  * Create migrator.
 protected function createMigrator($database, $files)
     $config = ['table' => 'migrations', 'dir' => 'migrations'];
     $templatesCollection = new TemplatesCollection($config);
     return new Migrator($config, $templatesCollection, $database, $files);
Beispiel #2
  * Initialize autocreation.
  * @param string      $dir
  * @param string|null $table
 public static function init($dir, $table = null)
     $templates = new TemplatesCollection();
     $config = ['dir' => $dir, 'table' => is_null($table) ? 'migrations' : $table];
     static::$migrator = new Migrator($config, $templates);
Beispiel #3
  * Create migration file.
  * @param string $name         - migration name
  * @param string $templateName
  * @param array  $replace      - array of placeholders that should be replaced with a given values.
  * @return string
 public function createMigration($name, $templateName, array $replace = [])
     $fileName = $this->constructFileName($name);
     $className = $this->getMigrationClassNameByFileName($fileName);
     $templateName = $this->templates->selectTemplate($templateName);
     $template = $this->files->getContent($this->templates->getTemplatePath($templateName));
     $template = $this->replacePlaceholdersInTemplate($template, array_merge($replace, ['className' => $className]));
     $this->files->putContent($this->dir . '/' . $fileName . '.php', $template);
     return $fileName;
  * Collect and return templates from a Migrator.
  * @return array
 protected function collectRows()
     $rows = collect($this->collection->all())->filter(function ($template) {
         return $template['is_alias'] == false;
     })->sortBy('name')->map(function ($template) {
         $row = [];
         $names = array_merge([$template['name']], $template['aliases']);
         $row[] = implode("\n/ ", $names);
         $row[] = wordwrap($template['path'], 65, "\n", true);
         $row[] = wordwrap($template['description'], 25, "\n", true);
         return $row;
     return $this->separateRows($rows);