Beispiel #1
 /** Save and delete from database
 	* all product custom_fields and xref
 	@ var   $table	: the xref table(eg. product,category ...)
 	@array $data	: array of customfields
 	@int     $id		: The concerned id (eg. product_id)
 public function storeProductCustomfields($table, $datas, $id)
     vRequest::vmCheckToken('Invalid token in storeProductCustomfields');
     //Sanitize id
     $id = (int) $id;
     //Table whitelist
     $tableWhiteList = array('product', 'category', 'manufacturer');
     if (!in_array($table, $tableWhiteList)) {
         return false;
     // Get old IDS
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $db->setQuery('SELECT `virtuemart_customfield_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_' . $table . '_customfields` as `PC` WHERE `PC`.virtuemart_' . $table . '_id =' . $id);
     $old_customfield_ids = $db->loadColumn();
     if (array_key_exists('field', $datas)) {
         foreach ($datas['field'] as $key => $fields) {
             if (!empty($datas['field'][$key]['virtuemart_product_id']) and (int) $datas['field'][$key]['virtuemart_product_id'] != $id) {
                 //aha the field is from the parent, what we do with it?
                 $fields['override'] = (int) $fields['override'];
                 $fields['disabler'] = (int) $fields['disabler'];
                 if ($fields['override'] != 0 or $fields['disabler'] != 0) {
                     //If it is set now as override, store it as clone, therefore set the virtuemart_customfield_id = 0
                     if ($fields['override'] != 0) {
                         $fields['override'] = $fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'];
                     if ($fields['disabler'] != 0) {
                         $fields['disabler'] = $fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'];
                     $fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     //we do not store customfields inherited by the parent, therefore
                     $key = array_search($fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'], $old_customfield_ids);
                     if ($key !== false) {
             if ($fields['field_type'] == 'C') {
                 $cM = VmModel::getModel('custom');
                 $c = $cM->getCustom($fields['virtuemart_custom_id'], '');
                 if (!empty($c->sCustomId)) {
                     $sCustId = $c->sCustomId;
                     $labels = array();
                     foreach ($fields['selectoptions'] as $k => $option) {
                         if ($option['voption'] == 'clabels' and !empty($option['clabel'])) {
                             $labels[$k] = $option['clabel'];
                     //for testing
                     foreach ($fields['options'] as $prodId => $lvalue) {
                         if ($prodId == $id) {
                         $db->setQuery('SELECT `virtuemart_customfield_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_' . $table . '_customfields` as `PC` WHERE `PC`.virtuemart_' . $table . '_id ="' . $prodId . '" AND `virtuemart_custom_id`="' . $sCustId . '" ');
                         $strIds = $db->loadColumn();
                         $i = 0;
                         foreach ($lvalue as $k => $value) {
                             if (!empty($labels[$k])) {
                                 $ts = array();
                                 $ts['field_type'] = 'S';
                                 $ts['virtuemart_product_id'] = $prodId;
                                 $ts['virtuemart_custom_id'] = $sCustId;
                                 if (isset($strIds[$i])) {
                                     $ts['virtuemart_customfield_id'] = $strIds[$i];
                                 $ts['customfield_value'] = $value;
                                 $tableCustomfields = $this->getTable($table . '_customfields');
                         if (count($strIds) > 0) {
                             // delete old unused Customfields
                             $db->setQuery('DELETE FROM `#__virtuemart_' . $table . '_customfields` WHERE `virtuemart_customfield_id` in ("' . implode('","', $strIds) . '") ');
             $fields['virtuemart_' . $table . '_id'] = $id;
             $tableCustomfields = $this->getTable($table . '_customfields');
             if (!empty($datas['customfield_params'][$key]) and !isset($datas['clone'])) {
                 if (array_key_exists($key, $datas['customfield_params'])) {
                     $fields = array_merge((array) $fields, (array) $datas['customfield_params'][$key]);
             $tableCustomfields->_xParams = 'customfield_params';
             if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCustom')) {
                 require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'custom.php';
             VirtueMartModelCustom::setParameterableByFieldType($tableCustomfields, $fields['field_type'], $fields['custom_element'], $fields['custom_jplugin_id']);
             $key = array_search($fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'], $old_customfield_ids);
             if ($key !== false) {
     } else {
         vmdebug('storeProductCustomfields nothing to store');
     vmdebug('Delete $old_customfield_ids', $old_customfield_ids);
     if (count($old_customfield_ids)) {
         // delete old unused Customfields
         $db->setQuery('DELETE FROM `#__virtuemart_' . $table . '_customfields` WHERE `virtuemart_customfield_id` in ("' . implode('","', $old_customfield_ids) . '") ');
         vmdebug('Deleted $old_customfield_ids', $old_customfield_ids);
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     if (isset($datas['customfield_params']) and is_array($datas['customfield_params'])) {
         foreach ($datas['customfield_params'] as $key => $plugin_param) {
             $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnStoreProduct', array($datas, $plugin_param));
Beispiel #2
 public function storeProductCustomfields($table, $datas, $id)
     vRequest::vmCheckToken('Invalid token in storeProductCustomfields');
     //Sanitize id
     $id = (int) $id;
     //Table whitelist
     $tableWhiteList = array('product', 'category', 'manufacturer');
     if (!in_array($table, $tableWhiteList)) {
         return false;
     // Get old IDS
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $db->setQuery('SELECT `virtuemart_customfield_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_' . $table . '_customfields` as `PC` WHERE `PC`.virtuemart_' . $table . '_id =' . $id);
     $old_customfield_ids = $db->loadColumn();
     if (array_key_exists('field', $datas)) {
         foreach ($datas['field'] as $key => $fields) {
             if (!empty($datas['field'][$key]['virtuemart_product_id']) and (int) $datas['field'][$key]['virtuemart_product_id'] != $id) {
                 //aha the field is from the parent, what we do with it?
                 $fields['override'] = (int) $fields['override'];
                 $fields['disabler'] = (int) $fields['disabler'];
                 if ($fields['override'] != 0 or $fields['disabler'] != 0) {
                     //If it is set now as override, store it as clone, therefore set the virtuemart_customfield_id = 0
                     if ($fields['override'] != 0) {
                         $fields['override'] = $fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'];
                     if ($fields['disabler'] != 0) {
                         $fields['disabler'] = $fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'];
                     $fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'] = 0;
                     //unset($fields['virtuemart_product_id']);	//why we unset the primary key?
                     vmdebug('storeProductCustomfields I am in field from parent and create a clone');
                 } else {
                     //we do not store customfields inherited by the parent, therefore
                     vmdebug('storeProductCustomfields I am in field from parent => not storing');
                     $key = array_search($fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'], $old_customfield_ids);
                     if ($key !== false) {
                         //vmdebug('storeProductCustomfields unsetting from $old_customfild_ids',$key);
             $fields['virtuemart_' . $table . '_id'] = $id;
             $tableCustomfields = $this->getTable($table . '_customfields');
             if (!empty($datas['customfield_params'][$key]) and !isset($datas['clone'])) {
                 if (array_key_exists($key, $datas['customfield_params'])) {
                     $fields = array_merge((array) $fields, (array) $datas['customfield_params'][$key]);
             $tableCustomfields->_xParams = 'customfield_params';
             if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCustom')) {
                 require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'custom.php';
             VirtueMartModelCustom::setParameterableByFieldType($tableCustomfields, $fields['field_type'], $fields['custom_element'], $fields['custom_jplugin_id']);
             //vmdebug('Data to store $tableCustomfields->bindChecknStore',$fields,$tableCustomfields);
             $errors = $tableCustomfields->getErrors();
             foreach ($errors as $error) {
             $key = array_search($fields['virtuemart_customfield_id'], $old_customfield_ids);
             if ($key !== false) {
             // 				vmdebug('datas clone',$old_customfield_ids,$fields);
     } else {
         vmdebug('storeProductCustomfields nothing to store', $datas['field']);
     vmdebug('Delete $old_customfield_ids', $old_customfield_ids);
     if (count($old_customfield_ids)) {
         // delete old unused Customfields
         $db->setQuery('DELETE FROM `#__virtuemart_' . $table . '_customfields` WHERE `virtuemart_customfield_id` in ("' . implode('","', $old_customfield_ids) . '") ');
         vmdebug('Deleted $old_customfield_ids', $old_customfield_ids);
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     if (isset($datas['customfield_params']) and is_array($datas['customfield_params'])) {
         foreach ($datas['customfield_params'] as $key => $plugin_param) {
             $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnStoreProduct', array($datas, $plugin_param));