  * Helper method to fetch free/busy data for the user and turn it into calendar data
 private function fetch_freebusy($limit_changed = null)
     // ask kolab server first
     try {
         $request_config = array('store_body' => true, 'follow_redirects' => true);
         $request = libkolab::http_request(kolab_storage::get_freebusy_url($this->userdata['mail']), 'GET', $request_config);
         $response = $request->send();
         // authentication required
         if ($response->getStatus() == 401) {
             $request->setAuth($this->rc->user->get_username(), $this->rc->decrypt($_SESSION['password']));
             $response = $request->send();
         if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
             $fbdata = $response->getBody();
         unset($request, $response);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         rcube::raise_error(array('code' => 900, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error fetching free/busy information: " . $e->getMessage()), true, false);
         return false;
     $statusmap = array('FREE' => 'free', 'BUSY' => 'busy', 'BUSY-TENTATIVE' => 'tentative', 'X-OUT-OF-OFFICE' => 'outofoffice', 'OOF' => 'outofoffice');
     $titlemap = array('FREE' => $this->cal->gettext('availfree'), 'BUSY' => $this->cal->gettext('availbusy'), 'BUSY-TENTATIVE' => $this->cal->gettext('availtentative'), 'X-OUT-OF-OFFICE' => $this->cal->gettext('availoutofoffice'));
     // console('_fetch_freebusy', kolab_storage::get_freebusy_url($this->userdata['mail']), $fbdata);
     // parse free-busy information
     $count = 0;
     if ($fbdata) {
         $ical = $this->cal->get_ical();
         if ($fb = $ical->freebusy) {
             // consider 'changed >= X' queries
             if ($limit_changed && $fb['created'] && $fb['created'] < $limit_changed) {
                 return 0;
             foreach ($fb['periods'] as $tuple) {
                 list($from, $to, $type) = $tuple;
                 $event = array('id' => md5($this->id . $from->format('U') . '/' . $to->format('U')), 'calendar' => $this->id, 'changed' => $fb['created'] ?: new DateTime(), 'title' => $this->get_name() . ' ' . ($titlemap[$type] ?: $type), 'start' => $from, 'end' => $to, 'free_busy' => $statusmap[$type] ?: 'busy', 'className' => 'fc-type-freebusy', 'organizer' => array('email' => $this->userdata['mail'], 'name' => $this->userdata['displayname']));
                 // avoid duplicate entries
                 $key = $this->time_key($event);
                 if (!$this->timeindex[$key]) {
                     $this->events[$event['id']] = $event;
                     $this->timeindex[$key] = $event['id'];
     return $count;
Beispiel #2
  * Fetch free/busy information from a person within the given range
 public function get_freebusy_list($email, $start, $end)
     if (empty($email)) {
         return false;
     // map vcalendar fbtypes to internal values
     $fbtypemap = array('FREE' => calendar::FREEBUSY_FREE, 'BUSY-TENTATIVE' => calendar::FREEBUSY_TENTATIVE, 'X-OUT-OF-OFFICE' => calendar::FREEBUSY_OOF, 'OOF' => calendar::FREEBUSY_OOF);
     // ask kolab server first
     try {
         $request_config = array('store_body' => true, 'follow_redirects' => true);
         $request = libkolab::http_request(kolab_storage::get_freebusy_url($email), 'GET', $request_config);
         $response = $request->send();
         // authentication required
         if ($response->getStatus() == 401) {
             $request->setAuth($this->rc->user->get_username(), $this->rc->decrypt($_SESSION['password']));
             $response = $request->send();
         if ($response->getStatus() == 200) {
             $fbdata = $response->getBody();
         unset($request, $response);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Error fetching free/busy information: " . $e->getMessage());
     // get free-busy url from contacts
     if (!$fbdata) {
         $fburl = null;
         foreach ((array) $this->rc->config->get('autocomplete_addressbooks', 'sql') as $book) {
             $abook = $this->rc->get_address_book($book);
             if ($result = $abook->search(array('email'), $email, true, true, true)) {
                 while ($contact = $result->iterate()) {
                     if ($fburl = $contact['freebusyurl']) {
                         $fbdata = @file_get_contents($fburl);
             if ($fbdata) {
     // parse free-busy information using Horde classes
     if ($fbdata) {
         $ical = $this->cal->get_ical();
         if ($fb = $ical->freebusy) {
             $result = array();
             foreach ($fb['periods'] as $tuple) {
                 list($from, $to, $type) = $tuple;
                 $result[] = array($from->format('U'), $to->format('U'), isset($fbtypemap[$type]) ? $fbtypemap[$type] : calendar::FREEBUSY_BUSY);
             // we take 'dummy' free-busy lists as "unknown"
             if (empty($result) && !empty($fb['comment']) && stripos($fb['comment'], 'dummy')) {
                 return false;
             // set period from $start till the begin of the free-busy information as 'unknown'
             if ($fb['start'] && ($fbstart = $fb['start']->format('U')) && $start < $fbstart) {
                 array_unshift($result, array($start, $fbstart, calendar::FREEBUSY_UNKNOWN));
             // pad period till $end with status 'unknown'
             if ($fb['end'] && ($fbend = $fb['end']->format('U')) && $fbend < $end) {
                 $result[] = array($fbend, $end, calendar::FREEBUSY_UNKNOWN);
             return $result;
     return false;