function exportar($aObj = array(), $directo_a_browser = 1)
     if (is_array($aObj)) {
         $v = new vcalendar();
         $v->setConfig('DIRECTORY', sfConfig::get('sf_cache_dir'));
         foreach ($aObj as $link_evento) {
             if ($link_evento->getEvento()) {
                 $e = new vevent();
                 $e->setProperty('DESCRIPTION', '');
                 $e->setProperty('SUMMARY', $link_evento->getEvento()->getTitulo());
                 $e->setProperty('class', 'PUBLIC');
                 $aFechaInicio = getdate(strtotime($link_evento->getEvento()->getFechaInicio()));
                 $e->setProperty('dtstart', $aFechaInicio['year'], $aFechaInicio['mon'], $aFechaInicio['mday'], $aFechaInicio['hours'], $aFechaInicio['minutes'], 0);
                 $aFechaFin = getdate(strtotime($link_evento->getEvento()->getFechaFin()));
                 $e->setProperty('dtend', $aFechaFin['year'], $aFechaFin['mon'], $aFechaFin['mday'], $aFechaFin['hours'], $aFechaFin['minutes'], 0);
                 $e->setProperty('dtstamp', gmdate('Ymd\\THi00\\Z'));
                 if ($link_evento->getEvento()->getFrecuencia()) {
                     $freq = $this->aFreq[$link_evento->getEvento()->getFrecuencia()];
                     $interval = $link_evento->getEvento()->getFrecuenciaIntervalo();
                     $aRrule = array();
                     $aRrule['FREQ'] = $freq;
                     $aRrule['INTERVAL'] = $interval;
                     if ($freq == "WEEKLY") {
                         $aRrule['BYDAY'] = array_chunk(explode(",", $link_evento->getEvento()->getRecurrenciaDiasIcal()), 1);
                     if ($link_evento->getEvento()->getRecurrenciaFin() != "") {
                         if (is_numeric($link_evento->getEvento()->getRecurrenciaFin())) {
                             $aRrule['COUNT'] = $link_evento->getEvento()->getRecurrenciaFin();
                         } else {
                             $aRrule['UNTIL'] = gmdate('Ymd\\THi00\\Z', strtotime($link_evento->getEvento()->getRecurrenciaFin()));
                     $e->setProperty('rrule', $aRrule);
         if ($directo_a_browser == 1) {
         } else {
             return $v->getConfig('filename');
     } else {
         $error = 'No envío un array para la exportación';
         throw new Exception($error);
Beispiel #2
 public function ical($params)
     $official = isset($params['official']);
     $group_name = isset($params['group']) ? $params['group'] : null;
     $event_model = new Event_Model();
     $events = $event_model->getUpcoming($group_name, $official, false);
     // Creation of the iCal content
     $cache_entry = 'ical-' . (isset($group_name) ? $group_name : '') . '-' . ($official ? 'official' : 'non-official');
     $content = Cache::read($cache_entry);
     if (!$content) {
         require_once APP_DIR . 'classes/class.iCalcreator.php';
         $cal = new vcalendar();
         $cal->setConfig('unique_id', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $cal->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
         $cal->setProperty('x-wr-calname', $official ? __('EVENTS_TITLE_OFFICIAL') : __('EVENTS_TITLE_NONOFFICIAL'));
         $cal->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', '');
         $cal->setProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE', date('e'));
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             $vevent = new vevent();
             $vevent->setProperty('dtstart', array('year' => (int) date('Y', $event['date_start']), 'month' => (int) date('n', $event['date_start']), 'day' => (int) date('j', $event['date_start']), 'hour' => (int) date('G', $event['date_start']), 'min' => (int) date('i', $event['date_start']), 'sec' => (int) date('s', $event['date_start'])));
             $vevent->setProperty('dtend', array('year' => (int) date('Y', $event['date_end']), 'month' => (int) date('n', $event['date_end']), 'day' => (int) date('j', $event['date_end']), 'hour' => (int) date('G', $event['date_end']), 'min' => (int) date('i', $event['date_end']), 'sec' => (int) date('s', $event['date_end'])));
             $vevent->setProperty('summary', $event['title']);
             $vevent->setProperty('description', $event['message']);
         $content = $cal->createCalendar();
         Cache::write($cache_entry, $content, 2 * 3600);
     $this->set('content', $content);
 function update($data)
     $uid = substr($data['uid'], strlen('event-'));
     $oldCalName = $data['oldCalName'];
     $calName = $data['calName'];
     $eventStart = $data['eventStart'];
     $eventEnd = $data['eventEnd'];
     $eventText = $data['eventText'];
     if ($calName == null) {
         throw new Exception("no calendar name");
     if ($uid == '' && ($eventStart == null || $eventEnd == null)) {
         throw new Exception("no start/end date");
     if ($uid == '' && $eventText == '') {
         throw new Exception("haven't created event because text is empty");
     if ($oldCalName != null) {
         // we have an old calendar, so move event from that cal to $calName
         // possibly updating event summary as well
         $this->moveEvent($uid, $eventText, $oldCalName, $calName);
     } else {
         if ($uid == '') {
             // No UID so create a new event
             $event = new vevent();
             $event->setProperty('summary', $eventText);
             $event->setProperty('dtstart', $eventStart, array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
             $event->setProperty('dtend', $eventEnd, array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
             $uid = $event->getProperty('uid');
             $cal = new Calendar($calName);
             return $uid;
         } else {
             if ($eventText === '') {
                 // Event text is now empty, so delete event
                 $cal = new Calendar($calName);
             } else {
                 // Update the event
                 $cal = new Calendar($calName);
                 $event = $cal->getComponent($uid);
                 if ($eventText != null) {
                     $event->setProperty('summary', $eventText);
                 if ($eventStart != null) {
                     $event->setProperty('dtstart', $eventStart, array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
                 if ($eventEnd != null) {
                     $event->setProperty('dtend', $eventEnd, array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
                 $cal->setComponent($event, $uid);
Beispiel #4
 function display($tpl = null)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $results = $model->getResults(JRequest::getVar('p', 0, '', 'int'));
     $project = $model->getProject(JRequest::getVar('p', 0, '', 'int'));
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $v = new vcalendar();
     // initiate new CALENDAR
     $v->setConfig('project' . $project->id, $mainframe->getCfg('live_site'));
     // config with site domain
     $v->setProperty('X-WR-CALNAME', $project->name);
     // set some X-properties, name, content.. .
     $v->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', JText::_('COM_TRACKS_Project_calendar'));
     $v->setConfig("filename", 'project_' . $project->id . '.ics');
     foreach ((array) $results as $result) {
         if (!ereg('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})', $result->start_date, $start_date)) {
         $e = new vevent();
         // initiate a new EVENT
         $e->setProperty('categories', $project->name);
         // catagorize
         $e->setProperty('dtstart', $start_date[1], $start_date[2], $start_date[3], $start_date[4], $start_date[5], $start_date[6]);
         if (ereg('([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})', $result->end_date, $end_date)) {
             $e->setProperty('dtend', $end_date[1], $end_date[2], $end_date[3], $end_date[4], $end_date[5], $end_date[6]);
         $description = array();
         $description[] = $result->round_name;
         if ($result->winner && $result->winner->last_name) {
             $winner = JText::_('COM_TRACKS_Winner') . $result->winner->first_name . ' ' . $result->winner->last_name;
             if ($result->winner->team_name) {
                 $winner .= ' (' . $result->winner->team_name . ')';
             $description[] = $winner;
         $description = implode('\\n', $description);
         $e->setProperty('description', $description);
         // describe the event
         $e->setProperty('location', $result->round_name);
         // locate the event
         // add component to calendar
     /* alt. production */
     // $v->returnCalendar();                       // generate and redirect output to user browser
     /* alt. dev. and test */
     $str = $v->createCalendar();
     // generate and get output in string, for testing?
     //      echo $str;return;
 public function onPreInit($param)
     if (isset($_GET['idtm_termin'])) {
         $TerminRecord = TerminRecord::finder()->findByPK($_GET['idtm_termin']);
     } else {
         echo "Kein Termin";
     $v = new vcalendar();
     // initiate new CALENDAR
     $v->setConfig('pliq_hpartner', '');
     // config with site domain
     $e = new vevent();
     // initiate a new EVENT
     $SDateArray = explode('-', $TerminRecord->ter_startdate);
     $EDateArray = explode('-', $TerminRecord->ter_enddate);
     $STimeArray = explode(':', $TerminRecord->ter_starttime);
     $ETimeArray = explode(':', $TerminRecord->ter_endtime);
     $e->setProperty('categories', ActivityRecord::finder()->findByPK($TerminRecord->idtm_activity)->act_name);
     // catagorize
     $e->setProperty('dtstart', $SDateArray[0], $SDateArray[1], $SDateArray[2], $STimeArray[0], $STimeArray[1], 00);
     // 24 dec 2006 19.30
     $e->setProperty('dtend', $EDateArray[0], $EDateArray[1], $EDateArray[2], $ETimeArray[0], $ETimeArray[1], 00);
     // 24 dec 2006 19.30
     //$e->setProperty( 'duration'
     //               , 0, 0, 3 );                    // 3 hours
     $e->setProperty('summary', $TerminRecord->ter_betreff);
     // describe the event
     $e->setProperty('description', $TerminRecord->ter_descr);
     // describe the event
     $e->setProperty('location', $TerminRecord->ter_ort);
     // locate the event
     // add component to calendar
     /* alt. production */
     // $v->returnCalendar();                       // generate and redirect output to user browser
     /* alt. dev. and test */
     $str = $v->createCalendar();
     // generate and get output in string, for testing?
     $this->getResponse()->appendHeader("Content-Type:" . $this->header);
     $this->getResponse()->appendHeader("Content-Disposition:inline;filename=" . $this->docName . '.' . $this->ext);
     echo $str;
Beispiel #6
 function addEvent($start, $end = false, $summary, $description = '', $extra = false)
     $start = strtotime($start);
     $vevent = new vevent();
     if (!$end) {
         $end = $start + 24 * 60 * 60;
         $vevent->setProperty('dtstart', date('Ymd', $start), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
         $vevent->setProperty('dtend', date('Ymd', $end), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
     } else {
         $end = strtotime($end);
         $start = getdate($start);
         $a_start['year'] = $start['year'];
         $a_start['month'] = $start['mon'];
         $a_start['day'] = $start['mday'];
         $a_start['hour'] = $start['hours'];
         $a_start['min'] = $start['minutes'];
         $a_start['sec'] = $start['seconds'];
         $end = getdate($end);
         $a_end['year'] = $end['year'];
         $a_end['month'] = $end['mon'];
         $a_end['day'] = $end['mday'];
         $a_end['sec'] = $end['seconds'];
         $a_end['hour'] = $end['hours'];
         $a_end['min'] = $end['minutes'];
         $vevent->setProperty('dtstart', $a_start);
         $vevent->setProperty('dtend', $a_end);
     $vevent->setProperty('summary', $summary);
     $vevent->setProperty('description', $description);
     if (is_array($extra)) {
         foreach ($extra as $key => $value) {
             $vevent->setProperty($key, $value);
  * toICS()
  * Outputs group schedules in ICS format
 function toICS()
     require_once BPSP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/schedules/iCalcreator.class.php';
     global $bp;
     define('ICAL_LANG', get_bloginfo('language'));
     $cal = new vcalendar();
     $cal->setConfig('unique_id', str_replace('http://', '', get_bloginfo('siteurl')));
     $cal->setConfig('filename', $bp->groups->current_group->slug);
     $cal->setProperty('X-WR-CALNAME', __('Calendar for: ', 'bpsp') . $bp->groups->current_group->name);
     $cal->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', $bp->groups->current_group->description);
     $cal->setProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE', get_option('timezone_string'));
     $schedules = $this->has_schedules();
     $assignments = BPSP_Assignments::has_assignments();
     $entries = array_merge($assignments, $schedules);
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         $e = new vevent();
         if ($entry->post_type == "schedule") {
             $date = getdate(strtotime($entry->start_date));
         } elseif ($entry->post_type == "assignment") {
             $date = getdate(strtotime($entry->post_date));
         $dtstart['year'] = $date['year'];
         $dtstart['month'] = $date['mon'];
         $dtstart['day'] = $date['mday'];
         $dtstart['hour'] = $date['hours'];
         $dtstart['min'] = $date['minutes'];
         $dtstart['sec'] = $date['seconds'];
         $e->setProperty('dtstart', $dtstart);
         $e->setProperty('description', get_the_content() . "\n\n" . $entry->permalink);
         if (!empty($entry->location)) {
             $e->setProperty('location', $entry->location);
         if ($entry->post_type == "assignment") {
             $entry->end_date = $entry->due_date;
         // make assignments compatible with schedule parser
         if (!empty($entry->end_date)) {
             $date = getdate(strtotime($entry->end_date));
             $dtend['year'] = $date['year'];
             $dtend['month'] = $date['mon'];
             $dtend['day'] = $date['mday'];
             $dtend['hour'] = $date['hours'];
             $dtend['min'] = $date['minutes'];
             $dtend['sec'] = $date['seconds'];
             $e->setProperty('dtend', $dtend);
         } else {
             $e->setProperty('duration', 0, 1, 0);
         // Assume it's an one day event
         $e->setProperty('summary', get_the_title($entry->ID));
         $e->setProperty('status', 'CONFIRMED');
     header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
$v = new vcalendar();
  // create a new calendar instance
$v->setConfig( 'unique_id', '' );
  // set Your unique id

$v->setProperty( 'method', 'PUBLISH' );
  // required of some calendar software
$v->setProperty( "x-wr-calname", "Calendar Sample" );
  // required of some calendar software
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-CALDESC", "Calendar Description" );
  // required of some calendar software
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-TIMEZONE", "Europe/Stockholm" );
  // required of some calendar software

$vevent = new vevent();
  // create an event calendar component
$start = array( 'year'=>getLeadInfo("YEAR(targetdate)"), 'month'=>getLeadInfo("MONTH(targetdate)"), 'day'=>getLeadInfo("DAY(targetdate)"));
$vevent->setProperty( 'dtstart', $start );
//$end = array( 'year'=>2007, 'month'=>4, 'day'=>1, 'hour'=>22, 'min'=>30, 'sec'=>0 );
//$vevent->setProperty( 'dtend', $end );
$vevent->setProperty( 'LOCATION', 'Central Placa' );
  // property name - case independent
$vevent->setProperty( 'summary', getLeadInfo("jobname") );
$vevent->setProperty( 'description', getItemDesc() );
$vevent->setProperty( 'comment', 'This \n\n is a comment' );
//$vevent->setProperty( 'attendee', '*****@*****.**' );
$v->setComponent ( $vevent );
  // add event to calendar

 public function generate_ical()
     $eventdata = $this->pdh->get('calendar_events', 'data', array($this->url_id));
     require $this->root_path . 'libraries/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php';
     $v = new vcalendar();
     $v->setConfig('unique_id', $this->config->get('server_name'));
     $v->setProperty('x-wr-calname', sprintf(registry::fetch('user')->lang('icalfeed_name'), registry::register('config')->get('guildtag')));
     $v->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', registry::fetch('user')->lang('icalfeed_description'));
     // set the timezone - required by some clients
     $timezone = registry::register('config')->get('timezone');
     $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $timezone);
     iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone($v, $timezone, array("X-LIC-LOCATION" => $timezone));
     // Generate the vevents...
     $e = new vevent();
     $e->setProperty('dtstart', array("timestamp" => $eventdata['timestamp_start'] . 'Z'));
     $e->setProperty('dtend', array("timestamp" => $eventdata['timestamp_end'] . 'Z'));
     $e->setProperty('dtstamp', array("timestamp" => $this->time->time));
     $e->setProperty('summary', $this->pdh->get('event', 'name', array($eventdata['extension']['raid_eventid'])));
     $e->setProperty('description', $eventdata['notes']);
     $e->setProperty('class', 'PUBLIC');
     $e->setProperty('categories', 'PERSONAL');
     // Save or Output the ICS File..
     if ($icsfile == true) {
         $v->setConfig('filename', $icsfile);
     } else {
         header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8;');
         header('Content-Disposition: filename=raidevent-' . $eventdata['timestamp_start'] . '.ics');
         echo $v->createCalendar();
Beispiel #10
$agenda->type = $type;
//course,admin or personal
if (isset($_GET['course_id'])) {
    $course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($_GET['course_id']);
    if (!empty($course_info)) {
$event = $agenda->get_event($id);
if (!empty($event)) {
    define('ICAL_LANG', api_get_language_isocode());
    $ical = new vcalendar();
    $ical->setConfig('unique_id', api_get_path(WEB_PATH));
    $ical->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
    $ical->setConfig('url', api_get_path(WEB_PATH));
    $vevent = new vevent();
    switch ($_GET['class']) {
        case 'public':
        case 'private':
        case 'confidential':
    $event['start_date'] = api_get_local_time($event['start_date']);
  *  Generate ical file content
  * @param $who user ID
  * @param $who_group group ID
  * @return icalendar string
 static function generateIcal($who, $who_group)
     global $CFG_GLPI, $LANG;
     if ($who == 0 && $who_group == 0) {
         return false;
     include_once GLPI_ROOT . "/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php";
     $v = new vcalendar();
     if (!empty($CFG_GLPI["version"])) {
         $v->setConfig('unique_id', "GLPI-Planning-" . trim($CFG_GLPI["version"]));
     } else {
         $v->setConfig('unique_id', "GLPI-Planning-UnknownVersion");
     $v->setConfig('filename', "glpi.ics");
     $v->setProperty("method", "PUBLISH");
     $v->setProperty("version", "2.0");
     $v->setProperty("x-wr-calname", "GLPI-" . $who . "-" . $who_group);
     $v->setProperty("calscale", "GREGORIAN");
     $interv = array();
     $begin = time() - MONTH_TIMESTAMP * 12;
     $end = time() + MONTH_TIMESTAMP * 12;
     $begin = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $begin);
     $end = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end);
     // ---------------Tracking
     $interv = TicketPlanning::populatePlanning(array('who' => $who, 'who_group' => $who_group, 'begin' => $begin, 'end' => $end));
     // ---------------Reminder
     $data = Reminder::populatePlanning(array('who' => $who, 'who_group' => $who_group, 'begin' => $begin, 'end' => $end));
     $interv = array_merge($interv, $data);
     // ---------------Plugin
     $data = doHookFunction("planning_populate", array("begin" => $begin, "end" => $end, "who" => $who, "who_group" => $who_group));
     if (isset($data["items"]) && count($data["items"])) {
         $interv = array_merge($data["items"], $interv);
     if (count($interv) > 0) {
         foreach ($interv as $key => $val) {
             $vevent = new vevent();
             //initiate EVENT
             if (isset($val["tickettasks_id"])) {
                 $vevent->setProperty("uid", "Job#" . $val["tickettasks_id"]);
             } else {
                 if (isset($val["reminders_id"])) {
                     $vevent->setProperty("uid", "Event#" . $val["reminders_id"]);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($val['planningID'])) {
                         // Specify the ID (for plugins)
                         $vevent->setProperty("uid", "Plugin#" . $val['planningID']);
                     } else {
                         $vevent->setProperty("uid", "Plugin#" . $key);
             $vevent->setProperty("dstamp", $val["begin"]);
             $vevent->setProperty("dtstart", $val["begin"]);
             $vevent->setProperty("dtend", $val["end"]);
             if (isset($val["tickets_id"])) {
                 $vevent->setProperty("summary", $LANG['planning'][8] . " # " . $val["tickets_id"] . " " . $LANG['document'][14] . " # " . $val["device"]);
             } else {
                 if (isset($val["name"])) {
                     $vevent->setProperty("summary", $val["name"]);
             if (isset($val["content"])) {
                 $vevent->setProperty("description", html_clean($val["content"]));
             } else {
                 if (isset($val["name"])) {
                     $vevent->setProperty("description", $val["name"]);
             if (isset($val["tickets_id"])) {
                 $vevent->setProperty("url", $CFG_GLPI["url_base"] . "/index.php?redirect=tracking_" . $val["tickets_id"]);
     return $v->returnCalendar();
Beispiel #12
                 // get the status counts
                 $counts = '';
                 foreach ($raidstatus as $statusid => $statusname) {
                     $counts[$statusid] = isset($attendees[$statusid]) ? count($attendees[$statusid]) : 0;
                 // build the description data
                 $description_data = registry::register('plus_datahandler')->get('calendar_events', 'notes', array($calid));
                 $description_data .= !empty($description_data) ? '\\n\\n' : '';
                 foreach ($counts as $countid => $countdata) {
                     $description_data .= $raidstatus[$countid] . ' (' . $countdata . '): ' . (isset($attendees[$countid]) && count($attendees[$countid]) > 0 ? implode(', ', $attendees[$countid]) : '--') . '\\n';
                 // generate the ical output
                 $e = new vevent();
                 $e->setProperty('dtstart', array("timestamp" => registry::register('plus_datahandler')->get('calendar_events', 'time_start', array($calid)) . 'Z'));
                 $e->setProperty('dtend', array("timestamp" => registry::register('plus_datahandler')->get('calendar_events', 'time_end', array($calid)) . 'Z'));
                 $e->setProperty('summary', registry::register('plus_datahandler')->get('calendar_events', 'name', array($calid)));
                 $e->setProperty('description', $description_data);
                 $e->setProperty('class', 'PUBLIC');
                 $e->setProperty('categories', 'PERSONAL');
 // Save or Output the ICS File..(for future usage, not used atm)
 if ($icsfile == true) {
     $v->setConfig('filename', $icsfile);
Beispiel #13
  * Export all tasks of a user via iCal
  * @param int $user User ID
  * @param bool $show_long
  * @return bool
 function getIcal($user, $show_long = true)
     $user = (int) $user;
     $show_long = (bool) $show_long;
     $username = $_SESSION["username"];
     $project = new project();
     $myprojects = $project->getMyProjects($user);
     $tasks = array();
     if (!empty($myprojects)) {
         foreach ($myprojects as $proj) {
             $task = $this->getAllMyProjectTasks($proj["ID"], 10000);
             if (!empty($task)) {
                 array_push($tasks, $task);
     $etasks = reduceArray($tasks);
     require "class.ical.php";
     $heute = date("d-m-y");
     $cal = new vcalendar();
     $fname = "tasks_" . $username . ".ics";
     $cal->setConfig('directory', CL_ROOT . '/files/' . CL_CONFIG . '/ics');
     $cal->setConfig('filename', $fname);
     $cal->setConfig('unique_id', '');
     $cal->setProperty('X-WR-CALNAME', "Collabtive Aufgaben für " . $username);
     $cal->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', '');
     $cal->setProperty('CALSCALE', 'GREGORIAN');
     $cal->setProperty('METHOD', 'PUBLISH');
     foreach ($etasks as $etask) {
         // split date in Y / M / D / h / min / sek variables
         $jahr = date("Y", $etask["start"]);
         $monat = date("m", $etask["start"]);
         $tag = date("d", $etask["start"]);
         $std = date("h", $etask["start"]);
         $min = date("i", $etask["start"]);
         $sek = date("s", $etask["start"]);
         // split date in Y / M / D / h / min / sek variables
         $ejahr = date("Y", $etask['end']);
         $emonat = date("m", $etask['end']);
         $etag = date("d", $etask['end']);
         $estd = date("h", $etask['end']);
         $emin = date("i", $etask['end']);
         $esek = date("s", $etask['end']);
         $e = new vevent();
         $e->setProperty('categories', $etask['list']);
         if ($show_long) {
             // if we have a task lasting 10 month, normally it will be displayed every day within this time span.
             $e->setProperty('dtstart', $jahr, $monat, $tag, $std, $min);
             // 24 dec 2007 19.30
         } else {
             // if the show_long flag is set, it will only be shown at the due date
             $e->setProperty('dtstart', $ejahr, $emonat, $etag, $estd, $emin);
         $e->setProperty('due', $ejahr, $emonat, $etag, $estd, $emin);
         // 24 dec 2007 19.30
         $e->setProperty('dtend', $ejahr, $emonat, $etag, $estd, $emin);
         $e->setProperty('description', $etask["text"]);
         $e->setProperty('status', "NEEDS-ACTION");
         // $e->setProperty('comment' , $etask[text]);
         $e->setProperty('summary', $etask["title"]);
         $e->setProperty('location', 'Work');
     return true;
Beispiel #14
 function icalAddEvent(&$calendartool, $event)
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_redevent' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'iCalcreator.class.php';
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = $mainframe->getParams('com_redevent');
     $offset = $params->get('ical_timezone', 1);
     $timezone_name = self::getTimeZone($offset);
     // get categories names
     $categories = array();
     foreach ($event->categories as $c) {
         $categories[] = $c->catname;
     if (!$event->dates || $event->dates == '0000-00-00') {
         // no start date...
         return false;
     // make end date same as start date if not set
     if (!$event->enddates || $event->enddates == '0000-00-00') {
         $event->enddates = $event->dates;
     // start
     if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $event->dates, $start_date)) {
         JError::raiseError(0, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_ICAL_EXPORT_WRONG_STARTDATE_FORMAT'));
     $date = array('year' => (int) $start_date[1], 'month' => (int) $start_date[2], 'day' => (int) $start_date[3]);
     // all day event if start time is not set
     if (!$event->times || $event->times == '00:00:00') {
         $dateparam = array('VALUE' => 'DATE');
         // for ical all day events, dtend must be send to the next day
         $event->enddates = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($event->enddates . ' +1 day'));
         if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $event->enddates, $end_date)) {
             JError::raiseError(0, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_ICAL_EXPORT_WRONG_ENDDATE_FORMAT'));
         $date_end = array('year' => $end_date[1], 'month' => $end_date[2], 'day' => $end_date[3]);
         $dateendparam = array('VALUE' => 'DATE');
     } else {
         if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/', $event->times, $start_time)) {
             JError::raiseError(0, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_ICAL_EXPORT_WRONG_STARTTIME_FORMAT'));
         $date['hour'] = $start_time[1];
         $date['min'] = $start_time[2];
         $date['sec'] = $start_time[3];
         $dateparam = array('VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME');
         if (!$params->get('ical_no_timezone', 0)) {
             $dateparam['TZID'] = $timezone_name;
         if (!$event->endtimes || $event->endtimes == '00:00:00') {
             $event->endtimes = $event->times;
         // if same day but end time < start time, change end date to +1 day
         if ($event->enddates == $event->dates && strtotime($event->dates . ' ' . $event->endtimes) < strtotime($event->dates . ' ' . $event->times)) {
             $event->enddates = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($event->enddates . ' +1 day'));
         if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $event->enddates, $end_date)) {
             JError::raiseError(0, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_ICAL_EXPORT_WRONG_ENDDATE_FORMAT'));
         $date_end = array('year' => $end_date[1], 'month' => $end_date[2], 'day' => $end_date[3]);
         if (!preg_match('/([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/', $event->endtimes, $end_time)) {
             JError::raiseError(0, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_ICAL_EXPORT_WRONG_STARTTIME_FORMAT'));
         $date_end['hour'] = $end_time[1];
         $date_end['min'] = $end_time[2];
         $date_end['sec'] = $end_time[3];
         $dateendparam = array('VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME');
         if (!$params->get('ical_no_timezone', 0)) {
             $dateendparam['TZID'] = $timezone_name;
     $title = isset($event->full_title) ? $event->full_title : $event->title;
     // item description text
     $description = $title . '\\n';
     $description .= JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_CATEGORY') . ': ' . implode(', ', $categories) . '\\n';
     //		if (isset($event->summary) && $event->summary) {
     //			$description .= $event->summary.'\\n';
     //		}
     // url link to event
     $link = JURI::base() . RedeventHelperRoute::getDetailsRoute($event->slug, $event->xref);
     $link = JRoute::_($link);
     $description .= JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_ICS_LINK') . ': ' . $link . '\\n';
     if (!empty($event->icaldetails)) {
         $description .= $event->icaldetails;
     // location
     $location = array();
     if (isset($event->icalvenue) && !empty($event->icalvenue)) {
         $location[] = $event->icalvenue;
     } else {
         $location[] = $event->venue;
         if (isset($event->street) && !empty($event->street)) {
             $location[] = $event->street;
         if (isset($event->city) && !empty($event->city)) {
             $location[] = $event->city;
         if (isset($event->countryname) && !empty($event->countryname)) {
             $exp = explode(",", $event->countryname);
             $location[] = $exp[0];
     $location = implode(",", $location);
     $e = new vevent();
     // initiate a new EVENT
     $e->setProperty('summary', $title);
     // title
     $e->setProperty('categories', implode(', ', $categories));
     // categorize
     $e->setProperty('dtstart', $date, $dateparam);
     if (count($date_end)) {
         $e->setProperty('dtend', $date_end, $dateendparam);
     $e->setProperty('description', $description);
     // describe the event
     $e->setProperty('location', $location);
     // locate the event
     $e->setProperty('url', $link);
     $e->setProperty('uid', 'event' . $event->id . '-' . $event->xref . '@' . $mainframe->getCfg('sitename'));
     // add component to calendar
     return true;
Beispiel #15
//knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. You can
//find a copy of this license in the file LICENSE.
// TODO: no easy way to retrieve the best(s) choice(s)
header('Location: studs.php');
$meilleursujet = $_SESSION["meilleursujet"];
require_once 'iCalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php';
$v = new vcalendar();
// create a new calendar instance
$v->setConfig('unique_id', $_SESSION["numsondage"]);
// set Your unique id
$v->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
// required of some calendar software
$vevent = new vevent();
// create an event calendar component
  tested with :
  $test = array( '1275818164@12h-15h', '1275818164@12h15-15h57', '1275818164@12:15-15:57',  '1275818164@8:30',  '1275818164@8h30');
  foreach($test as $meilleursujet) {
$adate = strtok($meilleursujet, "@");
$dtstart = $dtend = array('year' => intval(date("Y", $adate)), 'month' => intval(date("n", $adate)), 'day' => intval(date("j", $adate)), 'hour' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'sec' => 0);
$double_time = false;
if (strpos($meilleursujet, '-') !== false) {
    $double_time = true;
$dtstart['hour'] = intval(strtok(":Hh"));
$a = intval(strtok(":Hh-"));
$b = intval(strtok(":Hh-"));
Beispiel #16
 function display($tpl = null)
     // Get a reference of the page instance in joomla
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $project = $model->getProject();
     //$config		= $model->getTemplateConfig($this->getName());
     if (isset($project)) {
         $this->project = $project;
     $this->overallconfig = $model->getOverallConfig();
     $this->config = $this->overallconfig;
     $this->matches = $model->getMatches();
     $this->teams = $model->getTeamsFromMatches($this->matches);
     // load a class that handles ical formats.
     require_once JLG_PATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'iCalcreator.class.php';
     // create a new calendar instance
     $v = new vcalendar();
     foreach ($this->matches as $match) {
         $hometeam = $this->teams[$match->team1];
         $home = sprintf('%s', $hometeam->name);
         $guestteam = $this->teams[$match->team2];
         $guest = sprintf('%s', $guestteam->name);
         $summary = $match->project_name . ': ' . $home . ' - ' . $guest;
         //  check if match gots a date, if not it will not be included in ical
         if ($match->match_date) {
             $totalMatchTime = isset($project) ? $project->halftime * ($project->game_parts - 1) + $project->game_regular_time : 90;
             $start = JoomleagueHelper::getMatchStartTimestamp($match, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $end = JoomleagueHelper::getMatchEndTimestamp($match, $totalMatchTime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
             // check if exist a playground in match or team or club
             $stringlocation = '';
             $stringname = '';
             if (!empty($match->playground_id)) {
                 $stringlocation = $match->playground_address . ", " . $match->playground_zipcode . " " . $match->playground_city;
                 $stringname = $match->playground_name;
             } elseif (!empty($match->team_playground_id)) {
                 $stringlocation = $match->team_playground_address . ", " . $match->team_playground_zipcode . " " . $match->team_playground_city;
                 $stringname = $match->team_playground_name;
             } elseif (!empty($match->club_playground_id)) {
                 $stringlocation = $match->club_playground_address . ", " . $match->club_playground_zipcode . " " . $match->club_playground_city;
                 $stringname = $match->club_playground_name;
             $location = $stringlocation;
             //if someone want to insert more in description here is the place
             $description = $stringname;
             // create an event and insert it in calendar
             $vevent = new vevent();
             $timezone = JoomleagueHelper::getMatchTimezone($match);
             $vevent->setProperty("dtstart", $start, array("TZID" => $timezone));
             $vevent->setProperty("dtend", $end, array("TZID" => $timezone));
             $vevent->setProperty('LOCATION', $location);
             $vevent->setProperty('summary', $summary);
             $vevent->setProperty('description', $description);
     $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $timezone);
     $xprops = array("X-LIC-LOCATION" => $timezone);
     iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone($v, $timezone, $xprops);
     //$debugstr = $v->createCalendar();
     //echo "<pre>";
     //echo $debugstr;
     // exit before display
     //		parent::display( $tpl );
 * @param array $start
 * @param array $end
 * @param bool $allday
 * @return vevent
function dav_create_vevent($start, $end, $allday)
    if ($end["year"] < $start["year"] || $end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] < $start["month"] || $end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] < $start["day"] || $end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] < $start["hour"] || $end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] == $start["hour"] && $end["minute"] < $start["minute"] || $end["year"] == $start["year"] && $end["month"] == $start["month"] && $end["day"] == $start["day"] && $end["hour"] == $start["hour"] && $end["minute"] == $start["minute"] && $end["second"] < $start["second"]) {
        $end = $start;
    // DTEND muss <= DTSTART
    $vevent = new vevent();
    if ($allday) {
        $vevent->setDtstart($start["year"], $start["month"], $start["day"], FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array("VALUE" => "DATE"));
        $end = IntVal(mktime(0, 0, 0, $end["month"], $end["day"], $end["year"]) + 3600 * 24);
        // If a DST change occurs on the current day
        $end += IntVal(date("Z", $end - 3600 * 24) - date("Z", $end));
        $vevent->setDtend(date("Y", $end), date("m", $end), date("d", $end), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, array("VALUE" => "DATE"));
    } else {
        $vevent->setDtstart($start["year"], $start["month"], $start["day"], $start["hour"], $start["minute"], $start["second"], FALSE, array("VALUE" => "DATE-TIME"));
        $vevent->setDtend($end["year"], $end["month"], $end["day"], $end["hour"], $end["minute"], $end["second"], FALSE, array("VALUE" => "DATE-TIME"));
    return $vevent;
Beispiel #18
// create a new calendar instance
$v->setConfig('unique_id', $data['link']);
// set your unique id
$v->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
// required of some calendar software
$v->setConfig('filename', "danaevents-" . $v->getConfig('filename'));
$v->setXprop("X-WR-CALNAME", $data['title']);
$v->setXprop("X-WR-CALDESC", $data['description']);
foreach ($data['items'] as $item) {
    $lines = explode("\n", $item['description']);
    //<p>28/05/2008, 19:00 - 20:30</p>
    //print $lines[count($lines)-1];
    preg_match("/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+), (\\d+):(\\d+) - (\\d+):(\\d+)/", $lines[count($lines) - 1], $matches);
    $vevent = new vevent();
    // create an event calendar component
    $vevent->setProperty('dtstart', array('year' => $matches[3], 'month' => $matches[2], 'day' => $matches[1], 'hour' => $matches[4], 'min' => $matches[5], 'sec' => 0));
    $vevent->setProperty('dtend', array('year' => $matches[3], 'month' => $matches[2], 'day' => $matches[1], 'hour' => $matches[6], 'min' => $matches[7], 'sec' => 0));
    $vevent->setProperty('LOCATION', '165 Queen\'s Gate, South Kensington, London, SW7 5HD');
    // property name - case independent
    $vevent->setProperty('summary', $item['title']);
    preg_match("/href=\"([^\"]+)/", $lines[0], $matches);
    $desc = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode(implode("\n", $lines))));
    $desc = str_replace("’", "'", $desc);
    $desc = str_replace("‘", "'", $desc);
    $desc .= "\n\n<a href=\"" . $matches[1] . "\">More info</a>";
    $vevent->setProperty('description', $desc);
Beispiel #19

 * Create a ical for the upcoming recordings
 * @license     GPL
 * @package     MythWeb
 * @subpackage  TV
$calendar = new vcalendar();
$calendar->setConfig($_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$calendar->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
foreach ($all_shows as $show) {
    $event = new vevent();
    $event->setProperty('dtstart', array('year' => date('Y', $show->starttime), 'month' => date('m', $show->starttime), 'day' => date('d', $show->starttime), 'hour' => date('H', $show->starttime), 'min' => date('i', $show->starttime), 'sec' => date('s', $show->starttime)));
    $event->setProperty('dtend', array('year' => date('Y', $show->endtime), 'month' => date('m', $show->endtime), 'day' => date('d', $show->endtime), 'hour' => date('H', $show->endtime), 'min' => date('i', $show->endtime), 'sec' => date('s', $show->endtime)));
    $event->setProperty('summary', $show->title . ($show->subtitle ? ' - ' . $show->subtitle : ''));
    $event->setProperty('description', $show->description . "\n\n" . preg_replace('/([A-Z]+)/', ' $1', $show->recstatus));
    $event->setProperty('location', $show->channel->callsign);
Beispiel #20
 * to represent an anniversary that will occur annually. Since it takes
 * up no time, it will not appear as opaque in a search for busy time;
 * no matter what the value of the "TRANSP" property indicates:
 *   DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z
 *   DTSTART:19971102
 *   SUMMARY:Our Blissful Anniversary
$c = new vcalendar();
$e = new vevent();
$e->setProperty('dtstart', '19971102');
$e->setProperty('summary', 'Our Blissful Anniversary');
$e->setProperty('class', 'CONFIDENTIAL');
$e->setProperty('categories', 'ANNIVERSARY');
$e->setProperty('categories', 'PERSONAL');
$e->setProperty('categories', 'SPECIAL OCCASION');
$e->setProperty('rrule', array('FREQ' => 'YEARLY'));
$str = $c->createCalendar();
echo $str;
echo "<br />\n\n";
 *   DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z
Beispiel #21
  * Export an event as iCalendar (ics)
 public function generateIcal($eventID)
     $ical = new \vcalendar();
     $ical->setConfig('ical_' . $this->id);
     $ical->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
     $ical->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['timeZone']);
     $time = time();
     // Get event
     $objEvent = \CalendarEventsModel::findByPk($eventID);
     $vevent = new \vevent();
     if ($objEvent->addTime) {
         $vevent->setProperty('dtstart', array('year' => date('Y', $objEvent->startTime), 'month' => date('m', $objEvent->startTime), 'day' => date('d', $objEvent->startTime), 'hour' => date('H', $objEvent->startTime), 'min' => date('i', $objEvent->startTime), 'sec' => 0));
         $vevent->setProperty('dtend', array('year' => date('Y', $objEvent->endTime), 'month' => date('m', $objEvent->endTime), 'day' => date('d', $objEvent->endTime), 'hour' => date('H', $objEvent->endTime), 'min' => date('i', $objEvent->endTime), 'sec' => 0));
     } else {
         $vevent->setProperty('dtstart', date('Ymd', $objEvent->startDate), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
         if (!strlen($objEvent->endDate) || $objEvent->endDate == 0) {
             $vevent->setProperty('dtend', date('Ymd', $objEvent->startDate + 24 * 60 * 60), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
         } else {
             $vevent->setProperty('dtend', date('Ymd', $objEvent->endDate + 24 * 60 * 60), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
     $vevent->setProperty('summary', $objEvent->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     $vevent->setProperty('description', strip_tags($objEvent->details ? $objEvent->details : $objEvent->teaser));
     if ($objEvent->recurring) {
         $count = 0;
         $arrRepeat = deserialize($objEvent->repeatEach);
         $arg = $arrRepeat['value'];
         $unit = $arrRepeat['unit'];
         if ($arg == 1) {
             $unit = substr($unit, 0, -1);
         $strtotime = '+ ' . $arg . ' ' . $unit;
         $newstart = strtotime($strtotime, $objEvent->startTime);
         $newend = strtotime($strtotime, $objEvent->endTime);
         $freq = 'YEARLY';
         switch ($arrRepeat['unit']) {
             case 'days':
                 $freq = 'DAILY';
             case 'weeks':
                 $freq = 'WEEKLY';
             case 'months':
                 $freq = 'MONTHLY';
             case 'years':
                 $freq = 'YEARLY';
         $rrule = array('FREQ' => $freq);
         if ($objEvent->recurrences > 0) {
             $rrule['count'] = $objEvent->recurrences;
         if ($arg > 1) {
             $rrule['INTERVAL'] = $arg;
         $vevent->setProperty('rrule', $rrule);
      * begin module event_recurrences handling
     if ($objEvent->repeatExecptions) {
         $arrSkipDates = deserialize($objEvent->repeatExecptions);
         foreach ($arrSkipDates as $skipDate) {
             $exTStamp = strtotime($skipDate);
             $exdate = array(array(date('Y', $exTStamp), date('m', $exTStamp), date('d', $exTStamp), date('H', $objEvent->startTime), date('i', $objEvent->startTime), date('s', $objEvent->startTime)));
             $vevent->setProperty('exdate', $exdate);
      * end module event_recurrences handling
     $ical->setConfig("FILENAME", urlencode($objEvent->title) . ".ics");
Beispiel #22
  * Prepare output in icalendar format a la RFC2445
  * @return	string
 public function icalendar()
     $s = 'EJURI3ia8aj#912IKa';
     $r = '#';
     $e = 'aAEah38a;a33';
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Some dummy tagdata we'll hand off to events()
     // -------------------------------------
     $vars = array('event_title' => 'title', 'event_id' => 'id', 'event_summary' => 'summary', 'event_location' => 'location', 'event_start_date format="%Y"' => 'start_year', 'event_start_date format="%m"' => 'start_month', 'event_start_date format="%d"' => 'start_day', 'event_start_date format="%H"' => 'start_hour', 'event_start_date format="%i"' => 'start_minute', 'event_end_date format="%Y"' => 'end_year', 'event_end_date format="%m"' => 'end_month', 'event_end_date format="%d"' => 'end_day', 'event_end_date format="%H"' => 'end_hour', 'event_end_date format="%i"' => 'end_minute', 'event_calendar_tz_offset' => 'tz_offset', 'event_calendar_timezone' => 'timezone');
     $rvars = array('rule_type', 'rule_start_date', 'rule_repeat_years', 'rule_repeat_months', 'rule_repeat_days', 'rule_repeat_weeks', 'rule_days_of_week', 'rule_relative_dow', 'rule_days_of_month', 'rule_months_of_year', 'rule_stop_by', 'rule_stop_after');
     $evars = array('exception_start_date format="%Y%m%dT%H%i00"');
     $ovars = array('occurrence_start_date format="%Y%m%dT%H%i00"', 'occurrence_end_date format="%Y%m%dT%H%i00"');
     //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Preparing tagdata');
     $summary_field = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('summary_field', 'event_title');
     ee()->TMPL->tagdata = implode($s, array(LD . $summary_field . RD, LD . 'event_id' . RD, LD . 'if event_summary' . RD . LD . 'event_summary' . RD . LD . '/if' . RD, LD . 'if event_location' . RD . LD . 'event_location' . RD . LD . '/if' . RD, LD . 'event_start_date format="%Y"' . RD, LD . 'event_start_date format="%m"' . RD, LD . 'event_start_date format="%d"' . RD, LD . 'event_start_date format="%H"' . RD, LD . 'event_start_date format="%i"' . RD, LD . 'event_end_date format="%Y"' . RD, LD . 'event_end_date format="%m"' . RD, LD . 'event_end_date format="%d"' . RD, LD . 'event_end_date format="%H"' . RD, LD . 'event_end_date format="%i"' . RD, LD . 'event_calendar_tz_offset' . RD, LD . 'event_calendar_timezone' . RD, 'RULES' . LD . 'if event_has_rules' . RD . LD . 'rules' . RD . LD . implode(RD . $r . LD, $rvars) . RD . '|' . LD . T_SLASH . 'rules' . RD . LD . '/if' . RD, 'OCCURRENCES' . LD . 'if event_has_occurrences' . RD . LD . 'occurrences' . RD . LD . implode(RD . $r . LD, $ovars) . RD . '|' . LD . T_SLASH . 'occurrences' . RD . LD . '/if' . RD, 'EXCEPTIONS' . LD . 'if event_has_exceptions' . RD . LD . 'exceptions' . RD . LD . implode(RD . $r . LD, $evars) . RD . '|' . LD . T_SLASH . 'exceptions' . RD . LD . '/if' . RD, $e));
     $tvars = ee()->functions->assign_variables(ee()->TMPL->tagdata);
     ee()->TMPL->var_single = $tvars['var_single'];
     ee()->TMPL->var_pair = $tvars['var_pair'];
     ee()->TMPL->tagdata = ee()->functions->prep_conditionals(ee()->TMPL->tagdata, array_keys($vars));
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Fire up events()
     // -------------------------------------
     //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Firing up Events()');
     $tagdata = ee()->TMPL->advanced_conditionals($this->events());
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Collect the events
     // -------------------------------------
     //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Collecting events');
     $events = explode($e, $tagdata);
     // -------------------------------------
     //  Fire up iCalCreator
     // -------------------------------------
     //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Starting iCalCreator');
     if (!class_exists('vcalendar')) {
         require_once 'libraries/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php';
     $ICAL = new vcalendar();
     //we are setting this manually because we need individual ones for each event for this to work
     //$ICAL->setConfig('unique_id', parse_url(ee()->config->item('site_url'), PHP_URL_HOST));
     $host = parse_url(ee()->config->item('site_url'), PHP_URL_HOST);
     $vars = array_values($vars);
     //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Iterating through the events');
     foreach ($events as $key => $event) {
         if (trim($event) == '') {
         $E = new vevent();
         $event = explode($s, $event);
         $rules = '';
         $occurrences = '';
         $exceptions = '';
         foreach ($event as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($vars[$k])) {
                 //	Makes the local vars from above, if available:
                 // 	$title, $summary, $location,
                 //  $start_year, $start_month, $start_day,
                 //  $start_hour, $start_minute, $end_year,
                 //  $end_month, $end_day, $end_hour,
                 // 	$end_minute, $tz_offset, $timezone
                 ${$vars}[$k] = $v;
             } elseif (substr($v, 0, 5) == 'RULES') {
                 $rules = substr($v, 5);
             } elseif (substr($v, 0, 11) == 'OCCURRENCES') {
                 $occurrences = substr($v, 11);
             } elseif (substr($v, 0, 10) == 'EXCEPTIONS') {
                 $exceptions = substr($v, 10);
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Set the timezone for this calendar based on the first event's info
         // -------------------------------------
         if ($key == 0) {
             // -------------------------------------
             //  Convert calendar_name to calendar_id
             // -------------------------------------
             if ($this->P->value('calendar_id') == '' and $this->P->value('calendar_name') != '') {
                 $ids = $this->data->get_calendar_id_from_name($this->P->value('calendar_name'), NULL, $this->P->params['calendar_name']['details']['not']);
                 $this->P->set('calendar_id', implode('|', $ids));
             //	lets try to get the timezone from the
             //	passed calendar ID if there is one
             $cal_timezone = FALSE;
             $cal_tz_offset = FALSE;
             if ($this->P->value('calendar_id') != '') {
                 $sql = "SELECT \ttz_offset, timezone\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\texp_calendar_calendars\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \tcalendar_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIN \t\t(" . ee()->db->escape_str(implode(',', explode('|', $this->P->value('calendar_id')))) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT\t1";
                 $cal_tz_query = ee()->db->query($sql);
                 if ($cal_tz_query->num_rows() > 0) {
                     $cal_timezone = $cal_tz_query->row('timezone');
                     $cal_tz_offset = $cal_tz_query->row('tz_offset');
             //last resort, we get it from the current event
             $T = new vtimezone();
             $T->setProperty('tzid', $cal_timezone ? $cal_timezone : $timezone);
             $T->setProperty('tzoffsetfrom', '+0000');
             $tzoffsetto = $cal_tz_offset ? $cal_tz_offset : $tz_offset;
             if ($tzoffsetto === '0000') {
                 $tzoffsetto = '+0000';
             $T->setProperty('tzoffsetto', $tzoffsetto);
         $title = strip_tags($title);
         $description = strip_tags(trim($summary));
         $location = strip_tags(trim($location));
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Occurrences?
         // -------------------------------------
         $occurrences = explode('|', rtrim($occurrences, '|'));
         $odata = array();
         foreach ($occurrences as $k => $occ) {
             $occ = trim($occ);
             if ($occ == '') {
             $occ = explode($r, $occ);
             $odata[$k][] = $occ[0];
             $odata[$k][] = $occ[1];
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Exceptions?
         // -------------------------------------
         $exceptions = explode('|', rtrim($exceptions, '|'));
         $exdata = array();
         foreach ($exceptions as $k => $exc) {
             $exc = trim($exc);
             if ($exc == '') {
             $exdata[] = $exc;
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Rules?
         // -------------------------------------
         $add_rules = FALSE;
         $erules = array();
         $rules = explode('|', rtrim($rules, '|'));
         foreach ($rules as $rule) {
             $temp = explode($r, $rule);
             $rule = array();
             foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v != FALSE) {
                     $add_rules = TRUE;
                 $rule[substr($rvars[$k], 5)] = $v;
             if ($add_rules === TRUE) {
                 $temp = array();
                 if ($rule['repeat_years'] > 0) {
                     $temp['FREQ'] = 'YEARLY';
                     if ($rule['repeat_years'] > 1) {
                         $temp['INTERVAL'] = $rule['repeat_years'];
                 } elseif ($rule['repeat_months'] > 0) {
                     $temp['FREQ'] = 'MONTHLY';
                     if ($rule['repeat_months'] > 1) {
                         $temp['INTERVAL'] = $rule['repeat_months'];
                 } elseif ($rule['repeat_weeks'] > 0) {
                     $temp['FREQ'] = 'WEEKLY';
                     if ($rule['repeat_weeks'] > 1) {
                         $temp['INTERVAL'] = $rule['repeat_weeks'];
                 } elseif ($rule['repeat_days'] > 0) {
                     $temp['FREQ'] = 'DAILY';
                     if ($rule['repeat_days'] > 1) {
                         $temp['INTERVAL'] = $rule['repeat_days'];
                 if ($rule['months_of_year'] > 0) {
                     //this flips keys to make 'c' => 12, etc
                     $m = array_flip(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C'));
                     if (strlen($rule['months_of_year'] > 1)) {
                         $months = str_split($rule['months_of_year']);
                         foreach ($months as $month) {
                             $temp['BYMONTH'][] = $m[$month] + 1;
                     } else {
                         $temp['BYMONTH'] = $m[$month] + 1;
                 if ($rule['days_of_month'] > '') {
                     //this flips keys to make 'v' => 30, etc
                     $d = array_flip(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V'));
                     if (strlen($rule['days_of_month']) > 1) {
                         $days = str_split($rule['days_of_month']);
                         foreach ($days as $day) {
                             $temp['BYMONTHDAY'][] = $d[$day] + 1;
                     } else {
                         $temp['BYMONTHDAY'] = $d[$rule['days_of_month']] + 1;
                 if ($rule['days_of_week'] != '' or $rule['days_of_week'] > 0) {
                     $d = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA');
                     $d_letter = array('U', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'R', 'F', 'S');
                     $dows = str_split($rule['days_of_week']);
                     if ($rule['relative_dow'] > 0) {
                         $rels = str_split($rule['relative_dow']);
                         foreach ($dows as $dow) {
                             foreach ($rels as $rel) {
                                 if ($rel == 6) {
                                     $rel = -1;
                                 $temp['BYDAY'][] = $rel . $d[array_search($dow, $d_letter)];
                     } else {
                         foreach ($dows as $dow) {
                             $temp['BYDAY'][] = $d[array_search($dow, $d_letter)];
                 if ($rule['stop_after'] > 0) {
                     $temp['COUNT'] = $rule['stop_after'];
                 } elseif ($rule['stop_by'] > 0) {
                     // TODO: Add time
                     // TODO: The "+1" below is because the ical standard treats
                     // 	UNTIL as "less than", not "less than or equal to" (which
                     // 	is how Calendar treats stop_by). Double check that a simple
                     // 	"+1" accurately addresses this difference.
                     $temp['UNTIL'] = $rule['stop_by'] + 1;
                 $erules[] = $temp;
         // -------------------------------------
         //  Put it together
         // -------------------------------------
         //if this is all day we need to add the dates as params to the dstart and end items
         if ($this->_is_all_day($start_hour, $start_minute, $end_hour, $end_minute)) {
             $E->setProperty("dtstart", array('year' => $start_year, 'month' => $start_month, 'day' => $start_day), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
             //	we need CDT so we can add a day
             //	gcal, and ical are ok with this being the same day
             //	stupid damned outlook barfs, hence the +1
             //	the +1 doesnt affect g/ical
             if (!isset($this->CDT) or !is_object($this->CDT)) {
             $this->CDT->change_date($end_year, $end_month, $end_day);
             $E->setProperty("dtend", array('year' => $this->CDT->year, 'month' => $this->CDT->month, 'day' => $this->CDT->day), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
         } else {
             $E->setProperty('dtstart', $start_year, $start_month, $start_day, $start_hour, $start_minute, 00);
             $E->setProperty('dtend', $end_year, $end_month, $end_day, $end_hour, $end_minute, 00);
         $E->setProperty('summary', $title);
         if (!empty($erules)) {
             foreach ($erules as $rule) {
                 $E->setProperty('rrule', $rule);
         $extras = array();
         $edits = array();
         if (!empty($odata)) {
             $query = ee()->db->query("SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM\texp_calendar_events_occurrences\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE\tevent_id = " . ee()->db->escape_str($id));
             foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
                 //fix blank times
                 $row['start_time'] = $row['start_time'] == 0 ? '0000' : $row['start_time'];
                 $row['end_time'] = $row['end_time'] == 0 ? '2400' : $row['end_time'];
                 //looks like an edited occurrence
                 //edits without rules arent really edits.
                 if ($row['event_id'] != $row['entry_id'] and empty($rules)) {
                     $edits[] = $row;
                 } else {
                     $extras[] = $row;
         if (!empty($exdata)) {
             $E->setProperty('exdate', $exdata);
         if ($description != '') {
             $E->setProperty('description', $description);
         if ($location != '') {
             $E->setProperty('location', $location);
         $E->setProperty("uid", $this->make_uid() . '@' . $host);
         //	remove rules for subsequent items
         while ($E->deleteProperty("RRULE")) {
         //edits must come right after
         if (!empty($edits)) {
             foreach ($edits as $edit) {
                 $edit_date = array("year" => $edit['start_year'], "month" => $edit['start_month'], "day" => $edit['start_day'], "hour" => substr($edit['start_time'], 0, 2), "min" => substr($edit['start_time'], 2, 2));
                 //if this is all day we need to add the dates as params to the dstart and end items
                 if ($this->_is_all_day(substr($edit['start_time'], 0, 2), substr($edit['start_time'], 2, 2), substr($edit['end_time'], 0, 2), substr($edit['end_time'], 2, 2))) {
                     $E->setProperty("dtstart", array('year' => $edit['start_year'], 'month' => $edit['start_month'], 'day' => $edit['start_day']), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
                     //	we need CDT so we can add a day
                     //	gcal, and ical are ok with this being the same day
                     //	stupid damned outlook barfs, hence the +1
                     //	the +1 doesnt affect g/ical
                     if (!isset($this->CDT) or !is_object($this->CDT)) {
                     $this->CDT->change_date($edit['end_year'], $edit['end_month'], $edit['end_day']);
                     $E->setProperty("dtend", array('year' => $this->CDT->year, 'month' => $this->CDT->month, 'day' => $this->CDT->day), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
                 } else {
                     $E->setProperty('dtstart', $edit_date['year'], $edit_date['month'], $edit_date['day'], $edit_date['hour'], $edit_date['min'], 00);
                     $E->setProperty('dtend', $edit['end_year'], $edit['end_month'], $edit['end_day'], substr($edit['end_time'], 0, 2), substr($edit['end_time'], 2, 2), 00);
                 $E->setProperty("RECURRENCE-ID", $edit_date);
                 $E->setProperty("uid", $this->make_uid() . '@' . $host);
             $E->setProperty('dtstart', $start_year, $start_month, $start_day, $start_hour, $start_minute, 00);
             $E->setProperty('dtend', $end_year, $end_month, $end_day, $end_hour, $end_minute, 00);
         // these random ass add-in dates are non-standard to most cal creation
         // and need to be treated seperately as lumping don't work, dog
         if (!empty($extras)) {
             foreach ($extras as $extra) {
                 //if this is all day we need to add the dates as params to the dstart and end items
                 if ($this->_is_all_day(substr($extra['start_time'], 0, 2), substr($extra['start_time'], 2, 2), substr($extra['end_time'], 0, 2), substr($extra['end_time'], 2, 2))) {
                     $E->setProperty("dtstart", array('year' => $extra['start_year'], 'month' => $extra['start_month'], 'day' => $extra['start_day']), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
                     //	we need CDT so we can add a day
                     //	gcal, and ical are ok with this being the same day
                     //	stupid damned outlook barfs, hence the +1
                     //	the +1 doesnt affect g/ical
                     if (!isset($this->CDT) or !is_object($this->CDT)) {
                     $this->CDT->change_date($extra['end_year'], $extra['end_month'], $extra['end_day']);
                     $E->setProperty("dtend", array('year' => $this->CDT->year, 'month' => $this->CDT->month, 'day' => $this->CDT->day), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
                 } else {
                     $E->setProperty('dtstart', $extra['start_year'], $extra['start_month'], $extra['start_day'], substr($extra['start_time'], 0, 2), substr($extra['start_time'], 2, 2), 00);
                     $E->setProperty('dtend', $extra['end_year'], $extra['end_month'], $extra['end_day'], substr($extra['end_time'], 0, 2), substr($extra['end_time'], 2, 2), 00);
                 $E->setProperty("uid", $this->make_uid() . '@' . $host);
             //clean in case we need to add more later
             $E->setProperty('dtstart', $start_year, $start_month, $start_day, $start_hour, $start_minute, 00);
             $E->setProperty('dtend', $end_year, $end_month, $end_day, $end_hour, $end_minute, 00);
     //return $ICAL->createCalendar();
     return $ICAL->returnCalendar();
Beispiel #23
 	echo "<pre>";
 	echo "</pre>";
 foreach ($matches as $val) {
     /* Find a valid date in the 87 chars. */
     if (preg_match('/([0-9]{2})\\.([0-9]{2})\\.([0-9]{4})/', $val[2], $date_match)) {
         $tsY = $date_match[3];
         $tsm = $date_match[2];
         $tsd = $date_match[1];
         $tsH = 20;
         $tsi = 0;
         $tss = 0;
         $title = $val[1];
         /* If found, put a ne event with the actual date und movie title together. */
         $e = new vevent();
         $e->setProperty('categories', 'FAMILY');
         $e->setProperty('dtstart', $tsY, $tsm, $tsd, $tsH, $tsi, $tss, "Europe/Berlin");
         $e->setProperty('location', 'Kino');
         $e->setProperty('duration', 0, 0, 3);
         //$e->setProperty( 'description', 'blablabla' );
         $e->setProperty('SUMMARY', $title);
         $e->setProperty("transp", "TRANSPARENT");
         $e->setProperty("dtstamp", $tsY, $tsm, $tsd, $tsH, $tsi, $tss);
         /* Delete variables. */
Beispiel #24
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
require_once 'iCalcreator.class.php';
echo "Use browser function to show source!<br />\n<br />\n";
$v = new vcalendar();
// initiate new CALENDAR
$e = new vevent();
// initiate a new EVENT
$e->setProperty('categories', 'FAMILY');
// catagorize
$e->setProperty('dtstart', 2006, 12, 24, 19, 30, 00);
// 24 dec 2006 19.30
$e->setProperty('duration', 0, 0, 3);
// 3 hours
$e->setProperty('description', 'x-mas evening - diner');
// describe the event
$e->setProperty('location', 'Jeffikus');
// locate the event
// add component to calendar
/* alt. production */
// $v->returnCalendar();                       // generate and redirect output to user browser
 function display($tpl = null)
     // Get a reference of the page instance in joomla
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $project =& $model->getProject();
     $config = $model->getTemplateConfig($this->getName());
     if (isset($project)) {
         $this->assignRef('project', $project);
         $this->assignRef('overallconfig', $model->getOverallConfig());
         $this->assignRef('config', $this->overallconfig);
         $this->assignRef('teams', $model->getTeamsIndexedByPtid());
         $this->assignRef('matches', $model->getMatches($config));
     // load a class that handles ical formats.
     require_once JLG_PATH_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'iCalcreator.class.php';
     // create a new calendar instance
     $v = new vcalendar();
     foreach ($this->matches as $match) {
         $hometeam = $this->teams[$match->projectteam1_id];
         $home = sprintf('%s', $hometeam->name);
         $guestteam = $this->teams[$match->projectteam2_id];
         $guest = sprintf('%s', $guestteam->name);
         $summary = $project->name . ': ' . $home . ' - ' . $guest;
         //  check if match gots a date, if not it will not be included
         //  in ical
         if (!strstr($match->match_date, "0000-00-00")) {
             $syear = JHTML::date($match->match_date, "%Y");
             $sday = JHTML::date($match->match_date, "%d");
             $smonth = JHTML::date($match->match_date, "%m");
             $shour = JHTML::date($match->match_date, "%H");
             $smin = JHTML::date($match->match_date, "%M");
             //$start	= JHTML::date($match->match_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" );
             $start = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", strtotime($match->match_date));
             $start_oldphpversion = array('year' => $syear, 'month' => $smonth, 'day' => $sday, 'hour' => $shour, 'min' => $smin, 'sec' => 0);
             $time_to_ellapse = $project->halftime * ($project->game_parts - 1) + $project->game_regular_time;
             $endtime = JoomleagueHelper::getTimestamp($match->match_date) + $time_to_ellapse * 60;
             $year = JHTML::date($endtime, "%Y");
             $day = JHTML::date($endtime, "%d");
             $month = JHTML::date($endtime, "%m");
             $hour = JHTML::date($endtime, "%H");
             $min = JHTML::date($endtime, "%M");
             //$end		= JHTML::date($endtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" );
             $end = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $endtime);
             $end_oldphpversion = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day, 'hour' => $hour, 'min' => $min, 'sec' => 0);
             // check if exist a playground in match or team or club
             if ($match->playground_id != "") {
                 $stringlocation = $match->playground_address . ", " . $match->playground_zipcode . " " . $match->playground_city;
                 $stringname = $match->playground_name;
             } else {
                 if ($match->team_playground_id != "") {
                     $stringlocation = $match->team_playground_address . ", " . $match->team_playground_zipcode . " " . $match->team_playground_city;
                     $stringname = $match->team_playground_name;
                 } elseif ($match->club_playground_id != "") {
                     $stringlocation = $match->club_playground_address . ", " . $match->club_playground_zipcode . " " . $match->club_playground_city;
                     $stringname = $match->club_playground_name;
             $location = $stringlocation;
             //if someone want to insert more in description here is the place
             $description = $stringname;
             // create an event and insert it in calendar
             $vevent = new vevent();
             $vevent->setProperty("dtstart", $start, array("TZID" => $project->timezone));
             $vevent->setProperty("dtend", $end, array("TZID" => $project->timezone));
             $vevent->setProperty('LOCATION', $location);
             $vevent->setProperty('summary', $summary);
             $vevent->setProperty('description', $description);
     // exit before display
     //		parent::display( $tpl );
Beispiel #26
        $tpl->assign("calendar", $calendar);
        $tpl->assign("rss", $rss);
        $show_detail = false;
} else {
    $calendar = new vcalendar();
    $calsql = $data->select_query("calendar_items", "WHERE allowed = 1 AND trash=0");
    while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($calsql)) {
        $groups = unserialize($temp['groups']);
        if (is_array($groups)) {
            $allowed = in_group($groups);
        } else {
            $allowed = true;
        if ($allowed) {
            $e = new vevent();
            $e->setProperty('categories', $config['troopname'] . " Calendar");
            $date = getdate($temp['startdate']);
            $e->setProperty('dtstart', $date['year'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['hours'], $date['minutes'], 00);
            $date = getdate($temp['enddate']);
            $e->setProperty('dtend', $date['year'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['hours'], $date['minutes'], 00);
            $e->setProperty('summary', censor($temp['summary']));
            $e->setProperty('description', $temp['detail'] != NULL ? truncate(strip_tags(censor($temp['detail']))) : "No details");
    header('Content-type: text/calendar');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="calendar.ics"');
    echo $calendar->createCalendar();
Beispiel #27
  *  Generate ical file content
  * @param $who             user ID
  * @param $who_group       group ID
  * @param $limititemtype   itemtype only display this itemtype (default '')
  * @return icalendar string
 static function generateIcal($who, $who_group, $limititemtype = '')
     global $CFG_GLPI;
     if ($who === 0 && $who_group === 0) {
         return false;
     include_once GLPI_ROOT . "/lib/icalcreator/iCalcreator.class.php";
     $v = new vcalendar();
     if (!empty($CFG_GLPI["version"])) {
         $v->setConfig('unique_id', "GLPI-Planning-" . trim($CFG_GLPI["version"]));
     } else {
         $v->setConfig('unique_id', "GLPI-Planning-UnknownVersion");
     $tz = date_default_timezone_get();
     $v->setConfig('TZID', $tz);
     $v->setProperty("method", "PUBLISH");
     $v->setProperty("version", "2.0");
     $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $tz);
     $xprops = array("X-LIC-LOCATION" => $tz);
     iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone($v, $tz, $xprops);
     $v->setProperty("x-wr-calname", "GLPI-" . $who . "-" . $who_group);
     $v->setProperty("calscale", "GREGORIAN");
     $interv = array();
     $begin = time() - MONTH_TIMESTAMP * 12;
     $end = time() + MONTH_TIMESTAMP * 12;
     $begin = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $begin);
     $end = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end);
     $params = array('who' => $who, 'who_group' => $who_group, 'begin' => $begin, 'end' => $end);
     $interv = array();
     if (empty($limititemtype)) {
         foreach ($CFG_GLPI['planning_types'] as $itemtype) {
             $interv = array_merge($interv, $itemtype::populatePlanning($params));
     } else {
         $interv = $limititemtype::populatePlanning($params);
     if (count($interv) > 0) {
         foreach ($interv as $key => $val) {
             $vevent = new vevent();
             //initiate EVENT
             if (isset($val['itemtype'])) {
                 if (isset($val[getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($val['itemtype'])])) {
                     $vevent->setProperty("uid", $val['itemtype'] . "#" . $val[getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($val['itemtype'])]);
                 } else {
                     $vevent->setProperty("uid", "Other#" . $key);
             } else {
                 $vevent->setProperty("uid", "Other#" . $key);
             $vevent->setProperty("dstamp", $val["begin"]);
             $vevent->setProperty("dtstart", $val["begin"]);
             $vevent->setProperty("dtend", $val["end"]);
             if (isset($val["tickets_id"])) {
                 $vevent->setProperty("summary", sprintf(__('Ticket #%1$s %2$s'), $val["tickets_id"], $val["name"]));
             } else {
                 if (isset($val["name"])) {
                     $vevent->setProperty("summary", $val["name"]);
             if (isset($val["content"])) {
                 $text = $val["content"];
                 // be sure to replace nl by \r\n
                 $text = preg_replace("/<br( [^>]*)?" . ">/i", "\r\n", $text);
                 $text = Html::clean($text);
                 $vevent->setProperty("description", $text);
             } else {
                 if (isset($val["name"])) {
                     $text = $val["name"];
                     // be sure to replace nl by \r\n
                     $text = preg_replace("/<br( [^>]*)?" . ">/i", "\r\n", $text);
                     $text = Html::clean($text);
                     $vevent->setProperty("description", $text);
             if (isset($val["url"])) {
                 $vevent->setProperty("url", $val["url"]);
     //       $v->parse();
     return $v->returnCalendar();
Beispiel #28
  * Returns modified ical uid for google recurring edited events.
  * @param vevent $e Vevent object.
  * @return string ICAL uid.
 protected function _get_ical_uid($e)
     $ical_uid = $e->getProperty('uid');
     $recurrence_id = $e->getProperty('recurrence-id');
     if (false !== $recurrence_id) {
         $ical_uid = implode('', array_values($recurrence_id)) . '-' . $ical_uid;
     return $ical_uid;
  * Export the Event with calendar and stop excuting script
  * @return null
 function export()
     global $_CONFIG;
     //create new calendar
     $objVCalendar = new \vcalendar();
     $objVCalendar->setConfig('unique_id', $_CONFIG['coreGlobalPageTitle']);
     $objVCalendar->setConfig('filename', urlencode($this->title) . '.ics');
     // set Your unique id
     //$v->setProperty('X-WR-CALNAME', 'Calendar Sample');
     //$v->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', 'Calendar Description');
     //$v->setProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE', 'America/Los_Angeles');
     $objVCalendar->setProperty('X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN', 'TRUE');
     $objVCalendar->setProperty('METHOD', 'PUBLISH');
     // create an event calendar component
     $objVEvent = new \vevent();
     // start
     $startYear = date("Y", $this->startDate);
     $startMonth = date("m", $this->startDate);
     $startDay = date("d", $this->startDate);
     $startHour = date("H", $this->startDate);
     $startMinute = date("i", $this->startDate);
     $objVEvent->setProperty('dtstart', array('year' => $startYear, 'month' => $startMonth, 'day' => $startDay, 'hour' => $startHour, 'min' => $startMinute, 'sec' => 0));
     // end
     $endYear = date("Y", $this->endDate);
     $endMonth = date("m", $this->endDate);
     $endDay = date("d", $this->endDate);
     $endHour = date("H", $this->endDate);
     $endMinute = date("i", $this->endDate);
     $objVEvent->setProperty('dtend', array('year' => $endYear, 'month' => $endMonth, 'day' => $endDay, 'hour' => $endHour, 'min' => $endMinute, 'sec' => 0));
     // place
     if (!empty($this->place)) {
         $objVEvent->setProperty('location', html_entity_decode($this->place, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
     // title
     $objVEvent->setProperty('summary', html_entity_decode($this->title, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
     // description
     $objVEvent->setProperty('description', html_entity_decode(strip_tags($this->description), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
     // organizer
     $objVEvent->setProperty('organizer', $_CONFIG['coreGlobalPageTitle'] . ' <' . $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'] . '>');
     // comment
     //$objVEvent->setProperty( 'comment', 'This is a comment' );
     // attendee
     //$objVEvent->setProperty( 'attendee', '*****@*****.**' );
     // ressourcen
     //$objVEvent->setProperty( 'resources', 'COMPUTER PROJECTOR' );
     // series type
     //$objVEvent->setProperty( 'rrule', array( 'FREQ' => 'WEEKLY', 'count' => 4));// weekly, four occasions
     // add event to calendar
Beispiel #30
function cs_event_calendar($post_id = '')
    if (!isset($post_id) && $post_id == '') {
        global $post;
        $post_id = $post->ID;
    $cal_post = get_post($post_id);
    if ($cal_post) {
        $event_from_date = get_post_meta($post_id, "cs_event_from_date", true);
        $cs_event_to_date = get_post_meta($post_id, "cs_event_to_date", true);
        $cs_event_meta = get_post_meta($post_id, "cs_event_meta", true);
        if ($cs_event_meta != "") {
            $cs_event_meta = new SimpleXMLElement($cs_event_meta);
            if ($cs_event_meta->event_address != '') {
                $address_map = get_the_title("{$cs_event_meta->event_address}");
            } else {
                $address_map = '';
        $cs_event_loc = get_post_meta($cs_event_meta->event_address, "cs_event_loc_meta", true);
        if ($cs_event_loc != "") {
            $cs_xmlObject = new SimpleXMLElement($cs_event_loc);
            $loc_address = $cs_xmlObject->loc_address;
            $event_loc_lat = $cs_xmlObject->event_loc_lat;
            $event_loc_long = $cs_xmlObject->event_loc_long;
            $event_loc_zoom = $cs_xmlObject->event_loc_zoom;
            $loc_city = $cs_xmlObject->loc_city;
            $loc_postcode = $cs_xmlObject->loc_postcode;
            $loc_country = $cs_xmlObject->loc_country;
            $location = $loc_address . ', ' . $loc_city . ', ' . $loc_postcode . ', ' . $loc_country;
        } else {
            $loc_address = '';
            $event_loc_lat = '';
            $event_loc_long = '';
            $event_loc_zoom = '';
            $loc_city = '';
            $loc_postcode = '';
            $loc_country = '';
            $location = '';
        $start_year = date('Y', strtotime($event_from_date));
        $start_month = date('m', strtotime($event_from_date));
        $start_day = date('d', strtotime($event_from_date));
        $end_year = date('Y', strtotime($cs_event_to_date));
        $end_month = date('m', strtotime($cs_event_to_date));
        $end_day = date('d', strtotime($cs_event_to_date));
        if ($cs_event_meta->event_all_day != "on") {
            $start_time = calender_time($cs_event_meta->event_start_time);
            $end_time = calender_time($cs_event_meta->event_end_time);
        } else {
            $start_time = $end_time = '';
        if ($start_time != '' && $start_time != ':') {
            $event_start_time = explode(":", $start_time);
        if ($end_time != '' && $end_time != ':') {
            $event_end_time = explode(":", $end_time);
        $post_title = get_the_title($post_id);
        $cs_vcalendar = new vcalendar();
        $cs_vevent = new vevent();
        $site_info = get_bloginfo('name') . 'Events';
        $cs_vevent->setProperty('categories', $site_info);
        if (isset($event_start_time)) {
            @$cs_vevent->setProperty('dtstart', @$start_year, @$start_month, @$start_day, @$event_start_time[0], @$event_start_time[1], 00);
        } else {
            $cs_vevent->setProperty('dtstart', $start_year, $start_month, $start_day);
        // YY MM dd hh mm ss
        if (isset($event_end_time)) {
            @$cs_vevent->setProperty('dtend', $end_year, $end_month, $end_day, $event_end_time[0], $event_end_time[1], 00);
        } else {
            $cs_vevent->setProperty('dtend', $end_year, $end_month, $end_day);
        // YY MM dd hh mm ss
        $cs_vevent->setProperty('description', strip_tags($cal_post->post_excerpt));
        if (isset($location)) {
            $cs_vevent->setProperty('location', $location);
        $cs_vevent->setProperty('summary', $post_title);
        $templateurl = get_template_directory_uri() . '/cache/';
        $home = home_url();
        $dir = str_replace($home, '', $templateurl);
        $dir = str_replace('/wp-content/', 'wp-content/', $dir);
        $directory_url = get_template_directory_uri();
        $directorypath = explode('/', $directory_url);
        $themefolderName = $directorypath[count($directorypath) - 1];
        $cs_vcalendar->setConfig('directory', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/themes/' . $themefolderName . '/cache');
        $cs_vcalendar->setConfig('filename', 'event-' . $post_id . '.ics');
        ////OUT LOOK & iCAL URL//
        $output_calendar_url['ical'] = $templateurl . 'event-' . $post_id . '.ics';
        ////GOOGLE URL//
        $google_url = "";
        $google_url .= "&text=" . urlencode($post_title);
        if (isset($event_start_time) && isset($event_end_time)) {
            $google_url .= "&dates=" . @$start_year . @$start_month . @$start_day . "T" . str_replace('.', '', @$event_start_time[0]) . str_replace('.', '', @$event_start_time[1]) . "00/" . @$end_year . @$end_month . @$end_day . "T" . str_replace('.', '', @$event_end_time[0]) . str_replace('.', '', @$event_end_time[1]) . "00";
        } else {
            $google_url .= "&dates=" . $start_year . $start_month . $start_day . "/" . $end_year . $end_month . $end_day;
        $google_url .= "&sprop=website:" . get_permalink($post_id);
        $google_url .= "&details=" . strip_tags($cal_post->post_excerpt);
        if (isset($location)) {
            $google_url .= "&location=" . $location;
        } else {
            $google_url .= "&location=Unknown";
        $google_url .= "&trp=true";
        $output_calendar_url['google'] = $google_url;
        ////YAHOO CALENDAR URL///
        $yahoo_url = "";
        $yahoo_url .= "&title=" . str_replace(' ', '+', $post_title);
        if (isset($event_start_time)) {
            $yahoo_url .= "&st=" . @$start_year . @$start_month . @$start_day . "T" . @$event_start_time[0] . @$event_start_time[1] . "00";
        } else {
            $yahoo_url .= "&st=" . $start_year . $start_month . $start_day;
        if (isset($event_end_time)) {
            //$yahoo_url .= "&dur=".$event_start_time[0].$event_start_time[1];
        $yahoo_url .= "&desc=" . str_replace(' ', '+', strip_tags($cal_post->post_excerpt)) . ' -- ' . get_permalink($post_id);
        $yahoo_url .= "&in_loc=" . str_replace(' ', '+', $location);
        $output_calendar_url['yahoo'] = $yahoo_url;
    return $output_calendar_url;