Beispiel #1
 public function actionSend($name)
     echo "welcome to  " . $name;
             $db = \Yii::$app->db;
             $command = $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM article_info');
             $posts = $command->queryAll();
     $mvSpider = MvSpider::find()->where(['status' => 0])->orderBy('id');
     $rs = $mvSpider->count();
     #$rs = MvSpider::find()->where(['status'=>0])->orderBy('id')->queryAll();
     // 获取 country 表的所有行并以 name 排序
     //$countries = Country::find()->orderBy('name')->all();
     // 获取主键为 “US” 的行
     //$country = Country::findOne('US');
     // 输出 “United States”
     //echo $country->name;
             // 修改 name 为 “U.S.A.” 并在数据库中保存更改
             $country->name = 'U.S.A.';
Beispiel #2
  * 抓去豆瓣数据 by api
 public function actionDouban()
     $api = new ApiDouban();
     $mvSpider = MvSpider::find()->where(['status' => 0])->orderBy('id asc');
     $total = $mvSpider->count();
     $page = 1;
     $pageSize = 40;
     $totalPage = ceil($total / $pageSize);
     for ($page = 1; $page <= $totalPage; $page++) {
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
         $data = $mvSpider->offset($offset)->all();
         foreach ($data as $v) {
             if (MvBasic::findOne(['douban_id' => $v['subject_id']])) {
                 echo 'doubanID:', $v['subject_id'], " exists \n";
                 MvSpider::updateAll(['status' => 1], "subject_id={$v['subject_id']}");
             $rawData = $api->getMovie($v['subject_id']);
             if (!$rawData) {
                 echo 'doubanApi:', $v['subject_id'], " empty \n";
             $infoData = $this->formatMovie($rawData);
             if (is_array($infoData)) {
                 // mv_basic
                 $basic_id = 0;
                 $MvBasic = new MvBasic();
                 foreach ($infoData as $k1 => $v1) {
                     $MvBasic->{$k1} = $v1;
                 // pinyin
                 if (isset($infoData['title'])) {
                     $py_title = PinyinUtil::getFullPy($infoData['title']);
                     $MvBasic->py_title = PinyinUtil::subPinyin($py_title);
                 if (isset($infoData['original_title'])) {
                     $py_original_title = PinyinUtil::getFullPy($infoData['original_title']);
                     $MvBasic->py_original_title = PinyinUtil::subPinyin($py_original_title);
                 $basic_id = $MvBasic->primaryKey;
                 // movie type
                 $movieType = $rawData['genres'];
                 foreach ($movieType as $t) {
                     // mv_basic_condition  type
                     $cond = models\MvBasicCondition::find()->where(['name' => $t, 'cond_type' => 1])->asArray()->one();
                     if (empty($cond)) {
                         $MvBasicType = new models\MvBasicCondition();
                         $MvBasicType->cond_type = 1;
                         $MvBasicType->name = $t;
                         $MvBasicType->update_time = time();
                         $cond_id = $MvBasicType->primaryKey;
                     } else {
                         $cond_id = $cond['id'];
                     // mv_basic_type
                     if (!models\MvBasicType::findOne(['basic_id' => $basic_id, 'cate_id' => $cond_id])) {
                         $MvBasicType = new models\MvBasicType();
                         $MvBasicType->basic_id = $basic_id;
                         $MvBasicType->cate_id = $cond_id;
                 // country
                 $movieCountry = $rawData['countries'];
                 foreach ($movieCountry as $t) {
                     // mv_basic_condition  country
                     $cond = models\MvBasicCondition::find()->where(['name' => $t, 'cond_type' => 2])->asArray()->one();
                     if (empty($cond)) {
                         $MvBasicType = new models\MvBasicCondition();
                         $MvBasicType->cond_type = 2;
                         $MvBasicType->name = $t;
                         $MvBasicType->update_time = time();
                         $cond_id = $MvBasicType->primaryKey;
                     } else {
                         $cond_id = $cond['id'];
                     // mv_basic_country
                     if (!models\MvBasicCountry::findOne(['basic_id' => $basic_id, 'country_id' => $cond_id])) {
                         $MvBasicCountry = new models\MvBasicCountry();
                         $MvBasicCountry->basic_id = $basic_id;
                         $MvBasicCountry->country_id = $cond_id;
                 // mod mv_spider.status=1
                 if ($basic_id) {
                     MvSpider::updateAll(['status' => 1], "subject_id={$v['subject_id']}");
             // movieInfo end
         //sleep(1); // page end
 public function actionMarksource()
     $db_api = new ApiDouban();
     // mv_source_temp
     $tempSource = models\MvSourceTemp::find()->where('basic_id=0 and type!=0')->orderBy('id asc');
     $total = $tempSource->count();
     $page = 1;
     $pageSize = 40;
     $totalPage = ceil($total / $pageSize);
     for ($page = 1; $page <= $totalPage; $page++) {
         // 分页
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
         $tempSourceData = $tempSource->offset($offset)->all();
         foreach ($tempSourceData as $v) {
             // 遍历temp数据
             echo "tempSource: {$v['title']} \n";
             $searchRs = $db_api->searchpj($v['title']);
             // douban search
             //echo "douban search Rs: {$searchRs} \n";
             //if(isset($searchRs['subjects']) && !empty($searchRs['subjects'])) {
             //foreach($searchRs['subjects'] as $s) {
             if (isset($searchRs) && !empty($searchRs)) {
                 foreach ($searchRs as $s) {
                     //$subject_id = $s['id'];
                     // 匹配subject_id
                     $reg = '/subject\\/(\\d+?)\\//';
                     preg_match($reg, $s['url'], $match);
                     $subject_id = isset($match['1']) ? $match['1'] : 0;
                     echo "douban Search: {$subject_id} {$s['title']}\n";
                     if (!$subject_id) {
                         echo "douban Subject_id empty: {$subject_id} {$s['title']}\n";
                     // spider是否存在subject_id
                     $spiderRs = models\MvSpider::find()->where(['subject_id' => $subject_id])->asArray()->all();
                     if (!$spiderRs) {
                         $MvSpider = new models\MvSpider();
                         $MvSpider->subject_id = $subject_id;
                         $MvSpider->title = $s['title'];
                         $MvSpider->from_tag = 'search';
                         $MvSpider->status = 20;
                         $MvSpider->create_time = time();
                         echo "spider save {$subject_id} \n\n";
                     } else {
                         // basic是否存在subject_id
                         $basicRs = models\MvBasic::find()->where(['douban_id' => $subject_id])->asArray()->one();
                         if ($basicRs && isset($basicRs['id']) && !empty($basicRs['id'])) {
                             echo "basicRs found subject_id: {$subject_id} temp: {$v['id']}-{$v['title']}  basic_id: {$basicRs['id']} basic_title: {$basicRs['title']} \n";
                             // 对比 year,title
                             if ($v['year'] == $s['year']) {
                                 // 同一年
                                 similar_text($v['title'], $s['title'], $percent);
                                 echo "vs Percent: {$percent} \n";
                                 if ($percent >= 100) {
                                     // insert mv_source
                                     $MvSpider = new models\MvSource();
                                     $MvSpider->site_id = 10;
                                     $MvSpider->basic_id = $basicRs['id'];
                                     $MvSpider->type = $v['type'];
                                     $MvSpider->name = $v['name'];
                                     $MvSpider->download_url = $v['download_url'];
                                     $MvSpider->play_url = $v['play_url'];
                                     $MvSpider->ext = $v['ext'];
                                     $MvSpider->update_time = time();
                                     $MvSpider->create_time = time();
                                     // update mv_source_temp [basic_id]
                                     models\MvSourceTemp::updateAll(['basic_id' => $basicRs['id']], "id={$v['id']}");
                                     // update mv_basic [update_time,source_num]
                                     $source_num = $basicRs['source_num'] + 1;
                                     models\MvBasic::updateAll(['update_time' => time(), 'source_num' => $source_num], "douban_id={$subject_id}");
                                     echo "vs Percent: {$percent} insert done  temp: {$v['id']}-{$v['title']}  basic_id: {$basicRs['id']}  subject_id: {$subject_id} \n\n";
                                 } else {
                                     echo "vs Percent: {$percent} < 100  temp: {$v['id']}-{$v['title']}   {$subject_id}  \n\n";
                             } else {
                                 echo "year:  {$v['year']} vs {$s['year']}  temp: {$v['id']}-{$v['title']}  {$subject_id}  \n\n";
                         } else {
                             echo "basicRs empty {$subject_id} \n\n";
                 //die('subjects done');
             //die('一组 sujectes done');
         //die('一组 tempSource done');