  * @Given /^I have restaurant with following data:$/
 public function iHaveRestaurantWithFollowingData(TableNode $table)
     $restaurantData = $table->getRow(1);
     $street = new Street($restaurantData[1], $restaurantData[2]);
     $address = new Address($street, new City($restaurantData[3]), new Country($restaurantData[4]));
     $this->restaurant = new Restaurant(new RestaurantId(), $restaurantData[0], $address);
  * @Then the post list table looks like
 public function thePostListTableLooksLike(TableNode $expectedTable)
     $WPTable = $this->getTable();
     $actualTable = $WPTable->getTableNode();
     $expectedTableHeader = $expectedTable->getRow(0);
     $actualTableHeader = $actualTable->getRow(0);
     //Check table headers
     if (count($actualTableHeader) != count($expectedTableHeader)) {
         $message = "Columns do no match:\n";
         $message .= $actualTable->getTableAsString();
         throw new \Exception($message);
     } else {
         foreach ($expectedTableHeader as $index => $column) {
             if ($column != $actualTableHeader[$index]) {
                 $message = "Columns do no match:\n";
                 $message .= $actualTable->getTableAsString();
                 throw new \Exception($message);
     //Check rows
     $expectedRows = $expectedTable->getRows();
     foreach ($expectedRows as $rowIndex => $rowColumns) {
         $actualRow = $actualTable->getRow($rowIndex);
         foreach ($rowColumns as $column => $expectedCellValue) {
             if (trim($expectedCellValue) != $actualRow[$column]) {
                 $message = sprintf("(Row %d) %s does not match expected %s:\n", $rowIndex, $actualRow[$column], $expectedCellValue);
                 $message .= $actualTable->getTableAsString();
                 throw new \Exception($message);
  * Create event.
  * @Given /^I create a calendar event with form data:$/
  * @param TableNode $data
  * @return array the list of actions to perform
 public function i_create_a_calendar_event_with_form_data($data)
     // Get the event name.
     $eventname = $data->getRow(1);
     $eventname = $eventname[1];
     return array(new Given('I follow "' . get_string('monththis', 'calendar') . '"'), new Given('I click on "' . get_string('newevent', 'calendar') . '" "button"'), new Given('I set the following fields to these values:', $data), new Given('I press "' . get_string('savechanges') . '"'), new Given('I should see "' . $eventname . '"'));
  * @Then I should get a :arg1 with a rank :arg2 with the following cards:
 public function iShouldGetAWithARankWithTheFollowingCards($arg1, $arg2, TableNode $table)
     $expectedCards = $table->getRow(0);
     $result = $this->handFinder->findHand($this->cards);
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContains($arg1, $result);
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContains($arg2, $result);
     foreach ($expectedCards as $expectedCard) {
         PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContains($expectedCard, $result['cards']);
Beispiel #5
  * Put the specified questions on the specified pages of a given quiz.
  * The first row should be column names:
  * | question | page | maxmark |
  * The first two of those are required. The others are optional.
  * question        needs to uniquely match a question name.
  * page            is a page number. Must start at 1, and on each following
  *                 row should be the same as the previous, or one more.
  * maxmark         What the question is marked out of. Defaults to question.defaultmark.
  * Then there should be a number of rows of data, one for each question you want to add.
  * For backwards-compatibility reasons, specifying the column names is optional
  * (but strongly encouraged). If not specified, the columns are asseumed to be
  * | question | page | maxmark |.
  * @param string $quizname the name of the quiz to add questions to.
  * @param TableNode $data information about the questions to add.
  * @Given /^quiz "([^"]*)" contains the following questions:$/
 public function quiz_contains_the_following_questions($quizname, TableNode $data)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../../editlib.php';
     $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('name' => $quizname), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     // Deal with backwards-compatibility, optional first row.
     $firstrow = $data->getRow(0);
     if (!in_array('question', $firstrow) && !in_array('page', $firstrow)) {
         if (count($firstrow) == 2) {
             $headings = array('question', 'page');
         } else {
             if (count($firstrow) == 3) {
                 $headings = array('question', 'page', 'maxmark');
             } else {
                 throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, you should give 2 or three 3 things: ' . ' the question name, the page number, and optionally the maxiumum mark. ' . count($firstrow) . ' values passed.', $this->getSession());
         $rows = $data->getRows();
         array_unshift($rows, $headings);
     // Add the questions.
     $lastpage = 0;
     foreach ($data->getHash() as $questiondata) {
         if (!array_key_exists('question', $questiondata)) {
             throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' . 'the question name column is required.', $this->getSession());
         if (!array_key_exists('page', $questiondata)) {
             throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' . 'the page number column is required.', $this->getSession());
         // Question id.
         $questionid = $DB->get_field('question', 'id', array('name' => $questiondata['question']), MUST_EXIST);
         // Page number.
         $page = clean_param($questiondata['page'], PARAM_INT);
         if ($page <= 0 || (string) $page !== $questiondata['page']) {
             throw new ExpectationException('The page number for question "' . $questiondata['question'] . '" must be a positive integer.', $this->getSession());
         if ($page < $lastpage || $page > $lastpage + 1) {
             throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' . 'the page number for each question must either be the same, ' . 'or one more, then the page number for the previous question.', $this->getSession());
         $lastpage = $page;
         // Max mark.
         if (!array_key_exists('maxmark', $questiondata) || $questiondata['maxmark'] === '') {
             $maxmark = null;
         } else {
             $maxmark = clean_param($questiondata['maxmark'], PARAM_FLOAT);
             if (!is_numeric($questiondata['maxmark']) || $maxmark < 0) {
                 throw new ExpectationException('The max mark for question "' . $questiondata['question'] . '" must be a positive number.', $this->getSession());
         // Add the question.
         quiz_add_quiz_question($questionid, $quiz, $page, $maxmark);
  * @When /^I create restaurant with following data:$/
 public function iCreateRestaurantWithFollowingData(TableNode $table)
     $restaurantData = $table->getRow(1);
     try {
         $street = new Street($restaurantData[1], $restaurantData[2]);
         $address = new Address($street, new City($restaurantData[3]), new Country($restaurantData[4]));
         $restaurant = new Restaurant(new RestaurantId(), $restaurantData[0], $address);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Beispiel #7
  * Create event.
  * @Given /^I create a calendar event:$/
  * @param TableNode $data
 public function i_create_a_calendar_event($data)
     // Get the event name.
     $eventname = $data->getRow(1);
     $eventname = $eventname[1];
     // Click to create new event.
     $this->execute("behat_general::i_click_on", array(get_string('newevent', 'calendar'), "button"));
     // Set form fields.
     $this->execute("behat_forms::i_set_the_following_fields_to_these_values", $data);
     // Save event.
     $this->execute("behat_forms::press_button", get_string('savechanges'));
     // Check if event is created. Being last step, don't need to wait or check for exceptions.
     $this->execute("behat_general::assert_page_contains_text", $eventname);
  * @Given /^I create a "([^"]*)" entity with the settings:$/
 public function iCreateAEntityWithTheSettings($entity_type, TableNode $table)
     $headers = $table->getRow(0);
     foreach ($table->getRows() as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 0) {
         /** @var nuntiusRoomEntity $entity */
         $entity = entity_create($this->entityTypes[$entity_type], array_combine($headers, $value));
         $this->entities[$this->entityTypes[$entity_type]][] = $entity->identifier();
  * @Given /^following run for "([^"]+)":$/
 public function followingRunFor($name, TableNode $table)
     $app = $this->getApplication();
     $project = $app['project_list']->get($name);
     $methods = array('created_at' => function (RunUnit $unit, $val) {
         $int = new \DateInterval($val);
         $now = new \DateTime();
     }, 'started_at' => function (RunUnit $unit, $val) {
         $int = new \DateInterval($val);
         $now = new \DateTime();
     }, 'finished_at' => function (RunUnit $unit, $val) {
         $int = new \DateInterval($val);
         $now = new \DateTime();
         if (!$unit->getStartedAt()) {
     }, 'feature' => function (RunUnit $unit, $val) {
     }, 'return_code' => function (RunUnit $unit, $val) {
     $headers = $table->getRow(0);
     foreach ($headers as $col) {
         if (!isset($methods[$col])) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No handler for column "%s".', $col));
     $run = new Run();
     $units = $run->getUnits();
     foreach ($table->getRows() as $i => $row) {
         if ($i == 0) {
         $unit = new RunUnit();
         foreach ($headers as $i => $header) {
             $value = $row[$i];
             if ($value === '@null') {
             $methods[$header]($unit, $row[$i]);
  * @Given /^There are records in table \'([^\']+)\'$/
  * @param string $tableName
  * @param TableNode $table
 public function thereAreItemsInTable($tableName, TableNode $table)
     /* @var $connection \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection */
     $connection = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getConnection();
     $fields = $table->getRow(0);
     $tableFields = '`' . implode('`, `', $fields) . '`';
     $tablePlaceholders = ':' . implode(', :', $fields);
     $sth = $connection->prepare(str_replace(['__table', '__fields', '__placeholders'], [$tableName, $tableFields, $tablePlaceholders], '
                 INSERT INTO __table (__fields)
                 VALUES (__placeholders)
     foreach ($table as $row) {
Beispiel #11
  * @Then /^I should be on the page for "(?P<model>[^"]*)" with following details:$/
 public function iShouldBeOnThePageForWithInIts($model, TableNode $table)
     $model = ucfirst($model);
     $attribute = $table->getRow(0);
     $value = $table->getRow(1);
     $obj = $model::model()->findByAttributes(array($attribute[0] => $value[0]));
     if ($obj === null) {
         throw new CDbException(ucfirst($model) . ' with "' . $attribute . '" equals to "' . $value . '" not found');
     $expected = Yii::app()->urlManager->createUrl(strtolower($model) . '/view', array('id' => $obj->id));
  * @Then /^I should get the following response:/
  * @param TableNode $node
 public function checkWithTableNode(TableNode $node)
     $data = array_combine($node->getRow(0), $node->getRow(1));
     Assertion::eq($data, $this->response);
  * @When I try to persist the following user:
  * @param TableNode $table
 public function persistUser(TableNode $table)
     $row = $table->getRow(1);
     $user = User::create($row[0], $row[1], $row[2], new PhpPasswordHasher());
     $this->user = $user;
  * @Then I should see the following name suggestions:
 public function iShouldSeeTheFollowingNameSuggestions(TableNode $table)
     Assertion::inArray($table->getRow(1)[0], $this->suggestions);
     Assertion::count($this->suggestions, 2);
  * @When I send a registration request with the following credentials:
  * @param TableNode $table
 public function iSendARegistrationRequestWithTheFollowingCredentials(TableNode $table)
     $row = $table->getRow(1);
     $this->username = $row[0];
     $this->response = $this->performRequest('POST', '/api/users.json', ['username' => $row[0], 'password' => $row[1], 'email' => $row[2], 'locale' => $row[3]], true, [], [], 200, true, null, true);
Beispiel #16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function printStepTableArgument(TableNode $table, $color = null)
     $this->writeln('<table class="argument">');
     $headers = $table->getRow(0);
     $this->printColorizedTableRow($headers, 'row');
     foreach ($table->getHash() as $row) {
         $this->printColorizedTableRow($row, 'row');
Beispiel #17
 public function testGetRowWithLineNumbers()
     $table = new TableNode(array(5 => array('username', 'password'), 10 => array('everzet', 'qwerty'), 13 => array('antono', 'pa$sword')));
     $this->assertEquals(array('username', 'password'), $table->getRow(0));
     $this->assertEquals(array('antono', 'pa$sword'), $table->getRow(2));
Beispiel #18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function printOutlineExampleResultExceptions(TableNode $examples, array $events)
     $colCount = count($examples->getRow(0));
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $error = $this->relativizePathsInString($event->get('exception')->getMessage());
         $this->writeln('<tr class="failed exception">');
         $this->writeln('<td colspan="' . $colCount . '">');
         $this->writeln('<pre class="backtrace">' . htmlspecialchars($error) . '</pre>');
Beispiel #19
  * @Then /^the following <row> should appear in the table "([^"]*)":$/
 public function theFollowingRowShouldAppearInTheTable($table_id, TableNode $table)
     $page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
     $table_element = $page->find('css', "table#{$table_id}");
     if (!$table_element) {
         throw new \Exception("Table '{$table_id}' was not found.");
     $expectedRow = $table->getRow(0);
     // Search for the row in the table
     foreach ($table_element->findAll('css', 'tr') as $i => $row) {
         // Compare the given row to all table rows. If no exception is thrown it
         // means the row was found.
         try {
             $this->compareTableRow($row->findAll('css', 'td'), $expectedRow);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Try the next row.
         // Found the row.
     throw new \Exception('Row not found.');
  * @When /^An external event (.*) is fired with payload$/
 public function anExternalEventIsFiredWithPayload($event, TableNode $payload)
     static::$app['events']->fire($event, $payload->getRow(0));
  * @Then /^I should see (?P<tableName>[\w\d\-]+) table header:$/
 public function assertTableHeader($tableName, TableNode $expectedHeader)
     $table = $this->findTable($tableName);
     Assert::assertEquals($expectedHeader->getRow(0), $table->getColumns(), "Table header looks different: " . $table->dumpHeader());
    /** Set up the users required for a scenario.
     * @Given /^the following users exist:$/
    public function setUpUsers(TableNode $table)
        if (0 !== count(array_diff(['name', 'password', 'email', 'member of'], $table->getRow(0)))) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Table missing one of the required columns (name, password, email, member of)");
        $users = [];
        foreach ($table->getHash() as $user) {
            $r_group = $this->pdo->query(<<<SQL
    name = '{$user['member of']}'
            if (1 !== $r_group->rowCount()) {
                throw new DomainException("User '{$user['name']}' is assigned to the non existing group '{$user['member of']}'");
            $user['groupid'] = $r_group->fetchColumn();
            $user['isadmin'] = isset($user['flags']) && in_array('isadmin', array_map('trim', explode(',', $user['flags']))) ? 1 : 0;
            $user['inactive'] = isset($user['flags']) && in_array('inactive', array_map('trim', explode(',', $user['flags']))) ? 1 : 0;
            $users[] = $user;
        foreach ($users as $user) {