Beispiel #1
$t->is_deeply($request->getForwardedFor(), array('', ''), '->getForwardedFor() returns the value from HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
// ->getMethod()
$_POST['sf_method'] = 'PUT';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getMethod(), 'PUT', '->getMethod() returns the "sf_method" parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST');
$_POST['sf_method'] = 'PUT';
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getMethod(), 'GET', '->getMethod() returns the "sf_method" parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getMethod(), 'POST', '->getMethod() returns the "sf_method" parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST');
// ->getScriptName()
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/frontend_test.php';
$_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/frontend_test2.php';
$t->is($request->getScriptName(), '/frontend_test.php', '->getScriptName() returns the script name');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/frontend_test2.php';
$t->is($request->getScriptName(), '/frontend_test2.php', '->getScriptName() returns the script name if SCRIPT_NAME not set it use ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME');
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($request->getScriptName(), '', '->getScriptName() returns the script name if SCRIPT_NAME and ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME not set it return empty');
// ->getPathInfo()
$dispatcher = new sfEventDispatcher();

// ->initialize()
$request = new myRequest($dispatcher);
$t->is($dispatcher, $request->getEventDispatcher(), '->initialize() takes a sfEventDispatcher object as its first argument');
$request->initialize($dispatcher, array('foo' => 'bar'));
$t->is($request->getParameter('foo'), 'bar', '->initialize() takes an array of parameters as its second argument');

$options = $request->getOptions();
$t->is($options['logging'], false, '->getOptions() returns options for request instance');

// ->getMethod() ->setMethod()
$t->diag('->getMethod() ->setMethod()');
$t->is($request->getMethod(), sfRequest::GET, '->getMethod() returns the current request method');

  $t->fail('->setMethod() throws a sfException if the method is not valid');
catch (sfException $e)
  $t->pass('->setMethod() throws a sfException if the method is not valid');

// ->extractParameters()
$request->initialize($dispatcher, array('foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar'));
$t->is($request->extractParameters(array()), array(), '->extractParameters() returns parameters');