Beispiel #1
  * Splits the tags into an array and places them in the relevant tables
  * @param $text string The text you want to split
  * @param $row Zend_Db_Table_Row The row you want to associate the tag with
  * @todo Nail down how I ensure we are passing a Zend_Db_Table_Row object
 public function splitTags($text, $row)
     if (empty($text)) {
     $tags = explode($this->DELIMETER, $text);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         // If the tag is "" then skip to the next one
         if (empty($tag)) {
         try {
             $this->insert(array('name' => $tag));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Do nothing?
             $this->log->info('Inserting Tag failed, tag was ' . $tag);
         $select = $this->select()->where('name = ?', strtolower($tag));
         $tag = $this->fetchRow($select);
         $params = array('tag_id' => $tag->id, 'taggable_id' => $row->id, 'taggable_type' => $row->getTableClass());
         $tg = new Tagging();
         $this->log->info('Tag id ' . $tag->id);
         try {
             $this->log->info(var_export($params, true));
             $rowid = $tg->insert($params);
             $this->log->info('Id: ' . $rowid);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Taggable insert fails, dont really worry
             $this->log->info('Inserting Taggable failed, params were ' . var_export($params, true));
  * Tags saving logic, runned after the object himself has been saved
  * @param      Doctrine_Event  $event
 public function postSave(Doctrine_Event $event)
     $object = $event->getInvoker();
     $added_tags = Taggable::get_tags($object);
     $removed_tags = array_keys(Taggable::get_removed_tags($object));
     sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->notice(print_r($added_tags, true) . print_r($removed_tags, true));
     // save new tags
     foreach ($added_tags as $tagname) {
         $tag = PluginTagTable::findOrCreateByTagName($tagname);
         $tagging = new Tagging();
         $tagging->tag_id = $tag->id;
         $tagging->taggable_id = $object->id;
         $tagging->taggable_model = get_class($object);
     if ($removed_tags) {
         $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('')->from('Tag t INDEXBY')->whereIn('', $removed_tags);
         $removed_tag_ids = array_keys($q->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY));
         Doctrine::getTable('Tagging')->createQuery()->delete()->whereIn('tag_id', $removed_tag_ids)->addWhere('taggable_id = ?', $object->id)->addWhere('taggable_model = ?', get_class($object))->execute();
     $tags = array_merge(Taggable::get_tags($object), $object->getSavedTags());
     Taggable::set_saved_tags($object, $tags);
 public static function retrieveOrCreateByTagAndTaggable($tag_id, $taggable_id, $taggable_model)
     $tagging = self::retrieveByTagAndTaggable($tag_id, $taggable_id, $taggable_model);
     if (!$tagging) {
         $tagging = new Tagging();
     return $tagging;
 function adminupdateAction()
     $reportTab = new ReportTab();
     $data = array('campaign_id' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('campaign_id'), 'name' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('name'), 'description' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('description'));
     $reportTab->update($data, "id = " . $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'));
     $tagging = new Tagging();
     $where = $tagging->getAdapter()->quoteInto('report_tab_id = ?', $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'));
     $tags = $this->getRequest()->getParam('tags');
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $data = array("report_tab_id" => $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'), "tag_id" => $tag);
     $this->_helper->redirector('adminindex', 'reporttab');
Beispiel #5
 public function buildAddGraph()
     $createIndex = json_decode($this->postData->new, true);
     if (count($createIndex) == 0) {
     $g = $this->_getEmptyGraph();
     //tease out the special cases for Permissionings and Taggings
     $newTagsGraph = $g->extractGraphAroundProp('tagging:tag');
     if ($g->resourceCount() > 0) {
         $newTagging = new Tagging(false, array('properties' => array('newTagGraph' => $newTagsGraph)));
	public function setUp()
		$bar = new SearchBar;
		$bar->title = 'Bar Title';
		$bar->someOtherPrimary = 'The Primary';
		$bar->body = 'Lorem Ipsum';
		$bar->language = 'en';
		$foo = new SearchFoo;
		$foo->title = 'My Title';
		$foo->someOtherPrimary = 'other-primary';
		$foo->datePrimary = '2010-01-01';
		$foo->body = 'Somewhere over the rainbow goes, tudeludoedoe <bold>This is some text that has to be searched</bold>';
		$foo->barTitle = 'Bar Title';
		$foo->barSomeOtherPrimary = 'The Primary';
		$foo->identity = 'Keep Me As I am';
		$foo->language = 'en';
		$tag = new Tagging;
		$tag->title = 'Some Title';
		$tag->language = 'en';
		$tag->body = 'Some Very Long body.';
		$tag = new Tagging;
		$tag->title = 'Some Other Title';
		$tag->language = 'en';
		$tag->body = 'Some Very short body.';
Beispiel #7
  * buildMeta	
  * @return
 public function buildMeta()
     foreach ($this->postData->rubricMeta as $valObj) {
         foreach ($valObj as $key => $valArray) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'rName':
                     $this->res->addPropValue('sioc:name', urldecode($valArray[0]), 'literal');
                 case 'rDesc':
                     $this->res->addPropValue('r:description', urldecode($valArray[0]), 'literal');
                 case 'rTags':
                     //using richard newman's tagging ontology, which distinguishes between
                     //Tagging and Tag so that dates and names can be associated with a Tag
                     $newTagging = new Tagging(false, $valArray);
                     $newTagging->revResourceURI = $this->uri;
                     $this->aggregates[] = $newTagging;
                 case 'rPublic':
                     $this->res->addPropValue('r:isPublic', (string) $valArray[0], 'literal');
                 case 'rContexts':
                     foreach ($valArray as $contextURI) {
                         $contextRes = $this->_getEmptyResource();
                         $contextRes->addPropValue('r:hasRubric', $this->uri, 'uri');
                         $this->addResourceToGraph($contextRes, 'add');
     $this->addResourceToGraph($this->res, 'add');
  * Tags saving logic, runned after the object himself has been saved
  * @param      BaseObject  $object
 public function postSave(BaseObject $object)
     $tags = self::get_tags($object);
     $removed_tags = self::get_removed_tags($object);
     // save new tags
     foreach ($tags as $tagname) {
         $tag = TagPeer::retrieveOrCreateByTagName($tagname);
         $tagging = new Tagging();
     // remove removed tags
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(TagPeer::NAME, $removed_tags, Criteria::IN);
     $rs = TagPeer::doSelectRS($c);
     $removed_tag_ids = array();
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $removed_tag_ids[] = $rs->getInt(1);
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAG_ID, $removed_tag_ids, Criteria::IN);
     $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_ID, $object->getPrimaryKey());
     $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_MODEL, get_class($object));
     $tags = array_merge(self::get_tags($object), $this->getSavedTags($object));
     self::set_saved_tags($object, $tags);
Beispiel #9
        require_once CLASSES_DIR . 'Permissioning.php';
        $newRes = new Permissioning(false, $init);
    case "r:Rubric":
        require_once CLASSES_DIR . 'Rubric.php';
        $newRes = new Rubric(false, $init);
    case "r:RubricLine":
        require_once CLASSES_DIR . 'RubricLine.php';
        $newRes = new RubricLine(false, $init);
        $metaRes = ARC2::getComponent('PMJ_ResourcePlusPlugin', $graphConfig);
        $metaRes->addPropValue('sioc:name', 'New Line Label', 'literal');
        $metaRes->addPropValue('r:description', 'New Line Description', 'literal');
    case "tagging:Tagging":
        require_once CLASSES_DIR . 'Tagging.php';
        $newRes = new Tagging(false, $init);
        $newRes->revResourceURI = $postObj->revURI;
//$retGraph = ARC2::getComponent('PMJ_ResourceGraphPlugin', $graphConfig);
$newRes->finalizeGraph('add', true);
$responseObj->graph = $newRes->addGraph->toRDFJSON(true);
$responseObj->status = "ok";
$responseObj->message = "All good in the hood";
$responseObj->uri = $newRes->uri;
$responseObj->type = $newRes->typeURI;
echo json_encode($responseObj);
	public function testUpdate()
		$tag = Tagging::get('Some Title');
		$tag->body = 'Toreador, a spanjaard heeft een snor';
		$this->assertEquals(array('Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma'), $tag->tags());
		$pager = Tagging::search('Toreador', 'en');
		$results = $pager->execute(1, 10);
		$this->assertEquals(1, count($results));
		$this->assertEquals('Some Title', $results[0]->title);
		$pager = Tagging::search('long', 'en');
		$results = $pager->execute(1, 10);
		$this->assertEquals(0, count($results));
Beispiel #11
 public function addTagging(Tagging $l)
     $this->collTaggings[] = $l;
 * Processa il file specificato in --yaml-file per l'upgrade di un atto
function run_opp_update_ddl_from_yaml($task, $args, $options)
    static $loaded;
    // load application context
    if (!$loaded) {
    $dry_run = false;
    if (array_key_exists('dry-run', $options)) {
        $dry_run = true;
    if (array_key_exists('yaml-file', $options)) {
        $yaml_file = strtolower($options['yaml-file']);
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Specificare il file contenente i dati dei ddl con l'opzione --yaml-file=FILE_COMPLETE_PATH");
    echo "memory usage: " . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
    $start_time = time();
    $msg = sprintf("upgrade ddl da {$yaml_file}\n");
    echo pakeColor::colorize($msg, array('fg' => 'cyan', 'bold' => true));
    if (file_exists($yaml_file)) {
        $up_ddl = sfYaml::Load($yaml_file);
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Impossibile trovare il file {$yaml_file}");
    $con = Propel::getConnection(OppAttoPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
    $opp_id = $up_ddl['opp_id'];
    $atto = OppAttoPeer::retrieveByPK($opp_id);
    $parl_id = $up_ddl['parl_id'];
    if (is_null($atto->getParlamentoId()) || $atto->getParlamentoId() != $parl_id) {
    $key = 'titolo';
    if (array_key_exists($key, $up_ddl)) {
        $titolo = $up_ddl['titolo'];
        print "{$key}\n";
        print str_repeat("=", strlen($key)) . "\n";
        print "{$titolo}\n";
        print "\n";
    # firme
    $firmatari = array('P' => 'primi_firmatari', 'R' => 'relatori', 'C' => 'co_firmatari');
    foreach ($firmatari as $tipo_firma => $key) {
        if (array_key_exists($key, $up_ddl) && !is_null($up_ddl[$key])) {
            print "{$key}\n";
            print str_repeat("=", strlen($key)) . "\n";
            foreach ($up_ddl[$key] as $id => $signature_data) {
                $ca = new OppCaricaHasAtto();
                $name = $signature_data['nome'];
                $signature_date = $signature_data['data_firma'];
                print "  {$name} ({$id}) il {$signature_date}\n";
            print "\n";
    # commissioni
    $commissioni = array('referente', 'consultiva');
    foreach ($commissioni as $tipo_commissione) {
        if (array_key_exists($tipo_commissione, $up_ddl)) {
            print "{$tipo_commissione}\n";
            print str_repeat("=", strlen($tipo_commissione)) . "\n";
            foreach ($up_ddl[$tipo_commissione] as $id => $name) {
                $as = new OppAttoHasSede();
                print "  {$name} ({$id})\n";
            print "\n";
    # tagging
    if (array_key_exists('tags', $up_ddl)) {
        print "tagging\n";
        print "=======\n";
        foreach ($up_ddl['tags'] as $tag_id => $name) {
            $t = new Tagging();
            print "  {$name} ({$tag_id})\n";
        print "\n";
    # documenti
    if (array_key_exists('documenti', $up_ddl)) {
        print "documenti\n";
        print "=========\n";
        foreach ($up_ddl['documenti'] as $cnt => $doc) {
            if (!array_key_exists('titolo', $doc)) {
                $doc['titolo'] = "Testo della Proposta di Legge";
            $d = new OppDocumento();
            printf("titolo: %s\n", $doc['titolo']);
            printf("  pdf:  %s\n", $doc['url_pdf']);
            printf("  html: %s\n", $doc['url_testo']);
            if (file_exists($doc['file_testo'])) {
                $doc_txt = file_get_contents($doc['file_testo']);
                printf("  text: %s\n", $doc['file_testo']);
        print "\n";
    #pred e succ
    if (array_key_exists('pred_id', $up_ddl)) {
        printf(" pred: %d\n\n", $up_ddl['pred_id']);
    if (array_key_exists('succ_id', $up_ddl)) {
        printf(" succ: %d\n\n", $up_ddl['succ_id']);
    # iter
    if (array_key_exists('iter', $up_ddl)) {
        print "iter\n";
        print "====\n";
        foreach ($up_ddl['iter'] as $id => $details) {
            $ai = new OppAttoHasIter();
            printf("  %s (%s) - %s\n", $details['fase'], $id, $details['data_pres']);
        print "\n";
    # relazioni
    if (array_key_exists('relazioni', $up_ddl)) {
        print "relazioni\n";
        print "=========\n";
        foreach ($up_ddl['relazioni'] as $key => $details) {
            $r = new OppRelazioneAtto();
            printf("  from: %s to: %s - %s (%s)\n", $details['from_id'], $details['to_id'], $details['tipo_relazione'], $details['tipo_id']);
        print "\n";
    # trattazione (esiti, sedute e interventi)
    $tipi_commissione = array('primaria' => 'Primaria', 'consultiva' => 'Consultiva', 'assemblea' => 'Aula');
    foreach ($tipi_commissione as $key => $tipo_commissione) {
        $trattazione_key = "trattazione_{$key}";
        if (array_key_exists('trattazioni', $up_ddl)) {
            print "trattazione {$tipo_commissione}\n";
            print "============" . str_repeat("=", strlen($tipo_commissione)) . "\n";
            foreach ($up_ddl['trattazioni'][$trattazione_key] as $seduta_id => $details) {
                list($seduta, $id) = explode("_", $seduta_id);
                $es = new OppEsitoSeduta();
                print "  seduta {$id}\n";
                printf("    %s - %s: %s\n", $details['date'], $details['comm_type'], $details['comm_id']);
                printf("    esito: %s\n", $details['esito']);
                printf("    %d interventi\n", count($details['interventi']));
                foreach ($details['interventi'] as $carica_id => $i_details) {
                    try {
                        # cancella tutti i record con interventi di carica su atto, in sede e data
                        $c = OppInterventoPeer::criterionByAttoCaricaSedeData($opp_id, $carica_id, $details['comm_id'], $details['date']);
                        $deleted = OppInterventoPeer::doDelete($c, $con);
                        printf("      trovati e rimossi %d record\n", $deleted);
                        # riscrive un solo record, con tutte le url raggruppate
                        $i = new OppIntervento();
                        printf("      %s (%d) - %s\n", $i_details['cognome'], $carica_id, $i_details['urls']);
                    } catch (PropelException $e) {
                        printf("problemi nell'aggiornamento interventi di %d su %d, sede %d, data %s\n%s\n", $carica_id, $opp_id, $details['comm_id'], $details['date'], $e->getMessage());
            print "\n";
    # l'md5 viene ri-salvato dopo il salvataggio per evitare che atti inconsistenti siano
    # marcati come uguali
    $msg = sprintf("fine elaborazione atto\n");
    echo pakeColor::colorize($msg, array('fg' => 'cyan', 'bold' => true));
    $msg = sprintf(" [%4d sec] [%10d bytes]\n", time() - $start_time, memory_get_usage());
    echo pakeColor::colorize($msg, array('fg' => 'red', 'bold' => false));
    $sfTag = TagPeer::retrieveOrCreateByTagname("{$teseo_tag_tipo_name}:{$teseo_tag_id}={$teseo_tag_value}");
    foreach ($teseo_tag->getOppTeseoHasTeseotts() as $teseo_tt) {
        $tt_id = $teseo_tt->getOppTeseott()->getId();
        $tt_denominazione = $teseo_tt->getOppTeseott()->getDenominazione();
        echo "  TT" . $tt_id . ": " . $tt_denominazione . "\n";
        $tt = OppTagHasTtPeer::retrieveByPK($sfTag->getId(), $tt_id);
        if (!$tt instanceof OppTagHasTt) {
            $tt = new OppTagHasTt();
    foreach ($teseo_tag->getOppAttoHasTeseos() as $atto_tag) {
        if (!$atto_tag->getOppAtto() instanceof OppAtto) {
        $atto_id = $atto_tag->getOppAtto()->getId();
        $taggable_model = 'OppAtto';
        echo "   A" . $atto_id . ": " . substr($atto_tag->getOppAtto()->getTitolo(), 0, 80) . "\n";
        $atto_has_tag = TaggingPeer::retrieveByTagAndTaggable($sfTag->getId(), $atto_id, $taggable_model);
        if (!$atto_has_tag instanceof Tagging) {
            $atto_has_tag = new Tagging();
     $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_MODEL, 'OppAtto');
 $results = TaggingPeer::doSelect($c);
 $number = $number + count($results);
 foreach ($results as $rs) {
     for ($x = 0; $x <= 1; $x++) {
         if ($macrotags[$k][$x] != 0) {
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAG_ID, $macrotags[$k][$x]);
             $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_ID, $rs->getTaggableId());
             $c->add(TaggingPeer::TAGGABLE_MODEL, $rs->getTaggableModel());
             $r = TaggingPeer::doSelectOne($c);
             if (!$r) {
                 $t = TagPeer::retrieveByPk($macrotags[$k][$x]);
                 if ($t) {
                     $insert = new Tagging();
                     echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ aggiunto " . $macrotags[$k][$x] . " - " . $t->getTripleValue() . " in " . $rs->getTaggableId() . "\n";
                     $number_tagging_ok = $number_tagging_ok + 1;
                 } else {
                     echo "!!!! non esiste Macrotags con id=" . $macrotags[$k][$x] . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo "NON aggiungo, già esiste! \n";
                 $number_tagging_no = $number_tagging_no + 1;
$pol_related_news = getRelatedNews($pol);
$n_pol_related_news = count($pol_related_news);
$t->ok($n_pol_related_news == 4, 'Four news related to the politician');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the politician", $pol_related_news);
$related_news = getRelatedNews($obj);
$n_related_news = count($related_news);
$t->ok($n_related_news == 7, 'Seven news related to the act (two more, detailed and group)');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the act", $related_news);
$t->diag('Add three different tags to the object');
$tagging_ar = array();
foreach (array(3, 4, 5) as $tag_id) {
    $tagging = new Tagging();
    $tagging_ar[] = $tagging;
$related_news = getRelatedNews($obj);
$n_related_news = count($related_news);
$t->ok($n_related_news == 10, 'Ten news related to the act (three with tag_id not null)');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the act", $related_news);
// make the user monitor one of the tag assigned to the act
$t->diag('Have the test user monitor the test act');
if ($obj->isMonitoredByUser($test_user_id)) {
    $user_is_monitoring = true;
} else {
 public function addAction()
     $data = $_POST;
     $destination = HTMLPurifier::getInstance()->purify(trim($data['path']));
     $form = $this->_getForm();
     $valid = $form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost());
     if (!$valid) {
         $taggingSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tagging');
         $taggingSession->post = serialize($_POST);
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($destination . '#tagging-form');
     // Currently, tags are allowed only on items.
     if (HTMLPurifier::getInstance()->purify(trim($data['record_type'])) != 'Item') {
         $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('This record does not accept tags.'), 'warning');
     // Security check.
     $record = get_record_by_id(HTMLPurifier::getInstance()->purify(trim($data['record_type'])), (int) HTMLPurifier::getInstance()->purify(trim($data['record_id'])));
     if (!$record) {
         $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Record does not exist.'), 'warning');
     // Moderation or not.
     $user = current_user();
     // If the user can moderate, the proposition is automatically approved.
     $moderationRoles = unserialize(get_option('tagging_moderate_roles'));
     if (in_array($user->role, $moderationRoles)) {
         $status = 'approved';
     } else {
         if (empty($user)) {
             $user_id = 0;
             $requireModeration = (bool) get_option('tagging_public_require_moderation');
         } else {
             $user_id = $user->id;
             $requireModerationRoles = unserialize(get_option('tagging_require_moderation_roles'));
             $requireModeration = in_array($user->role, $requireModerationRoles);
         $status = $requireModeration ? 'proposed' : 'allowed';
     // Default values for tagging.
     $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $data['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
     $data['status'] = $status;
     // Need getValue to run the filter.
     $userTagging = HTMLPurifier::getInstance()->purify(trim($form->getElement('tagging')->getValue()));
     $proposedTaggingsNames = explode(get_option('tag_delimiter'), $userTagging);
     // Prepare checks of existing tags.
     $db = get_db();
     $recordTags = $record->getTags();
     $recordTaggings = $db->getTable('Tagging')->findByRecord($record);
     $recordTagsNames = $this->_getTagsNames($recordTags);
     $recordTaggingsNames = $this->_getTagsNames($recordTaggings);
     // There is one tagging by tag to simplify management.
     $tagsToAdd = array();
     $approvedExistingTags = array();
     foreach ($proposedTaggingsNames as $proposedTag) {
         $data['name'] = $proposedTag;
         $tagging = new Tagging();
         $tagging->user_id = $user_id;
         $sanitizedName = $tagging->sanitizeName();
         // Check the quality of tag.
         if (!$sanitizedName) {
         // Check if this tagging is not a duplicate.
         if (in_array($sanitizedName, $tagsToAdd)) {
         // Check if this tagging is not already set.
         if (in_array($sanitizedName, $recordTagsNames)) {
         // Check size of a tag.
         if (strlen($sanitizedName) > get_option('tagging_max_length_tag')) {
             $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Individual tags can\'t be longer than %d characters.', get_option('tagging_max_length_tag')), 'error');
         // Check if this tagging is not already saved.
         if (in_array($sanitizedName, $recordTaggingsNames)) {
             $existingTagging = $recordTaggings[array_search($sanitizedName, $recordTaggingsNames)];
             // Check status.
             // Normally, an existing approved tagging is already an item tag.
             if ($tagging->status == 'approved') {
                 $existingTagging->status = 'approved';
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $approvedExistingTags[] = $sanitizedName;
             // In all other cases (already approved or rejected), the
             // old tagging is kept in place of the new one.
         $tagsToAdd[] = $sanitizedName;
         // Taggings are automatically added to item if they are appoved.
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Information for user.
     if (count($approvedExistingTags)) {
         $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Your tags "%s" have been approved.', implode(', ', $approvedExistingTags)), 'success');
     if (count($tagsToAdd) == 0 && count($approvedExistingTags) == 0) {
         $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('This tag has already been submitted "%s" or it is not correctly formatted.', $userTagging), 'warning');
     } else {
         if ($requireModeration) {
             $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Your tag "%s" is awaiting approval', $userTagging), 'success');
         } else {
             if (count($tagsToAdd) == 0) {
                 // In that case, this is approved existing tags.
             } elseif (count($tagsToAdd) == 1) {
                 $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Your tag "%s" has been added', implode(', ', $tagsToAdd)), 'success');
             } else {
                 $this->_helper->flashMessenger(__('Your tags "%s" have been added', implode(', ', $tagsToAdd)), 'success');
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param      Tagging $value A Tagging object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool(Tagging $obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getID();
         // if key === null
         self::$instances[$key] = $obj;
Beispiel #18
include 'config.php';
include_once 'checkLogin.php';
include ARC_DIR . 'ARC2.php';
include_once CLASSES_DIR . 'RubrickBuilder.php';
include_once CLASSES_DIR . 'Rubric.php';
include_once CLASSES_DIR . 'Context.php';
include_once CLASSES_DIR . 'RubricLine.php';
include_once CLASSES_DIR . 'RubricLineValue.php';
include_once CLASSES_DIR . 'Tagging.php';
header("Content-type: application/json");
$store = ARC2::getStore($config);
//$jsonStr = '{"rubricLines":[{"action":"create","fields":[{"Name":["line%201"]},{"Description":["Describe%20the%20skills%20that%20this%20line%20evaluates"]},{"Tags":["Add%20a%20tag"]},{"Public":[1]},{"order":["0"]},{"v5":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":1},{"v4":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":2},{"v3":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":3},{"v2":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":4},{"v1":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":5}]},{"action":"create","fields":[{"Name":["line%202"]},{"Description":["Describe%20the%20skills%20that%20this%20line%20evaluates"]},{"Tags":["line%20tag"]},{"Public":[1]},{"order":["1"]},{"v5":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":1},{"v4":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":2},{"v3":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":3},{"v2":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":4},{"v1":["Describe%20the%20Rubric%20Value%20here."],"score":5}]}],"rubricMeta":{"name":{"rName":["Rubric%20Name"]},"desc":{"rDesc":["Rubric%20Description"]},"tags":{"rTags":["t1","t2"]},"pub":{"rPublic":[1]},"contexts":{"rContexts":[""]}}}';
$jsonStr = ' {   "literals" : [ { "p" : "tagging:tagging" , "o" : "test tag" } ,

							{ "p" : "tagging:tagging" , "o" : "stuff" } ]} ';
$jsonObj = json_decode($jsonStr);
$init = array('post' => $jsonObj);
$bigGraph = ARC2::getComponent('PMJ_ResourceGraphPlugin', $graphConfig);
$newRes = new Tagging(false, $init);
//echo count($newRes->aggregates);
//$ag = $newRes->aggregates[0];
//echo $ag->getRevTriple();
//echo $ag->revResourceURI;
foreach ($newRes->aggregates as $ag) {
echo json_encode($bigGraph->toRDFJSON(true));
//echo count($newRes->aggregates);
 function clientreportAction()
     if (!$this->clientdashboardfilter()) {
     $this->view->activeTab = 'clientreport';
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $formData = $request->getPost();
         $this->view->searchText = $formData['searchText'];
         $this->view->campaign_id = $campaign_id = $formData['campaign_id'];
     } else {
         $this->view->campaign_id = $campaign_id = $request->getParam('id');
         $this->view->searchText = $request->getParam('searchText');
     //get tags
     $tagMap = array();
     $reporttabModel = new ReportTab();
     $taggingModel = new Tagging();
     $tabList = $reporttabModel->findBy(array('campaign_id' => $campaign_id));
     foreach ($tabList as $tab) {
         $tagIds = $taggingModel->getTagIds(array('report_tab_id' => $tab->id));
         $tagMap[$tab->name] = implode("|", $tagIds);
     $this->view->tagMap = $tagMap;
     $campaignModel = new Campaign();
     $campaign = $campaignModel->fetchRow('id = ' . $campaign_id);
     $reportMap = array();
     $this->getReportCountbyCampaign($campaign, 0, $reportMap);
     $this->view->reportMap = $reportMap;