Beispiel #1
    $conditionalVariables['login_display_error'] = 'none';
} else {
    // Register a new user with form data
    $username = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['username']);
    $password = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['password']);
    $email = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['email']);
    $secondaryEmail = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['secondary_email']);
    if ($secondaryEmail == "") {
        $secondaryEmail = $email;
    $planetName = Database::Instance()->EscapeString($_POST['planet_name']);
    if ($planetName == "") {
        $planetName = "Colony";
    // TODO: localize this?
    // Create new user, is automatically added to database
    $user = User::NewUser($username, $password, 0, $email, $secondaryEmail, $planetName);
    if ($user) {
        // Set this user as the current user.
        $page = new Page("registration_complete", NULL, "Registration Complete", "account_activation");
        echo $page->Display();
    } else {
        // Display the page, with an error message
        $conditionalVariables['login_display_error'] = 'block';
$extraScripts = Helper::InsertValidation("../");
$page = new Page("registration", $conditionalVariables, "Register new account", "account_activation", $extraScripts);
echo $page->Display();

echo "Hello World</br>";
echo "Register script in progress...</br>";
echo $_POST['name'] . "</br>";
echo $_POST['surname'] . "</br>";
echo $_POST['email'] . "</br>";
echo $_POST['password'] . "</br>";
echo $_POST['nick'] . "</br>";
include_once 'UserHandler.php';
if (isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['surname']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['nick'])) {
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $surname = $_POST['surname'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $nick = $_POST['nick'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    /*TODO: Check if user exists!!!*/
    $user = User::NewUser($name, $surname, $email, $password, $nick);
    if ($user->isSaved()) {
        echo 'Reg successful!';
    } else {
        echo 'Reg un-successful!';
Beispiel #3
require_once "common.php";
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE colony", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE colony_defences", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE colony_properties", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE colony_resources", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE colony_structures", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE fleet", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE user", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE production", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE user_officers", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE user_technology", NULL);
Database::Instance()->ExecuteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE scheduled_transports", NULL);
$user = User::NewUser("Beerdude26", "aSimplePassword", 100, "*****@*****.**", "alternate_email");
$colony = Colony::NewColony("Nigron", new Coordinates(100, 50, 7), $user, FALSE);
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Current colony:";
$units = array("light_fighter" => 10, "small_cargo_ship" => 20, "cruiser" => 10);
$extrafleet = ShipFleet::FromList($units, $user->CurrentColony(), 0);
//Helper::var_dump_pre( $user->CurrentColony()->Fleet() );
echo "Adding some extra units to original fleet: ";
$t_units = array("light_fighter" => 5, "small_cargo_ship" => 5, "cruiser" => 3);
$t_fleet = ShipFleet::FromList($t_units, $user->CurrentColony(), 0);
echo "Splitting up some units from the original fleet: ";