Inheritance: extends BaseCommand
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $serverHost = $this->option('host');
     $serverPort = $this->option('port');
     if ($this->option('environment')) {
         # TODO: Remove the DEPRECATED stuff in the next minor version (0.10.0 or 1.0.0)
         $this->comment("WARN: The '--environment' option is DEPRECATED, use '--assets-env' option instead please.");
         $serverEnv = $this->option('environment');
     } else {
         $serverEnv = $this->option('assets-env');
     $serverOptions = "--port=" . $serverPort . " --host=" . $serverHost;
     $packagePath = $this->packagePath();
     $searchPaths = array_map(function ($path) {
         return $this->normalizePath($path);
     }, config('larasset.paths', []));
     putenv('LARASSET_PATH=' . implode('|', $searchPaths));
     putenv('LARASSET_PREFIX=' . config('larasset.prefix'));
     putenv('LARASSET_ENV=' . $serverEnv);
     $assetsServerCommand = "larasset " . $serverOptions;
     // Serve assets
     system("cd " . $packagePath . " && " . $assetsServerCommand);
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     if ($this->option('environment')) {
         # TODO: Remove the DEPRECATED stuff in the next minor version (0.10.0 or 1.0.0)
         $this->comment("WARN: The '--environment' option is DEPRECATED, use '--assets-env' option instead please.");
         $assetsEnv = $this->option('environment');
     } else {
         $assetsEnv = $this->option('assets-env');
     $packagePath = $this->packagePath();
     $searchPaths = array_map(function ($path) {
         return $this->normalizePath($path);
     }, config('larasset.paths', []));
     putenv('LARASSET_PATH=' . implode('|', $searchPaths));
     $precompileFiles = array_map(function ($path) {
         return $this->normalizePath($path);
     }, config('larasset.precompile', []));
     putenv('LARASSET_PRECOMPILE=' . implode('|', $precompileFiles));
     putenv('LARASSET_ENV=' . $assetsEnv);
     putenv('LARASSET_PREFIX=' . config('larasset.prefix'));
     $enableSourceMaps = config('larasset.sourceMaps') === null ? true : config('larasset.sourceMaps');
     putenv('LARASSET_SOURCE_MAPS=' . ($enableSourceMaps ? 'true' : 'false'));
     $assetsPrecompileCommand = "larasset";
     // Precompile assets
     system("cd " . $packagePath . " && " . $assetsPrecompileCommand);
     // $this->deleteManifest();
     // $this->copyAssets();
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $environment = "production";
     $gemFilePath = $this->normalizePath($this->option('gemfile-path'));
     $packagePath = $this->packagePath();
     if ($this->useWindows()) {
         putenv('BUNDLE_GEMFILE=' . $gemFilePath);
         $bundleGemfile = 'setx BUNDLE_GEMFILE "' . $gemFilePath . '" > nul';
     } else {
         $bundleGemfile = 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE "' . $gemFilePath . '"';
     $this->envs = array_add($this->envs, 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE', $gemFilePath);
     $assetsCleanCommand = $bundleGemfile . " && " . $this->getRakeCommand() . " assets:clean RAILS_ENV=" . $environment;
     // Clean assets
     system("cd " . $packagePath . " && " . $assetsCleanCommand);
     $destination = $this->normalizePath(public_path('assets'));
     // Delete old assets
     if (File::isDirectory($destination)) {