Beispiel #1
 public function authenticate(\fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\USERAUTH\REQUEST\Base $message, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Transport $transport, array &$context)
     if (!$message instanceof \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\USERAUTH\REQUEST\PublicKey) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     if ($message->getSignature() === null) {
         return self::AUTH_REJECT;
     $logging = \Plop\Plop::getInstance();
     $reverse = gethostbyaddr($transport->getAddress());
     $algos = \fpoirotte\Pssht\Algorithms::factory();
     $cls = $algos->getClass('PublicKey', $message->getAlgorithm());
     if ($cls === null || !$this->store->exists($message->getUserName(), $message->getKey())) {
         $logging->info('Rejected public key connection from remote host "%(reverse)s" ' . 'to "%(luser)s" (unsupported key)', array('luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'reverse' => $reverse));
         return self::AUTH_REJECT;
     $key = $cls::loadPublic(base64_encode($message->getKey()));
     $encoder = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder();
     if ($key->check($encoder->getBuffer()->get(0), $message->getSignature())) {
         $logging->info('Accepted public key connection from remote host "%(reverse)s" ' . 'to "%(luser)s" (using "%(algorithm)s" algorithm)', array('luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'reverse' => $reverse, 'algorithm' => escape($message->getAlgorithm())));
         return self::AUTH_ACCEPT;
     $logging->info('Rejected public key connection from remote host "%(reverse)s" ' . 'to "%(luser)s" (invalid signature)', array('luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'reverse' => $reverse));
     return self::AUTH_REJECT;
Beispiel #2
 public function authenticate(\fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\USERAUTH\REQUEST\Base $message, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Transport $transport, array &$context)
     if (!$message instanceof \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\USERAUTH\REQUEST\HostBased) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $logging = \Plop\Plop::getInstance();
     $reverse = gethostbyaddr($transport->getAddress());
     $untrustedHost = rtrim($message->getHostname(), '.');
     $algos = \fpoirotte\Pssht\Algorithms::factory();
     $cls = $algos->getClass('PublicKey', $message->getAlgorithm());
     if ($cls === null || !$this->store->exists($message->getUserName(), $message->getKey())) {
         $logging->info('Rejected host based connection from %(ruser)s@%(rhost)s ' . '(%(ruser)s@%(reverse)s) to "%(luser)s" ' . '(unsupported key)', array('ruser' => escape($message->getRemoteUser()), 'luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'rhost' => escape($untrustedHost), 'reverse' => $reverse));
         return self::AUTH_REMOVE;
     $key = $cls::loadPublic(base64_encode($message->getKey()));
     $encoder = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder();
     if (!$key->check($encoder->getBuffer()->get(0), $message->getSignature())) {
         $logging->warn('Rejected host based connection from %(ruser)s@%(rhost)s ' . '(%(ruser)s@%(reverse)s) to "%(luser)s" (invalid signature)', array('ruser' => escape($message->getRemoteUser()), 'luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'rhost' => escape($untrustedHost), 'reverse' => $reverse));
         return self::AUTH_REJECT;
     if ($reverse !== $untrustedHost) {
         $logging->warning('Ignored reverse lookup mismatch for %(address)s (' . '"%(reverse)s" vs. "%(untrusted)s")', array('address' => $transport->getAddress(), 'reverse' => $reverse, 'untrusted' => escape($untrustedHost)));
     if ($message->getUserName() !== $message->getRemoteUser()) {
         $logging->warning('Rejected host based connection from %(ruser)s@%(rhost)s ' . '(%(ruser)s@%(reverse)s): remote user does not match ' . 'local user (%(luser)s)', array('ruser' => escape($message->getRemoteUser()), 'luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'rhost' => escape($untrustedHost), 'reverse' => $reverse));
         return self::AUTH_REMOVE;
     $logging->info('Accepted host based connection ' . 'from "%(ruser)s@%(rhost)s" (%(ruser)s@%(reverse)s) ' . 'to "%(luser)s" (using "%(algorithm)s" algorithm)', array('ruser' => escape($message->getRemoteUser()), 'luser' => escape($message->getUserName()), 'rhost' => escape($untrustedHost), 'reverse' => $reverse, 'algorithm' => escape($message->getAlgorithm())));
     return self::AUTH_ACCEPT;
Beispiel #3
  * Construct a new SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY message.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::Messages::KEXDH::INIT $kexDHInit
  *      Client's contribution to the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::PublicKeyInterface $key
  *      Server's public key.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::EncryptionInterface $encryptionAlgo
  *      Encryption algorithm in use.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::KEXInterface $kexAlgo
  *      Key exchange algorithm to use.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::Messages::KEXINIT $serverKEX
  *      Algorithms supported by the server.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::Messages::KEXINIT $clientKEX
  *      Algorithms supported by the client.
  *  \param string $serverIdent
  *      Server's identification string
  *  \param string $clientIdent
  *      Client's identification string
 public function __construct(\fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXDH\INIT $kexDHInit, \fpoirotte\Pssht\PublicKeyInterface $key, \fpoirotte\Pssht\EncryptionInterface $encryptionAlgo, \fpoirotte\Pssht\KEXInterface $kexAlgo, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXINIT $serverKEX, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXINIT $clientKEX, $serverIdent, $clientIdent)
     if (!is_string($serverIdent)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     if (!is_string($clientIdent)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $keyLength = min(20, max($encryptionAlgo->getKeySize(), 16));
     $randBytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(2 * $keyLength);
     $y = gmp_init(bin2hex($randBytes), 16);
     $prime = gmp_init($kexAlgo::getPrime(), 16);
     $this->f = gmp_powm($kexAlgo::getGenerator(), $y, $prime);
     $this->K = gmp_powm($kexDHInit->getE(), $y, $prime);
     $this->K_S = $key;
     $this->kexDHInit = $kexDHInit;
     $this->kexAlgo = $kexAlgo;
     $this->serverKEX = $serverKEX;
     $this->clientKEX = $clientKEX;
     $this->serverIdent = $serverIdent;
     $this->clientIdent = $clientIdent;
     $msgId = chr(\fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXINIT::getMessageId());
     // $sub is used to create the structure for the hashing function.
     $sub = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder(new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Buffer());
     $K_S = $sub->getBuffer()->get(0);
     // $sub2 is used to compute the value
     // of various fields inside the structure.
     $sub2 = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder(new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Buffer());
     // Add message identifier.
     // Add message identifier.
     $logging = \Plop\Plop::getInstance();
     $origData = $sub->getBuffer()->get(0);
     $data = wordwrap(bin2hex($origData), 4, ' ', true);
     $data = wordwrap($data, 32 + 7, PHP_EOL, true);
     $logging->debug("Signature payload:\r\n%s", array($data));
     $this->H = $this->kexAlgo->hash($origData);
Beispiel #4
  * Write an SSH message into the output buffer.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::MessageInterface $message
  *      Message to write into the output buffer.
  *  \retval Transport
  *      Returns this transport layer.
 public function writeMessage(\fpoirotte\Pssht\MessageInterface $message)
     $logging = \Plop\Plop::getInstance();
     // Serialize the message.
     $encoder = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder();
     $payload = $encoder->getBuffer()->get(0);
     $logging->debug('Sending payload: %s', array(\escape($payload)));
     // Compress the payload if necessary.
     $payload = $this->compressor->update($payload);
     $size = strlen($payload);
     $blockSize = max(8, $this->encryptor->getBlockSize());
     // Compute padding requirements.
     // See
     // for more information on EtM (Encrypt-then-MAC)
     // and RFCs 5116 & 5647 for AEAD & AES-GCM.
     if ($this->outMAC instanceof \fpoirotte\Pssht\MAC\OpensshCom\EtM\EtMInterface) {
         $padSize = $blockSize - (1 + $size) % $blockSize;
     } elseif ($this->encryptor instanceof \fpoirotte\Pssht\AEADInterface) {
         $padSize = $blockSize - (1 + $size) % $blockSize;
     } else {
         $padSize = $blockSize - (1 + 4 + $size) % $blockSize;
     if ($padSize < 4) {
         $padSize = ($padSize + $blockSize) % 256;
     $padding = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($padSize);
     // Create the packet. Every content passed to $encoder
     // will be encrypted, except possibly for the packet
     // length (see below).
     $encoder->encodeUint32(1 + $size + $padSize);
     if ($this->outMAC instanceof \fpoirotte\Pssht\MAC\OpensshCom\EtM\EtMInterface) {
         // Send the packet length in plaintext.
         $encSize = $encoder->getBuffer()->get(0);
     $packet = $encoder->getBuffer()->get(0);
     $encrypted = $this->encryptor->encrypt($this->outSeqNo, $packet);
     // Compute the MAC.
     if ($this->outMAC instanceof \fpoirotte\Pssht\MAC\OpensshCom\EtM\EtMInterface) {
         $mac = $this->outMAC->compute($this->outSeqNo, $encSize . $encrypted);
     } else {
         $mac = $this->outMAC->compute($this->outSeqNo, $packet);
     // Send the packet on the wire.
     $this->outSeqNo = ++$this->outSeqNo & 0xffffffff;
     $logging->debug('Sending %(type)s packet ' . '(size: %(size)d, payload: %(payload)d, ' . 'block: %(block)d, padding: %(padding)d)', array('type' => get_class($message), 'size' => strlen($encrypted), 'payload' => $size, 'block' => $blockSize, 'padding' => $padSize));
     return $this;
Beispiel #5
  * Construct a new SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY message.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::ECC::Curve $curve
  *      Elliptic curve in use.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::Messages::KEX::ECDH::INIT::RFC5656 $kexDHInit
  *      Client's contribution to the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::PublicKeyInterface $key
  *      Server's public key.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::EncryptionInterface $encryptionAlgo
  *      Encryption algorithm in use.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::KEXInterface $kexAlgo
  *      Key exchange algorithm to use.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::Messages::KEXINIT $serverKEX
  *      Algorithms supported by the server.
  *  \param fpoirotte::Pssht::Messages::KEXINIT $clientKEX
  *      Algorithms supported by the client.
  *  \param string $serverIdent
  *      Server's identification string
  *  \param string $clientIdent
  *      Client's identification string
 public function __construct(\fpoirotte\Pssht\ECC\Curve $curve, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEX\ECDH\INIT\RFC5656 $kexDHInit, \fpoirotte\Pssht\PublicKeyInterface $key, \fpoirotte\Pssht\EncryptionInterface $encryptionAlgo, \fpoirotte\Pssht\KEXInterface $kexAlgo, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXINIT $serverKEX, \fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXINIT $clientKEX, $serverIdent, $clientIdent)
     if (!is_string($serverIdent)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     if (!is_string($clientIdent)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $len = strlen(gmp_strval($curve->getOrder(), 2));
     $len = ceil($len / 8);
     $randBytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($len);
     $d_S = gmp_mod(gmp_init(bin2hex($randBytes), 16), $curve->getModulus());
     $this->Q_S = $curve->getGenerator()->multiply($curve, $d_S);
     $Q_C = $kexDHInit->getQ();
     /// @FIXME this is not optimal...
     $algorithms = \fpoirotte\Pssht\Algorithms::factory();
     $cls = $algorithms->getClass('PublicKey', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $curve->getName());
     $clientPK = new $cls($Q_C);
     if (!$clientPK->isValid()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     // EC Co-factor DH (sec1-v2, section 3.3.2).
     $P = $Q_C->multiply($curve, gmp_mul($curve->getCofactor(), $d_S));
     if ($P->isIdentity($curve)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $this->K = $P->x;
     $this->curve = $curve;
     $this->K_S = $key;
     $this->kexDHInit = $kexDHInit;
     $this->kexAlgo = $kexAlgo;
     $this->serverKEX = $serverKEX;
     $this->clientKEX = $clientKEX;
     $this->serverIdent = $serverIdent;
     $this->clientIdent = $clientIdent;
     $msgId = chr(\fpoirotte\Pssht\Messages\KEXINIT::getMessageId());
     // $sub is used to create the structure for the hashing function.
     $sub = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder(new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Buffer());
     $K_S = $sub->getBuffer()->get(0);
     // $sub2 is used to compute the value
     // of various fields inside the structure.
     $sub2 = new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Wire\Encoder(new \fpoirotte\Pssht\Buffer());
     // Add message identifier.
     // Add message identifier.
     $logging = \Plop\Plop::getInstance();
     $origData = $sub->getBuffer()->get(0);
     $data = wordwrap(bin2hex($origData), 4, ' ', true);
     $data = wordwrap($data, 32 + 7, PHP_EOL, true);
     $logging->debug("Signature payload:\r\n%s", array($data));
     $this->H = $this->kexAlgo->hash($origData);