  * Creates four nodes and ensures that they are loaded correctly.
 function testNodeMultipleLoad()
     $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1));
     $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1));
     $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 0));
     $node4 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'page', 'promote' => 0));
     // Confirm that promoted nodes appear in the default node listing.
     $this->assertText($node1->label(), 'Node title appears on the default listing.');
     $this->assertText($node2->label(), 'Node title appears on the default listing.');
     $this->assertNoText($node3->label(), 'Node title does not appear in the default listing.');
     $this->assertNoText($node4->label(), 'Node title does not appear in the default listing.');
     // Load nodes with only a condition. Nodes 3 and 4 will be loaded.
     $nodes = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('node', array('promote' => 0));
     $this->assertEqual($node3->label(), $nodes[$node3->id()]->label(), 'Node was loaded.');
     $this->assertEqual($node4->label(), $nodes[$node4->id()]->label(), 'Node was loaded.');
     $count = count($nodes);
     $this->assertTrue($count == 2, format_string('@count nodes loaded.', array('@count' => $count)));
     // Load nodes by nid. Nodes 1, 2 and 4 will be loaded.
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple(array(1, 2, 4));
     $count = count($nodes);
     $this->assertTrue(count($nodes) == 3, format_string('@count nodes loaded', array('@count' => $count)));
     $this->assertTrue(isset($nodes[$node1->id()]), 'Node is correctly keyed in the array');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($nodes[$node2->id()]), 'Node is correctly keyed in the array');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($nodes[$node4->id()]), 'Node is correctly keyed in the array');
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $this->assertTrue(is_object($node), 'Node is an object');
  * Tests the Drupal 6 term-node association to Drupal 8 migration.
 public function testTermNode()
     $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node')->resetCache([1, 2]);
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple([1, 2]);
     $node = $nodes[1];
     $this->assertIdentical(1, count($node->vocabulary_1_i_0_));
     $this->assertIdentical('1', $node->vocabulary_1_i_0_[0]->target_id);
     $node = $nodes[2];
     $this->assertIdentical(2, count($node->vocabulary_2_i_1_));
     $this->assertIdentical('2', $node->vocabulary_2_i_1_[0]->target_id);
     $this->assertIdentical('3', $node->vocabulary_2_i_1_[1]->target_id);
  * Tests the Drupal 6 term-node association to Drupal 8 migration.
 public function testTermNode()
     // This is a base plugin id and we want to run all derivatives.
     $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node')->resetCache([1, 2]);
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple([1, 2]);
     $node = $nodes[1];
     $this->assertIdentical(1, count($node->vocabulary_1_i_0_));
     $this->assertIdentical('1', $node->vocabulary_1_i_0_[0]->target_id);
     $node = $nodes[2];
     $this->assertIdentical(2, count($node->vocabulary_2_i_1_));
     $this->assertIdentical('2', $node->vocabulary_2_i_1_[0]->target_id);
     $this->assertIdentical('3', $node->vocabulary_2_i_1_[1]->target_id);
  * Test upload migration from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8.
 function testUpload()
     $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node')->resetCache([1, 2]);
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple([1, 2]);
     $node = $nodes[1];
     $this->assertIdentical(1, count($node->upload));
     $this->assertIdentical('1', $node->upload[0]->target_id);
     $this->assertIdentical('file 1-1-1', $node->upload[0]->description);
     $this->assertIdentical(FALSE, $node->upload[0]->isDisplayed());
     $node = $nodes[2];
     $this->assertIdentical(2, count($node->upload));
     $this->assertIdentical('3', $node->upload[0]->target_id);
     $this->assertIdentical('file 2-3-3', $node->upload[0]->description);
     $this->assertIdentical(FALSE, $node->upload[0]->isDisplayed());
     $this->assertIdentical('2', $node->upload[1]->target_id);
     $this->assertIdentical(TRUE, $node->upload[1]->isDisplayed());
     $this->assertIdentical('file 2-3-2', $node->upload[1]->description);
Beispiel #5
  * Tests generate commands
 public function testDevelGenerate()
     // Creating users.
     $edit = array('num' => 4);
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/user', $edit, t('Generate'));
     $this->assertText(t('4 users created.'));
     $this->assertText(t('Generate process complete.'));
     // Creating content.
     // First we create a node in order to test the Delete content checkbox.
     $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article'));
     $edit = array('num' => 4, 'kill' => TRUE, 'node_types[article]' => TRUE, 'time_range' => 604800, 'max_comments' => 3, 'title_length' => 4, 'add_alias' => 1);
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/content', $edit, t('Generate'));
     $this->assertText(t('Deleted 1 nodes.'));
     $this->assertText(t('Finished creating 4 nodes'));
     $this->assertText(t('Generate process complete.'));
     // Tests that nodes have been created in the generation process.
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple();
     $this->assert(count($nodes) == 4, 'Nodes generated successfully.');
     // Tests url alias for the generated nodes.
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $alias = 'node-' . $node->id() . '-' . $node->bundle();
         $this->assertText($node->getTitle(), 'Generated url alias for the node works.');
     // Creating terms.
     $edit = array('vids[]' => $this->vocabulary->id(), 'num' => 5, 'title_length' => 12);
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/term', $edit, t('Generate'));
     $this->assertText(t('Created the following new terms: '));
     $this->assertText(t('Generate process complete.'));
     // Creating vocabularies.
     $edit = array('num' => 5, 'title_length' => 12, 'kill' => TRUE);
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/vocabs', $edit, t('Generate'));
     $this->assertText(t('Created the following new vocabularies: '));
     $this->assertText(t('Generate process complete.'));
     // Creating menus.
     $edit = array('num_menus' => 5, 'num_links' => 7, 'title_length' => 12, 'link_types[node]' => 1, 'link_types[front]' => 1, 'link_types[external]' => 1, 'max_depth' => 4, 'max_width' => 6, 'kill' => 1);
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/development/generate/menu', $edit, t('Generate'));
     $this->assertText(t('Created the following new menus: '));
     $this->assertText(t('Created 7 new menu links'));
     $this->assertText(t('Generate process complete.'));
Beispiel #6
  * Tests the Drupal 6 book structure to Drupal 8 migration.
 public function testBook()
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple(array(4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
     $this->assertIdentical('4', $nodes[4]->book['bid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('0', $nodes[4]->book['pid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('4', $nodes[5]->book['bid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('4', $nodes[5]->book['pid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('4', $nodes[6]->book['bid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('5', $nodes[6]->book['pid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('4', $nodes[7]->book['bid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('5', $nodes[7]->book['pid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('8', $nodes[8]->book['bid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('0', $nodes[8]->book['pid']);
     $tree = \Drupal::service('book.manager')->bookTreeAllData(4);
     $this->assertIdentical('4', $tree['49990 Node 4 4']['link']['nid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('5', $tree['49990 Node 4 4']['below']['50000 Node 5 5']['link']['nid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('6', $tree['49990 Node 4 4']['below']['50000 Node 5 5']['below']['50000 Node 6 6']['link']['nid']);
     $this->assertIdentical('7', $tree['49990 Node 4 4']['below']['50000 Node 5 5']['below']['50000 Node 7 7']['link']['nid']);
     $this->assertIdentical(array(), $tree['49990 Node 4 4']['below']['50000 Node 5 5']['below']['50000 Node 6 6']['below']);
     $this->assertIdentical(array(), $tree['49990 Node 4 4']['below']['50000 Node 5 5']['below']['50000 Node 7 7']['below']);
Beispiel #7
  * Builds and returns the node information.
  * @param bool $debug_mode
  *   The level of detail to include.
  * @return array
 public static function buildNodeInfo($debug_mode)
     global $user;
     $visible_nodes = self::visibleNodes();
     if (count($visible_nodes) == 0) {
         return array();
     } else {
         $single_nid = reset($visible_nodes);
     // Find out whether our DnaUser block is active or not.
     //dpm($blocks = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('block')->load());
     $user_block_active = FALSE;
     //foreach ($blocks as $block) {
     //  if ($block->get('plugin') == 'devel_dna_user_block') {
     //    $user_block_active = TRUE;
     //  }
     // Include rows where nid == 0.
     $nids = array_merge(array(0 => 0), $visible_nodes);
     $query = \Drupal::database()->select('node_access', 'na');
     $query->fields('na')->condition('na.nid', $nids, 'IN');
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple($nids);
     if (!$debug_mode) {
         $headers = array('node', 'realm', 'gid', 'view', 'update', 'delete', 'explained');
         $rows = array();
         foreach ($query->execute() as $row) {
             $explained = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('node_access_explain', [$row]);
             $node_title = self::get_node_title($nodes[$row->nid]);
             $title_attribute = \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri();
             if (Unicode::strlen($node_title) > 20) {
                 $title_attribute = $title_attribute . ': ' . $node_title;
                 $node_title = Unicode::substr($node_title, 0, 18) . '...';
             $rows[] = array(empty($row->nid) ? '0' : Link::fromTextAndUrl($node_title, Url::fromUri(\Drupal::request()->getUri(), ['fragment' => 'node-' . $row->nid, 'attributes' => ['title' => $title_attribute]])), $row->realm, $row->gid, $row->grant_view, $row->grant_update, $row->grant_delete, implode('<br />', $explained));
         $output[] = array('#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $headers, '#rows' => $rows, '#attributes' => array('style' => 'text-align: left'));
     } else {
         $tr = 't';
         $variables = array('!na' => '{node_access}');
         $states = array('default' => array(t('default'), 'ok', t('Default record supplied by core in the absence of any other non-empty records; in !na.', $variables)), 'ok' => array(t('ok'), 'ok', t('Highest priority record; in !na.', $variables)), 'removed' => array(t('removed'), '', t('Was removed in @func; not in !na.', $variables + array('@func' => 'hook_node_access_records_alter()'))), 'static' => array(t('static'), 'ok', t('Non-standard record in !na.', $variables)), 'unexpected' => array(t('unexpected'), 'warning', t('The 0/all/0/... record applies to all nodes and all users -- usually it should not be present in !na if any node access module is active!')), 'ignored' => array(t('ignored'), 'warning', t('Lower priority record; not in !na and thus ignored.', $variables)), 'empty' => array(t('empty'), 'warning', t('Does not grant any access, but could block lower priority records; not in !na.', $variables)), 'wrong' => array(t('wrong'), 'error', t('Is rightfully in !na but at least one access flag is wrong!', $variables)), 'missing' => array(t('missing'), 'error', t("Should be in !na but isn't!", $variables)), 'removed!' => array(t('removed!'), 'error', t('Was removed in @func; should NOT be in !na!', $variables + array('@func' => 'hook_node_access_records_alter()'))), 'illegitimate' => array(t('illegitimate'), 'error', t('Should NOT be in !na because of lower priority!', $variables)), 'alien' => array(t('alien'), 'error', t('Should NOT be in !na because of unknown origin!', $variables)));
         $active_states = array('default', 'ok', 'static', 'unexpected', 'wrong', 'illegitimate', 'alien');
         $headers = array(t('node'), t('prio'), t('status'), t('realm'), t('gid'), t('view'), t('update'), t('delete'), t('explained'));
         $headers = self::format_row($headers);
         $active_records = array();
         foreach ($query->execute() as $active_record) {
             $active_records[$active_record->nid][$active_record->realm][$active_record->gid] = $active_record;
         $all_records = $grants_data = $checked_grants = $grants = array();
         foreach (array('view', 'update', 'delete') as $op) {
             $grants[$op] = self::simulate_module_invoke_all('node_grants', $user, $op);
             // Call all hook_node_grants_alter() implementations.
             $grants_data[$op] = self::simulate_node_grants_alter($grants[$op], $user, $op);
         foreach ($nids as $nid) {
             $top_priority = -99999;
             $acquired_records_nid = array();
             if ($node = Node::load($nid)) {
                 // Check node_access_acquire_grants().
                 $records = self::simulate_module_invoke_all('node_access_records', $node);
                 // Check drupal_alter('node_access_records').
                 $data = self::simulate_node_access_records_alter($records, $node);
                 if (!empty($data)) {
                     foreach ($data as $data_by_realm) {
                         foreach ($data_by_realm as $data_by_realm_gid) {
                             if (isset($data_by_realm_gid['current'])) {
                                 $record = $data_by_realm_gid['current'];
                             } elseif (isset($data_by_realm_gid['original'])) {
                                 $record = $data_by_realm_gid['original'];
                                 $record['#removed'] = 1;
                             } else {
                             $priority = intval(isset($record['priority']) ? $record['priority'] : 0);
                             $top_priority = isset($top_priority) ? max($top_priority, $priority) : $priority;
                             $record['priority'] = isset($record['priority']) ? $priority : '&ndash;&nbsp;';
                             $record['history'] = $data_by_realm_gid;
                             $acquired_records_nid[$priority][$record['realm']][$record['gid']] = $record + array('#title' => self::get_node_title($node), '#module' => isset($record['#module']) ? $record['#module'] : '');
                 //dpm($acquired_records_nid, "acquired_records_nid =");
                 // Check node_access_grants().
                 if ($node->id()) {
                     foreach (array('view', 'update', 'delete') as $op) {
                         $checked_grants[$nid][$op] = array_merge(array('all' => array(0)), $grants[$op]);
             // Check for records in the node_access table that aren't returned by
             // node_access_acquire_grants().
             if (isset($active_records[$nid])) {
                 foreach ($active_records[$nid] as $realm => $active_records_realm) {
                     foreach ($active_records_realm as $gid => $active_record) {
                         $found = FALSE;
                         $count_nonempty_records = 0;
                         foreach ($acquired_records_nid as $priority => $acquired_records_nid_priority) {
                             if (isset($acquired_records_nid_priority[$realm][$gid])) {
                                 $found = TRUE;
                         // Take the highest priority only.
                         // TODO This has changed in D8!
                         if ($acquired_records_nid_priority = reset($acquired_records_nid)) {
                             foreach ($acquired_records_nid_priority as $acquired_records_nid_priority_realm) {
                                 foreach ($acquired_records_nid_priority_realm as $acquired_records_nid_priority_realm_gid) {
                                     $count_nonempty_records += !empty($acquired_records_nid_priority_realm_gid['grant_view']) || !empty($acquired_records_nid_priority_realm_gid['grant_update']) || !empty($acquired_records_nid_priority_realm_gid['grant_delete']);
                         $fixed_record = (array) $active_record;
                         if ($count_nonempty_records == 0 && $realm == 'all' && $gid == 0) {
                             $fixed_record += array('priority' => '&ndash;', 'state' => 'default');
                         } elseif (!$found) {
                             $acknowledged = self::simulate_module_invoke_all('node_access_acknowledge', $fixed_record);
                             if (empty($acknowledged)) {
                                 // No module acknowledged this record, mark it as alien.
                                 $fixed_record += array('priority' => '?', 'state' => 'alien');
                             } else {
                                 // At least one module acknowledged the record,
                                 // attribute it to the first one.
                                 $fixed_record += array('priority' => '&ndash;', 'state' => 'static', '#module' => reset(array_keys($acknowledged)));
                         } else {
                         $fixed_record += array('nid' => $nid, '#title' => self::get_node_title($node));
                         $all_records[] = $fixed_record;
             // Order records and evaluate their status.
             foreach ($acquired_records_nid as $priority => $acquired_records_priority) {
                 foreach ($acquired_records_priority as $realm => $acquired_records_realm) {
                     foreach ($acquired_records_realm as $gid => $acquired_record) {
                         // TODO: Handle priority.
                         //if ($priority == $top_priority) {
                         if (empty($acquired_record['grant_view']) && empty($acquired_record['grant_update']) && empty($acquired_record['grant_delete'])) {
                             $acquired_record['state'] = 'empty';
                         } else {
                             if (isset($active_records[$nid][$realm][$gid])) {
                                 $acquired_record['state'] = isset($acquired_record['#removed']) ? 'removed!' : 'ok';
                             } else {
                                 $acquired_record['state'] = isset($acquired_record['#removed']) ? 'removed' : 'missing';
                             if ($acquired_record['state'] == 'ok') {
                                 foreach (array('view', 'update', 'delete') as $op) {
                                     $active_record = (array) $active_records[$nid][$realm][$gid];
                                     if (empty($acquired_record["grant_{$op}"]) != empty($active_record["grant_{$op}"])) {
                                         $acquired_record["grant_{$op}!"] = $active_record["grant_{$op}"];
                         //else {
                         //  $acquired_record['state'] = (isset($active_records[$nid][$realm][$gid]) ? 'illegitimate' : 'ignored');
                         $all_records[] = $acquired_record + array('nid' => $nid);
         // Fill in the table rows.
         $rows = array();
         $error_count = 0;
         foreach ($all_records as $record) {
             $row = new \stdClass();
             $row->nid = $record['nid'];
             $row->title = $record['#title'];
             $row->priority = $record['priority'];
             $row->state = array('data' => $states[$record['state']][0], 'title' => $states[$record['state']][2]);
             $row->realm = $record['realm'];
             $row->gid = $record['gid'];
             $row->grant_view = $record['grant_view'];
             $row->grant_update = $record['grant_update'];
             $row->grant_delete = $record['grant_delete'];
             $row->explained = implode('<br />', \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('node_access_explain', $row));
             if ($row->nid == 0 && $row->gid == 0 && $row->realm == 'all' && count($all_records) > 1) {
                 $row->state = array('data' => $states['unexpected'][0], 'title' => $states['unexpected'][2]);
                 $class = $states['unexpected'][1];
             } else {
                 $class = $states[$record['state']][1];
             $row = (array) $row;
             foreach (array('view', 'update', 'delete') as $op) {
                 $row["grant_{$op}"] = array('data' => $row["grant_{$op}"]);
                 if ((isset($checked_grants[$record['nid']][$op][$record['realm']]) && in_array($record['gid'], $checked_grants[$record['nid']][$op][$record['realm']]) || $row['nid'] == 0 && $row['gid'] == 0 && $row['realm'] == 'all') && !empty($row["grant_{$op}"]['data']) && in_array($record['state'], $active_states)) {
                     $row["grant_{$op}"]['data'] .= '&prime;';
                     $row["grant_{$op}"]['title'] = t('This entry grants access to this node to this user.');
                 if (isset($record["grant_{$op}!"])) {
                     $row["grant_{$op}"]['data'] = $record["grant_{$op}!"] . '&gt;' . (!$row["grant_{$op}"]['data'] ? 0 : $row["grant_{$op}"]['data']);
                     $row["grant_{$op}"]['class'][] = 'error';
                     if ($class == 'ok') {
                         $row['state'] = array('data' => $states['wrong'][0], 'title' => $states['wrong'][2]);
                         $class = $states['wrong'][1];
             $error_count += $class == 'error';
             $row['nid'] = array('data' => '<a href="#node-' . $record['nid'] . '">' . $row['nid'] . '</a>', 'title' => $record['#title']);
             if (empty($record['#module']) || strpos($record['realm'], $record['#module']) === 0) {
                 $row['realm'] = $record['realm'];
             } else {
                 $row['realm'] = array('data' => '(' . $record['#module'] . '::) ' . $record['realm'], 'title' => t("The '@module' module fails to adhere to the best practice of naming its realm(s) after itself.", array('@module' => $record['#module'])));
             // Prepend information from the D7 hook_node_access_records_alter().
             $next_style = array();
             if (isset($record['history'])) {
                 $history = $record['history'];
                 if (($num_changes = count($history['changes']) - empty($history['current'])) > 0) {
                     $first_row = TRUE;
                     while (isset($history['original']) || $num_changes--) {
                         if (isset($history['original'])) {
                             $this_record = $history['original'];
                             $this_action = '[ Original by ' . $this_record['#module'] . ':';
                         } else {
                             $change = $history['changes'][0];
                             $this_record = $change['record'];
                             $this_action = ($first_row ? '[ ' : '') . $change['op'] . ':';
                         $rows[] = array('data' => array('data' => array('data' => $this_action, 'style' => array('padding-bottom: 0;'))), 'style' => array_merge($first_row ? array() : array('border-top-style: dashed;', 'border-top-width: 1px;'), array('border-bottom-style: none;')));
                         $next_style = array('border-top-style: none;');
                         if (count($history['changes'])) {
                             $g = $this_record;
                             $rows[] = array('data' => array('v', $g['priority'], '', $g['realm'], $g['gid'], $g['grant_view'], $g['grant_update'], $g['grant_delete'], 'v'), 'style' => array('border-top-style: none;', 'border-bottom-style: dashed;'));
                             $next_style = array('border-top-style: dashed;');
                         $first_row = FALSE;
             // Fix up the main row cells with the proper class (needed for Bartik).
             foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                 if (!is_array($value)) {
                     $row[$key] = array('data' => $value);
                 $row[$key]['class'] = array($class);
             // Add the main row.
             $will_append = empty($history['current']) && !empty($history['changes']);
             $rows[] = array('data' => array_values($row), 'class' => array($class), 'style' => array_merge($next_style, $will_append ? array('border-bottom-style: none;') : array()));
             // Append information from the D7 hook_node_access_records_alter().
             if ($will_append) {
                 $last_change = end($history['changes']);
                 $rows[] = array('data' => array('data' => array('data' => $last_change['op'] . ' ]', 'style' => array('padding-top: 0;'))), 'style' => array('border-top-style: none;'));
         foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
             $rows[$i] = self::format_row($row);
         $output[] = array('#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $headers, '#rows' => $rows, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('system-status-report'), 'style' => 'text-align: left;'));
         $output[] = array('#theme' => 'form_element', '#description' => t('(Some of the table elements provide additional information if you hover your mouse over them.)'));
         if ($error_count > 0) {
             $variables['!Rebuild_permissions'] = '<a href="' . url('admin/reports/status/rebuild') . '">' . $tr('Rebuild permissions') . '</a>';
             $output[] = array('#prefix' => "\n<span class=\"error\">", '#markup' => t("You have errors in your !na table! You may be able to fix these for now by running !Rebuild_permissions, but this is likely to destroy the evidence and make it impossible to identify the underlying issues. If you don't fix those, the errors will probably come back again. <br /> DON'T do this just yet if you intend to ask for help with this situation.", $variables), '#suffix' => "</span><br />\n");
         // Explain whether access is granted or denied, and why
         // (using code from node_access()).
         $tr = 't';
         // Remove the 0.
         $accounts = array();
         $variables += array('!username' => '<em class="placeholder">' . $user->getDisplayName() . '</em>', '%uid' => $user->id());
         if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('bypass node access')) {
             $variables['%bypass_node_access'] = $tr('bypass node access');
             $output[] = array('#markup' => t('!username has the %bypass_node_access permission and thus full access to all nodes.', $variables), '#suffix' => '<br />&nbsp;');
         } else {
             $variables['!list'] = '<div style="margin-left: 2em">' . self::get_grant_list($grants_data['view']) . '</div>';
             $variables['%access'] = 'view';
             $output[] = array('#prefix' => "\n<div style='text-align: left' title='" . t('These are the grants returned by hook_node_grants() for this user.') . "'>", '#markup' => t('!username (user %uid) can use these grants (if they are present above) for %access access: !list', $variables), '#suffix' => "</div>\n");
             $accounts[] = $user;
         if (isset($single_nid) && !$user_block_active) {
             // Only for single nodes.
             if (\Drupal::currentUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
                 $accounts[] = User::load(0);
                 // Anonymous, too.
             foreach ($accounts as $account) {
                 $nid_items = array();
                 foreach ($nids as $nid) {
                     $op_items = array();
                     foreach (array('create', 'view', 'update', 'delete') as $op) {
                         $explain = self::explainAccess($op, Node::load($nid), $account);
                         $op_items[] = "<div style='width: 5em; display: inline-block'>" . t('%op:', array('%op' => $op)) . ' </div>' . $explain[2];
                     $nid_items[] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $op_items, '#type' => 'ul', '#prefix' => t('to node !nid:', array('!nid' => l($nid, 'node/' . $nid))) . "\n<div style='margin-left: 2em'>", '#suffix' => '</div>');
                 if (count($nid_items) == 1) {
                     $account_items = $nid_items[0];
                 } else {
                     $account_items = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $nid_items, '#type' => 'ul', '#prefix' => "\n<div style='margin-left: 2em'>", '#suffix' => '</div>');
                 $variables['!username'] = '******' . theme('username', array('account' => $account)) . '</em>';
                 $output[] = array('#prefix' => "\n<div style='text-align: left'>", '#type' => 'item', 'lead-in' => array('#markup' => t("!username has the following access", $variables) . ' '), 'items' => $account_items, '#suffix' => "\n</div>\n");
     return $output;
  * Tests uninstalling content_translation.
 protected function doUninstallTest()
     // Delete all the nodes so there is no data.
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple();
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
     $language_count = count(\Drupal::configFactory()->listAll('language.content_settings.'));
     $this->assertEqual($language_count, count(\Drupal::configFactory()->listAll('language.content_settings.')), 'Languages have been fixed rather than deleted during content_translation uninstall.');
  * Check whether the rendered output matches expectations.
  * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account
  *   The user account to tests rendering with.
  * @param bool $check_cache
  *   (optional) Whether explicitly test render cache entries.
 protected function doTestRenderedOutput(AccountInterface $account, $check_cache = FALSE)
     $view = Views::getView('test_row_render_cache');
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCacheInterface $render_cache */
     $render_cache = $this->container->get('render_cache');
     /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\cache\CachePluginBase $cache_plugin */
     $cache_plugin = $view->display_handler->getPlugin('cache');
     // Retrieve nodes and sort them in alphabetical order to match view results.
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple();
     usort($nodes, function (NodeInterface $a, NodeInterface $b) {
         return strcmp($a->label(), $b->label());
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $nid = $node->id();
         $access = $node->access('update');
         $counter = $index + 1;
         $expected = "{$nid}: {$counter} (just in case: {$nid})";
         $counter_output = $view->style_plugin->getField($index, 'counter');
         $this->assertEqual($counter_output, $expected);
         $node_url = $node->url();
         $expected = "<a href=\"{$node_url}\"><span class=\"da-title\">{$node->label()}</span> <span class=\"counter\">{$counter_output}</span></a>";
         $output = $view->style_plugin->getField($index, 'title');
         $this->assertEqual($output, $expected);
         $expected = $access ? "<a href=\"{$node_url}/edit?destination=/\" hreflang=\"en\">edit</a>" : "";
         $output = $view->style_plugin->getField($index, 'edit_node');
         $this->assertEqual($output, $expected);
         $expected = $access ? "<a href=\"{$node_url}/delete?destination=/\" hreflang=\"en\">delete</a>" : "";
         $output = $view->style_plugin->getField($index, 'delete_node');
         $this->assertEqual($output, $expected);
         $expected = $access ? "  <div class=\"dropbutton-wrapper\"><div class=\"dropbutton-widget\"><ul class=\"dropbutton\">" . "<li class=\"edit\"><a href=\"{$node_url}/edit?destination=/\" hreflang=\"en\">Edit</a></li>" . "<li class=\"delete\"><a href=\"{$node_url}/delete?destination=/\" hreflang=\"en\">Delete</a></li>" . "</ul></div></div>" : "";
         $output = $view->style_plugin->getField($index, 'operations');
         $this->assertEqual($output, $expected);
         if ($check_cache) {
             $keys = $cache_plugin->getRowCacheKeys($view->result[$index]);
             $user_context = !$account->hasPermission('edit any test content') ? 'user' : 'user.permissions';
             $element = $render_cache->get(['#cache' => ['keys' => $keys, 'contexts' => ['languages:language_interface', 'theme', $user_context]]]);
Beispiel #10
  * Display FAQ questions and answers filtered by category.
  * @param $faq_display
  *   Define the way the FAQ is being shown; can have the values:
  *   'questions top',hide answers','questions inline','new page'.
  * @param $category_display
  *   The layout of categories which should be used.
  * @param $term
  *   The category / term to display FAQs for.
  * @param $display_header
  *   Set if the header will be shown or not.
  * @param &$output
  *   Reference which holds the content of the page, HTML formatted.
  * @param &$output_answer
  *   Reference which holds the answers from the FAQ, when showing questions
  *   on top.
 private function _displayFaqByCategory($faq_display, $category_display, $term, $display_header, &$output, &$output_answers)
     $default_sorting = \Drupal::config('faq.settings')->get('default_sorting');
     $term_id = $term->id();
     $query = db_select('node', 'n');
     $query->join('node_field_data', 'd', 'd.nid = n.nid');
     $query->innerJoin('taxonomy_index', 'ti', 'n.nid = ti.nid');
     $query->leftJoin('faq_weights', 'w', 'w.tid = ti.tid AND n.nid = w.nid');
     $query->fields('n', array('nid'))->condition('n.type', 'faq')->condition('d.status', 1)->condition("ti.tid", $term_id)->addTag('node_access');
     $default_weight = 0;
     if ($default_sorting == 'ASC') {
         $default_weight = 1000000;
     // Works, but involves variable concatenation - safe though, since
     // $default_weight is an integer.
     $query->addExpression("COALESCE(w.weight, {$default_weight})", 'effective_weight');
     // Doesn't work in Postgres.
     //$query->addExpression('COALESCE(w.weight, CAST(:default_weight as SIGNED))', 'effective_weight', array(':default_weight' => $default_weight));
     $query->orderBy('effective_weight', 'ASC')->orderBy('d.sticky', 'DESC');
     if ($default_sorting == 'ASC') {
         $query->orderBy('d.created', 'ASC');
     } else {
         $query->orderBy('d.created', 'DESC');
     // We only want the first column, which is nid, so that we can load all
     // related nodes.
     $nids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
     $data = Node::loadMultiple($nids);
     // Handle indenting of categories.
     $depth = 0;
     if (!isset($term->depth)) {
         $children = taxonomy_term_load_children($term->id());
         $term->depth = count($children);
     while ($depth < $term->depth) {
         $display_header = 1;
         $indent = '<div class="faq-category-indent">';
         $output .= $indent;
     // Set up the class name for hiding the q/a for a category if required.
     $faq_class = "faq-qa";
     if ($category_display == "hide_qa") {
         $faq_class = "faq-qa-hide";
     $output_render = $output_answers_render = array('#data' => $data, '#display_header' => $display_header, '#category_display' => $category_display, '#term' => $term, '#class' => $faq_class, '#parent_term' => $term);
     switch ($faq_display) {
         case 'questions_top':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_questions_top';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
             $output_answers_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_questions_top_answers';
             $output_answers .= drupal_render($output_answers_render);
         case 'hide_answer':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_hide_answer';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
         case 'questions_inline':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_questions_inline';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
         case 'new_page':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_new_page';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
     // Handle indenting of categories.
     while ($depth > 0) {
         $output .= '</div>';
  * Tests that auto saving in a component executed as action works.
 public function testComponentActionAutoSave()
     $entity_type_manager = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager');
     $entity_type_manager->getStorage('node_type')->create(['type' => 'page'])->save();
     $nested_rule = $this->expressionManager->createRule();
     // Create a node entity with the action.
     $nested_rule->addAction('rules_entity_create:node', ContextConfig::create()->setValue('type', 'page'));
     // Set the title of the new node so that it is marked for auto-saving.
     $nested_rule->addAction('rules_data_set', ContextConfig::create()->map('data', 'entity.title')->setValue('value', 'new title'));
     $rules_config = new RulesComponentConfig(['id' => 'test_rule', 'label' => 'Test rule'], 'rules_component');
     // Invoke the rules component in another rule.
     $rule = $this->expressionManager->createRule();
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple();
     $node = reset($nodes);
     $this->assertEquals('new title', $node->getTitle());
     $this->assertNotNull($node->id(), 'Node ID is set, which means that the node has been auto-saved.');
Beispiel #12
  * Helper function for retrieving the sub-categories faqs.
  * @param $term
  *   The category / term to display FAQs for.
  * @param $theme_function
  *   Theme function to use to format the Q/A layout for sub-categories.
  * @param $default_weight
  *   Is 0 for $default_sorting = DESC; is 1000000 for $default_sorting = ASC.
  * @param $default_sorting
  *   If 'DESC', nodes are sorted by creation date descending; if 'ASC', nodes
  *   are sorted by creation date ascending.
  * @param $category_display
  *   The layout of categories which should be used.
  * @param $class
  *   CSS class which the HTML div will be using. A special class name is
  *   required in order to hide and questions / answers.
  * @param $parent_term
  *   The original, top-level, term we're displaying FAQs for.
 public static function getChildCategoriesFaqs($term, $theme_function, $default_weight, $default_sorting, $category_display, $class, $parent_term = NULL)
     $output = array();
     $list = taxonomy_term_load_children($term->id());
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         return '';
     foreach ($list as $tid => $child_term) {
         $child_term->depth = $term->depth + 1;
         if (FaqHelper::taxonomyTermCountNodes($child_term->id())) {
             $query = db_select('node', 'n');
             $query->join('node_field_data', 'd', 'n.nid = d.nid');
             $ti_alias = $query->innerJoin('taxonomy_index', 'ti', '(n.nid = %alias.nid)');
             $w_alias = $query->leftJoin('faq_weights', 'w', "%alias.tid = {$ti_alias}.tid AND n.nid = %alias.nid");
             $query->fields('n', array('nid'))->condition('n.type', 'faq')->condition('d.status', 1)->condition("{$ti_alias}.tid", $child_term->id())->addTag('node_access');
             $default_weight = 0;
             if ($default_sorting == 'ASC') {
                 $default_weight = 1000000;
             // Works, but involves variable concatenation - safe though, since
             // $default_weight is an integer.
             $query->addExpression("COALESCE(w.weight, {$default_weight})", 'effective_weight');
             // Doesn't work in Postgres.
             //$query->addExpression('COALESCE(w.weight, CAST(:default_weight as SIGNED))', 'effective_weight', array(':default_weight' => $default_weight));
             $query->orderBy('effective_weight', 'ASC')->orderBy('d.sticky', 'DESC');
             if ($default_sorting == 'ASC') {
                 $query->orderBy('d.created', 'ASC');
             } else {
                 $query->orderBy('d.created', 'DESC');
             // We only want the first column, which is nid, so that we can load all
             // related nodes.
             $nids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
             $data = Node::loadMultiple($nids);
             $to_render = array('#theme' => $theme_function, '#data' => $data, '#display_header' => 1, '#category_display' => $category_display, '#term' => $child_term, '#class' => $class, '#parent_term' => $parent_term);
             $output[] = drupal_render($to_render);
     return $output;
Beispiel #13
  * Deletes all nodes.
 protected function deleteNodes()
     $nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple();
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         // Node::delete() does not work here as expected by some reasons.
         $this->drupalPostForm(sprintf('node/%d/delete', $node->id()), [], t('Delete'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function updateSendStatus()
     $counts = array();
     // number of pending emails in the spool
     $sum = array();
     // sum of emails in the spool per tnid (translation id)
     $send = array();
     // nodes with the status 'send'
     // For each pending newsletter count the number of pending emails in the spool.
     $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node');
     $nids = $query->condition('simplenews_issue.status', SIMPLENEWS_STATUS_SEND_PENDING)->execute();
     $nodes = Node::loadMultiple($nids);
     if ($nodes) {
         foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {
             $counts[$node->simplenews_issue->target_id][$nid] = \Drupal::service('simplenews.spool_storage')->countMails(array('entity_id' => $nid, 'entity_type' => 'node'));
     // Determine which nodes are send per translation group and per individual node.
     foreach ($counts as $newsletter_id => $node_count) {
         // The sum of emails per tnid is the combined status result for the group of translated nodes.
         // Untranslated nodes have tnid == 0 which will be ignored later.
         $sum[$newsletter_id] = array_sum($node_count);
         foreach ($node_count as $nid => $count) {
             // Translated nodes (tnid != 0)
             if ($newsletter_id != '0' && $sum[$newsletter_id] == '0') {
                 $send[] = $nid;
             } elseif ($newsletter_id == '0' && $count == '0') {
                 $send[] = $nid;
     // Update overall newsletter status
     if (!empty($send)) {
         foreach ($send as $nid) {
             $node = Node::load($nid);
             $node->simplenews_issue->status = SIMPLENEWS_STATUS_SEND_READY;