handleAnnotationDoesntMatchRouteName() public static method

public static handleAnnotationDoesntMatchRouteName ( string $name ) : DrestException
$name string
return DrestException
Beispiel #1
  * Process the method
  * @param $resource
  * @param Mapping\ClassMetaData $metadata
  * @throws DrestException
 protected function processMethods($resource, Mapping\ClassMetaData $metadata)
     /* @var \ReflectionMethod $method */
     foreach ($resource['routes'] as $route) {
         // Make sure the for is not empty
         if (!isset($route['name']) || !is_string($route['name'])) {
             throw DrestException::handleForCannotBeEmpty();
         if (($routeMetaData = $metadata->getRouteMetaData($route['name'])) === false) {
             throw DrestException::handleAnnotationDoesntMatchRouteName($route['name']);
         if ($routeMetaData->hasHandleCall()) {
             // There is already a handle set for this route
             throw DrestException::handleAlreadyDefinedForRoute($routeMetaData);
         // Set the handle
         if (isset($route['handle_call'])) {
Beispiel #2
  * Process the method
  * @param $methods
  * @param Mapping\ClassMetaData $metadata
  * @throws DrestException
 protected function processMethods($methods, Mapping\ClassMetaData $metadata)
     // Set the handle calls
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         /* @var \ReflectionMethod $method */
         if ($method->isPublic()) {
             foreach ($this->reader->getMethodAnnotations($method) as $methodAnnotation) {
                 if ($methodAnnotation instanceof Annotation\Handle) {
                     // Make sure the for is not empty
                     if (empty($methodAnnotation->for) || !is_string($methodAnnotation->for)) {
                         throw DrestException::handleForCannotBeEmpty();
                     if (($routeMetaData = $metadata->getRouteMetaData($methodAnnotation->for)) === false) {
                         throw DrestException::handleAnnotationDoesntMatchRouteName($methodAnnotation->for);
                     if ($routeMetaData->hasHandleCall()) {
                         // There is already a handle set for this route
                         throw DrestException::handleAlreadyDefinedForRoute($routeMetaData);
  * Load metadata for a class name
  * @param  object|string         $class - Pass in either the class name, or an instance of that class
  * @return Mapping\ClassMetaData $metaData - return null if metadata couldn't be populated from annotations
  * @throws DrestException
 public function loadMetadataForClass($class)
     $resourceFound = false;
     if (is_string($class)) {
         $class = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     $metadata = new Mapping\ClassMetaData($class);
     foreach ($this->reader->getClassAnnotations($class) as $annotatedObject) {
         if ($annotatedObject instanceof Annotation\Resource) {
             $resourceFound = true;
             $originFound = false;
             if ($annotatedObject->routes === null) {
                 throw DrestException::annotatedResourceRequiresAtLeastOneServiceDefinition($class->name);
             foreach ($annotatedObject->routes as $route) {
                 $routeMetaData = new Mapping\RouteMetaData();
                 // Set name
                 $route->name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\s]/", "", $route->name);
                 if ($route->name == '') {
                     throw DrestException::routeNameIsEmpty();
                 if ($metadata->getRoutesMetaData($route->name) !== false) {
                     throw DrestException::routeAlreadyDefinedWithName($class->name, $route->name);
                 // Set verbs (will throw if invalid)
                 if (isset($route->verbs)) {
                 if (isset($route->collection)) {
                 // Add the route pattern
                 if (is_array($route->routeConditions)) {
                 // Set the exposure array
                 if (is_array($route->expose)) {
                 // Set the allow options value
                 if (isset($route->allowOptions)) {
                 // Add action class
                 if (isset($route->action)) {
                 // If the origin flag is set, set the name on the class meta data
                 if (!is_null($route->origin)) {
                     if ($originFound) {
                         throw DrestException::resourceCanOnlyHaveOneRouteSetAsOrigin();
                     $metadata->originRouteName = $route->name;
                     $originFound = true;
             // Set the handle calls
             foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
                 /* @var \ReflectionMethod $method */
                 if ($method->isPublic()) {
                     foreach ($this->reader->getMethodAnnotations($method) as $methodAnnotation) {
                         if ($methodAnnotation instanceof Annotation\Handle) {
                             // Make sure the for is not empty
                             if (empty($methodAnnotation->for) || !is_string($methodAnnotation->for)) {
                                 throw DrestException::handleForCannotBeEmpty();
                             if (($routeMetaData = $metadata->getRoutesMetaData($methodAnnotation->for)) === false) {
                                 throw DrestException::handleAnnotationDoesntMatchRouteName($methodAnnotation->for);
                             if ($routeMetaData->hasHandleCall()) {
                                 // There is already a handle set for this route
                                 throw DrestException::alreadyHandleDefinedForRoute($routeMetaData);
             // Error for any push metadata routes that don't have a handle
             foreach ($metadata->getRoutesMetaData() as $routeMetaData) {
                 /* @var RouteMetaData $routeMetaData */
                 if ($routeMetaData->needsHandleCall() && !$routeMetaData->hasHandleCall()) {
                     throw DrestException::routeRequiresHandle($routeMetaData->getName());
     return $resourceFound ? $metadata : null;