public function index($cmd) { $path = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_acctexp/toolbox'; if (empty($cmd)) { $list = array(); $files = xJUtility::getFileArray($path, 'php', false, true); asort($files); foreach ($files as $n => $name) { $file = $path . '/' . $name; include_once $file; $class = str_replace('.php', '', $name); $tool = new $class(); if (!method_exists($tool, 'Info')) { continue; } $info = $tool->Info(); $info['link'] = AECToolbox::deadsureURL('administrator/index.php?option=com_acctexp&task=index&entity=toolbox&cmd=' . $class); $list[] = $info; } HTML_AcctExp::toolBox('', $list); } else { $file = $path . '/' . $cmd . '.php'; include_once $file; $tool = new $cmd(); $info = $tool->Info(); $return = ''; if (!method_exists($tool, 'Action')) { $return .= '<section class="paper">' . '<p>Tool doesn\'t have an action to carry out!</p>' . '</section>'; } else { $response = '</section><section class="paper"><h4>' . JText::_('Response') . '</h4>' . $tool->Action() . '</section>'; if (method_exists($tool, 'Settings')) { $tb_settings = $tool->Settings(); if (!empty($tb_settings)) { $lists = array(); if (isset($tb_settings['lists'])) { $lists = $tb_settings['lists']; unset($tb_settings['lists']); } // Get preset values from POST foreach ($tb_settings as $n => $v) { if (isset($_POST[$n])) { $tb_settings[$n][3] = $_POST[$n]; } } $settings = new aecSettings('TOOLBOX', 'E'); $settings->fullSettingsArray($tb_settings, array(), $lists); // Call HTML Class $aecHTML = new aecHTML($settings->settings, $settings->lists); foreach ($tb_settings as $n => $v) { $return .= $aecHTML->createSettingsParticle($n); } $return .= '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right"/><br/><br/>'; } } $return .= $response; } HTML_AcctExp::toolBox($cmd, $return, $info['name']); } }
if (!empty($form)) { $pref = 'mi_' . $mi->id . '_'; $params = array(); foreach ($form as $k => $v) { if (isset($_POST[$k])) { $params[str_replace($pref, '', $k)] = $_POST[$k]; } } $mi->profile_form_save($metaUser, $params); // Reload the user $metaUser = new metaUser($metaUser->userid); $form = $mi->profile_form($metaUser); } if (!empty($form)) { $hasforms = true; $settings = new aecSettings('userForm', 'mi'); $settings->fullSettingsArray($form, array(), array()); $aecHTML = new aecHTML($settings->settings, $settings->lists); $html = ''; foreach ($form as $k => $f) { $html .= $aecHTML->createSettingsParticle($k); } $mi_info .= '<div class="' . $mi->class_name . ' mi_' . $mi->id . ' mi-form">' . $html . '</div>'; } $addtabs = $mi->registerProfileTabs(); if (empty($addtabs)) { continue; } foreach ($addtabs as $atk => $atv) { $action = $mi->class_name . '_' . $atk; if (isset($subfields[$action])) {
public function getMIforms($metaUser, $errors = array(), $values = array()) { $params = $this->getMIformParams($metaUser, $errors); if (empty($params)) { return false; } if (isset($params['lists'])) { $lists = $params['lists']; unset($params['lists']); } else { $lists = array(); } if (isset($params['validation'])) { unset($params['validation']); } if (empty($params)) { return null; } $settings = new aecSettings('mi', 'frontend_forms'); $settings->fullSettingsArray($params, $values, $lists, array(), false); $aecHTML = new aecHTML($settings->settings, $settings->lists); return $aecHTML->returnFull(false, true); }
public function addressExceptions() { $hasform = false; $lists = array(); $params = array(); foreach ($this->exceptions as $eid => $ex) { // Convert Exception into actionable form if (!empty($ex['rows'])) { $hasform = true; } if (isset($ex['rows']['lists'])) { $lists = array_merge($lists, $ex['rows']['lists']); unset($ex['rows']['lists']); } foreach ($ex['rows'] as $rid => $row) { if ($row[0] == 'radio') { $row[1] = $eid . '_' . $row[1]; } if ($row[0] == 'hidden') { $row[2] = $eid . '_' . $row[2]; } $params[$eid . '_' . $rid] = $row; } } $settings = new aecSettings('exception', 'frontend_exception'); $settings->fullSettingsArray($params, array(), $lists); $aecHTML = new aecHTML($settings->settings, $settings->lists); getView('exception', array('InvoiceFactory' => $this, 'aecHTML' => $aecHTML, 'hasform' => $hasform)); }
public function getParamsHTML($params) { $return = null; if (!empty($params['params'])) { if (is_array($params['params'])) { if (isset($params['params']['lists'])) { $lists = $params['params']['lists']; unset($params['params']['lists']); } else { $lists = null; } $hastabs = false; foreach ($params['params'] as $entry) { if ($entry[0] == 'tabberstart') { $hastabs = true; } } if (!$hastabs) { $return .= '<div class="aec-checkout-params">'; } $settings = new aecSettings('aec', 'ccform'); $settings->fullSettingsArray($params['params'], array(), $lists, array(), false); $aecHTML = new aecHTML($settings->settings, $settings->lists); $return .= $aecHTML->returnFull(false, true); $return .= '</div>'; } } return $return; }