Beispiel #1
 public function show($slugA, $slugB)
     $slug = is_null($slugB) ? $slugA : $slugA . '/' . $slugB;
     $page = $this->repository->findBySlug($slug);
     View::name('layouts.default', 'default');
     $viewName = 'pages.' . str_replace('/', '.', $slug);
     return View::of('default')->nest('content', $viewName, compact('page'));
Beispiel #2
 private function fetch()
     self::$short = mysql_escape_string(trim($_GET['upload'], "/"));
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . Config::$db_table . "` WHERE `short`='" . self::$short . "' LIMIT 1";
     $result = Db::q($query);
     if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         self::$found = true;
         self::$name = $row['name'];
         self::$long = $row['long'];
         self::$type = $row['type'];
         self::$date = date("m/d/y", strtotime($row['ts']));
  * Test that controller templates can be named views.
  * @group laravel
 public function testControllerTemplatesCanBeNamedViews()
     View::name('home.index', 'home');
     $response = Controller::call('template.named@index');
     $home = file_get_contents(path('app') . 'views/home/index.php');
     $this->assertEquals($home, $response->content);
     View::$names = array();
Beispiel #4
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin/api'], function () {
    Route::group(['before' => 'validate_admin'], function () {
        | FILMS
        Route::group(['prefix' => 'films'], function () {
            Route::get('/', 'Api\\FilmController@index');
            Route::get('/{id}', 'Api\\FilmController@show');
            Route::post('/', 'Api\\FilmController@store');
            Route::put('/{id}', 'Api\\FilmController@update');
            Route::delete('/{id}', 'Api\\FilmController@destroy');
        View::name('layouts.modal', 'modal');
        Route::get('iconographic/create', function () {
            return View::make('api.iconographics.create');
        Route::post('iconographic/store', ['as' => '', 'uses' => 'Api\\IconographicController@store']);
        Route::group(['prefix' => 'iconographic'], function () {
            Route::post('/{id}', 'Api\\IconographicController@update');
            //The PUT verb not work. Someone said to is blame of CSRF protection.
            //Most recently, I read that was a php protection and a special file have to create to get the
            //the behavior desired
            //Route::put('/{id}',     'Api\IconographicController@update');
            Route::delete('/{id}', 'Api\\IconographicController@destroy');
        | Exhibitions
Beispiel #5
    return $layout->nest('content', 'pages.aboutus');
Route::get('services', function () use($template) {
    View::name($template, '');
    $layout = View::of('', array('pageTitle' => "Home - MC", 'activenav' => 'services'));
    return $layout->nest('content', '');
/*Job Openings*/
Route::get('jobopening', function () use($template) {
    View::name($template, 'pages.jobopening');
    $layout = View::of('pages.jobopening', array('pageTitle' => "Home - MC", 'activenav' => 'jobopening'));
    return $layout->nest('content', 'pages.jobopening');
/*Contact Us*/
Route::get('manpowerrequest', function () use($template) {
    View::name($template, 'pages.manpowerrequest');
    $layout = View::of('pages.manpowerrequest', array('pageTitle' => "Home - MC", 'activenav' => 'manpowerrequest'));
    return $layout->nest('content', 'pages.manpowerrequest');
/*Contact Us*/
Route::get('contactus', function () use($template) {
    View::name($template, 'pages.contactus');
    $layout = View::of('pages.contactus', array('pageTitle' => "Home - MC", 'activenav' => 'contactus'));
    return $layout->nest('content', 'pages.contactus');
Route::get('testingpage', function () use($template) {
    View::name($template, 'pages.testingpage');
    $layout = View::of('pages.testingpage', array('pageTitle' => "Home - MC", 'activenav' => 'testingpage'));
    return $layout->nest('content', 'pages.testingpage');
Beispiel #6

 *	Routes are registered from top to the bottom. If any match is found, that 
 *	matching callback is executed, Laravel does not continue in lookup. Home 
 *	route "/" should be placed as last one, as this says there is nothing 
 *	more to lookup
 * 	 NOTE: Order of the routes matters
*	Manually set error page with the default layout
View::name('layouts.master', 'layout');
$layout = View::of('layout');
Route::get('error', function () use($layout) {
    $data['postMsg'] = 'Sorry, looks like that doesn\'t exist!';
    return $layout->nest('content', 'error', $data);
//Basic POST routes
//Mark to read or not to read status
Route::post('reading/{title}', 'ReadstatusController@postReading');
//Mark as Read or Unread status
Route::post('read/{title}', 'ReadstatusController@postRead');
Route::post('search', 'SearchController@index');
//Resource route for Issue and Series, respectfully
//These are RESTful controllers built around resources
Route::resource('content/issue', 'IssueController');
Route::resource('content/series', 'ContentController');
//Browse options
Beispiel #7
  * Test the View::name method.
  * @group laravel
 public function testNameMethodRegistersAViewName()
     View::name('home.index', 'home');
     $this->assertEquals('home.index', View::$names['home']);