Beispiel #1
 public function queueBroadcast()
     if ($broadcasts = ArBroadcast::find('all', ['conditions' => 'status = "pending" and send_at <= NOW()'])) {
         foreach ($broadcasts as $broadcast) {
             try {
                 $this->updateBroadcastStatus($broadcast, 'processing');
                 if ($user_ids = Lists::getInstance()->getTargetUserIds($broadcast->ar_list_id)) {
                     if ($mail_id = $broadcast->mail_id) {
                         if ($max_time = ($broadcast->mailing_time ?: 1) * 60 * 60) {
                             $time_offset = 0;
                             $mails_per_sec = min(1, $max_time / count($user_ids));
                             foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
                                 try {
                                     $send_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + floor($time_offset));
                                     if (ArQueue::create_direct(['user_id' => $user_id, 'mail_id' => $mail_id, 'send_at' => $send_at, 'status' => 'pending'])) {
                                         $time_offset += $mails_per_sec;
                                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
             } finally {
                 $this->updateBroadcastStatus($broadcast, 'sent');
Beispiel #2
 public function sendPendingMails()
     if ($mails = ArQueue::find('all', ['conditions' => 'status = "pending" and send_at < NOW()'])) {
         $sendMail = SendMail::getInstance();
         foreach ($mails as $mail) {
             $status = 'fail';
             try {
                 if ($sendMail->send($mail->mail_id, $mail->user_id)) {
                     $status = 'pass';
             } finally {
                 $mail->status = $status;
 public function queueEmails()
     ArCampaign::$has_many = [['messages', 'foreign_key' => 'ar_campaign_id', 'class_name' => 'ArMessage', 'order' => 'sequence asc']];
     if ($autoresponders = ArCampaign::find_all_by_enabled('y')) {
         $lists = Lists::getInstance();
         $ext_mail_id = function ($msg) {
             return $msg->mail_id ?: 0;
         foreach ($autoresponders as $autoresponder_id => $autoresponder) {
             if ($messages = $autoresponder->messages) {
                 $mails = $mail_ids = [];
                 foreach ($messages as $message) {
                     if ($mail_id = $message->mail_id) {
                         $mails[$mail_id] = $message;
                         $mail_ids[] = $mail_id;
                 if ($user_ids = $lists->getTargetUserIds($autoresponder->ar_list_id)) {
                     $count = 0;
                     printf("Found %d users in list: {$autoresponder->ar_list_id}\n", count($user_ids));
                     $sql = sprintf('SELECT user_id, MAX(sent_at) AS last_sent, COUNT(user_id) AS total_sent FROM ar_history WHERE user_id IN (%s) AND mail_id IN (%s) ' . 'GROUP BY user_id HAVING ((total_sent = %d) OR (last_sent > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)))', join(',', $user_ids), join(',', $mail_ids), count($messages));
                     if ($recent_or_full = User::find_by_sql($sql)) {
                         # find all users that have been sent all messages |OR| last mail sent is within 1 day
                         foreach ($recent_or_full as $i_user) {
                             $ignored_user_ids[$i_user->user_id] = 1;
                     if ($send_to = !empty($ignored_user_ids) ? array_diff($user_ids, array_keys($ignored_user_ids)) : $user_ids) {
                         foreach ($send_to as $user_id) {
                             $days_since_last_email = 1000;
                             if ($messages_sent = ArHistory::find_all_by_user_id($user_id, ['select' => 'mail_id, sent_at', 'order' => 'sent_at ASC', 'limit' => count($messages)])) {
                                 $message_sent_ids = array_map($ext_mail_id, $messages_sent);
                                 if ($last_sent = end($messages_sent)) {
                                     $days_since_last_email = floor(max(0, time() - $last_sent->sent_at->getTimestamp()) / 86400);
                             if ($messages_remaining = !empty($message_sent_ids) ? array_diff($mail_ids, $message_sent_ids) : $mail_ids) {
                                 if ($mail_id_to_send = array_shift($messages_remaining)) {
                                     try {
                                         $wait_days = !empty($message_sent_ids) && !empty($mails[$mail_id_to_send]) ? $mails[$mail_id_to_send]->wait : 0;
                                         if ($days_since_last_email >= $wait_days) {
                                             $send_at = new DateTime();
                                             if ($schedule = $autoresponder->schedule) {
                                                 if ($ranges = json_decode($schedule, true)) {
                                                     $user = User::find_cached($user_id);
                                                     $timezone = !empty($user->tz_offset) ? timezone_name_from_abbr("", $user->tz_offset * -60, 0) : date_default_timezone_get();
                                                     $send_at = $this->getQueueDate($ranges, $timezone) ?: $send_at;
                                             $sent_at = $send_at->format(Connection::$datetime_format);
                                             if (ArHistory::create_direct(['user_id' => $user_id, 'mail_id' => $mail_id_to_send, 'sent_at' => $sent_at])) {
                                                 $now = new DateTime();
                                                 $count = $count + 1;
                                                 if ($send_at > $now) {
                                                     echo "Queued mail_id #{$mail_id_to_send} for user_id #{$user_id} at {$sent_at}\n";
                                                     ArQueue::create_direct(['send_at' => $sent_at, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'mail_id' => $mail_id_to_send, 'status' => 'pending']);
                                                 } else {
                                                     echo "Sending mail_id #{$mail_id_to_send} to user_id #{$user_id} right now\n";
                                                     SendMail::getInstance()->send($mail_id_to_send, $user_id);
                                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                                         App::getInstance()->warn("Unable to send mail: " . $e->getMessage());
                     print "{$count} mails sent\n";