  * Returns sub array of settings for given array namespace
  * (e.g. key1.key2.key3 returns settings['key1']['key2']['key3'])
  * If no key is given, whole settings array is returned.
  * If key does not exist, empty array is returned.
  * @param string $key Key of settings array to be returned
  * @return mixed
 public function getSettings($key = '')
     if ($key != '') {
         return Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($this->settings, $key);
     } else {
         return $this->settings;
  * Renders link for an album
  * @param Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album $album Album object to render link for
  * @param Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery $gallery Gallery object to render link for
  * @param integer $pageUid
  * @param integer $pageType type of the target page. See typolink.parameter
  * @param integer $pageType type of the target page. See typolink.parameter
  * @param boolean $noCache set this to disable caching for the target page. You should not need this.
  * @param boolean $noCacheHash set this to supress the cHash query parameter created by TypoLink. You should not need this.
  * @param string $section the anchor to be added to the URI
  * @param string $format The requested format, e.g. ".html"
  * @return string Rendered link for album
  * @throws Exception
 public function render(Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album $album = null, Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery $gallery = null, $pageUid = null, $pageType = 0, $noCache = false, $noCacheHash = false, $section = '', $format = '')
     // TODO implement gallery download
     if ($album instanceof Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album) {
         $namespace = Tx_Yag_Domain_Context_YagContextFactory::getInstance()->getObjectNamespace() . '.albumUid';
         $arguments = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($namespace, array(), $album->getUid());
     return parent::render('downloadAsZip', $arguments, 'ItemList', null, null, $pageUid, $pageType, $noCache, $noCacheHash, $section, $format);
  * Renders link for an album
  * @param int $galleryUid UID of album to render link for
  * @param \Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery $gallery Album object to render link for
  * @param int $pageUid (Optional) ID of page to render link for. If null, current page is used
  * @param int $pageType
  * @param bool $noCache
  * @param bool $noCacheHash
  * @param string $section
  * @param string $format
  * @throws Exception
  * @return string Rendered link for gallery
 public function render($galleryUid = null, \Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery $gallery = null, $pageUid = null, $pageType = 0, $noCache = false, $noCacheHash = false, $section = '', $format = '')
     if ($galleryUid === null && $gallery === null) {
         throw new Exception('You have to set "galleryUid" or "gallery" as parameter. Both parameters can not be empty when using galleryLinkViewHelper', 1295575455);
     if ($galleryUid === null) {
         $galleryUid = $gallery->getUid();
     $namespace = \Tx_Yag_Domain_Context_YagContextFactory::getInstance()->getObjectNamespace() . '.galleryUid';
     $arguments = \Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($namespace, array(), $galleryUid);
     return parent::render('index', $arguments, 'Gallery', null, null, $pageUid, $pageType, $noCache, $noCacheHash, $section, $format);
 protected function getSelectableThemes()
     $configurationManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager')->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Configuration\\ConfigurationManagerInterface');
     /** @var $configurationManager \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\BackendConfigurationManager */
     $settings = $configurationManager->getConfiguration(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_SETTINGS, 'Yag', 'pi1');
     $themes = \Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($settings, 'themes');
     $selectableThemes = array();
     foreach ($themes as $themeIdentifier => $theme) {
         $themeTitle = array_key_exists('title', $theme) ? $theme['title'] : $themeIdentifier;
         $selectableThemes[$themeIdentifier] = $themeTitle;
     return $selectableThemes;
Beispiel #5
  * Renders the link to an image
  * @param array $arguments Arguments
  * @param integer $pageUid target page. See TypoLink destination
  * @param integer $pageType type of the target page. See typolink.parameter
  * @param boolean $noCache set this to disable caching for the target page. You should not need this.
  * @param boolean $noCacheHash set this to supress the cHash query parameter created by TypoLink. You should not need this.
  * @param string $section the anchor to be added to the URI
  * @param string $format The requested format, e.g. ".html"
  * @param boolean $linkAccessRestrictedPages If set, links pointing to access restricted pages will still link to the page even though the page cannot be accessed.
  * @param array $additionalParams additional query parameters that won't be prefixed like $arguments (overrule $arguments)
  * @param boolean $absolute If set, the URI of the rendered link is absolute
  * @param boolean $addQueryString If set, the current query parameters will be kept in the URI
  * @param array $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString arguments to be removed from the URI. Only active if $addQueryString = TRUE
  * @return string Rendered link
 public function render($pageUid = null, $pageType = 0, array $arguments = array(), $noCache = false, $noCacheHash = false, $section = '', $format = '', $linkAccessRestrictedPages = false, array $additionalParams = array(), $absolute = false, $addQueryString = false, array $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString = array())
     $objectNameSpace = $namespace = Tx_Yag_Domain_Context_YagContextFactory::getInstance()->getObjectNamespace();
     $arguments = array();
     if (isset($this->arguments['album'])) {
         $albumUid = $this->arguments['album']->getUid();
         $arguments = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($objectNameSpace . '.albumUid', $arguments, $albumUid);
     if (isset($this->arguments['gallery'])) {
         $galleryUid = $this->arguments['gallery']->getUid();
         $arguments = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($objectNameSpace . '.galleryUid', $arguments, $galleryUid);
     return parent::render('show', $arguments, 'Item', null, null, $pageUid, $pageType, $noCache, $noCacheHash, $section, $format, $linkAccessRestrictedPages, $additionalParams, $absolute, $addQueryString, $argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString);
Beispiel #6
  * Renders link for an album
  * @param integer $albumUid UID of album to render link for
  * @param Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album $album Album object to render link for
  * @param Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery $gallery Gallery object to render link for
  * @param integer pageUid (Optional) ID of page to render link for. If null, current page is used
  * @param integer $pageType type of the target page. See typolink.parameter
  * @param integer $pageType type of the target page. See typolink.parameter
  * @param boolean $noCache set this to disable caching for the target page. You should not need this.
  * @param boolean $noCacheHash set this to supress the cHash query parameter created by TypoLink. You should not need this.
  * @param string $section the anchor to be added to the URI
  * @param string $format The requested format, e.g. ".html"
  * @return string Rendered link for album
  * @throws Exception
 public function render($albumUid = 0, Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Album $album = NULL, Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery $gallery = NULL, $pageUid = NULL, $pageType = 0, $noCache = FALSE, $noCacheHash = FALSE, $section = '', $format = '')
     if ($albumUid == 0 && $album === NULL) {
         throw new Exception('You have to set "albumUid" or "album" as parameter. Both parameters can not be empty when using albumLinkViewHelper', 1295575454);
     if ($albumUid == 0) {
         $albumUid = $album->getUid();
     $baseNamespace = Tx_Yag_Domain_Context_YagContextFactory::getInstance()->getObjectNamespace();
     $arguments = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($baseNamespace . '.albumUid', array(), $albumUid);
     if ($gallery !== NULL) {
         $arguments = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($baseNamespace . '.galleryUid', $arguments, $gallery->getUid());
     return parent::render('submitFilter', $arguments, 'ItemList', NULL, NULL, $pageUid, $pageType, $noCache, $noCacheHash, $section, $format);
Beispiel #7
  * @param null $key settings key
  * @return array
 public function getJSCompliantSettings($key = NULL)
     $settings = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($this->settings, $key);
     return $this->convertToJSCompliantSettings($settings);
 /** @test */
 public function removeDataFromNamespaceTree()
     $sampleArray = array('key1' => array('key2' => array('key3' => 'testData1', 'key4' => 'testData2'), 'key5' => 'testData3'));
     $testArray = $sampleArray;
     $nameSpaceString = 'key1.key2.key3';
     $alteredArray = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::removeDataFromNamespaceTree($nameSpaceString, $sampleArray);
     $this->assertEquals($alteredArray, $testArray);
  * Get an argument array out of a string
  * @param string $argumentString
  * @return array
 public function getArgumentArray($argumentString)
     $argumentArray = array();
     $argumentChunks = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $argumentString);
     foreach ($argumentChunks as $argument) {
         if (strstr($argument, ':')) {
             list($key, $value) = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(':', $argument);
             $argumentArray = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::saveDataInNamespaceTree($key, $argumentArray, $value);
         } else {
             $key = $argument;
             $argumentArray[$key] = false;
     return $argumentArray;
Beispiel #10
  * Get the TCA settings by namespace
  * @param $nameSpace
  * @param null $table
  * @return array
 public function getSettingsByNamespace($nameSpace, $table = null)
     if ($table) {
     $settings = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->table], $nameSpace);
     return $settings;
  * Initializes TS rbac service (invoked from objectManager)
 public function initializeObject()
     $fullTypoScript = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Service\\TypoScriptService')->convertTypoScriptArrayToPlainArray($this->configurationManager->getConfiguration(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_FULL_TYPOSCRIPT));
     $this->typoScriptRbacSettings = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($fullTypoScript, 'plugin.tx_ptextbase.settings.rbac');
  * Remove session data by given namespace
  * @param string $namespaceString
 public function removeSessionDataByNamespace($namespaceString)
     $this->sessionData = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::removeDataFromNamespaceTree($namespaceString, $this->sessionData);
  * @return boolean
 protected function getRenderTyposcriptFromConfiguration()
     $nameSpace = implode('.', array('TYPO3_CONF_VARS.EXTCONF.pt_extbase.ajaxDispatcher.apiConfiguration', $this->extensionName, $this->controllerName, 'renderTyposcript'));
     return Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($GLOBALS, $nameSpace);
  * Extracts merged GP vars for a given namespace. Merges Post vars over Get vars
  * @param string $namespace
  * @return array Merged get and post vars for given namespace
 public function extractPgVarsByNamespace($namespace)
     return Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($this->getMergedPgVars(), $namespace);
  * @param string $exportIdentifier
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function downloadAction($exportIdentifier)
     $exportSettingsPath = $this->extlistTypoScriptSettingsPath . '.export.exportConfigs.' . $exportIdentifier;
     $exportSettings = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($this->settings, $exportSettingsPath);
     if (!is_array($exportSettings) || empty($exportSettings)) {
         throw new Exception('No export settings found within the path ' . $exportSettingsPath, 1331644291);
     $exportConfig = new Tx_PtExtlist_Domain_Configuration_Export_ExportConfig($this->configurationBuilder, $exportSettings);
     if (array_key_exists('exportListSettingsPath', $exportSettings)) {
         $exportListSettings = Tx_PtExtbase_Utility_NameSpace::getArrayContentByArrayAndNamespace($this->settings, $exportSettings['exportListSettingsPath']);
     } else {
         $exportListSettings = $this->configurationBuilder->getSettings();
     $extListContext = Tx_PtExtlist_ExtlistContext_ExtlistContextFactory::getContextByCustomConfiguration($exportListSettings, $this->listIdentifier, false);
     $list = $extListContext->getList(true);
     $view = $this->objectManager->get($exportConfig->getViewClassName());
     $view->assign('listHeader', $list->getListHeader());
     $view->assign('listCaptions', $list->getRenderedListHeader());
     $view->assign('listData', $list->getRenderedListData());
     $view->assign('aggregateRows', $list->getRenderedAggregateListData());
     return $view->render();