link = $detailLink . '/' . $item['post_url'] . '/#comment-' . $item['id'];
         $description = $item['text'];
         // create new instance
         $rssItem = new FrontendRSSItem($title, $link, $description);
         // set item properties
         // add item
Beispiel #2
  * Load the data, don't forget to validate the incoming data
 private function getData()
     // validate incoming parameters
     if ($this->URL->getParameter(1) === null) {
     // fetch record
     $this->record = FrontendTagsModel::get($this->URL->getParameter(1));
     // validate record
     if (empty($this->record)) {
     // fetch modules
     $this->modules = FrontendTagsModel::getModulesForTag($this->record['id']);
     // loop modules
     foreach ($this->modules as $module) {
         // get the ids of the items linked to the tag
         $otherIds = (array) $this->get('database')->getColumn('SELECT other_id
              FROM modules_tags
              WHERE module = ? AND tag_id = ?', array($module, $this->record['id']));
         // set module class
         $class = 'Frontend\\Modules\\' . $module . '\\Engine\\Model';
         // get the items that are linked to the tags
         $items = (array) FrontendTagsModel::callFromInterface($module, $class, 'getForTags', $otherIds);
         // add into results array
         if (!empty($items)) {
             $this->results[] = array('name' => $module, 'label' => FL::lbl(\SpoonFilter::ucfirst($module)), 'items' => $items);
Beispiel #3
  * Parse the data into the template
 private function parse()
     // get vars
     $title = isset($this->settings['rss_title_' . LANGUAGE]) ? $this->settings['rss_title_' . LANGUAGE] : $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'rss_title_' . LANGUAGE, SITE_DEFAULT_TITLE);
     $link = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog');
     $description = isset($this->settings['rss_description_' . LANGUAGE]) ? $this->settings['rss_description_' . LANGUAGE] : null;
     // create new rss instance
     $rss = new FrontendRSS($title, $link, $description);
     // loop articles
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         // init vars
         $title = $item['title'];
         $link = $item['full_url'];
         $description = $item['introduction'] != '' ? $item['introduction'] : $item['text'];
         // meta is wanted
         if ($this->get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'rss_meta_' . LANGUAGE, true)) {
             // append meta
             $description .= '<div class="meta">' . "\n";
             $description .= '    <p><a href="' . $link . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $title . '</a> ' . sprintf(FL::msg('WrittenBy'), FrontendUser::getBackendUser($item['user_id'])->getSetting('nickname'));
             $description .= ' ' . FL::lbl('In') . ' <a href="' . $item['category_full_url'] . '" title="' . $item['category_title'] . '">' . $item['category_title'] . '</a>.</p>' . "\n";
             // any tags
             if (isset($item['tags'])) {
                 // append tags-paragraph
                 $description .= '    <p>' . \SpoonFilter::ucfirst(FL::lbl('Tags')) . ': ';
                 $first = true;
                 // loop tags
                 foreach ($item['tags'] as $tag) {
                     // prepend separator
                     if (!$first) {
                         $description .= ', ';
                     // add
                     $description .= '<a href="' . $tag['full_url'] . '" rel="tag" title="' . $tag['name'] . '">' . $tag['name'] . '</a>';
                     // reset
                     $first = false;
                 // end
                 $description .= '.</p>' . "\n";
             // end HTML
             $description .= '</div>' . "\n";
         // create new instance
         $rssItem = new FrontendRSSItem($title, $link, $description);
         // set item properties
         // add item
     // output
  * @param FormBuilderSubmittedEvent $event
 public function onFormSubmitted(FormBuilderSubmittedEvent $event)
     $form = $event->getForm();
     // need to send mail
     if ($form['method'] == 'database_email') {
         // build our message
         $from = $this->modulesSettings->get('Core', 'mailer_from');
         $fieldData = $this->getEmailFields($event->getData());
         $message = Message::newInstance(sprintf(Language::getMessage('FormBuilderSubject'), $form['name']))->parseHtml('/FormBuilder/Layout/Templates/Mails/Form.html.twig', array('sentOn' => time(), 'name' => $form['name'], 'fields' => $fieldData), true)->setTo($form['email'])->setFrom(array($from['email'] => $from['name']));
         // check if we have a replyTo email set
         foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
             if (array_key_exists('reply_to', $field['settings']) && $field['settings']['reply_to'] === true) {
                 $email = $fieldData[$field['id']]['value'];
                 $message->setReplyTo(array($email => $email));
         if ($message->getReplyTo() === null) {
             $replyTo = $this->modulesSettings->get('Core', 'mailer_reply_to');
             $message->setReplyTo(array($replyTo['email'] => $replyTo['name']));
Beispiel #5
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // cleanup the submitted fields, ignore fields that were added by hackers
         // validate required fields
         // no errors?
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // get search term
             $this->term = $this->frm->getField('q')->getValue();
Beispiel #6
  * Get errors (optional by type).
  * @param string $type Type of error.
  * @return mixed
 public static function getErrors($type = null)
     $errors['required'] = FL::getError('FieldIsRequired');
     $errors['email'] = FL::getError('EmailIsInvalid');
     $errors['numeric'] = FL::getError('NumericCharactersOnly');
     $errors['time'] = FL::getError('TimeIsInvalid');
     // specific type
     if ($type !== null) {
         $type = (string) $type;
         return $errors[$type];
     } else {
         // all errors
         $return = array();
         // loop errors
         foreach ($errors as $key => $error) {
             $return[] = array('type' => $key, 'message' => $error);
         return $return;
Beispiel #7
  * Validate the form.
 private function validateForm()
     // submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // does the key exists?
         if (\SpoonSession::exists('formbuilder_' . $this->item['id'])) {
             // calculate difference
             $diff = time() - (int) \SpoonSession::get('formbuilder_' . $this->item['id']);
             // calculate difference, it it isn't 10 seconds the we tell the user to slow down
             if ($diff < 10 && $diff != 0) {
         // validate fields
         foreach ($this->item['fields'] as $field) {
             // field name
             $fieldName = 'field' . $field['id'];
             // skip
             if ($field['type'] == 'submit' || $field['type'] == 'paragraph' || $field['type'] == 'heading') {
             // loop other validations
             foreach ($field['validations'] as $rule => $settings) {
                 // already has an error so skip
                 if ($this->frm->getField($fieldName)->getErrors() !== null) {
                 // required
                 if ($rule == 'required') {
                 } elseif ($rule == 'email') {
                     // only check this if the field is filled, if the field is required it will be validated before
                     if ($this->frm->getField($fieldName)->isFilled()) {
                 } elseif ($rule == 'numeric') {
                     // only check this if the field is filled, if the field is required it will be validated before
                     if ($this->frm->getField($fieldName)->isFilled()) {
                 } elseif ($rule == 'time') {
                     $regexTime = '/^(([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]|[0-9])|([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]|[0-9])(:|h)[0-5]?[0-9]?)$/';
                     if (!\SpoonFilter::isValidAgainstRegexp($regexTime, $this->frm->getField($fieldName)->getValue())) {
         // valid form
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // item
             $data['form_id'] = $this->item['id'];
             $data['session_id'] = \SpoonSession::getSessionId();
             $data['sent_on'] = FrontendModel::getUTCDate();
             $data['data'] = serialize(array('server' => $_SERVER));
             // insert data
             $dataId = FrontendFormBuilderModel::insertData($data);
             // init fields array
             $fields = array();
             // loop all fields
             foreach ($this->item['fields'] as $field) {
                 // skip
                 if ($field['type'] == 'submit' || $field['type'] == 'paragraph' || $field['type'] == 'heading') {
                 // field data
                 $fieldData['data_id'] = $dataId;
                 $fieldData['label'] = $field['settings']['label'];
                 $fieldData['value'] = $this->frm->getField('field' . $field['id'])->getValue();
                 if ($field['type'] == 'radiobutton') {
                     $values = array();
                     foreach ($field['settings']['values'] as $value) {
                         $values[$value['value']] = $value['label'];
                     $fieldData['value'] = $values[$fieldData['value']];
                 // clean up
                 if (is_array($fieldData['value']) && empty($fieldData['value'])) {
                     $fieldData['value'] = null;
                 // serialize
                 if ($fieldData['value'] !== null) {
                     $fieldData['value'] = serialize($fieldData['value']);
                 // save fields data
                 $fields[$field['id']] = $fieldData;
                 // insert
             $this->get('event_dispatcher')->dispatch(FormBuilderEvents::FORM_SUBMITTED, new FormBuilderSubmittedEvent($this->item, $fields, $dataId));
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('FormBuilder', 'after_submission', array('form_id' => $this->item['id'], 'data_id' => $dataId, 'data' => $data, 'fields' => $fields, 'visitorId' => FrontendModel::getVisitorId()));
             // store timestamp in session so we can block excessive usage
             \SpoonSession::set('formbuilder_' . $this->item['id'], time());
             // redirect
             $redirect = SITE_URL . $this->URL->getQueryString();
             $redirect .= stripos($redirect, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
             $redirect .= 'identifier=' . $this->item['identifier'];
             $redirect .= '#' . $this->formName;
             throw new RedirectException('Redirect', new RedirectResponse($redirect));
         } else {
             // not correct, show errors
             // global form errors set
             if ($this->frm->getErrors() != '') {
                 $this->tpl->assign('formBuilderError', $this->frm->getErrors());
             } else {
                 // general error
                 $this->tpl->assign('formBuilderError', FL::err('FormError'));
Beispiel #8
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // get settings
     $commentsAllowed = isset($this->settings['allow_comments']) && $this->settings['allow_comments'];
     // comments aren't allowed so we don't have to validate
     if (!$commentsAllowed) {
         return false;
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // cleanup the submitted fields, ignore fields that were added by hackers
         // does the key exists?
         if (\SpoonSession::exists('blog_comment_' . $this->record['id'])) {
             // calculate difference
             $diff = time() - (int) \SpoonSession::get('blog_comment_' . $this->record['id']);
             // calculate difference, it it isn't 10 seconds the we tell the user to slow down
             if ($diff < 10 && $diff != 0) {
         // validate required fields
         // validate optional fields
         if ($this->frm->getField('website')->isFilled() && $this->frm->getField('website')->getValue() != 'http://') {
         // no errors?
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // get module setting
             $spamFilterEnabled = isset($this->settings['spamfilter']) && $this->settings['spamfilter'];
             $moderationEnabled = isset($this->settings['moderation']) && $this->settings['moderation'];
             // reformat data
             $author = $this->frm->getField('author')->getValue();
             $email = $this->frm->getField('email')->getValue();
             $website = $this->frm->getField('website')->getValue();
             if (trim($website) == '' || $website == 'http://') {
                 $website = null;
             $text = $this->frm->getField('message')->getValue();
             // build array
             $comment['post_id'] = $this->record['id'];
             $comment['language'] = LANGUAGE;
             $comment['created_on'] = FrontendModel::getUTCDate();
             $comment['author'] = $author;
             $comment['email'] = $email;
             $comment['website'] = $website;
             $comment['text'] = $text;
             $comment['status'] = 'published';
             $comment['data'] = serialize(array('server' => $_SERVER));
             // get URL for article
             $permaLink = $this->record['full_url'];
             $redirectLink = $permaLink;
             // is moderation enabled
             if ($moderationEnabled) {
                 // if the commenter isn't moderated before alter the
                 // comment status so it will appear in the moderation queue
                 if (!FrontendBlogModel::isModerated($author, $email)) {
                     $comment['status'] = 'moderation';
             // should we check if the item is spam
             if ($spamFilterEnabled) {
                 // check for spam
                 $result = FrontendModel::isSpam($text, SITE_URL . $permaLink, $author, $email, $website);
                 // if the comment is spam alter the comment status so it will appear in the spam queue
                 if ($result) {
                     $comment['status'] = 'spam';
                 } elseif ($result == 'unknown') {
                     // if the status is unknown then we should moderate it manually
                     $comment['status'] = 'moderation';
             // insert comment
             $comment['id'] = FrontendBlogModel::insertComment($comment);
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Blog', 'after_add_comment', array('comment' => $comment));
             // append a parameter to the URL so we can show moderation
             if (mb_strpos($redirectLink, '?') === false) {
                 if ($comment['status'] == 'moderation') {
                     $redirectLink .= '?comment=moderation#' . FL::act('Comment');
                 if ($comment['status'] == 'spam') {
                     $redirectLink .= '?comment=spam#' . FL::act('Comment');
                 if ($comment['status'] == 'published') {
                     $redirectLink .= '?comment=true#comment-' . $comment['id'];
             } else {
                 if ($comment['status'] == 'moderation') {
                     $redirectLink .= '&comment=moderation#' . FL::act('Comment');
                 if ($comment['status'] == 'spam') {
                     $redirectLink .= '&comment=spam#' . FL::act('Comment');
                 if ($comment['status'] == 'published') {
                     $redirectLink .= '&comment=true#comment-' . $comment['id'];
             // set title
             $comment['post_title'] = $this->record['title'];
             $comment['post_url'] = $this->record['url'];
             // notify the admin
             // store timestamp in session so we can block excessive usage
             \SpoonSession::set('blog_comment_' . $this->record['id'], time());
             // store author-data in cookies
             try {
                 CommonCookie::set('comment_author', $author);
                 CommonCookie::set('comment_email', $email);
                 CommonCookie::set('comment_website', $website);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // settings cookies isn't allowed, but because this isn't a real problem we ignore the exception
             // redirect
Beispiel #9
  * Parse the default error messages
 private function parseErrorMessages()
     // set frontend locale
     FL::setLocale(BL::getWorkingLanguage(), true);
     // assign error messages
     $this->tpl->assign('errors', BackendFormBuilderModel::getErrors());
Beispiel #10
  * Set the language
  * @param string $value The (interface-)language, will be used to parse labels.
  * @throws Exception
 public function setLanguage($value)
     // get the possible languages
     $possibleLanguages = Language::getActiveLanguages();
     // validate
     if (!in_array($value, $possibleLanguages)) {
         // only 1 active language?
         if (!Model::getContainer()->getParameter('site.multilanguage') && count($possibleLanguages) == 1) {
             $this->language = array_shift($possibleLanguages);
         } else {
             // multiple languages available but none selected
             throw new Exception('Language invalid.');
     } else {
         // language is valid: set property
         $this->language = (string) $value;
     // define constant
     defined('FRONTEND_LANGUAGE') || define('FRONTEND_LANGUAGE', $this->language);
     defined('LANGUAGE') || define('LANGUAGE', $this->language);
     // set the locale (we need this for the labels)
Beispiel #11
  * Validate the form.
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get fields
         $txtDisplayName = $this->frm->getField('display_name');
         $txtFirstName = $this->frm->getField('first_name');
         $txtLastName = $this->frm->getField('last_name');
         $txtCity = $this->frm->getField('city');
         $ddmCountry = $this->frm->getField('country');
         $ddmGender = $this->frm->getField('gender');
         $ddmDay = $this->frm->getField('day');
         $ddmMonth = $this->frm->getField('month');
         $ddmYear = $this->frm->getField('year');
         // get number of display name changes
         $nameChanges = (int) FrontendProfilesModel::getSetting($this->profile->getId(), 'display_name_changes');
         // has there been a valid display name change request?
         if ($this->profile->getDisplayName() !== $txtDisplayName->getValue() && $nameChanges <= FrontendProfilesModel::MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGES) {
             // display name filled in?
             if ($txtDisplayName->isFilled(FL::getError('FieldIsRequired'))) {
                 // display name exists?
                 if (FrontendProfilesModel::existsDisplayName($txtDisplayName->getValue(), $this->profile->getId())) {
                     // set error
         // birthdate is not required but if one is filled we need all
         if ($ddmMonth->isFilled() || $ddmDay->isFilled() || $ddmYear->isFilled()) {
             // valid birth date?
             if (!checkdate($ddmMonth->getValue(), $ddmDay->getValue(), $ddmYear->getValue())) {
                 // set error
         // validate avatar when given
         // no errors
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // init
             $values = array();
             $settings = array();
             // has there been a valid display name change request?
             if ($this->profile->getDisplayName() !== $txtDisplayName->getValue() && $nameChanges <= FrontendProfilesModel::MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGES) {
                 // get display name value
                 $values['display_name'] = $txtDisplayName->getValue();
                 // update url based on the new display name
                 $values['url'] = FrontendProfilesModel::getUrl($txtDisplayName->getValue(), $this->profile->getId());
                 // update display name count
                 $settings['display_name_changes'] = $nameChanges + 1;
             // update values
             if (!empty($values)) {
                 FrontendProfilesModel::update($this->profile->getId(), $values);
             // build settings
             $settings['first_name'] = $txtFirstName->getValue();
             $settings['last_name'] = $txtLastName->getValue();
             $settings['city'] = $txtCity->getValue();
             $settings['country'] = $ddmCountry->getValue();
             $settings['gender'] = $ddmGender->getValue();
             // birthday is filled in
             if ($ddmYear->isFilled()) {
                 // mysql format
                 $settings['birth_date'] = $ddmYear->getValue() . '-';
                 $settings['birth_date'] .= str_pad($ddmMonth->getValue(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-';
                 $settings['birth_date'] .= str_pad($ddmDay->getValue(), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             } else {
                 // not filled in
                 $settings['birth_date'] = null;
             // avatar
             $settings['avatar'] = $this->profile->getSetting('avatar');
             // create new filename
             if ($this->frm->getField('avatar')->isFilled()) {
                 // field value
                 $settings['avatar'] = \SpoonFilter::urlise($this->profile->getDisplayName()) . '.' . $this->frm->getField('avatar')->getExtension();
                 // move the file
                 $this->frm->getField('avatar')->generateThumbnails(FRONTEND_FILES_PATH . '/Profiles/Avatars/', $settings['avatar']);
             // save settings
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_saved_settings', array('id' => $this->profile->getId()));
             // redirect
             $this->redirect(SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'Settings') . '?sent=true');
         } else {
             $this->tpl->assign('updateSettingsHasFormError', true);
Beispiel #12
  * Validate the form.
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get fields
         $txtEmail = $this->frm->getField('email');
         $txtPassword = $this->frm->getField('password');
         $chkRemember = $this->frm->getField('remember');
         // required fields
         // both fields filled in
         if ($txtEmail->isFilled() && $txtPassword->isFilled()) {
             // valid email?
             if ($txtEmail->isEmail(FL::getError('EmailIsInvalid'))) {
                 // get the status for the given login
                 $loginStatus = FrontendProfilesAuthentication::getLoginStatus($txtEmail->getValue(), $txtPassword->getValue());
                 // valid login?
                 if ($loginStatus !== FrontendProfilesAuthentication::LOGIN_ACTIVE) {
                     // get the error string to use
                     $errorString = sprintf(FL::getError('Profiles' . \SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($loginStatus) . 'Login'), FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'ResendActivation'));
                     // add the error to stack
                     // add the error to the template variables
                     $this->tpl->assign('loginError', $errorString);
         // valid login
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // get profile id
             $profileId = FrontendProfilesModel::getIdByEmail($txtEmail->getValue());
             // login
             FrontendProfilesAuthentication::login($profileId, $chkRemember->getChecked());
             // update salt and password for Dieter's security features
             FrontendProfilesAuthentication::updatePassword($profileId, $txtPassword->getValue());
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_logged_in', array('id' => $profileId));
             // query string
             $queryString = urldecode(\SpoonFilter::getGetValue('queryString', null, SITE_URL));
             // redirect
Beispiel #13
  * Get a message from the language-file
  * @param string $key      The key to get.
  * @param bool   $fallback Should we provide a fallback in English?
  * @return string
 public static function msg($key, $fallback = true)
     trigger_error('Frontend\\Core\\Engine\\Language is deprecated.
          It has been moved to Frontend\\Core\\Language\\Language', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     return parent::msg($key, $fallback);
Beispiel #14
  * Get the URL for a give module & action combination
  * @param string $module   The module wherefore the URL should be build.
  * @param string $action   The specific action wherefore the URL should be build.
  * @param string $language The language wherein the URL should be retrieved,
  *                         if not provided we will load the language that was provided in the URL.
  * @param array $data      An array with keys and values that partially or fully match the data of the block.
  *                         If it matches multiple versions of that block it will just return the first match.
  * @return string
 public static function getURLForBlock($module, $action = null, $language = null, array $data = null)
     $module = (string) $module;
     $action = $action !== null ? (string) $action : null;
     $language = $language !== null ? (string) $language : BackendLanguage::getWorkingLanguage();
     $pageIdForURL = null;
     $navigation = self::getNavigation($language);
     $dataMatch = false;
     // loop types
     foreach ($navigation as $level) {
         // loop level
         foreach ($level as $pages) {
             // loop pages
             foreach ($pages as $pageId => $properties) {
                 // only process pages with extra_blocks that are visible
                 if (!isset($properties['extra_blocks']) || $properties['hidden']) {
                 // loop extras
                 foreach ($properties['extra_blocks'] as $extra) {
                     // direct link?
                     if ($extra['module'] == $module && $extra['action'] == $action && $extra['action'] !== null) {
                         // if there is data check if all the requested data matches the extra data
                         if (isset($extra['data']) && $data !== null && array_intersect_assoc($data, (array) $extra['data']) !== $data) {
                             // It is the correct action but has the wrong data
                         // exact page was found, so return
                         return self::getURL($properties['page_id'], $language);
                     if ($extra['module'] == $module && $extra['action'] == null) {
                         // if there is data check if all the requested data matches the extra data
                         if (isset($extra['data']) && $data !== null) {
                             if (array_intersect_assoc($data, (array) $extra['data']) !== $data) {
                                 // It is the correct module but has the wrong data
                             $pageIdForURL = (int) $pageId;
                             $dataMatch = true;
                         if ($extra['data'] === null && $data === null) {
                             $pageIdForURL = (int) $pageId;
                             $dataMatch = true;
                         if (!$dataMatch) {
                             $pageIdForURL = (int) $pageId;
     // still no page id?
     if ($pageIdForURL === null) {
         return self::getURL(404, $language);
     $url = self::getURL($pageIdForURL, $language);
     // set locale with force
     FrontendLanguage::setLocale($language, true);
     // append action
     if ($action !== null) {
         $url .= '/' . urldecode(FrontendLanguage::act(\SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($action)));
     // return the unique URL!
     return $url;
Beispiel #15
  * Get the current action
  * REMARK: You should not use this method from your code, but it has to be
  * public so we can access it later on in the core-code
  * @return string
 public function getAction()
     // no action specified?
     if ($this->action === null) {
         // get first parameter
         $actionParameter = $this->URL->getParameter(0);
         // unknown action and not provided in URL
         if ($actionParameter === null) {
         } else {
             // action provided in the URL
             // loop possible actions
             $actionParameter = \SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($actionParameter);
             foreach ($this->config->getPossibleActions() as $actionName) {
                 // get action that should be passed as parameter
                 $actionURL = \SpoonFilter::toCamelCase(rawurlencode(FL::act(\SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($actionName))));
                 // the action is the requested one
                 if ($actionURL == $actionParameter) {
                     // set action
                     // stop the loop
     return $this->action;
Beispiel #16
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get fields
         $txtDisplayName = $this->frm->getField('display_name');
         $txtEmail = $this->frm->getField('email');
         $txtPassword = $this->frm->getField('password');
         // check email
         if ($txtEmail->isFilled(FL::getError('EmailIsRequired'))) {
             // valid email?
             if ($txtEmail->isEmail(FL::getError('EmailIsInvalid'))) {
                 // email already exists?
                 if (FrontendProfilesModel::existsByEmail($txtEmail->getValue())) {
                     // set error
         // check password
         // no errors
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // init values
             $settings = array();
             $values = array();
             // generate salt
             $settings['salt'] = FrontendProfilesModel::getRandomString();
             $settings['language'] = LANGUAGE;
             // values
             $values['email'] = $txtEmail->getValue();
             $values['password'] = FrontendProfilesModel::getEncryptedString($txtPassword->getValue(), $settings['salt']);
             $values['status'] = 'inactive';
             $values['display_name'] = $txtDisplayName->getValue();
             $values['registered_on'] = FrontendModel::getUTCDate();
             $values['last_login'] = FrontendModel::getUTCDate(null, 0);
              * Add a profile.
              * We use a try-catch statement to catch errors when more users sign up simultaneously.
             try {
                 // insert profile
                 $profileId = FrontendProfilesModel::insert($values);
                 // use the profile id as url until we have an actual url
                 FrontendProfilesModel::update($profileId, array('url' => FrontendProfilesModel::getUrl($values['display_name'])));
                 // trigger event
                 FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_register', array('id' => $profileId));
                 // generate activation key
                 $settings['activation_key'] = FrontendProfilesModel::getEncryptedString($profileId . microtime(), $settings['salt']);
                 // set settings
                 FrontendProfilesModel::setSettings($profileId, $settings);
                 // login
                 // activation URL
                 $mailValues['activationUrl'] = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'Activate') . '/' . $settings['activation_key'];
                 // send email
                 $from = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_from');
                 $replyTo = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_reply_to');
                 $message = Message::newInstance(FL::getMessage('RegisterSubject'))->setFrom(array($from['email'] => $from['name']))->setTo(array($txtEmail->getValue() => ''))->setReplyTo(array($replyTo['email'] => $replyTo['name']))->parseHtml('/Profiles/Layout/Templates/Mails/Register.html.twig', $mailValues, true);
                 // redirect
                 $this->redirect(SITE_URL . $this->URL->getQueryString() . '?sent=true');
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // make sure RedirectExceptions get thrown
                 if ($e instanceof RedirectException) {
                     throw $e;
                 // when debugging we need to see the exceptions
                 if ($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug')) {
                     throw $e;
                 // show error
                 $this->tpl->assign('registerHasFormError', true);
         } else {
             $this->tpl->assign('registerHasFormError', true);
Beispiel #17
  * This method exists because the service container needs to be set before
  * the page's functionality gets loaded.
 public function initialize()
     // because some cronjobs will be run on the command line we should pass parameters
     if (isset($_SERVER['argv'])) {
         // init var
         $first = true;
         // loop all passes arguments
         foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $parameter) {
             // ignore first, because this is the scripts name.
             if ($first) {
                 // reset
                 $first = false;
                 // skip
             // split into chunks
             $chunks = explode('=', $parameter, 2);
             // valid parameters?
             if (count($chunks) == 2) {
                 // build key and value
                 $key = trim($chunks[0], '--');
                 $value = $chunks[1];
                 // set in GET
                 if ($key != '' && $value != '') {
                     $_GET[$key] = $value;
     // define the Named Application
     if (!defined('NAMED_APPLICATION')) {
         define('NAMED_APPLICATION', 'Backend');
     // set the module
     $this->setModule(\SpoonFilter::toCamelCase(\SpoonFilter::getGetValue('module', null, '')));
     // set the requested file
     $this->setAction(\SpoonFilter::toCamelCase(\SpoonFilter::getGetValue('action', null, '')));
     // set the language
     $this->setLanguage(\SpoonFilter::getGetValue('language', FrontendLanguage::getActiveLanguages(), SITE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE));
     // mark cronjob as run
     $cronjobs = (array) $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'cronjobs');
     $cronjobs[] = $this->getModule() . '.' . $this->getAction();
     $this->get('fork.settings')->set('Core', 'cronjobs', array_unique($cronjobs));
Beispiel #18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function getPossibleLanguages()
     return array_flip(Language::getActiveLanguages());
Beispiel #19
  * Get an unique URL for a page
  * @param string $url      The URL to base on.
  * @param int    $id       The id to ignore.
  * @param int    $parentId The parent for the page to create an url for.
  * @param bool   $isAction Is this page an action.
  * @return string
 public static function getURL($url, $id = null, $parentId = 0, $isAction = false)
     $url = (string) $url;
     $parentIds = array((int) $parentId);
     // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are all top levels, so we should place them on the same level
     if ($parentId == 0 || $parentId == 1 || $parentId == 2 || $parentId == 3 || $parentId == 4) {
         $parentIds = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
     // get db
     $db = BackendModel::getContainer()->get('database');
     // no specific id
     if ($id === null) {
         // no items?
         if ((bool) $db->getVar('SELECT 1
              FROM pages AS i
              INNER JOIN meta AS m ON i.meta_id =
              WHERE i.parent_id IN(' . implode(',', $parentIds) . ') AND i.status = ? AND m.url = ?
                 AND i.language = ?
              LIMIT 1', array('active', $url, BL::getWorkingLanguage()))) {
             // add a number
             $url = BackendModel::addNumber($url);
             // recall this method, but with a new URL
             return self::getURL($url, null, $parentId, $isAction);
     } else {
         // one item should be ignored
         // there are items so, call this method again.
         if ((bool) $db->getVar('SELECT 1
              FROM pages AS i
              INNER JOIN meta AS m ON i.meta_id =
              WHERE i.parent_id IN(' . implode(',', $parentIds) . ') AND i.status = ?
                 AND m.url = ? AND != ? AND i.language = ?
              LIMIT 1', array('active', $url, $id, BL::getWorkingLanguage()))) {
             // add a number
             $url = BackendModel::addNumber($url);
             // recall this method, but with a new URL
             return self::getURL($url, $id, $parentId, $isAction);
     // get full URL
     $fullURL = self::getFullURL($parentId) . '/' . $url;
     // get info about parent page
     $parentPageInfo = self::get($parentId, null, BL::getWorkingLanguage());
     // does the parent have extras?
     if ($parentPageInfo['has_extra'] == 'Y' && !$isAction) {
         // set locale
         FrontendLanguage::setLocale(BL::getWorkingLanguage(), true);
         // get all on-site action
         $actions = FrontendLanguage::getActions();
         // if the new URL conflicts with an action we should rebuild the URL
         if (in_array($url, $actions)) {
             // add a number
             $url = BackendModel::addNumber($url);
             // recall this method, but with a new URL
             return self::getURL($url, $id, $parentId, $isAction);
     // check if folder exists
     if (is_dir(PATH_WWW . '/' . $fullURL) || is_file(PATH_WWW . '/' . $fullURL)) {
         // add a number
         $url = BackendModel::addNumber($url);
         // recall this method, but with a new URL
         return self::getURL($url, $id, $parentId, $isAction);
     // check if it is an application
     if (array_key_exists(trim($fullURL, '/'), \ApplicationRouting::getRoutes())) {
         // add a number
         $url = BackendModel::addNumber($url);
         // recall this method, but with a new URL
         return self::getURL($url, $id, $parentId, $isAction);
     // return the unique URL!
     return $url;
Beispiel #20
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // shorten the fields
         $txtName = $this->frm->getField('name');
         $txtEmail = $this->frm->getField('email');
         $ddmMethod = $this->frm->getField('method');
         $txtSuccessMessage = $this->frm->getField('success_message');
         $txtIdentifier = $this->frm->getField('identifier');
         $emailAddresses = (array) explode(',', $txtEmail->getValue());
         // validate fields
         if ($ddmMethod->isFilled(BL::getError('NameIsRequired')) && $ddmMethod->getValue() == 'database_email') {
             $error = false;
             // check the addresses
             foreach ($emailAddresses as $address) {
                 $address = trim($address);
                 if (!\SpoonFilter::isEmail($address)) {
                     $error = true;
             // add error
             if ($error) {
         // identifier
         if ($txtIdentifier->isFilled()) {
             // invalid characters
             if (!\SpoonFilter::isValidAgainstRegexp('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_\\-]+$/', $txtIdentifier->getValue())) {
             } elseif (BackendFormBuilderModel::existsIdentifier($txtIdentifier->getValue())) {
                 // unique identifier
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // build array
             $values['language'] = BL::getWorkingLanguage();
             $values['user_id'] = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getUserId();
             $values['name'] = $txtName->getValue();
             $values['method'] = $ddmMethod->getValue();
             $values['email'] = $ddmMethod->getValue() == 'database_email' ? serialize($emailAddresses) : null;
             $values['success_message'] = $txtSuccessMessage->getValue(true);
             $values['identifier'] = $txtIdentifier->isFilled() ? $txtIdentifier->getValue() : BackendFormBuilderModel::createIdentifier();
             $values['created_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
             $values['edited_on'] = BackendModel::getUTCDate();
             // insert the item
             $id = BackendFormBuilderModel::insert($values);
             // trigger event
             BackendModel::triggerEvent($this->getModule(), 'after_add', array('item' => $values));
             // set frontend locale
             FL::setLocale(BL::getWorkingLanguage(), true);
             // create submit button
             $field['form_id'] = $id;
             $field['type'] = 'submit';
             $field['settings'] = serialize(array('values' => \SpoonFilter::ucfirst(FL::getLabel('Send'))));
             // everything is saved, so redirect to the editform
             $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Edit') . '&id=' . $id . '&report=added&var=' . rawurlencode($values['name']) . '#tabFields');
Beispiel #21
  * Parse the languages
 protected function parseLanguages()
     // just execute if the site is multi-language
     if ($this->getContainer()->getParameter('site.multilanguage')) {
         // get languages
         $activeLanguages = Language::getActiveLanguages();
         // init var
         $languages = array();
         // loop active languages
         foreach ($activeLanguages as $language) {
             // build temp array
             $temp = array();
             $temp['url'] = '/' . $language;
             $temp['label'] = $language;
             $temp['name'] = Language::msg(mb_strtoupper($language));
             $temp['current'] = (bool) ($language == LANGUAGE);
             // add
             $languages[] = $temp;
         // assign
         if (count($languages) > 1) {
             $this->tpl->addGlobal('languages', $languages);
Beispiel #22
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get field
         $txtEmail = $this->frm->getField('email');
         // field is filled in?
         if ($txtEmail->isFilled(FL::getError('EmailIsRequired'))) {
             // valid email?
             if ($txtEmail->isEmail(FL::getError('EmailIsInvalid'))) {
                 // email exists?
                 if (FrontendProfilesModel::existsByEmail($txtEmail->getValue())) {
                     // get profile id using the filled in email
                     $profileId = FrontendProfilesModel::getIdByEmail($txtEmail->getValue());
                     // get profile
                     $profile = FrontendProfilesModel::get($profileId);
                     // must be inactive
                     if ($profile->getStatus() != FrontendProfilesAuthentication::LOGIN_INACTIVE) {
                 } else {
                     // email don't exist
         // valid login
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // activation URL
             $mailValues['activationUrl'] = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'Activate') . '/' . $profile->getSetting('activation_key');
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_resend_activation', array('id' => $profileId));
             // send email
             $from = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_from');
             $replyTo = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_reply_to');
             $message = Message::newInstance(FL::getMessage('RegisterSubject'))->setFrom(array($from['email'] => $from['name']))->setTo(array($profile->getEmail() => ''))->setReplyTo(array($replyTo['email'] => $replyTo['name']))->parseHtml('/Profiles/Layout/Templates/Mails/Register.html.twig', $mailValues, true);
             // redirect
             $this->redirect(SITE_URL . $this->URL->getQueryString() . '?sent=true');
         } else {
             $this->tpl->assign('resendActivationHasError', true);
Beispiel #23
  * Parse the data into the template
 private function parse()
     // get RSS-link
     $rssTitle = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'rss_title_' . LANGUAGE);
     $rssLink = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Rss');
     // add RSS-feed
     $this->header->addRssLink($rssTitle, $rssLink);
     // add into breadcrumb
     // set pageTitle
     // advanced SEO-attributes
     if (isset($this->category['meta_data']['seo_index'])) {
         $this->header->addMetaData(array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => $this->category['meta_data']['seo_index']));
     if (isset($this->category['meta_data']['seo_follow'])) {
         $this->header->addMetaData(array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => $this->category['meta_data']['seo_follow']));
     // assign category
     $this->tpl->assign('category', $this->category);
     // assign articles
     $this->tpl->assign('items', $this->items);
     // parse the pagination
Beispiel #24
 public function parse()
     // more matches to be found than?
     if ($this->pagination['num_items'] > count($this->items)) {
         // remove last result (to add this reference)
         // add reference to full search results page
         $this->items[] = array('title' => FL::lbl('More'), 'text' => FL::msg('MoreResults'), 'full_url' => FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Search') . '?form=search&q=' . $this->term);
     $charset = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.charset');
     // format data
     foreach ($this->items as &$item) {
         // format description
         $item['text'] = !empty($item['text']) ? mb_strlen($item['text']) > $this->length ? mb_substr(strip_tags($item['text']), 0, $this->length, $charset) . '…' : $item['text'] : '';
     // output
     $this->output(self::OK, $this->items);
Beispiel #25
  * Notify the admin
  * @param array $comment The comment that was submitted.
 public static function notifyAdmin(array $comment)
     // don't notify admin in case of spam
     if ($comment['status'] == 'spam') {
     // get settings
     $notifyByMailOnComment = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'notify_by_email_on_new_comment', false);
     $notifyByMailOnCommentToModerate = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'notify_by_email_on_new_comment_to_moderate', false);
     // create URLs
     $url = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Detail') . '/' . $comment['post_url'] . '#comment-' . $comment['id'];
     $backendURL = SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getBackendURLForBlock('comments', 'Blog') . '#tabModeration';
     // notify on all comments
     if ($notifyByMailOnComment) {
         // init var
         $variables = null;
         // comment to moderate
         if ($comment['status'] == 'moderation') {
             $variables['message'] = vsprintf(FL::msg('BlogEmailNotificationsNewCommentToModerate'), array($comment['author'], $url, $comment['post_title'], $backendURL));
         } elseif ($comment['status'] == 'published') {
             // comment was published
             $variables['message'] = vsprintf(FL::msg('BlogEmailNotificationsNewComment'), array($comment['author'], $url, $comment['post_title']));
         $to = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_to');
         $from = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_from');
         $replyTo = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_reply_to');
         $message = Message::newInstance(FL::msg('NotificationSubject'))->setFrom(array($from['email'] => $from['name']))->setTo(array($to['email'] => $to['name']))->setReplyTo(array($replyTo['email'] => $replyTo['name']))->parseHtml('/Core/Layout/Templates/Mails/Notification.html.twig', $variables, true);
     } elseif ($notifyByMailOnCommentToModerate && $comment['status'] == 'moderation') {
         // only notify on new comments to moderate and if the comment is one to moderate
         // set variables
         $variables['message'] = vsprintf(FL::msg('BlogEmailNotificationsNewCommentToModerate'), array($comment['author'], $url, $comment['post_title'], $backendURL));
         $to = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_to');
         $from = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_from');
         $replyTo = FrontendModel::get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'mailer_reply_to');
         $message = Message::newInstance(FL::msg('NotificationSubject'))->setFrom(array($from['email'] => $from['name']))->setTo(array($to['email'] => $to['name']))->setReplyTo(array($replyTo['email'] => $replyTo['name']))->parseHtml('/Core/Layout/Templates/Mails/Notification.html.twig', $variables, true);
Beispiel #26
  * Parse the data into the template
 private function parse()
     // get RSS-link
     $rssTitle = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'rss_title_' . LANGUAGE);
     $rssLink = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Rss');
     // add RSS-feed
     $this->header->addRssLink($rssTitle, $rssLink);
     // add into breadcrumb
     if ($this->month !== null) {
         $this->breadcrumb->addElement(\SpoonDate::getDate('F', $this->startDate, LANGUAGE, true));
     // set pageTitle
     if ($this->month !== null) {
         $this->header->setPageTitle(\SpoonDate::getDate('F', $this->startDate, LANGUAGE, true));
     // assign category
     $this->tpl->assign('archive', array('start_date' => $this->startDate, 'end_date' => $this->endDate, 'year' => $this->year, 'month' => $this->month));
     // assign items
     $this->tpl->assign('items', $this->items);
     // assign allowComments
     $this->tpl->assign('allowComments', $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Blog', 'allow_comments'));
     // parse the pagination
Beispiel #27
  * Validate the form
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get fields
         $txtOldPassword = $this->frm->getField('old_password');
         $txtNewPassword = $this->frm->getField('new_password');
         // old password filled in?
         if ($txtOldPassword->isFilled(FL::getError('PasswordIsRequired'))) {
             // old password correct?
             if (FrontendProfilesAuthentication::getLoginStatus($this->profile->getEmail(), $txtOldPassword->getValue()) !== FrontendProfilesAuthentication::LOGIN_ACTIVE) {
                 // set error
             // new password filled in?
             // passwords match?
             if ($this->frm->getField('new_password')->getValue() !== $this->frm->getField('verify_new_password')->getValue()) {
         // no errors
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // update password
             FrontendProfilesAuthentication::updatePassword($this->profile->getId(), $txtNewPassword->getValue());
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_change_password', array('id' => $this->profile->getId()));
             // redirect
             $this->redirect(SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'ChangePassword') . '?sent=true');
         } else {
             $this->tpl->assign('updatePasswordHasFormError', true);
Beispiel #28
  * Validate the form.
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get fields
         $txtPassword = $this->frm->getField('password');
         $txtEmail = $this->frm->getField('email');
         // password filled in?
         if ($txtPassword->isFilled(FL::getError('PasswordIsRequired'))) {
             // password correct?
             if (FrontendProfilesAuthentication::getLoginStatus($this->profile->getEmail(), $txtPassword->getValue()) !== FrontendProfilesAuthentication::LOGIN_ACTIVE) {
                 // set error
             // email filled in?
             if ($txtEmail->isFilled(FL::getError('EmailIsRequired'))) {
                 // valid email?
                 if ($txtEmail->isEmail(FL::getError('EmailIsInvalid'))) {
                     // email already exists?
                     if (FrontendProfilesModel::existsByEmail($txtEmail->getValue(), $this->profile->getId())) {
                         // set error
         // no errors
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // update email
             FrontendProfilesModel::update($this->profile->getId(), array('email' => $txtEmail->getValue()));
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_change_email', array('id' => $this->profile->getId()));
             // redirect
             $this->redirect(SITE_URL . FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'ChangeEmail') . '?sent=true');
         } else {
             $this->tpl->assign('updateEmailHasFormError', true);
Beispiel #29
  * Process the query string
 private function processQueryString()
     // store the query string local, so we don't alter it.
     $queryString = trim($this->request->getPathInfo(), '/');
     // split into chunks
     $chunks = (array) explode('/', $queryString);
     $hasMultiLanguages = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('site.multilanguage');
     // single language
     if (!$hasMultiLanguages) {
         // set language id
         $language = $this->get('fork.settings')->get('Core', 'default_language', SITE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
     } else {
         // multiple languages
         // default value
         $mustRedirect = false;
         // get possible languages
         $possibleLanguages = (array) Language::getActiveLanguages();
         $redirectLanguages = (array) Language::getRedirectLanguages();
         // the language is present in the URL
         if (isset($chunks[0]) && in_array($chunks[0], $possibleLanguages)) {
             // define language
             $language = (string) $chunks[0];
             // try to set a cookie with the language
             try {
                 // set cookie
                 CommonCookie::set('frontend_language', $language);
             } catch (\SpoonCookieException $e) {
                 // settings cookies isn't allowed, because this isn't a real problem we ignore the exception
             // set sessions
             \SpoonSession::set('frontend_language', $language);
             // remove the language part
         } elseif (CommonCookie::exists('frontend_language') && in_array(CommonCookie::get('frontend_language'), $redirectLanguages)) {
             // set languageId
             $language = (string) CommonCookie::get('frontend_language');
             // redirect is needed
             $mustRedirect = true;
         } else {
             // default browser language
             // set languageId & abbreviation
             $language = Language::getBrowserLanguage();
             // try to set a cookie with the language
             try {
                 // set cookie
                 CommonCookie::set('frontend_language', $language);
             } catch (\SpoonCookieException $e) {
                 // settings cookies isn't allowed, because this isn't a real problem we ignore the exception
             // redirect is needed
             $mustRedirect = true;
         // redirect is required
         if ($mustRedirect) {
             // build URL
             // trim the first / from the query string to prevent double slashes
             $url = rtrim('/' . $language . '/' . trim($this->getQueryString(), '/'), '/');
             // when we are just adding the language to the domain, it's a temporary redirect because
             // Safari keeps the 301 in cache, so the cookie to switch language doesn't work any more
             $redirectCode = $url == '/' . $language ? 302 : 301;
             // set header & redirect
             throw new RedirectException('Redirect', new RedirectResponse($url, $redirectCode));
     // define the language
     defined('FRONTEND_LANGUAGE') || define('FRONTEND_LANGUAGE', $language);
     defined('LANGUAGE') || define('LANGUAGE', $language);
     // sets the locale file
     // list of pageIds & their full URL
     $keys = Navigation::getKeys();
     // rebuild our URL, but without the language parameter. (it's tripped earlier)
     $url = implode('/', $chunks);
     $startURL = $url;
     // loop until we find the URL in the list of pages
     while (!in_array($url, $keys)) {
         // remove the last chunk
         // redefine the URL
         $url = implode('/', $chunks);
     // remove language from query string
     if ($hasMultiLanguages) {
         $queryString = trim(mb_substr($queryString, mb_strlen($language)), '/');
     // if it's the homepage AND parameters were given (not allowed!)
     if ($url == '' && $queryString != '') {
         // get 404 URL
         $url = Navigation::getURL(404);
         // remove language
         if ($hasMultiLanguages) {
             $url = str_replace('/' . $language, '', $url);
     // set pages
     $url = trim($url, '/');
     // currently not in the homepage
     if ($url != '') {
         // explode in pages
         $pages = explode('/', $url);
         // reset pages
         // reset parameters
     // set parameters
     $parameters = trim(mb_substr($startURL, mb_strlen($url)), '/');
     // has at least one parameter
     if ($parameters != '') {
         // parameters will be separated by /
         $parameters = explode('/', $parameters);
         // set parameters
     // pageId, parentId & depth
     $pageId = Navigation::getPageId(implode('/', $this->getPages()));
     $pageInfo = Navigation::getPageInfo($pageId);
     // invalid page, or parameters but no extra
     if ($pageInfo === false || !empty($parameters) && !$pageInfo['has_extra']) {
         // get 404 URL
         $url = Navigation::getURL(404);
         // remove language
         if ($hasMultiLanguages) {
             $url = str_replace('/' . $language, '', $url);
         // remove the first slash
         $url = trim($url, '/');
         // currently not in the homepage
         if ($url != '') {
             // explode in pages
             $pages = explode('/', $url);
             // reset pages
             // reset parameters
     // is this an internal redirect?
     if (isset($pageInfo['redirect_page_id']) && $pageInfo['redirect_page_id'] != '') {
         // get url for item
         $newPageURL = Navigation::getURL((int) $pageInfo['redirect_page_id']);
         $errorURL = Navigation::getURL(404);
         // not an error?
         if ($newPageURL != $errorURL) {
             // redirect
             throw new RedirectException('Redirect', new RedirectResponse($newPageURL, $pageInfo['redirect_code']));
     // is this an external redirect?
     if (isset($pageInfo['redirect_url']) && $pageInfo['redirect_url'] != '') {
         // redirect
         throw new RedirectException('Redirect', new RedirectResponse($pageInfo['redirect_url'], $pageInfo['redirect_code']));
Beispiel #30
  * Validate the form.
 private function validateForm()
     // is the form submitted
     if ($this->frm->isSubmitted()) {
         // get fields
         $txtPassword = $this->frm->getField('password');
         // field is filled in?
         // valid
         if ($this->frm->isCorrect()) {
             // get profile id
             $profileId = FrontendProfilesModel::getIdBySetting('forgot_password_key', $this->URL->getParameter(0));
             // remove key (we can only update the password once with this key)
             FrontendProfilesModel::deleteSetting($profileId, 'forgot_password_key');
             // update password
             FrontendProfilesAuthentication::updatePassword($profileId, $txtPassword->getValue());
             // login (check again because we might have logged in in the meanwhile)
             if (!FrontendProfilesAuthentication::isLoggedIn()) {
             // trigger event
             FrontendModel::triggerEvent('Profiles', 'after_reset_password', array('id' => $profileId));
             // redirect
             $this->redirect(FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Profiles', 'ResetPassword') . '/' . $this->URL->getParameter(0) . '?sent=true');
         } else {
             $this->tpl->assign('forgotPasswordHasError', true);