  *  This function returns the page form (form admin edition)
  *  @returns    YDForm object
 function getFormPage()
     // get template and language object
     $templates = YDCMComponent::module('YDCMTemplates');
     $languages = YDCMComponent::module('YDCMLanguages');
     // create access options
     $access = array(0 => t('public'), 1 => t('private'));
     // create 'template pack' options
     $template_pack = array(1 => t('use templatepack') . ' (' . $templates->template_pack() . ')', 0 => t('use custom template'));
     // create form object
     $form = new YDForm(YDConfig::get('YDCMPAGE_FORMPAGE'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'reference', t('page_reference'), array('size' => 25, 'maxlength' => 35));
     $form->addElement('text', 'title', t('page_title'), array('size' => 70, 'maxlength' => 70));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'html', t('page_html'));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'xhtml', t('page_xhtml'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'access', t('page_access'), array(), $access);
     $form->addElement('select', 'state', t('page_state'), array(), array(1 => t('yes'), 0 => t('no'), 2 => t('schedule')));
     $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'published_date_start', t('page_startdate'));
     $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'published_date_end', t('page_enddate'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'template_pack', '', array(), $template_pack);
     $form->addElement('select', 'template', t('page_template'), array(), $templates->visitors_templates());
     $form->addElement('select', 'metatags', t('page_metatags'), array(), array(0 => t('no'), 1 => t('yes')));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'description', t('page_description'), array('cols' => 50, 'rows' => 5));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'keywords', t('page_keywords'), array('cols' => 50, 'rows' => 5));
     $form->addElement('select', 'searcheable', t('page_search'), array(), array(0 => t('no'), 1 => t('yes')));
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'content_id');
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'parent_id');
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'language_id');
     // parent of new page is 0 by default
     $form->setDefault('content_id', 0);
     $form->setDefault('parent_id', 0);
     $form->setDefault('language_id', $languages->adminDefault());
     // add form rules
     $form->addRule('reference', 'required', t('reference_required'));
     $form->addRule('reference', 'alphanumeric', t('reference_alphanumeric'));
     $form->addRule('reference', 'maxwords', t('reference_maxwords'), 1);
     $form->addRule('reference', 'maxlength', t('reference_maxlength'), 100);
     $form->addRule('title', 'required', t('title_required'));
     $form->addRule('title', 'maxlength', t('title_maxlength'), 255);
     $form->addRule('content_id', 'required', t('content_id_required'));
     $form->addRule('content_id', 'numeric', t('content_id_numeric'));
     $form->addRule('parent_id', 'required', t('parent_id_required'));
     $form->addRule('parent_id', 'numeric', t('parent_id_numeric'));
     $form->addRule('html', 'maxlength', t('html_maxlength'), 50000);
     $form->addRule('xhtml', 'maxlength', t('xhtml_maxlength'), 50000);
     $form->addRule('template_pack', 'in_array', t('template_pack_invalid'), array(0, 1));
     $form->addRule('template', 'in_array', t('template_invalid'), array_keys($templates->visitors_templates()));
     $form->addRule('metatags', 'in_array', t('metatags_invalid'), array(0, 1));
     $form->addRule('description', 'maxlength', t('description_maxlength'), 2000);
     $form->addRule('keywords', 'maxlength', t('keywords_maxlength'), 2000);
     return $form;
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        Lesser General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
        License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
        Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Check if the framework is loaded
if (!defined('YD_FW_NAME')) {
    die('Yellow Duck Framework is not loaded.');
// load users module of YDCMComponent
// add local translation directory
YDLocale::addDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/');
// set posts form name
YDConfig::set('YDCMHELPDESK_FORMPOST', 'YDCMHelpdeskFormPost', false);
// set default states
YDConfig::set('YDCMHELPDESK_STATES', array('allstates', 'closed', 'open', 'pendent'), false);
// set default types
YDConfig::set('YDCMHELPDESK_TYPES', array('email', 'telephone', 'personal'), false);
// set default urgencies (TODO: maybe 'priorities')
YDConfig::set('YDCMHELPDESK_URGENCIES', array('allurgencies' => array(), 'low' => array('color' => '#00FF00'), 'medium' => array('color' => '#FF9900'), 'high' => array('color' => '#FF9900')), false);
class YDCMHelpdesk extends YDCMComponent
    function YDCMHelpdesk()
        // init component
  *  This function checks if elements are valid drag&dropable
  *  @param $x  Id of dragable node
  *  @param $y  Id of dropable node
  *  @returns    false if elements are invalid, an associative array with node types (eg: array( $x => 'PHCMPage', $y => 'PHCMRootmenu ))'
  *  @static
 function getDragDropElements($x = null, $y = null)
     // get tree module
     $treeObj = YDCMComponent::module('YDCMTree');
     // check drop validation
     return $treeObj->getDragDropElements($x, $y);