private function _set_ajax_nonces() { if (isset($_GET['page']) && substr($_GET['page'], 0, 7) == 'wysija_') { $ajax_nonces = array('campaigns' => array('switch_theme' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'switch_theme'), true), 'save_editor' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'save_editor'), true), 'save_styles' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'save_styles'), true), 'deleteimg' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'deleteimg'), true), 'deleteTheme' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'deleteTheme'), true), 'save_IQS' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'save_IQS'), true), 'send_preview' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'send_preview'), true), 'send_spamtest' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'send_spamtest'), true), 'insert_articles' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'insert_articles'), true), 'set_divider' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'set_divider'), true), 'generate_social_bookmarks' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'generate_social_bookmarks'), true), 'install_theme' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'install_theme'), true), 'setDefaultTheme' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'setDefaultTheme'), true), 'deleteTheme' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'deleteTheme'), true), 'save_poll' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'save_poll'), true), 'sub_delete_image' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'sub_delete_image'), true)), 'config' => array('send_test_mail' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'send_test_mail'), true), 'send_test_mail_ms' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'send_test_mail_ms'), true), 'bounce_process' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'bounce_process'), true), 'share_analytics' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'share_analytics'), true), 'wysija_form_manage_field' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'wysija_form_manage_field'), true), 'form_field_delete' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'form_field_delete'), true), 'form_name_save' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'form_name_save'), true), 'form_save' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'form_save'), true), 'validate' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'validate'), true), 'linkignore' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_config', 'action' => 'linkignore'), true))); } else { $ajax_nonces = array(); } wp_localize_script('wysija-admin', 'wysijanonces', $ajax_nonces); }
/** * Swap color schemes, to make sure, we don't use 2 colors in a same scheme continously * @return array() */ protected function swap_color_schemes() { if (empty(self::$cache_color_schemes)) { // swap colors from axis X => Y, Y => X $x = count($this->color_schemes[0][0]); $y = count($this->color_schemes[0]); $tmp = array(); foreach ($this->color_schemes as $y => $colors) { foreach ($colors as $x => $color) { $tmp[$x][$y] = $color; } } self::$cache_color_schemes = $tmp; } return self::$cache_color_schemes; }
/** * * @param int $email_id * @param int $user_id we can specify that parameter if we want to process the emails of only one specific user * @return boolean */ function process($email_id = false, $user_id = false) { if ($email_id) { $this->email_id = (int) $email_id; } $model_queue = WYSIJA::get('queue', 'model'); $queue_elements = $model_queue->getReady($this->send_limit, $this->email_id, $user_id); $this->total = count($queue_elements); $this->start = 0; // there is no elements queued if (empty($queue_elements)) { // there might be some delaied emails let's list those ones $queue_elements_delayed = $model_queue->getDelayed($this->email_id); // let's see if there are any delayed emails so that we display something about it if (empty($queue_elements_delayed)) { $this->clear(); } else { // report is on let's print the details about those delayed elements if ($this->report) { $html_response = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />'; $html_response .= '<style>body{font-size:12px;font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;}</style></head><body>'; $html_response .= '<div style="background-color : white;border : 1px solid grey; padding : 3px;font-size:14px">'; $html_response .= '<span id="divpauseinfo" style="padding:10px;margin:5px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;display:none;background-color:black;color:white;"> </span>'; $helper_toolbox = WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper'); $html_response .= sprintf(__('There are %1$s pending email(s)', WYSIJA), count($queue_elements_delayed)); $html_response .= ' - <small>' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'), $helper_toolbox->servertime_to_localtime(time())) . '</small>'; $html_response .= '</div>'; // for each elements let's calculate and print when the email is supposed to be sent foreach ($queue_elements_delayed as $element) { $html_response .= '<div id="divinfo">' . sprintf(__('Email will be sent to %1$s at %2$s', WYSIJA), '<b>' . $element['email'] . '</b>', '<em>' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'), $helper_toolbox->servertime_to_localtime($element['send_at'])) . '</em>') . ' </div>'; } echo $html_response; } } $this->finish = true; return true; } // report is on let's print the details about those delayed elements if ($this->report) { if (!headers_sent() and ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_flush(); } $html_response = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />'; $html_response .= '<title>' . addslashes(__('Send Process', WYSIJA)) . '</title>'; $html_response .= '<style>body{font-size:12px;font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;}</style></head><body>'; $html_response .= "<div style='padding: 3px;'>"; $html_response .= "<span id='divpauseinfo' style='padding:10px;margin:5px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;display:none;background-color:black;color:white;'> </span>"; $html_response .= __('Total of batch', WYSIJA) . ': <span id="counter"/>' . $this->start . '</span> / ' . $this->total; $html_response .= '</div>'; $html_response .= "<div id='divinfo' style='display:none; position:fixed; bottom:3px;left:3px;background-color : white; border : 1px solid grey; padding : 3px;'> </div>"; $url = 'admin.php?page=wysija_campaigns&action=manual_send&emailid=' . $this->email_id . '&_wpnonce=' . WYSIJA_view::secure(array('action' => 'manual_send'), true) . '&totalsend=' . $this->total . '&alreadysent='; $html_response .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">'; $html_response .= 'var mycounter = document.getElementById("counter");'; $html_response .= 'var divinfo = document.getElementById("divinfo"); var divpauseinfo = document.getElementById("divpauseinfo"); function setInfo(message){ = \'block\';divinfo.innerHTML=message; } function setPauseInfo(nbpause){ = \'\';divpauseinfo.innerHTML=nbpause;} function setCounter(val){ mycounter.innerHTML=val;} var scriptpause = ' . intval($this->pause) . '; function handlePause(){ setPauseInfo(scriptpause); if(scriptpause > 0){ scriptpause = scriptpause - 1; setTimeout(\'handlePause()\',1000); }else{ document.location.href=\'' . $url . '\'+mycounter.innerHTML; } } </script>'; echo $html_response; if (function_exists('ob_flush')) { @ob_flush(); } @flush(); } //endifreport $helper_mailer = WYSIJA::get('mailer', 'helper'); $helper_mailer->report = false; if ($this->config->getValue('smtp_keepalive', 1)) { $helper_mailer->SMTPKeepAlive = true; } else { $helper_mailer->SMTPKeepAlive = false; } $queue_delete = array(); $queue_update = array(); $stats_add = array(); $action_subscriber = array(); $max_try = (int) $this->config->getValue('queue_try', 3); $current_mail = $this->start; $this->nbprocess = 0; if (count($queue_elements) < $this->send_limit) { $this->finish = true; } WYSIJA::log('helpers -> Queue ->process', $queue_elements, 'queue_process'); // go through each queued element and process it foreach ($queue_elements as $queue_item) { $current_mail++; $this->nbprocess++; if ($this->report) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">setCounter(' . $current_mail . ')</script>'; if (function_exists('ob_flush')) { @ob_flush(); } @flush(); } WYSIJA::log('helpers -> Queue ->process ->sendOne', array('email_id' => $queue_item->email_id, 'oneQueue' => $queue_item), 'queue_process'); $result = $helper_mailer->sendOne($queue_item->email_id, $queue_item); $queue_delete_ok = true; $other_message = ''; // email has been sent ok let's make the process resulting after that if ($result) { $this->successSend++; $this->consecutiveError = 0; $queue_delete[$queue_item->email_id][] = $queue_item->user_id; $stats_add[$queue_item->email_id][1][(int) $helper_mailer->sendHTML][] = $queue_item->user_id; $queue_delete_ok = $this->_deleteQueue($queue_delete); WYSIJA::log('helpers -> Queue ->process ->sendOne resultOK(queue delete)', $queue_delete, 'queue_process'); $queue_delete = array(); // each 10 elements processed we record the statistics for that email and update the queue if ($this->nbprocess % 10 == 0) { $this->_statsAdd($stats_add); $this->_queueUpdate($queue_update); $stats_add = array(); $queue_update = array(); } } else { // email has not been sent and the mailer class returned an error $this->errorSend++; $new_try = false; if (in_array($helper_mailer->errorNumber, $helper_mailer->errorNewTry)) { // we check if that's still possible to have a new try at sending the email if (empty($max_try) or $queue_item->number_try < $max_try - 1) { $new_try = true; $other_message = sprintf(__('Next try in %s minutes.', WYSIJA), round($this->config->getValue('queue_delay') / 60)); } if ($helper_mailer->errorNumber == 1) { $this->consecutiveError++; } if ($this->consecutiveError == 2) { sleep(1); } } //if it's not possible to have a new try at sending the email then we delete the email from the queue and we add some stats if (!$new_try) { $queue_delete[$queue_item->email_id][] = $queue_item->user_id; $stats_add[$queue_item->email_id][0][(int) @$helper_mailer->sendHTML][] = $queue_item->user_id; if ($helper_mailer->errorNumber == 1 and $this->config->getValue('bounce_action_maxtry')) { $queue_delete_ok = $this->_deleteQueue($queue_delete); $queue_delete = array(); // ADDED to add the stats immediately instead of waiting $this->_statsAdd($stats_add); $stats_add = array(); // this is not used actually it would be used if we had a rule for the bounce max try case scenario // this is used in acy not in wysija //$other_message .= $this->_subscriberAction($queue_item->user_id); $other_message .= ''; } } else { $queue_update[$queue_item->email_id][] = $queue_item->user_id; } WYSIJA::log('helpers -> Queue ->process ->sendOne resultFAILED(queue update)', $queue_update, 'queue_process'); } //$messageOnScreen = '['.$oneQueue->email_id.'] '.$mailHelper->reportMessage; $message_on_screen = $helper_mailer->reportMessage; if (!empty($other_message)) { $message_on_screen .= ' => ' . $other_message; } $this->_display($message_on_screen, $result, $current_mail); if (!$queue_delete_ok) { $this->finish = true; break; } // when we reach the execution time limit we just refresh the screen if (!empty($this->stoptime) and $this->stoptime < time()) { $this->_display(__('Process refreshed to avoid a time limit.', WYSIJA)); if ($this->nbprocess < count($queue_elements)) { $this->finish = false; } break; } // too many consecutive errors compared to th enumber of success if ($this->consecutiveError > 2 and $this->successSend > 3) { $this->_display(__('Process refreshed to avoid a possible loss of connection.', WYSIJA)); break; } // if there are too many consecutive errors or the connection has been aborted by the client we finish the request if ($this->consecutiveError > 5 or connection_aborted()) { $this->finish = true; break; } } //delete the elements from the queue and add statistics and update the queue $this->_deleteQueue($queue_delete); $this->_statsAdd($stats_add); $this->_queueUpdate($queue_update); if ($this->config->getValue('smtp_keepalive', 1)) { $helper_mailer->SmtpClose(); } if (!empty($this->total) and $current_mail >= $this->total) { $this->finish = true; } if ($this->consecutiveError > 5) { $this->_handleError(); return false; } if ($this->report && !$this->finish) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">handlePause();</script>'; } if ($this->report) { echo '</body></html>'; exit; } return true; }
function export() { $this->requireSecurity(); // select from email_user_stat left join user $query = $this->getListSubscriberQry('B.user_id'); $result = $this->modelObj->query('get_res', $query); $user_ids = array(); foreach ($result as $user) { $user_ids[] = $user['user_id']; } $helper_file = WYSIJA::get('file', 'helper'); $tempfilename = $helper_file->temp(implode(',', $user_ids), 'export_userids', '.txt'); $wpnonce = '&_wpnonce=' . WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_subscribers', 'action' => 'exportcampaign'), true); $this->redirect('admin.php?page=wysija_subscribers&action=exportcampaign&camp_id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . $wpnonce . '&file_name=' . base64_encode($tempfilename['name'])); }
/** * Render actions of a newsletter * @param type $data */ public function hook_newsletter_action_buttons($data) { echo '<div class="actions right">'; $classes = function_exists('wp_star_rating') ? 'add-new-h2' : 'button-secondary2'; // view button $email_helper = WYSIJA::get('email', 'helper'); $link_view = $email_helper->getVIB($data['email_object']); echo '<a id="action-view" target="_blank" href="' . $link_view . '" class="action-view ' . $classes . '">' . __('View', WYSIJA) . '</a>'; //duplicate button $action = 'duplicate'; $params = array('page' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => $action, 'id' => $data['id'], 'email_id' => $data['email_id'], '_wpnonce' => WYSIJA_view::secure(array('action' => $action, 'id' => $data['id']), true)); $link_duplicate = 'admin.php?' . http_build_query($params); echo '<a id="action-' . $action . '" href="' . $link_duplicate . '" class="action-' . $action . ' ' . $classes . '">' . __('Duplicate', WYSIJA) . '</a>'; $alternate = false; echo '<table class="newsletter-stats-block widefat fixed">'; // Google tracking code if (!empty($data['email_object']['params']['googletrackingcode'])) { // echo '<div class="googletrackingcode"><span>' . __('Google Analytics', WYSIJA) . ':</span> ' . $data['email_object']['params']['googletrackingcode'] . '</div>'; echo '<tr class="' . ($alternate ? 'alternate' : '') . '"><td class="label">' . __('Google Analytics', WYSIJA) . '</td><td>' . $data['email_object']['params']['googletrackingcode'] . '</td></tr>'; $alternate = !$alternate; } // Sent on: // echo '<div class="googletrackingcode"><span>' . __('Sent on', WYSIJA) . ':</span> ' . $this->fieldListHTML_created_at_time($data['email_object']['sent_at']) . '</div>'; echo '<tr class="' . ($alternate ? 'alternate' : '') . '"><td class="label">' . __('Sent on', WYSIJA) . '</td><td>' . $this->fieldListHTML_created_at_time($data['email_object']['sent_at']) . '</td></tr>'; $alternate = !$alternate; // Lists: if (!empty($data['lists'])) { // echo '<div class="googletrackingcode"><span>' . __('Lists', WYSIJA) . ':</span> ' . implode(', ',$data['lists']) . '</div>'; echo '<tr class="' . ($alternate ? 'alternate' : '') . '"><td class="label">' . __('Lists', WYSIJA) . '</td><td>' . implode(', ', $data['lists']) . '</td></tr>'; $alternate = !$alternate; } // From address: $_from_address = array(); if (!empty($data['email_object']['from_name'])) { $_from_address[] = $data['email_object']['from_name']; } if (!empty($data['email_object']['from_email'])) { $_from_address[] = $data['email_object']['from_email']; } if (!empty($_from_address)) { // echo '<div class="googletrackingcode"><span>' . __('From', WYSIJA) . ':</span> ' . implode(', ',$_from_address) . '</div>'; echo '<tr class="' . ($alternate ? 'alternate' : '') . '"><td class="label">' . __('From', WYSIJA) . '</td><td>' . implode(' <', $_from_address) . (count($_from_address) > 1 ? '>' : '') . '</td></tr>'; $alternate = !$alternate; } // Reply-to address $_reply_to_address = array(); if (!empty($data['email_object']['replyto_name'])) { $_reply_to_address[] = $data['email_object']['replyto_name']; } if (!empty($data['email_object']['replyto_email'])) { $_reply_to_address[] = $data['email_object']['replyto_email']; } if (!empty($_reply_to_address)) { // echo '<div class="googletrackingcode"><span>' . __('Reply-to', WYSIJA) . ':</span> ' . implode(', ',$_reply_to_address) . '</div>'; echo '<tr class="' . ($alternate ? 'alternate' : '') . '"><td class="label">' . __('Reply-to', WYSIJA) . '</td><td>' . implode(' <', $_reply_to_address) . (count($_reply_to_address) > 1 ? '>' : '') . '</td></tr>'; $alternate = !$alternate; } if (!empty($data['bounce'])) { // echo '<div class="googletrackingcode"><span>' . __('Bounce', WYSIJA) . ':</span> ' . $data['bounce'] . '</div>'; echo '<tr class="' . ($alternate ? 'alternate' : '') . '"><td class="label">' . __('Bounce', WYSIJA) . '</td><td>' . $data['bounce'] . '</td></tr>'; $alternate = !$alternate; } echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; }
/** * */ function version() { $wysija_footer_links = '<div class="wysija-version">'; $wysija_footer_links .= '<div class="social-foot">'; $link_start = ' | <a target="_blank" id="switch_to_package" href="admin.php?page=wysija_campaigns&action=switch_to_package&plugin=wysija-newsletters&_wpnonce=' . WYSIJA_view::secure(array('controller' => 'wysija_campaigns', 'action' => 'switch_to_package'), true); if (WYSIJA::is_beta()) { $beta_link = $link_start . '&stable=1" title="' . __('Switch back to stable', WYSIJA) . '">' . __('Switch back to stable', WYSIJA) . '</a>'; } else { $beta_link = $link_start . '" title="' . __('Switch to beta', WYSIJA) . '">' . __('Switch to beta', WYSIJA) . '</a>'; } if (is_multisite() && !WYSIJA::current_user_can('manage_network') || !is_multisite() && !WYSIJA::current_user_can('switch_themes')) { $beta_link = ''; } $wysija_footer_links .= '<div id="upperfoot"><div class="support"><a target="_blank" href="" >' . __('Support', WYSIJA) . '</a>' . $beta_link; add_filter('wysija_footer_add_stars', array($this, 'footer_add_stars'), 10); $wysija_footer_links .= apply_filters('wysija_footer_add_stars', ''); $wysija_footer_links .= '<div class="version">' . __('Wysija Version: ', WYSIJA) . '<a href="admin.php?page=wysija_campaigns&action=whats_new">' . WYSIJA::get_version() . '</a></div></div>'; /*$config=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $msg=$config->getValue('ignore_msgs'); if(!isset($msg['socialfoot'])){ $wysijaversion .= $this->controller->__get_social_buttons(); }*/ $wysija_footer_links .= '</div></div>'; echo $wysija_footer_links; }