public function doAction()
     if (empty($this->source_lang)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "missing source_lang");
     if (empty($this->target_lang)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -2, "message" => "missing target_lang");
     if (empty($this->source)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -3, "message" => "missing source");
     if (empty($this->target)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -4, "message" => "missing target");
     //get Job Infos
     $job_data = getJobData((int) $this->id_job, $this->password);
     $pCheck = new AjaxPasswordCheck();
     //check for Password correctness
     if (empty($job_data) || !$pCheck->grantJobAccessByJobData($job_data, $this->password)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -10, "message" => "wrong password");
     $this->tm_keys = $job_data['tm_keys'];
     $tms = Engine::getInstance($job_data['id_tms']);
     $config = $tms->getConfigStruct();
     //        $config = TMS::getConfigStruct();
     $config['segment'] = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($this->source);
     $config['translation'] = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($this->target);
     $config['source'] = $this->source_lang;
     $config['target'] = $this->target_lang;
     $config['email'] = "*****@*****.**";
     $config['id_user'] = array();
     //get job's TM keys
     try {
         $tm_keys = $this->tm_keys;
         if (self::isRevision()) {
             $this->userRole = TmKeyManagement_Filter::ROLE_REVISOR;
         } elseif ($this->userMail == $job_data['owner']) {
             $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getOwnerKeys(array($tm_keys), 'r', 'tm');
             $tm_keys = json_encode($tm_keys);
         //get TM keys with read grants
         $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($tm_keys, 'r', 'tm', $this->uid, $this->userRole);
         if (is_array($tm_keys) && !empty($tm_keys)) {
             foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
                 $config['id_user'][] = $tm_key->key;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -11, "message" => "Cannot retrieve TM keys info.");
     //prepare the errors report
     $set_code = array();
      * @var $tm_key TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct
     //if there's no key
     if (empty($tm_keys)) {
         //try deleting anyway, it may be a public segment and it may work
         $TMS_RESULT = $tms->delete($config);
         $set_code[] = $TMS_RESULT;
     } else {
         //loop over the list of keys
         foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
             //issue a separate call for each key
             $config['id_user'] = $tm_key->key;
             $TMS_RESULT = $tms->delete($config);
             $set_code[] = $TMS_RESULT;
     $set_successful = true;
     if (array_search(false, $set_code, true)) {
         //There's an errors
         $set_successful = false;
     $this->result['data'] = $set_successful ? "OK" : null;
     $this->result['code'] = $set_successful;
     $amqHandlerSubscriber->incrementAnalyzedCount($pid, 0, 0);
     $amqHandlerSubscriber->tryToCloseProject($pid, $my_pid);
 //reset vectors
 $matches = array();
 $tms_match = array();
 $mt_result = array();
 $_config = array();
 $_config['segment'] = $text;
 $_config['source'] = $source;
 $_config['target'] = $target;
 $_config['email'] = "*****@*****.**";
 $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($objQueue['tm_keys'], 'r', 'tm');
 if (is_array($tm_keys) && !empty($tm_keys)) {
     foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
         $_config['id_user'][] = $tm_key->key;
 $_config['num_result'] = 3;
 $id_mt_engine = $objQueue['id_mt_engine'];
 $id_tms = $objQueue['id_tms'];
 $_TMS = $id_tms;
  * Call Memory Server for matches if it's enabled
 $tms_enabled = false;
 if ($_TMS == 1) {
 public function doAction()
     if (!$this->concordance_search) {
         //execute these lines only in segment contribution search,
         //in case of user concordance search skip these lines
         //because segment can be optional
         if (empty($this->id_segment)) {
             $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "missing id_segment");
     if (is_null($this->text) || $this->text === '') {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -2, "message" => "missing text");
     if (empty($this->id_job)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -3, "message" => "missing id_job");
     if (empty($this->num_results)) {
         $this->num_results = INIT::$DEFAULT_NUM_RESULTS_FROM_TM;
     if (!empty($this->result['errors'])) {
         return -1;
     //get Job Infos, we need only a row of jobs ( split )
     $this->jobData = getJobData($this->id_job, $this->password);
     $pCheck = new AjaxPasswordCheck();
     //check for Password correctness
     if (empty($this->jobData) || !$pCheck->grantJobAccessByJobData($this->jobData, $this->password)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -10, "message" => "wrong password");
         return -1;
      * string manipulation strategy
     if (!$this->concordance_search) {
         $this->text = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($this->text);
         $this->source = $this->jobData['source'];
         $this->target = $this->jobData['target'];
     } else {
         $regularExpressions = $this->tokenizeSourceSearch();
         if ($this->switch_languages) {
              * switch languages from user concordances search on the target language value
              * Example:
              * Job is in
              *      source: it_IT,
              *      target: de_DE
              * user perform a right click for concordance help on a german word or phrase
              * we want result in italian from german source
             $this->source = $this->jobData['target'];
             $this->target = $this->jobData['source'];
         } else {
             $this->source = $this->jobData['source'];
             $this->target = $this->jobData['target'];
     $this->id_mt_engine = $this->jobData['id_mt_engine'];
     $this->id_tms = $this->jobData['id_tms'];
     $this->tm_keys = $this->jobData['tm_keys'];
     $config = array();
     if ($this->id_tms == 1) {
          * MyMemory Enabled
         $config['get_mt'] = true;
         $config['mt_only'] = false;
         if ($this->id_mt_engine != 1) {
              * Don't get MT contribution from MyMemory ( Custom MT )
             $config['get_mt'] = false;
         $_TMS = $this->id_tms;
     } else {
         if ($this->id_tms == 0 && $this->id_mt_engine == 1) {
              * MyMemory disabled but MT Enabled and it is NOT a Custom one
              * So tell to MyMemory to get MT only
             $config['get_mt'] = true;
             $config['mt_only'] = true;
             $_TMS = 1;
             /* MyMemory */
      * if No TM server and No MT selected $_TMS is not defined
      * so we want not to perform TMS Call
     if (isset($_TMS)) {
          * @var $tms Engines_MyMemory
         $tms = Engine::getInstance($_TMS);
         $config = array_merge($tms->getConfigStruct(), $config);
         $config['segment'] = $this->text;
         $config['source'] = $this->source;
         $config['target'] = $this->target;
         $config['email'] = INIT::$MYMEMORY_API_KEY;
         $config['id_user'] = array();
         $config['num_result'] = $this->num_results;
         $config['isConcordance'] = $this->concordance_search;
         //get job's TM keys
         try {
             if (self::isRevision()) {
                 $this->userRole = TmKeyManagement_Filter::ROLE_REVISOR;
             $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($this->tm_keys, 'r', 'tm', $this->uid, $this->userRole);
             if (is_array($tm_keys) && !empty($tm_keys)) {
                 foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
                     $config['id_user'][] = $tm_key->key;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -11, "message" => "Cannot retrieve TM keys info.");
         $tms_match = $tms->get($config);
         $tms_match = $tms_match->get_matches_as_array();
     if ($this->id_mt_engine > 1) {
          * @var $mt Engines_Moses
         $mt = Engine::getInstance($this->id_mt_engine);
         $config = $mt->getConfigStruct();
         $config['segment'] = $this->text;
         $config['source'] = $this->source;
         $config['target'] = $this->target;
         $config['id_user'] = INIT::$MYMEMORY_API_KEY;
         $config['segid'] = $this->id_segment;
         $mt_result = $mt->get($config);
         if (isset($mt_result['error']['code'])) {
             $mt_result['error']['created_by_type'] = 'MT';
             $this->result['errors'][] = $mt_result['error'];
             $mt_result = false;
     $matches = array();
     if (!empty($tms_match)) {
         $matches = $tms_match;
     if (!empty($mt_result)) {
         $matches[] = $mt_result;
         usort($matches, array("getContributionController", "__compareScore"));
         //this is necessary since usort sorts is ascending order, thus inverting the ranking
         $matches = array_reverse($matches);
     $matches = array_slice($matches, 0, $this->num_results);
     isset($matches[0]['match']) ? $firstMatchVal = floatval($matches[0]['match']) : null;
     if (isset($firstMatchVal) && $firstMatchVal >= 90 && $firstMatchVal < 100) {
         $srcSearch = strip_tags($this->text);
         $segmentFound = strip_tags($matches[0]['raw_segment']);
         $srcSearch = mb_strtolower(preg_replace('#[\\x{20}]{2,}#u', chr(0x20), $srcSearch));
         $segmentFound = mb_strtolower(preg_replace('#[\\x{20}]{2,}#u', chr(0x20), $segmentFound));
         $fuzzy = levenshtein($srcSearch, $segmentFound) / log10(mb_strlen($srcSearch . $segmentFound) + 1);
         //levenshtein handle max 255 chars per string and returns -1, so fuzzy var can be less than 0 !!
         if ($srcSearch == $segmentFound || $fuzzy < 2.5 && $fuzzy >= 0) {
             $qaRealign = new QA($this->text, html_entity_decode($matches[0]['raw_translation']));
             $log_prepend = "CLIENT REALIGN IDS PROCEDURE | ";
             if (!$qaRealign->thereAreErrors()) {
                 Log::doLog( $log_prepend . " - Requested Segment: " . var_export( $this->__postInput, true) );
                 Log::doLog( $log_prepend . "Fuzzy: " . $fuzzy .  " - Try to Execute Tag ID Realignment." );
                 Log::doLog( $log_prepend . "TMS RAW RESULT:" );
                 Log::doLog( $log_prepend . var_export($matches[0], true) );
                 Log::doLog( $log_prepend . "Realignment Success:");
                 $matches[0]['segment'] = CatUtils::rawxliff2view($this->text);
                 $matches[0]['translation'] = CatUtils::rawxliff2view($qaRealign->getTrgNormalized());
                 $matches[0]['match'] = $fuzzy == 0 ? '100%' : '99%';
                                     Log::doLog( $log_prepend . "View Segment:     " . var_export($matches[0]['segment'], true) );
                                     Log::doLog( $log_prepend . "View Translation: " . var_export($matches[0]['translation'], true) );
             } else {
                 Log::doLog($log_prepend . 'Realignment Failed. Skip. Segment: ' . $this->__postInput['id_segment']);
     /* New Feature only if this is not a MT and if it is a ( 90 =< MATCH < 100 ) */
     if (!$this->concordance_search) {
         //execute these lines only in segment contribution search,
         //in case of user concordance search skip these lines
         $res = $this->setSuggestionReport($matches);
         if (is_array($res) and array_key_exists("error", $res)) {
             // error occurred
     foreach ($matches as &$match) {
         if (strpos($match['created_by'], 'MT') !== false) {
             $match['match'] = 'MT';
             $QA = new PostProcess($match['raw_segment'], $match['raw_translation']);
             //this should every time be ok because MT preserve tags, but we use the check on the errors
             //for logic correctness
             if (!$QA->thereAreErrors()) {
                 $match['raw_translation'] = $QA->getTrgNormalized();
                 $match['translation'] = CatUtils::rawxliff2view($match['raw_translation']);
             } else {
         if ($match['created_by'] == 'MT!') {
             $match['created_by'] = 'MT';
             //MyMemory returns MT!
         } else {
             $match['created_by'] = $this->__changeSuggestionSource($match);
         if (!empty($match['sentence_confidence'])) {
             $match['sentence_confidence'] = round($match['sentence_confidence'], 0) . "%";
         if ($this->concordance_search) {
             $match['segment'] = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($match['segment']));
             $match['segment'] = preg_replace('#[\\x{20}]{2,}#u', chr(0x20), $match['segment']);
             //Do something with &$match, tokenize strings and send to client
             $match['segment'] = preg_replace(array_keys($regularExpressions), array_values($regularExpressions), $match['segment']);
             $match['translation'] = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($match['translation']));
     $this->result['data']['matches'] = $matches;
 public function testGetJobTmKeys_uidNotNull()
     $tmKeys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys(self::$validJsonTmKeyArrWithUidTranslator, 'rw', 'tm', self::$uid_translator, TmKeyManagement_Filter::ROLE_TRANSLATOR);
     $this->assertInstanceOf("TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct", $tmKeys[0]);
 public function doAction()
     if (is_null($this->source) || $this->source === '') {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "missing source segment");
     if (is_null($this->target) || $this->target === '') {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -2, "message" => "missing target segment");
     if (empty($this->source_lang)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -3, "message" => "missing source lang");
     if (empty($this->target_lang)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -2, "message" => "missing target lang");
     if (empty($this->id_job)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -4, "message" => "id_job not valid");
         $msg = "\n\n Critical. Quit. \n\n " . var_export(array_merge($this->result, $_POST), true);
         // critical. Quit.
         return -1;
     //get Job Infos, we need only a row of jobs ( split )
     $job_data = getJobData((int) $this->id_job, $this->password);
     $pCheck = new AjaxPasswordCheck();
     //check for Password correctness
     if (empty($job_data)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -101, "message" => "error fetching job data");
     if (empty($this->result['errors']) && !$pCheck->grantJobAccessByJobData($job_data, $this->password)) {
         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -10, "message" => "wrong password");
     if (!empty($this->result['errors'])) {
         $msg = "\n\n Error \n\n " . var_export(array_merge($this->result, $_POST), true);
         return -1;
     $id_tms = $job_data['id_tms'];
     $tm_keys = $job_data['tm_keys'];
     if ($id_tms != 0) {
         $tms = Engine::getInstance(1);
          * @var $tms Engines_MyMemory
         $config = $tms->getConfigStruct();
         $config['segment'] = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($this->source);
         $config['translation'] = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($this->target);
         $config['source'] = $this->source_lang;
         $config['target'] = $this->target_lang;
         $config['email'] = "*****@*****.**";
         $config['prop'] = json_encode(CatUtils::getTMProps($job_data));
         //instantiate TMS object
         $result = array();
         try {
             if (self::isRevision()) {
                 $this->userRole = TmKeyManagement_Filter::ROLE_REVISOR;
             //find all the job's TMs with write grants and make a contribution to them
             $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($tm_keys, 'w', 'tm', $this->uid, $this->userRole);
             if (!empty($tm_keys)) {
                 foreach ($tm_keys as $i => $tm_info) {
                     $config['id_user'] = $tm_info->key;
                     $res = $tms->set($config);
                     if (!$res) {
                         $result[] = $res;
                         $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Set contribution error for key " . $tm_info->name);
             } else {
                 $res = $tms->set($config);
                 if (!$res) {
                     $result[] = $res;
                     $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "Set contribution error");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -6, "message" => "Error while retrieving job's TM.");
             Log::doLog(__METHOD__ . " -> " . $e->getMessage());
         //if translator_username is empty no key is added to MyMemory API SET query string, so, anonymous by default
         if (count($result)) {
             $this->result['code'] = -1;
             $this->result['data'] = "KO";
             Log::doLog("Set Contribution Failed.");
             Log::doLog(var_export($_POST, true));
             return -1;
         $this->result['code'] = 1;
         $this->result['data'] = "OK";
     } else {
         $this->result['code'] = 1;
         $this->result['data'] = "NOCONTRIB_OK";
Beispiel #6
  * Get matches from MyMemory and other engines
  * @param $queueElement QueueElement
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 protected function _getMatches(QueueElement $queueElement)
     $_config = array();
     $_config['segment'] = $queueElement->params->segment;
     $_config['source'] = $queueElement->params->source;
     $_config['target'] = $queueElement->params->target;
     $_config['email'] = \INIT::$MYMEMORY_TM_API_KEY;
     $tm_keys = \TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($queueElement->params->tm_keys, 'r', 'tm');
     if (is_array($tm_keys) && !empty($tm_keys)) {
         foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
             $_config['id_user'][] = $tm_key->key;
     $_config['num_result'] = 3;
     $id_mt_engine = $queueElement->params->id_mt_engine;
     $id_tms = $queueElement->params->id_tms;
     $_TMS = $id_tms;
      * Call Memory Server for matches if it's enabled
     $tms_enabled = false;
     if ($_TMS == 1) {
          * MyMemory Enabled
         $_config['get_mt'] = true;
         $_config['mt_only'] = false;
         if ($id_mt_engine != 1) {
              * Don't get MT contribution from MyMemory ( Custom MT )
             $_config['get_mt'] = false;
         $tms_enabled = true;
     } elseif ($_TMS == 0 && $id_mt_engine == 1) {
          * MyMemory disabled but MT Enabled and it is NOT a Custom one
          * So tell to MyMemory to get MT only
         $_config['get_mt'] = true;
         $_config['mt_only'] = true;
         $_TMS = 1;
         /* MyMemory */
         $tms_enabled = true;
      * This will be ever executed without damages because
      * fastAnalysis set Project as DONE when
      * MyMemory is disabled and MT is Disabled Too
      * So don't worry, perform TMS Analysis
     if ($tms_enabled) {
          * @var $tms \Engines_MyMemory
         $tms = \Engine::getInstance($_TMS);
         $tms->doLog = false;
         $config = $tms->getConfigStruct();
         $config = array_merge($config, $_config);
         $tms_match = $tms->get($config);
          * If No results found. Re-Queue
          * MyMemory can return null if an error occurs (e.g http response code is 404, 410, 500, 503, etc.. )
         if ($tms_match === null) {
             $this->_doLog("--- (Worker " . $this->_workerPid . ") : Error from MyMemory. NULL received.");
             throw new ReQueueException("--- (Worker " . $this->_workerPid . ") : Error from MyMemory. NULL received.", self::ERR_REQUEUE);
         $tms_match = $tms_match->get_matches_as_array();
      * Call External MT engine if it is a custom one ( mt not requested from MyMemory )
     if ($id_mt_engine > 1) {
         try {
             $mt = \Engine::getInstance($id_mt_engine);
             $config = $mt->getConfigStruct();
             $config = array_merge($config, $_config);
             $mt_result = $mt->get($config);
             if (isset($mt_result['error']['code'])) {
                 $mt_result = false;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $matches = array();
     if (!empty($tms_match)) {
         $matches = $tms_match;
     if (isset($mt_result) && !empty($mt_result)) {
         $matches[] = $mt_result;
         usort($matches, "Executor::_compareScore");
      * If No results found. Re-Queue
     if (empty($matches) || !is_array($matches)) {
         $this->_doLog("--- (Worker " . $this->_workerPid . ") : No contribution found for this segment.");
         throw new EmptyElementException("--- (Worker " . $this->_workerPid . ") : No contribution found for this segment.", self::ERR_EMPTY_ELEMENT);
     return $matches;
 protected function _delete($config)
     $tm_keys = $this->job_info['tm_keys'];
     if (self::isRevision()) {
         $this->userRole = TmKeyManagement_Filter::ROLE_REVISOR;
     //get TM keys with read grants
     $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($tm_keys, 'w', 'glos', $this->uid, $this->userRole);
     $config['segment'] = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($config['segment']);
     $config['translation'] = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($config['translation']);
     //prepare the error report
     $set_code = array();
     //set the glossary entry for each key with write grants
     if (count($tm_keys)) {
          * @var $tm_key TmKeyManagement_TmKeyStruct
         foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
             $config['id_user'] = $tm_key->key;
             $TMS_RESULT = $this->_TMS->delete($config);
             $set_code[] = $TMS_RESULT;
     $set_successful = true;
     if (array_search(false, $set_code, true)) {
         $set_successful = false;
     $this->result['code'] = $set_successful;
     $this->result['data'] = $set_successful ? 'OK' : null;
 $pretranslate_100 = $segment['pretranslate_100'];
 $text = $segment['segment'];
 if ($raw_wc == 0) {
     echo "--- (child {$my_pid}) : empty segment. deleting lock and continue\n";
 //reset vectors
 $matches = array();
 $tms_match = array();
 $mt_result = array();
 $_config = array();
 $_config['segment'] = $text;
 $_config['source'] = $source;
 $_config['target'] = $target;
 $_config['email'] = "*****@*****.**";
 $tm_keys = TmKeyManagement_TmKeyManagement::getJobTmKeys($segment['tm_keys'], 'r', 'tm');
 if (is_array($tm_keys) && !empty($tm_keys)) {
     foreach ($tm_keys as $tm_key) {
         $_config['id_user'][] = $tm_key->key;
 $_config['num_result'] = 3;
 $id_mt_engine = $segment['id_mt_engine'];
 $id_tms = $segment['id_tms'];
 $_TMS = $id_tms;
  * Call Memory Server for matches if it's enabled
 $tms_enabled = false;
 if ($_TMS == 1) {