  * Get Indis from surname input - see: WT\Controller\Branches.php - loadIndividuals
  * @param type $surname
  * @param type $russell
  * @param type $daitchMokotoff
  * @return type
 protected function indisArray($surname, $russell, $daitchMokotoff)
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT i_id AS xref, i_file AS tree_id, i_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##individuals`" . " JOIN `##name` ON (i_id = n_id AND i_file = n_file)" . " WHERE n_file = :tree_id" . " AND n_type != '_MARNM'" . " AND (n_surn = :surname1 OR n_surname = :surname2";
     $args = array('tree_id' => $this->tree_id, 'surname1' => $surname, 'surname2' => $surname);
     if ($russell) {
         // works only with latin letters. For other letters it outputs the code '0000'.
         foreach (explode(':', Soundex::russell($surname)) as $value) {
             if ($value != '0000') {
                 $sql .= " OR n_soundex_surn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', '" . $value . "', '%')";
     if ($daitchMokotoff) {
         // works only with predefined letters and lettercombinations. Fot other letters it outputs the code '000000'.
         foreach (explode(':', Soundex::daitchMokotoff($surname)) as $value) {
             if ($value != '000000') {
                 $sql .= " OR n_soundex_surn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', '" . $value . "', '%')";
     $sql .= ')';
     $rows = Database::prepare($sql)->execute($args)->fetchAll();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $tree = Tree::findById($row->tree_id);
         $data[] = Individual::getInstance($row->xref, $tree, $row->gedcom);
     return $data;
  * Generate a recursive list of descendants of an individual.
  * If parents are specified, we can also show the pedigree (adopted, etc.).
  * @param Individual  $individual
  * @param Family|null $parents
  * @return string
 private function getDescendantsHtml(Individual $individual, Family $parents = null)
     // A person has many names. Select the one that matches the searched surname
     $person_name = '';
     foreach ($individual->getAllNames() as $name) {
         list($surn1) = explode(",", $name['sort']);
         if (stripos($surn1, $this->surname) !== false || stripos($this->surname, $surn1) !== false || $this->soundex_std && Soundex::compare(Soundex::russell($surn1), Soundex::russell($this->surname)) || $this->soundex_dm && Soundex::compare(Soundex::daitchMokotoff($surn1), Soundex::daitchMokotoff($this->surname))) {
             $person_name = $name['full'];
     // No matching name? Typically children with a different surname. The branch stops here.
     if (!$person_name) {
         return '<li title="' . strip_tags($individual->getFullName()) . '">' . $individual->getSexImage() . '…</li>';
     // Is this individual one of our ancestors?
     $sosa = array_search($individual, $this->ancestors, true);
     if ($sosa) {
         $sosa_class = 'search_hit';
         $sosa_html = ' <a class="details1 ' . $individual->getBoxStyle() . '" title="' . I18N::translate('Sosa') . '" href="relationship.php?pid2=' . $this->ancestors[1]->getXref() . '&amp;pid1=' . $individual->getXref() . '">' . $sosa . '</a>' . self::sosaGeneration($sosa);
     } else {
         $sosa_class = '';
         $sosa_html = '';
     // Generate HTML for this individual, and all their descendants
     $indi_html = $individual->getSexImage() . '<a class="' . $sosa_class . '" href="' . $individual->getHtmlUrl() . '">' . $person_name . '</a> ' . $individual->getLifeSpan() . $sosa_html;
     // If this is not a birth pedigree (e.g. an adoption), highlight it
     if ($parents) {
         $pedi = '';
         foreach ($individual->getFacts('FAMC') as $fact) {
             if ($fact->getTarget() === $parents) {
                 $pedi = $fact->getAttribute('PEDI');
         if ($pedi && $pedi != 'birth') {
             $indi_html = '<span class="red">' . GedcomCodePedi::getValue($pedi, $individual) . '</span> ' . $indi_html;
     // spouses and children
     $spouse_families = $individual->getSpouseFamilies();
     if ($spouse_families) {
         usort($spouse_families, '\\Fisharebest\\Webtrees\\Family::compareMarrDate');
         $fam_html = '';
         foreach ($spouse_families as $family) {
             $fam_html .= $indi_html;
             // Repeat the individual details for each spouse.
             $spouse = $family->getSpouse($individual);
             if ($spouse) {
                 $sosa = array_search($spouse, $this->ancestors, true);
                 if ($sosa) {
                     $sosa_class = 'search_hit';
                     $sosa_html = ' <a class="details1 ' . $spouse->getBoxStyle() . '" title="' . I18N::translate('Sosa') . '" href="relationship.php?pid2=' . $this->ancestors[1]->getXref() . '&amp;pid1=' . $spouse->getXref() . '"> ' . $sosa . ' </a>' . self::sosaGeneration($sosa);
                 } else {
                     $sosa_class = '';
                     $sosa_html = '';
                 $marriage_year = $family->getMarriageYear();
                 if ($marriage_year) {
                     $fam_html .= ' <a href="' . $family->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . strip_tags($family->getMarriageDate()->display()) . '"><i class="icon-rings"></i>' . $marriage_year . '</a>';
                 } elseif ($family->getFirstFact('MARR')) {
                     $fam_html .= ' <a href="' . $family->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR') . '"><i class="icon-rings"></i></a>';
                 } elseif ($family->getFirstFact('_NMR')) {
                     $fam_html .= ' <a href="' . $family->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . GedcomTag::getLabel('_NMR') . '"><i class="icon-rings"></i></a>';
                 $fam_html .= ' ' . $spouse->getSexImage() . '<a class="' . $sosa_class . '" href="' . $spouse->getHtmlUrl() . '">' . $spouse->getFullName() . '</a> ' . $spouse->getLifeSpan() . ' ' . $sosa_html;
             $fam_html .= '<ol>';
             foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) {
                 $fam_html .= $this->getDescendantsHtml($child, $family);
             $fam_html .= '</ol>';
         return '<li>' . $fam_html . '</li>';
     } else {
         // No spouses - just show the individual
         return '<li>' . $indi_html . '</li>';
Beispiel #3
  * Extract all the names from the given record and insert them into the database.
  * @param string       $xref
  * @param int          $ged_id
  * @param GedcomRecord $record
 public static function updateNames($xref, $ged_id, GedcomRecord $record)
     foreach ($record->getAllNames() as $n => $name) {
         if ($record instanceof Individual) {
             if ($name['givn'] === '@P.N.') {
                 $soundex_givn_std = null;
                 $soundex_givn_dm = null;
             } else {
                 $soundex_givn_std = Soundex::russell($name['givn']);
                 $soundex_givn_dm = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($name['givn']);
             if ($name['surn'] === '@N.N.') {
                 $soundex_surn_std = null;
                 $soundex_surn_dm = null;
             } else {
                 $soundex_surn_std = Soundex::russell($name['surname']);
                 $soundex_surn_dm = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($name['surname']);
             Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##name` (n_file,n_id,n_num,n_type,n_sort,n_full,n_surname,n_surn,n_givn,n_soundex_givn_std,n_soundex_surn_std,n_soundex_givn_dm,n_soundex_surn_dm) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")->execute(array($ged_id, $xref, $n, $name['type'], $name['sort'], $name['fullNN'], $name['surname'], $name['surn'], $name['givn'], $soundex_givn_std, $soundex_surn_std, $soundex_givn_dm, $soundex_surn_dm));
         } else {
             Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##name` (n_file,n_id,n_num,n_type,n_sort,n_full) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, LEFT(?, 255), LEFT(?, 255))")->execute(array($ged_id, $xref, $n, $name['type'], $name['sort'], $name['fullNN']));
  * Perform the search
 private function advancedSearch()
     global $WT_TREE;
     $this->myindilist = array();
     $fct = count($this->fields);
     if (!array_filter($this->values)) {
     // Dynamic SQL query, plus bind variables
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ind.i_id AS xref, ind.i_gedcom AS gedcom FROM `##individuals` ind';
     $bind = array();
     // Join the following tables
     $father_name = false;
     $mother_name = false;
     $spouse_family = false;
     $indi_name = false;
     $indi_date = false;
     $fam_date = false;
     $indi_plac = false;
     $fam_plac = false;
     foreach ($this->fields as $n => $field) {
         if ($this->values[$n]) {
             if (substr($field, 0, 14) == 'FAMC:HUSB:NAME') {
                 $father_name = true;
             } elseif (substr($field, 0, 14) == 'FAMC:WIFE:NAME') {
                 $mother_name = true;
             } elseif (substr($field, 0, 4) == 'NAME') {
                 $indi_name = true;
             } elseif (strpos($field, ':DATE') !== false) {
                 if (substr($field, 0, 4) == 'FAMS') {
                     $fam_date = true;
                     $spouse_family = true;
                 } else {
                     $indi_date = true;
             } elseif (strpos($field, ':PLAC') !== false) {
                 if (substr($field, 0, 4) == 'FAMS') {
                     $fam_plac = true;
                     $spouse_family = true;
                 } else {
                     $indi_plac = true;
             } elseif ($field == 'FAMS:NOTE') {
                 $spouse_family = true;
     if ($father_name || $mother_name) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##link`   l_1 ON (l_1.l_file=ind.i_file AND l_1.l_from=ind.i_id AND l_1.l_type='FAMC')";
     if ($father_name) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##link`   l_2 ON (l_2.l_file=ind.i_file AND l_2.l_from=l_1.l_to AND l_2.l_type='HUSB')";
         $sql .= " JOIN `##name`   f_n ON (f_n.n_file=ind.i_file AND f_n.n_id  =l_2.l_to)";
     if ($mother_name) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##link`   l_3 ON (l_3.l_file=ind.i_file AND l_3.l_from=l_1.l_to AND l_3.l_type='WIFE')";
         $sql .= " JOIN `##name`   m_n ON (m_n.n_file=ind.i_file AND m_n.n_id  =l_3.l_to)";
     if ($spouse_family) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##link`     l_4 ON (l_4.l_file=ind.i_file AND l_4.l_from=ind.i_id AND l_4.l_type='FAMS')";
         $sql .= " JOIN `##families` fam ON (fam.f_file=ind.i_file AND fam.f_id  =l_4.l_to)";
     if ($indi_name) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##name`   i_n ON (i_n.n_file=ind.i_file AND i_n.n_id=ind.i_id)";
     if ($indi_date) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##dates`  i_d ON (i_d.d_file=ind.i_file AND i_d.d_gid=ind.i_id)";
     if ($fam_date) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##dates`  f_d ON (f_d.d_file=ind.i_file AND f_d.d_gid=fam.f_id)";
     if ($indi_plac) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##placelinks`   i_pl ON (i_pl.pl_file=ind.i_file AND i_pl.pl_gid =ind.i_id)";
         $sql .= " JOIN (" . "SELECT CONCAT_WS(', ', p1.p_place, p2.p_place, p3.p_place, p4.p_place, p5.p_place, p6.p_place, p7.p_place, p8.p_place, p9.p_place) AS place, p1.p_id AS id, p1.p_file AS file" . " FROM      `##places` AS p1" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p2 ON (p1.p_parent_id=p2.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p3 ON (p2.p_parent_id=p3.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p4 ON (p3.p_parent_id=p4.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p5 ON (p4.p_parent_id=p5.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p6 ON (p5.p_parent_id=p6.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p7 ON (p6.p_parent_id=p7.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p8 ON (p7.p_parent_id=p8.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p9 ON (p8.p_parent_id=p9.p_id)" . ") AS i_p ON (i_p.file  =ind.i_file AND i_pl.pl_p_id= i_p.id)";
     if ($fam_plac) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##placelinks`   f_pl ON (f_pl.pl_file=ind.i_file AND f_pl.pl_gid =fam.f_id)";
         $sql .= " JOIN (" . "SELECT CONCAT_WS(', ', p1.p_place, p2.p_place, p3.p_place, p4.p_place, p5.p_place, p6.p_place, p7.p_place, p8.p_place, p9.p_place) AS place, p1.p_id AS id, p1.p_file AS file" . " FROM      `##places` AS p1" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p2 ON (p1.p_parent_id=p2.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p3 ON (p2.p_parent_id=p3.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p4 ON (p3.p_parent_id=p4.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p5 ON (p4.p_parent_id=p5.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p6 ON (p5.p_parent_id=p6.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p7 ON (p6.p_parent_id=p7.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p8 ON (p7.p_parent_id=p8.p_id)" . " LEFT JOIN `##places` AS p9 ON (p8.p_parent_id=p9.p_id)" . ") AS f_p ON (f_p.file  =ind.i_file AND f_pl.pl_p_id= f_p.id)";
     // Add the where clause
     $sql .= " WHERE ind.i_file=?";
     $bind[] = $WT_TREE->getTreeId();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $fct; $i++) {
         $field = $this->fields[$i];
         $value = $this->values[$i];
         if ($value === '') {
         $parts = preg_split("/:/", $field . '::::');
         if ($parts[0] == 'NAME') {
             // NAME:*
             switch ($parts[1]) {
                 case 'GIVN':
                     switch ($parts[2]) {
                         case 'EXACT':
                             $sql .= " AND i_n.n_givn=?";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'BEGINS':
                             $sql .= " AND i_n.n_givn LIKE CONCAT(?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'CONTAINS':
                             $sql .= " AND i_n.n_givn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX_STD':
                             $sdx = Soundex::russell($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "i_n.n_soundex_givn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND i_n.n_givn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX':
                             // SDX uses DM by default.
                         // SDX uses DM by default.
                         case 'SDX_DM':
                             $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "i_n.n_soundex_givn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND i_n.n_givn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                 case 'SURN':
                     switch ($parts[2]) {
                         case 'EXACT':
                             $sql .= " AND i_n.n_surname=?";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'BEGINS':
                             $sql .= " AND i_n.n_surname LIKE CONCAT(?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'CONTAINS':
                             $sql .= " AND i_n.n_surname LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX_STD':
                             $sdx = Soundex::russell($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "i_n.n_soundex_surn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= " AND (" . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ")";
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND i_n.n_surn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX':
                             // SDX uses DM by default.
                         // SDX uses DM by default.
                         case 'SDX_DM':
                             $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "i_n.n_soundex_surn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= " AND (" . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ")";
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND i_n.n_surn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                 case 'NICK':
                 case '_MARNM':
                 case '_HEB':
                 case '_AKA':
                     $sql .= " AND i_n.n_type=? AND i_n.n_full LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                     $bind[] = $parts[1];
                     $bind[] = $value;
         } elseif ($parts[1] == 'DATE') {
             // *:DATE
             $date = new Date($value);
             if ($date->isOK()) {
                 $jd1 = $date->minimumJulianDay();
                 $jd2 = $date->maximumJulianDay();
                 if (!empty($this->plusminus[$i])) {
                     $adjd = $this->plusminus[$i] * 365;
                     $jd1 -= $adjd;
                     $jd2 += $adjd;
                 $sql .= " AND i_d.d_fact=? AND i_d.d_julianday1>=? AND i_d.d_julianday2<=?";
                 $bind[] = $parts[0];
                 $bind[] = $jd1;
                 $bind[] = $jd2;
         } elseif ($parts[0] == 'FAMS' && $parts[2] == 'DATE') {
             // FAMS:*:DATE
             $date = new Date($value);
             if ($date->isOK()) {
                 $jd1 = $date->minimumJulianDay();
                 $jd2 = $date->maximumJulianDay();
                 if (!empty($this->plusminus[$i])) {
                     $adjd = $this->plusminus[$i] * 365;
                     $jd1 -= $adjd;
                     $jd2 += $adjd;
                 $sql .= " AND f_d.d_fact=? AND f_d.d_julianday1>=? AND f_d.d_julianday2<=?";
                 $bind[] = $parts[1];
                 $bind[] = $jd1;
                 $bind[] = $jd2;
         } elseif ($parts[1] == 'PLAC') {
             // *:PLAC
             // SQL can only link a place to a person/family, not to an event.
             $sql .= " AND i_p.place LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
             $bind[] = $value;
         } elseif ($parts[0] == 'FAMS' && $parts[2] == 'PLAC') {
             // FAMS:*:PLAC
             // SQL can only link a place to a person/family, not to an event.
             $sql .= " AND f_p.place LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
             $bind[] = $value;
         } elseif ($parts[0] == 'FAMC' && $parts[2] == 'NAME') {
             $table = $parts[1] == 'HUSB' ? 'f_n' : 'm_n';
             // NAME:*
             switch ($parts[3]) {
                 case 'GIVN':
                     switch ($parts[4]) {
                         case 'EXACT':
                             $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_givn=?";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'BEGINS':
                             $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_givn LIKE CONCAT(?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'CONTAINS':
                             $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_givn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX_STD':
                             $sdx = Soundex::russell($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "{$table}.n_soundex_givn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_givn = LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX':
                             // SDX uses DM by default.
                         // SDX uses DM by default.
                         case 'SDX_DM':
                             $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "{$table}.n_soundex_givn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_givn = LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                 case 'SURN':
                     switch ($parts[4]) {
                         case 'EXACT':
                             $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_surname=?";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'BEGINS':
                             $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_surname LIKE CONCAT(?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'CONTAINS':
                             $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_surname LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                             $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX_STD':
                             $sdx = Soundex::russell($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "{$table}.n_soundex_surn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_surn = LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
                         case 'SDX':
                             // SDX uses DM by default.
                         // SDX uses DM by default.
                         case 'SDX_DM':
                             $sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($value);
                             if ($sdx !== null) {
                                 $sdx = explode(':', $sdx);
                                 foreach ($sdx as $k => $v) {
                                     $sdx[$k] = "{$table}.n_soundex_surn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                     $bind[] = $v;
                                 $sql .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $sdx) . ')';
                             } else {
                                 // No phonetic content?  Use a substring match
                                 $sql .= " AND {$table}.n_surn = LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
                                 $bind[] = $value;
         } elseif ($parts[0] == 'FAMS') {
             // e.g. searches for occupation, religion, note, etc.
             $sql .= " AND fam.f_gedcom REGEXP CONCAT('\n[0-9] ', ?, '(.*\n[0-9] CONT)* [^\n]*', ?)";
             $bind[] = $parts[1];
             $bind[] = $value;
         } else {
             // e.g. searches for occupation, religion, note, etc.
             $sql .= " AND ind.i_gedcom REGEXP CONCAT('\n[0-9] ', ?, '(.*\n[0-9] CONT)* [^\n]*', ?)";
             $bind[] = $parts[0];
             $bind[] = $value;
     $rows = Database::prepare($sql)->execute($bind)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $person = Individual::getInstance($row->xref, $WT_TREE, $row->gedcom);
         // Check for XXXX:PLAC fields, which were only partially matched by SQL
         foreach ($this->fields as $n => $field) {
             if ($this->values[$n] && preg_match('/^(' . WT_REGEX_TAG . '):PLAC$/', $field, $match)) {
                 if (!preg_match('/\\n1 ' . $match[1] . '(\\n[2-9].*)*\\n2 PLAC .*' . preg_quote($this->values[$n], '/') . '/i', $person->getGedcom())) {
                     continue 2;
         $this->myindilist[] = $person;
Beispiel #5
  * Search for individuals names/places using phonetic matching
  * @param string $soundex
  * @param string $lastname
  * @param string $firstname
  * @param string $place
  * @param Tree[] $trees
  * @return Individual[]
 public static function searchIndividualsPhonetic($soundex, $lastname, $firstname, $place, array $trees)
     switch ($soundex) {
         case 'Russell':
             $givn_sdx = Soundex::russell($firstname);
             $surn_sdx = Soundex::russell($lastname);
             $plac_sdx = Soundex::russell($place);
         case 'DaitchM':
             $givn_sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($firstname);
             $surn_sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($lastname);
             $plac_sdx = Soundex::daitchMokotoff($place);
             throw new \DomainException('soundex: ' . $soundex);
     // Nothing to search for? Return nothing.
     if (!$givn_sdx && !$surn_sdx && !$plac_sdx) {
         return array();
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT i_id AS xref, i_file AS gedcom_id, i_gedcom AS gedcom FROM `##individuals`";
     $args = array();
     if ($place) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##placelinks` ON pl_file = i_file AND pl_gid = i_id";
         $sql .= " JOIN `##places` ON p_file = pl_file AND pl_p_id = p_id";
     if ($firstname || $lastname) {
         $sql .= " JOIN `##name` ON i_file=n_file AND i_id=n_id";
     $sql .= " AND i_file IN (";
     foreach ($trees as $n => $tree) {
         $sql .= $n ? ", " : "";
         $sql .= ":tree_id_" . $n;
         $args['tree_id_' . $n] = $tree->getTreeId();
     $sql .= ")";
     if ($firstname && $givn_sdx) {
         $sql .= " AND (";
         $givn_sdx = explode(':', $givn_sdx);
         foreach ($givn_sdx as $n => $sdx) {
             $sql .= $n ? " OR " : "";
             switch ($soundex) {
                 case 'Russell':
                     $sql .= "n_soundex_givn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', :given_name_" . $n . ", '%')";
                 case 'DaitchM':
                     $sql .= "n_soundex_givn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', :given_name_" . $n . ", '%')";
             $args['given_name_' . $n] = $sdx;
         $sql .= ")";
     if ($lastname && $surn_sdx) {
         $sql .= " AND (";
         $surn_sdx = explode(':', $surn_sdx);
         foreach ($surn_sdx as $n => $sdx) {
             $sql .= $n ? " OR " : "";
             switch ($soundex) {
                 case 'Russell':
                     $sql .= "n_soundex_surn_std LIKE CONCAT('%', :surname_" . $n . ", '%')";
                 case 'DaitchM':
                     $sql .= "n_soundex_surn_dm LIKE CONCAT('%', :surname_" . $n . ", '%')";
             $args['surname_' . $n] = $sdx;
         $sql .= ")";
     if ($place && $plac_sdx) {
         $sql .= " AND (";
         $plac_sdx = explode(':', $plac_sdx);
         foreach ($plac_sdx as $n => $sdx) {
             $sql .= $n ? " OR " : "";
             switch ($soundex) {
                 case 'Russell':
                     $sql .= "p_std_soundex LIKE CONCAT('%', :place_" . $n . ", '%')";
                 case 'DaitchM':
                     $sql .= "p_dm_soundex LIKE CONCAT('%', :place_" . $n . ", '%')";
             $args['place_' . $n] = $sdx;
         $sql .= ")";
     $list = array();
     $rows = Database::prepare($sql)->execute($args)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $list[] = Individual::getInstance($row->xref, Tree::findById($row->gedcom_id), $row->gedcom);
     $list = array_filter($list, function (Individual $x) {
         return $x->canShowName();
     return $list;