Beispiel #1
    function p_delete()
        # recycle the IP if ip_based:
        if ($this->plugin_data['ip_based'] == '1') {
            include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
            $host = new host_server();
            $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
        $data = <<<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
\t\t<packet version="{$this->proto}">
        # Connect & get response:
        $result = $this->connect($this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data);
        # Debug:
        $this->debug($data, $result);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['hst_type'] == '0') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     $cmd = "domain.exe -r " . $this->service['domain_name'] . "." . $this->service['domain_tld'];
     return $cmd;
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['ipinfo_namebased'] == '0') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     $cmd = 'deldomain -s <xml>' . '<domain>' . $this->service['domain_name'] . "." . $this->service['domain_tld'] . '</domain>' . '</xml>' . $this->nl;
     return $cmd;
Beispiel #4
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['ipinfo_namebased'] == '0') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     return "./cdelvsite --quick -n " . strtolower($this->service['domain_name'] . "." . $this->service['domain_tld']);
Beispiel #5
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['ipinfo_namebased'] == '1') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     # send the admin delete notice
     include_once PATH_MODULES . 'email_template/';
     $email = new email_template();
     $email->send('admin->host_delete_admin', $this->account['id'], $this->service['id'], '', '');
     return true;
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['type'] == '1') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     # Set the post vars:
     $this->host = 'https://' . $this->server_cfg['host'] . ':' . $this->server_cfg['port'] . '/CMD_SELECT_USERS?' . "confirmed=Confirm&delete=yes" . "&select0={$this->service['host_username']}";
     # Connect & get response:
     $result = $this->connect('10');
     # Check the response & Debug
     if ($this->server['debug']) {
         echo "<pre> " . print_r($result) . " </pre>";
     if (!empty($result)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #7
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['hst_type'] == '0') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     #include the easyAdmin class (sorry, that file is encoded)
     include_once PATH_CORE . '';
     $e = new EASYADMIN();
     $e->cookiepath = PATH_FILES . 'easyCookie.txt';
     $e->debug = $this->server['debug'];
     $e->host = $this->server_cfg['host'];
     $e->user = $this->server_cfg['user'];
     $e->pass = $this->server_cfg['pass'];
     $e->reseller = $this->server_cfg['reseller'];
     $e->domain = $this->service['domain_name'] . '.' . $this->service['domain_tld'];
     return $e->del();
Beispiel #8
 function p_delete()
     # recycle the IP if ip_based:
     if ($this->plugin_data['network_interface'] == '1') {
         include_once PATH_MODULES . 'host_server/';
         $host = new host_server();
         $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']);
     #include the webmin class (sorry, that file is encoded)
     include_once PATH_CORE . '';
     $e = new WEBMIN();
     $e->debug = $this->server['debug'];
     $e->host = $this->server_cfg['host'];
     $e->user = $this->server_cfg['user'];
     $e->pass = $this->server_cfg['pass'];
     $e->port = $this->server_cfg['port'];
     $e->ssl = $this->server_cfg['ssl'];
     $e->domain = $this->service['domain_name'] . '.' . $this->service['domain_tld'];
     return $e->del();