/** \Zend\Filter\HTMLEntities() */
 public function index13Action()
     $filter = new \Zend\Filter\HtmlEntities();
     $input = 'Zend Framework 2 <> "" ? ~';
     $output = $filter->filter($input);
     echo "<h3>" . $input . "</h3>";
     echo "<h3>" . $output . "</h3>";
     return false;
Beispiel #2
 public function index14Action()
     echo "<h3 style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>" . __METHOD__ . "</h3>";
     $filter = new \Zend\Filter\HtmlEntities();
     $input = "trongle123>>!&";
     $output = $filter->filter($input);
     echo "<h2>Input: {$input}</h2><br>";
     echo "<h2>Output : {$output}</h2>";
     return false;
Beispiel #3

 * Copyright (c) 2014 Keith Casey.
 * This code is designed to accompany the lynda.com video course "Design Patterns in PHP"
 *   by Keith Casey. If you've received this code without seeing the videos, go watch the
 *   videos. It will make way more sense and be more useful in general.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$input = "This is a string of text that should be filtered & handle 's properly.";
$htmlEntities = new Zend\Filter\HtmlEntities();
echo $htmlEntities->filter($input);
echo '<br />';
$alphanumeric = new \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alnum();
echo $alphanumeric->filter($input);
echo '<br />';
// Now allow whitespace
$alphanumeric = new \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alnum(true);
echo $alphanumeric->filter($input);
 public function __invoke($entries, $template, $media)
     $templateKey = static::VIEW_TEMPLATE;
     if (isset($entries['modulFormat'])) {
         $templateKey = $entries['modulFormat'];
     $labelReadMore = $this->labelReadMore->toArray();
     $publishDate = $this->publishDate->toArray();
     $publishDate['grid']['format']['dateFormat']['attr'] = $this->getDateFormat($entries);
     $filter = new \Zend\Filter\HtmlEntities();
     $html = '';
     foreach ($entries['modulContent']['news'] as $entry) {
         $article = '';
         $head = '';
         $arr = preg_split('/[\\s]+/', $entry['publish_date']);
         $lnPublishDate = $arr[0];
         $publishDate['grid']['attr']['datetime'] = $entry['publish_date'];
         $head .= $this->deployRow($publishDate, $entry['publish_date']);
         if (isset($entry['publish_author'])) {
             $head .= $this->deployRow($this->publishAuthor, $entry['publish_author']);
         $blogId = 'blog' . $entry['id'];
         if (null !== $this->toolbar) {
             $links['pdf'] = array('href' => '/' . $entry['id']);
             $links['facebook'] = array('href' => '?u=' . urlencode($this->view->protocol . '://' . $this->view->host . '/' . $entry['url'] . '/' . $entry['source'] . '/' . $entry['lnPublishDate'] . '#' . $blogId));
             $links['sendmail'] = array('href' => '/' . $entry['id']);
             $head .= $this->view->contenttoolbar($links, $this->toolbar->toArray());
         $head .= $this->deployRow($this->headline, $entry['headline']);
         $article .= $this->deployRow($this->header, $head);
         if (1 !== (int) $entry['web_medias_id'] && 'no' !== $this->displayimage) {
             if ('mediateaserright' == $entry['htmlwidgets']) {
                 $mediaTemplate = $this->mediateaserright->toArray();
             } else {
                 $mediaTemplate = $this->mediateaserleft->toArray();
             $setSize = array('landscape' => $this->teaserLandscapeSize, 'portrait' => $this->teaserPortraitSize);
             $mediaMetas = $this->setConvertparams($entry['media_metas'], true);
             $img = '<img src="' . $entry['media_link'] . '"';
             if (is_array($setSize) && isset($setSize['landscape']) && false !== $setSize['landscape']) {
                 $landscape = $setSize['landscape'];
                 $styleAttr = ' landscape';
                 if (isset($setSize['portrait']) && false !== $setSize['portrait']) {
                     $styleAttr = ' portrait';
                     $portrait = $setSize['portrait'];
                 } else {
                     $styleAttr = ' portrait';
                     $portrait = $landscape;
             } else {
                 $portrait = $landscape = $setSize;
             $resize = new CalculateResize($landscape);
             $resize->setFile(DOCUMENT_ROOT . DS . $entry['media_link']);
             if ('portrait' == $resize->getFormat()) {
             $img .= ' ' . $resize->getHtmlString();
             if (isset($mediaMetas['alt'])) {
                 $img .= ' alt="' . $mediaMetas['alt'] . '"';
             if (false !== ($title = $this->hasValue($mediaMetas, 'title'))) {
                 $img .= ' title="' . $title . '"';
             $img .= ' />';
             $mediaTemplate['row']['attr']['class'] .= ' teaser-imageitem-size';
             if (false !== ($caption = $this->hasValue($mediaMetas, 'caption'))) {
                 $mediaTemplate['row']['content:before'] = $img;
                 $images = $this->deployRow($mediaTemplate, $caption);
             } else {
                 $images = $this->deployRow(array('grid' => $mediaTemplate['row']), $img);
             $article .= $images;
         $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['href'] = '/' . $entry['url'] . '/' . $entry['source'] . '/' . $entry['lnPublishDate'] . '#' . $blogId;
         $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['title'] = $entry['label_read_more'] . ' zu ' . $filter->filter($entry['headline']);
         if (strlen($entry['content_teaser']) > 1) {
             $article .= $entry['content_teaser'];
             $article .= $this->deployRow($labelReadMore, $entry['label_read_more']);
         } else {
             $content = $entry['content'];
             if ($entry['number_character_teaser'] > 0 && strlen($content) > $entry['number_character_teaser']) {
                 $content = substr($content, 0, $entry['number_character_teaser']);
                 $content = substr($content, 0, strrpos($content, " "));
                 $content = $content . ' ...</p>';
                 $article .= $content;
                 $article .= $this->deployRow($labelReadMore, $entry['label_read_more']);
             } else {
                 $article .= $content;
         //$article .= '<p><a class="button expand" title="Lesen Sie mehr" href="#">Lesen Sie mehr</a></p>';
         //$newtemplate = $this->news->toArray();
         //$newtemplate['grid']['content:after:outside'] = '<p><a class="button expand" title="Lesen Sie mehr" href="#">Lesen Sie mehr</a></p>';
         $html .= $this->deployRow($this->news, $article);
     if (null !== $this->wrapper) {
         $html = $this->deployRow($this->wrapper, $html);
     return $html;
  * @param array $content            
  * @param unknown $medias            
  * @param string $template            
  * @param string $teasers            
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($entries, $template, $media)
     $html = '';
     $templateKey = static::VIEW_TEMPLATE;
     if (isset($entries['modulFormat'])) {
         $templateKey = $entries['modulFormat'];
     $labelReadMore = $this->labelReadMore->toArray();
     $publishDate = $this->publishDate->toArray();
     $publishDate['grid']['format']['dateFormat']['attr'] = $this->getDateFormat($entries);
     $header = $this->header->toArray();
     $filter = new \Zend\Filter\HtmlEntities();
     $urlFiler = new \ContentinumComponents\Filter\Url\Prepare();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($entries['modulContent']['news'] as $entry) {
         $head = '';
         $article = '';
         $blogId = 'blog' . $entry->webContent->id;
         $publishDate['grid']['attr']['datetime'] = $entry->webContent->publishDate;
         $head .= $this->deployRow($publishDate, $entry->webContent->publishDate);
         $head .= $this->deployRow($this->publishAuthor, $entry->webContent->publishAuthor);
         if (null !== $this->toolbar) {
             $links['pdf'] = array('href' => '/' . $entry->webContent->id . '/' . $entry->webContentgroup);
             $links['facebook'] = array('href' => '?u=' . urlencode($this->view->protocol . '://' . $this->view->host . '/' . $this->groupurl . '/' . $entry->webContent->source . '/' . $entry->webContent->publishDate . '#' . $blogId));
             $links['sendmail'] = array('href' => '/' . $entry->webContent->id);
             $head .= $this->view->contenttoolbar($links, $this->toolbar->toArray());
         $head .= $this->deployRow($this->headline, $entry->webContent->headline);
         $header['grid']['attr']['id'] = $blogId;
         $article .= $this->deployRow($header, $head);
         if (1 !== $entry->webContent->webMediasId->id) {
             $setSizes = null;
             if ('mediateaserright' == $entry->webContent->htmlwidgets) {
                 $mediaTemplate = $this->mediateaserright->toArray();
             } else {
                 $mediaTemplate = $this->mediateaserleft->toArray();
             if (false !== $this->teaserLandscapeSize) {
                 $mediaStyle = '';
                 $setSizes = array('landscape' => $this->teaserLandscapeSize, 'portrait' => $this->teaserPortraitSize);
             } else {
                 $setSizes = null;
                 $mediaStyle = 'teaser-imageitem-size';
             $article .= $this->imagesrc($entry->webContent, $entry->webContent->webMediasId, $mediaTemplate, $mediaStyle, $setSizes);
         if (isset($entries['modulContent']['archivbacklink'])) {
             $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['data-backlink'] = '/' . $this->groupurl . '/' . $entries['modulContent']['archivbacklink'];
             $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['class'] = $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['class'] . ' setBacklink';
         $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['href'] = '/' . $this->groupurl . '/' . $entry->webContent->source . '/' . $this->convertPublishDate($entry->webContent->publishDate) . '#' . $blogId;
         $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['title'] = $entry->webContent->labelReadMore . ' zu ' . $filter->filter($entry->webContent->headline);
         if (strlen($entry->webContent->contentTeaser) > 1) {
             $article .= $entry->webContent->contentTeaser;
             $article .= $this->deployRow($labelReadMore, $entry->webContent->labelReadMore);
         } else {
             $content = $entry->webContent->content;
             if ($entry->webContent->numberCharacterTeaser > 0 && strlen($content) > $entry->webContent->numberCharacterTeaser) {
                 $content = substr($content, 0, $entry->webContent->numberCharacterTeaser);
                 $content = substr($content, 0, strrpos($content, " "));
                 $content = $content . ' ...</p>';
                 $article .= $content;
                 $article .= $this->deployRow($labelReadMore, $entry->webContent->labelReadMore);
             } else {
                 $article .= $this->formatElement($content, $entry->webContent);
         $html .= $this->deployRow($this->news, $article);
     return $html;
  * @param array $content            
  * @param unknown $medias            
  * @param string $template            
  * @param string $teasers            
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($entries, $template, $media)
     $html = '';
     $numbernews = 10;
     if (false !== ($numbers = $this->getGroupParameter('numbernews'))) {
         $numbernews = (int) $numbers;
     $templateKey = static::VIEW_TEMPLATE;
     if (false !== ($htmlwidgets = $this->getGroupParameter('htmlwidgets'))) {
         $templateKey = $htmlwidgets;
     if (false !== ($headline = $this->getGroupParameter('headlineGroup'))) {
         $this->groupName = $headline;
     switch ($entries['modulFormat']) {
         case 'n':
         case 'y':
             $html .= $this->groupHeader('<h1>' . $this->groupName . '</h1>');
     $readMoreView = false;
     if (strlen($this->view->paramter['section']) > 1) {
         switch ($this->view->paramter['section']) {
             case 'tag':
             case 'archive':
             case 'category':
                 $numbernews = 9999;
                 $backLink = $this->backlink->toArray();
                 $readMoreView = true;
     $labelReadMore = $this->labelReadMore->toArray();
     $publishDate = $this->publishDate->toArray();
     $publishDate['grid']['format']['dateFormat']['attr'] = $this->getDateFormat($entries);
     $header = $this->header->toArray();
     $filter = new \Zend\Filter\HtmlEntities();
     $urlFiler = new \ContentinumComponents\Filter\Url\Prepare();
     $links = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($entries['modulContent']['news'] as $entry) {
         $head = '';
         $article = '';
         $blogId = 'blog' . $entry->webContent->id;
         $publishDate['grid']['attr']['datetime'] = $entry->webContent->publishDate;
         $head .= $this->deployRow($publishDate, $entry->webContent->publishDate);
         $head .= $this->deployRow($this->publishAuthor, $entry->webContent->publishAuthor);
         if (null !== $this->toolbar) {
             $links['pdf'] = array('href' => '/' . $entry->webContent->id . '/' . $entry->webContentgroup);
             $links['facebook'] = array('href' => '?u=' . urlencode($this->view->protocol . '://' . $this->view->host . '/' . $this->groupurl . '/' . $entry->webContent->source . '/' . $entry->webContent->publishDate . '#' . $blogId));
             $links['sendmail'] = array('href' => '/' . $entry->webContent->id);
             $head .= $this->view->contenttoolbar($links, $this->toolbar->toArray());
         $head .= $this->deployRow($this->headline, stripslashes($entry->webContent->headline));
         $header['grid']['attr']['id'] = $blogId;
         $article .= $this->deployRow($header, $head);
         if (false === $readMoreView) {
             if (1 !== $entry->webContent->webMediasId->id) {
                 $setSizes = null;
                 if ('mediateaserright' == $entry->webContent->htmlwidgets) {
                     $mediaTemplate = $this->mediateaserright->toArray();
                 } else {
                     $mediaTemplate = $this->mediateaserleft->toArray();
                 if (false !== $this->teaserLandscapeSize) {
                     $mediaStyle = '';
                     $setSizes = array('landscape' => $this->teaserLandscapeSize, 'portrait' => $this->teaserPortraitSize);
                 } else {
                     $setSizes = null;
                     $mediaStyle = 'teaser-imageitem-size';
                 $article .= $this->imagesrc($entry->webContent, $entry->webContent->webMediasId, $mediaTemplate, $mediaStyle, $setSizes);
             if (isset($entries['modulContent']['archivbacklink'])) {
                 $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['data-backlink'] = '/' . $this->groupurl . '/' . $entries['modulContent']['archivbacklink'];
                 $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['class'] = $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['class'] . ' setBacklink';
             $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['href'] = '/' . $this->groupurl . '/' . $entry->webContent->source . '/' . $this->convertPublishDate($entry->webContent->publishDate) . '#' . $blogId;
             $labelReadMore["grid"]["attr"]['title'] = $entry->webContent->labelReadMore . ' zu ' . $filter->filter($entry->webContent->headline);
             if (strlen($entry->webContent->contentTeaser) > 1) {
                 $article .= $entry->webContent->contentTeaser;
                 $article .= $this->deployRow($labelReadMore, $entry->webContent->labelReadMore);
             } else {
                 $content = $entry->webContent->content;
                 if ($entry->webContent->numberCharacterTeaser > 0 && strlen($content) > $entry->webContent->numberCharacterTeaser) {
                     $content = substr($content, 0, $entry->webContent->numberCharacterTeaser);
                     $content = substr($content, 0, strrpos($content, " "));
                     $content = $content . ' ...</p>';
                     $article .= $content;
                     $article .= $this->deployRow($labelReadMore, $entry->webContent->labelReadMore);
                 } else {
                     $article .= $this->formatElement($content, $entry->webContent);
         } else {
             $article .= $entry->webContent->contentTeaser;
             if (1 !== $entry->webContent->webMediasId->id) {
                 if (1 === $entry->webContent->mediaPlaceholder) {
                     $article = str_replace('{MEDIAPLACE}', $this->imagesrc($entry->webContent, $entry->webContent->webMediasId, $this->media->toArray()), $article);
                 } else {
                     $article .= $this->imagesrc($entry->webContent, $entry->webContent->webMediasId, $this->media->toArray());
             $article .= $this->formatElement($entry->webContent->content, $entry->webContent);
             if (isset($entries['modulContent']['newsplugins'])) {
                 $plugins = $entries['modulContent']['newsplugins'];
                 if (isset($plugins[$entry->webContent->modul][$entry->webContent->id])) {
                     $pluginViewHelper = $this->view->pluginViewHelper[$entry->webContent->modul];
                     $article .= $this->view->{$pluginViewHelper}($plugins[$entry->webContent->modul][$entry->webContent->id], $this->view->pluginstyles, $entry->webContent->webMediasId);
             $backLink["grid"]["attr"]['href'] = '/' . $this->groupurl;
             if (isset($this->view->cookies['backlinkarchiv'])) {
                 $backLink["grid"]["attr"]['class'] = $backLink["grid"]["attr"]['class'] . ' unsetBacklink';
                 $backLink["grid"]["attr"]['href'] = $this->view->cookies['backlinkarchiv'];
             $backLink["grid"]["attr"]['title'] = $this->view->translate('Back');
             $foot = $this->deployRow($backLink, $this->view->translate('Back'));
             if (null !== $this->footer) {
                 $article .= $this->deployRow($this->footer, $foot);
         if (0 === $i) {
             $news = $this->news->toArray();
             $news["grid"]["attr"]['class'] .= ' first-element';
             $html .= $this->deployRow($news, $article);
         } else {
             $html .= $this->deployRow($this->news, $article);
         if ($i === $numbernews) {
     return $html;