Beispiel #1
//--Classes Setup
$classDir = cmsROOT . 'core/classes/';
$libDir = cmsROOT . 'core/lib/';
$classes = array();
//load in outside classes
$classFiles = array($classDir . 'base.core.php', $classDir . 'base.sql.php', $classDir . 'class.pagination.php', $libDir . 'phpass/class.phpass.php', $libDir . 'geshi/class.geshi.php', $libDir . 'nbbc/class.nbbc.php');
foreach ($classFiles as $file) {
    $file = $file;
    if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
        msgDie('FAIL', sprintf($errorTPL, 'Fatal Error - 404', 'We have been unable to locate/read the ' . $file . ' file.'));
    } else {
        require_once $file;
$objCore = new coreClass();
//cache setup
$cachePath = cmsROOT . 'cache/';
if (is_dir($cachePath) && !is_writable($cachePath)) {
    @chmod($cachePath, 0775);
if (!is_writable($cachePath)) {
    msgDie('FAIL', sprintf($errorTPL, 'Fatal Error', 'Could not set CHMOD permissions on "<i>cache/</i>" set to 775 to continue.'));
$cacheWritable = is_writable($cachePath) ? true : false;
//try and load in the sql driver
$file = $classDir . 'driver.' . $config['db']['driver'] . '.php';
if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file)) {
    $classes['objSQL'] = array($file, $config['db']);
//--Classes Setup
$classDir = cmsROOT . 'core/classes/';
$libDir = cmsROOT . 'core/lib/';
$classes = array();
//load in outside classes
$classFiles = array($classDir . 'base.core.php', $classDir . 'base.sql.php', $classDir . 'driver.mysql.php', $libDir . 'phpass/class.phpass.php', $libDir . 'geshi/class.geshi.php', $libDir . 'nbbc/class.nbbc.php');
foreach ($classFiles as $file) {
    $file = $file;
    if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
        msgDie('FAIL', sprintf($errorTPL, 'Fatal Error - 404', 'We have been unable to locate/read the ' . $file . ' file.'));
    } else {
        require_once $file;
$objCore = new coreClass();
//cache setup
$cachePath = cmsROOT . 'cache/';
if (is_dir($cachePath) && !is_writable($cachePath)) {
    @chmod($cachePath, 0775);
if (!is_writable($cachePath)) {
    msgDie('FAIL', sprintf($errorTPL, 'Fatal Error', 'Could not set CHMOD permissions on "<i>cache/</i>" set to 775 to continue.'));
$cacheWritable = is_writable($cachePath) ? true : false;
//--Define new instances of the included classes
$classes['objCache'] = array($classDir . 'class.cache.php', array('useCache' => $cacheWritable, 'cacheDir' => $cachePath));
$classes['objLogin'] = array($classDir . 'class.login.php');
$classes['objUser'] = array($classDir . 'class.user.php');