Beispiel #1
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Jeedom. If not, see <>.
try {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/';
    include_file('core', 'authentification', 'php');
    if (!isConnect('admin')) {
        throw new Exception(__('401 - Accès non autorisé', __FILE__), -1234);
    if (init('action') == 'remove') {
        $connection = connection::byId(init('id'));
        if (!is_object($connection)) {
            throw new Exception(__('Connexion inconnue. Vérifiez l\'id', __FILE__));
    if (init('action') == 'ban') {
        $connection = connection::byId(init('id'));
        if (!is_object($connection)) {
            throw new Exception(__('Connexion inconnue. Vérifiez l\'id', __FILE__));
    throw new Exception(__('Aucune méthode correspondante à : ', __FILE__) . init('action'));
    /*     * *********Catch exeption*************** */
} catch (Exception $e) {
    ajax::error(displayExeption($e), $e->getCode());