public function do_execute()
     /* Prepare variables */
     try {
         $project_id = $this->getProvidedArgument('projectid');
         $project_row = TBGProjectsTable::getTable()->getById($project_id, false);
         TBGContext::setScope(new TBGScope($project_row[TBGProjectsTable::SCOPE]));
         $project = new TBGProject($project_id, $project_row);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
         $this->cliEcho("The project with the ID " . $this->getProvidedArgument('projectid') . " does not exist\n", 'red', 'bold');
     $author = $this->getProvidedArgument('author');
     $new_rev = $this->getProvidedArgument('revno');
     $commit_msg = $this->getProvidedArgument('log');
     $changed = $this->getProvidedArgument('changed');
     $old_rev = $this->getProvidedArgument('oldrev', null);
     $date = $this->getProvidedArgument('date', null);
     $branch = $this->getProvidedArgument('branch', null);
     if (TBGSettings::get('access_method_' . $project->getKey()) == TBGVCSIntegration::ACCESS_HTTP) {
         $this->cliEcho("This project uses the HTTP access method, and so access via the CLI has been disabled\n", 'red', 'bold');
     if ($old_rev === null && !is_integer($new_rev)) {
         $this->cliEcho("Error: if only the new revision is specified, it must be a number so that old revision can be calculated from it (by substracting 1 from new revision number).");
     } else {
         if ($old_rev === null) {
             $old_rev = $new_rev - 1;
     $output = TBGVCSIntegration::processCommit($project, $commit_msg, $old_rev, $new_rev, $date, $changed, $author, $branch);
Beispiel #2
 public static function loadFixtures(TBGScope $scope)
     $scope_id = $scope->getID();
     $admin_group = new TBGGroup();
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('admingroup', $admin_group->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $user_group = new TBGGroup();
     $user_group->setName('Regular users');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting('defaultgroup', $user_group->getID(), 'core', $scope_id);
     $guest_group = new TBGGroup();
     // Set up initial users, and their permissions
     if ($scope->isDefault()) {
         list($guestuser_id, $adminuser_id) = TBGUser::loadFixtures($scope, $admin_group, $user_group, $guest_group);
         TBGUserScopesTable::getTable()->addUserToScope($guestuser_id, $scope->getID(), $guest_group->getID(), true);
         TBGUserScopesTable::getTable()->addUserToScope($adminuser_id, $scope->getID(), $admin_group->getID(), true);
     } else {
         $default_scope_id = TBGSettings::getDefaultScopeID();
         $default_user_id = (int) TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_USER_ID, 'core', $default_scope_id);
         TBGUserScopesTable::getTable()->addUserToScope($default_user_id, $scope->getID(), $user_group->getID(), true);
         TBGUserScopesTable::getTable()->addUserToScope(1, $scope->getID(), $admin_group->getID());
         TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_USER_ID, $default_user_id, 'core', $scope->getID());
     TBGPermissionsTable::getTable()->loadFixtures($scope, $admin_group->getID(), $guest_group->getID());
 public function addUserToScope($user_id, $scope_id, $group_id = null, $confirmed = false)
     $group_id = $group_id === null ? TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_USER_GROUP, 'core', $scope_id) : $group_id;
     $crit = $this->getCriteria();
     $crit->addInsert(self::USER_ID, $user_id);
     $crit->addInsert(self::SCOPE, $scope_id);
     $crit->addInsert(self::GROUP_ID, $group_id);
     $crit->addInsert(self::CONFIRMED, $confirmed);
<div id="tab_forgot_pane"<?php 
if ($selected_tab != 'forgot') {
 style="display: none;<?php 
if (TBGSettings::getAuthenticationBackend() != 'tbg' && TBGSettings::getAuthenticationBackend() != null) {
    echo tbg_parse_text(TBGSettings::get('forgot_message'), null, null, array('embedded' => true));
} else {
	<div style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 5px;">
		<form accept-charset="<?php 
    echo TBGContext::getI18n()->getCharset();
" action="<?php 
    echo make_url('forgot');
" method="post" id="forgot_password_form" onsubmit="resetForgotPassword('<?php 
    echo make_url('forgot');
'); return false;">
			<div class="login_boxheader"><?php 
    echo __('Forgot password?');
    echo __('If you have forgot your password, enter your username here, and we will send you an email that will allow you to change your password');
Beispiel #5
  * Registration logic
  * @param TBGRequest $request
 public function runRegister(TBGRequest $request)
     $i18n = TBGContext::getI18n();
     try {
         $username = mb_strtolower(trim($request['fieldusername']));
         $buddyname = $request['buddyname'];
         $email = mb_strtolower(trim($request['email_address']));
         $confirmemail = mb_strtolower(trim($request['email_confirm']));
         $security = $request['verification_no'];
         $realname = $request['realname'];
         $available = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->isUsernameAvailable($username);
         $fields = array();
         if (!$available) {
             throw new Exception($i18n->__('This username is in use'));
         if (!empty($buddyname) && !empty($email) && !empty($confirmemail) && !empty($security)) {
             if ($email != $confirmemail) {
                 array_push($fields, 'email_address', 'email_confirm');
                 throw new Exception($i18n->__('The email address must be valid, and must be typed twice.'));
             if ($security != $_SESSION['activation_number']) {
                 array_push($fields, 'verification_no');
                 throw new Exception($i18n->__('To prevent automatic sign-ups, enter the verification number shown below.'));
             $email_ok = false;
             $valid_domain = false;
             if (tbg_check_syntax($email, "EMAIL")) {
                 $email_ok = true;
             if ($email_ok && TBGSettings::get('limit_registration') != '') {
                 $allowed_domains = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*/', '|', TBGSettings::get('limit_registration'));
                 if (preg_match('/@(' . $allowed_domains . ')$/i', $email) == false) {
                     array_push($fields, 'email_address', 'email_confirm');
                     throw new Exception($i18n->__('Email adresses from this domain can not be used.'));
                 /*if (count($allowed_domains) > 0)
                 			foreach ($allowed_domains as $allowed_domain)
                 				$allowed_domain = '@' . trim($allowed_domain);
                 				if (mb_strpos($email, $allowed_domain) !== false ) //mb_strpos checks if $to
                 					$valid_domain = true;
                 			$valid_domain = true;
             /*if ($valid_domain == false)
             			array_push($fields, 'email_address', 'email_confirm');					
             			throw new Exception($i18n->__('Email adresses from this domain can not be used.'));
             if ($email_ok == false) {
                 array_push($fields, 'email_address', 'email_confirm');
                 throw new Exception($i18n->__('The email address must be valid, and must be typed twice.'));
             if ($security != $_SESSION['activation_number']) {
                 array_push($fields, 'verification_no');
                 throw new Exception($i18n->__('To prevent automatic sign-ups, enter the verification number shown below.'));
             $password = TBGUser::createPassword();
             $user = new TBGUser();
             if ($user->isActivated()) {
                 TBGContext::setMessage('auto_password', $password);
                 return $this->renderJSON(array('loginmessage' => $i18n->__('After pressing %continue, you need to set your password.', array('%continue' => $i18n->__('Continue'))), 'one_time_password' => $password, 'activated' => true));
             return $this->renderJSON(array('loginmessage' => $i18n->__('The account has now been registered - check your email inbox for the activation email. Please be patient - this email can take up to two hours to arrive.'), 'activated' => false));
         } else {
             array_push($fields, 'email_address', 'email_confirm', 'buddyname', 'verification_no');
             throw new Exception($i18n->__('You need to fill out all fields correctly.'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->renderJSON(array('error' => $i18n->__($e->getMessage()), 'fields' => $fields));
		<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="'<?php 
echo make_url('get_partial_for_backdrop', array('key' => 'usercard', 'user_id' => $user->getID()));
echo $user->getUsername() . "_12";
echo __('Show user details');
if (!in_array($user->getID(), array(1, (int) TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_USER_ID)))) {
    if (TBGContext::getScope()->isDefault()) {
        echo javascript_link_tag(__('Delete this user'), array('onclick' => "'" . __('Permanently delete this user?') . "', '" . __('Are you sure you want to remove this user? This will remove the users login data, as well as memberships in (and data in) any scopes the user is a member of.') . "', {yes: {click: function() {TBG.Config.User.remove('" . make_url('configure_users_delete_user', array('user_id' => $user->getID())) . "', " . $user->getID() . "); TBG.Main.Helpers.Dialog.dismiss(); } }, no: {click: TBG.Main.Helpers.Dialog.dismiss}});"));
    } elseif ($user->isScopeConfirmed()) {
        echo javascript_link_tag(__('Remove user from this scope'), array('onclick' => "'" . __('Remove this user?') . "', '" . __('Are you sure you want to remove this user from the current scope? The users login is kept, and you can re-add the user later.') . "', {yes: {click: function() {TBG.Config.User.remove('" . make_url('configure_users_delete_user', array('user_id' => $user->getID())) . "', " . $user->getID() . "); TBG.Main.Helpers.Dialog.dismiss(); } }, no: {click: TBG.Main.Helpers.Dialog.dismiss}});"));
include_template('main/textarea', array('area_name' => 'changepw_message', 'area_id' => 'changepw_message', 'height' => '75px', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => TBGSettings::get('changepw_message'), 'hide_hint' => true));
						<td style="vertical-align: top"><label for="changedetails_message"><?php 
echo __('Change account details message');
include_template('main/textarea', array('area_name' => 'changedetails_message', 'area_id' => 'changedetails_message', 'height' => '75px', 'width' => '100%', 'value' => TBGSettings::get('changedetails_message'), 'hide_hint' => true));
if ($access_level == TBGSettings::ACCESS_FULL) {
						<div class="greybox" style="margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px; height: 23px; padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;">
							<div style="float: left; font-size: 13px; padding-top: 2px;"><?php 
    echo __('Click "%save" to save your changes in all categories', array('%save' => __('Save')));
							<input type="submit" id="config_auth_button" style="float: right; padding: 0 10px 0 10px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" value="<?php 
    echo __('Save');
Beispiel #8
 public function runAddUser(TBGRequest $request)
     try {
         if (!TBGContext::getScope()->hasUsersAvailable()) {
             throw new Exception($this->getI18n()->__('This instance of The Bug Genie cannot add more users'));
         if ($username = trim($request['username'])) {
             if (!TBGUser::isUsernameAvailable($username)) {
                 if ($request->getParameter('mode') == 'import') {
                     $user = TBGUser::getByUsername($username);
                     return $this->renderJSON(array('imported' => true, 'message' => $this->getI18n()->__('The user was successfully added to this scope (pending user confirmation)')));
                 } elseif (TBGContext::getScope()->isDefault()) {
                     throw new Exception($this->getI18n()->__('This username already exists'));
                 } else {
                     return $this->renderJSON(array('allow_import' => true));
             $user = new TBGUser();
             $user->setRealname($request->getParameter('realname', $username));
             $user->setBuddyname($request->getParameter('buddyname', $username));
             $user->setGroup(TBGGroupsTable::getTable()->selectById((int) $request->getParameter('group_id', TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_USER_GROUP))));
             if ($request->hasParameter('password') && !(empty($request['password']) && empty($request['password_repeat']))) {
                 if (empty($request['password']) || $request['password'] != $request['password_repeat']) {
                     throw new Exception($this->getI18n()->__('Please enter the same password twice'));
                 $password = $request['password'];
             } else {
                 $password = TBGUser::createPassword();
             foreach ((array) $request['teams'] as $team_id) {
                 $user->addToTeam(TBGTeamsTable::getTable()->selectById((int) $team_id));
             TBGEvent::createNew('core', '', $user, array('password' => $password))->trigger();
         } else {
             throw new Exception($this->getI18n()->__('Please enter a username'));
         $this->too_short = false;
         $this->created_user = true;
         $this->users = array($user);
         $this->total_results = 1;
         $this->title = $this->getI18n()->__('User %username created', array('%username' => $username));
         $this->total_count = TBGUser::getUsersCount();
         $this->more_available = TBGContext::getScope()->hasUsersAvailable();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->renderJSON(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
 protected function _geshify($matches)
     if (!(is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1)) {
         return '';
     $codeblock = $matches[2];
     $params = $matches[1];
     $language = preg_match('/(?<=lang=")(.+?)(?=")/', $params, $matches);
     if ($language !== 0) {
         $language = $matches[0];
     } else {
         $language = TBGSettings::get('highlight_default_lang');
     $numbering_startfrom = preg_match('/(?<=line start=")(.+?)(?=")/', $params, $matches);
     if ($numbering_startfrom !== 0) {
         $numbering_startfrom = (int) $matches[0];
     } else {
         $numbering_startfrom = 1;
     $geshi = new GeSHi($codeblock, $language);
     $highlighting = preg_match('/(?<=line=")(.+?)(?=")/', $params, $matches);
     if ($highlighting !== 0) {
         $highlighting = $matches[0];
     } else {
         $highlighting = false;
     $interval = preg_match('/(?<=highlight=")(.+?)(?=")/', $params, $matches);
     if ($interval !== 0) {
         $interval = $matches[0];
     } else {
         $interval = TBGSettings::get('highlight_default_interval');
     if ($highlighting === false) {
         switch (TBGSettings::get('highlight_default_numbering')) {
             case 1:
                 // Line numbering with a highloght every n rows
                 $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, $interval);
             case 2:
                 // Normal line numbering
                 $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS, 10);
             case 3:
                 // No numbering
     } else {
         switch ($highlighting) {
             case 'highlighted':
             case 'GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS':
                 // Line numbering with a highloght every n rows
                 $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, $interval);
             case 'normal':
             case 'GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS':
                 // Normal line numbering
                 $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS, 10);
             case 3:
                 // No numbering
     $codeblock = $geshi->parse_code();
     return '<code>' . $codeblock . '</code>';
Beispiel #10
 protected function _upgradeFrom3dot1()
     // Add classpath for existing old tables used for upgrade
     TBGContext::addAutoloaderClassPath(THEBUGGENIE_MODULES_PATH . 'installation' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'upgrade_3.1');
     TBGContext::addAutoloaderClassPath(THEBUGGENIE_MODULES_PATH . 'mailing' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'B2DB');
     TBGContext::addAutoloaderClassPath(THEBUGGENIE_MODULES_PATH . 'mailing' . DS . 'classes');
     TBGContext::addAutoloaderClassPath(THEBUGGENIE_MODULES_PATH . 'publish' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'B2DB');
     TBGContext::addAutoloaderClassPath(THEBUGGENIE_MODULES_PATH . 'publish' . DS . 'classes');
     // Create new tables
     // Upgrade existing tables
     // Create new module tables
     // Add new indexes
     if (TBGContext::getRequest()->getParameter('fix_my_timestamps', false)) {
     foreach (TBGScope::getAll() as $scope) {
         foreach (TBGDatatype::getTypes() as $type => $class) {
             TBGContext::setPermission('set_datatype_' . $type, 0, 'core', 0, 0, 0, true, $scope->getID());
         TBGContext::setPermission('page_confirm_scope_access', 0, 'core', 0, 0, 0, true, $scope->getID());
         if (!TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW, 'core', $scope->getID())) {
             $workflow_id = TBGWorkflowsTable::getTable()->getFirstIdByScope($scope->getID());
             if ($workflow_id) {
                 TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_WORKFLOW, $workflow_id, 'core', $scope->getID());
             } else {
         if (!TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_WORKFLOWSCHEME, 'core', $scope->getID())) {
             $workflow_scheme_id = TBGWorkflowSchemesTable::getTable()->getFirstIdByScope($scope->getID());
             if ($workflow_scheme_id) {
                 TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_WORKFLOWSCHEME, $workflow_scheme_id, 'core', $scope->getID());
             } else {
         if (!TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_ISSUETYPESCHEME, 'core', $scope->getID())) {
             $issuetype_scheme_id = TBGIssuetypeSchemesTable::getTable()->getFirstIdByScope($scope->getID());
             if ($issuetype_scheme_id) {
                 TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_DEFAULT_ISSUETYPESCHEME, $issuetype_scheme_id, 'core', $scope->getID());
             } else {
         TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_FAVICON_ID, 0, 'core', $scope->getID());
         TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_FAVICON_TYPE, 0, 'core', $scope->getID());
         TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_HEADER_ICON_ID, 0, 'core', $scope->getID());
         TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_HEADER_ICON_TYPE, 0, 'core', $scope->getID());
     $linkstable = TBGLinksTable::getTable();
     $crit = $linkstable->getCriteria();
     $crit->addUpdate(TBGLinksTable::URL, '');
     $crit->addWhere(TBGLinksTable::URL, '');
     $crit->addOr(TBGLinksTable::URL, '');
     $listtypestable = TBGListTypesTable::getTable();
     $crit = $listtypestable->getCriteria();
     $crit->addUpdate(TBGListTypesTable::ITEMTYPE, 'role');
     $crit->addWhere(TBGListTypesTable::ITEMTYPE, 'projectrole');
     $crit = $listtypestable->getCriteria();
     $crit->addUpdate(TBGListTypesTable::ITEMTYPE, 'priority');
     $crit->addWhere(TBGListTypesTable::ITEMTYPE, 'b2_prioritytypes');
     TBGSettings::saveSetting(TBGSettings::SETTING_ICONSET, TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_THEME_NAME));
     TBGContext::setPermission('readarticle', 0, 'publish', 0, 0, 0, true);
     foreach (TBGProject::getAll() as $project) {
         TBGDashboardViewsTable::getTable()->setDefaultViews($project->getID(), TBGDashboardViewsTable::TYPE_PROJECT);
         if (!$project->getKey()) {
     $this->upgrade_complete = true;
		<td><label for="highlight_default_interval"><?php 
echo __('Default line highlight interval');
			<input type="text" name="<?php 
" style="width: 50px;"<?php 
if ($access_level != TBGSettings::ACCESS_FULL) {
 id="highlight_default_interval" value="<?php 
echo TBGSettings::get('highlight_default_interval');
" />
		<td class="config_explanation" colspan="2"><?php 
echo __('When using fancy numbering, you can have a line highlighted at a regular interval. Set the default interval to use here, if not otherwise specified');
 public static function processCommit(TBGProject $project, $commit_msg, $old_rev, $new_rev, $date = null, $changed, $author, $branch = null)
     $output = '';
     if ($project->isArchived()) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Is VCS Integration enabled?
     if (TBGSettings::get('vcs_mode_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration') == TBGVCSIntegration::MODE_DISABLED) {
         $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] This project does not use VCS Integration' . "\n";
         return $output;
     // Parse the commit message, and obtain the issues and transitions for issues.
     $parsed_commit = TBGIssue::getIssuesFromTextByRegex($commit_msg);
     $issues = $parsed_commit["issues"];
     $transitions = $parsed_commit["transitions"];
     // If no issues exist, we may not be able to continue
     //			if (count($issues) == 0)
     //			{
     //				$output .= '[VCS '.$project->getKey().'] This project only accepts commits which affect issues' . "\n";
     //				return $output;
     //			}
     // Build list of affected files
     $file_lines = preg_split('/[\\n\\r]+/', $changed);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($file_lines as $aline) {
         $action = mb_substr($aline, 0, 1);
         if ($action == "A" || $action == "U" || $action == "D" || $action == "M") {
             $theline = trim(mb_substr($aline, 1));
             $files[] = array($action, $theline);
     // Find author of commit, fallback is guest
      * Some VCSes use a different format of storing the committer's name. Systems like bzr, git and hg use the format
      * Joe Bloggs <*****@*****.**>, instead of a classic username. Therefore a user will be found via 4 queries:
      * a) First we extract the email if there is one, and find a user with that email
      * b) If one is not found - or if no email was specified, then instead test against the real name (using the name part if there was an email)
      * c) the username or full name is checked against the friendly name field
      * d) and if we still havent found one, then we check against the username
      * e) and if we STILL havent found one, we use the guest user
     if (preg_match("/(?<=<)(.*)(?=>)/", $author, $matches)) {
         $email = $matches[0];
         // a)
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByEmail($email);
         if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
             // Not found by email
             preg_match("/(?<=^)(.*)(?= <)/", $author, $matches);
             $author = $matches[0];
     // b)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByRealname($author);
     // c)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByBuddyname($author);
     // d)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByUsername($author);
     // e)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGSettings::getDefaultUser();
     $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Commit to be logged by user ' . $user->getName() . "\n";
     if ($date == null) {
         $date = NOW;
     // Create the commit data
     $commit = new TBGVCSIntegrationCommit();
     if ($branch !== null) {
         $data = 'branch:' . $branch;
     $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Commit logged with revision ' . $commit->getRevision() . "\n";
     // Iterate over affected issues and update them.
     foreach ($issues as $issue) {
         $inst = new TBGVCSIntegrationIssueLink();
         // Process all commit-message transitions for an issue.
         foreach ($transitions[$issue->getFormattedIssueNo()] as $transition) {
             if (TBGSettings::get('vcs_workflow_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration') == TBGVCSIntegration::WORKFLOW_ENABLED) {
                 if ($issue->isWorkflowTransitionsAvailable()) {
                     // Go through the list of possible transitions for an issue. Only
                     // process transitions that are applicable to issue's workflow.
                     foreach ($issue->getAvailableWorkflowTransitions() as $possible_transition) {
                         if (mb_strtolower($possible_transition->getName()) == mb_strtolower($transition[0])) {
                             $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Running transition ' . $transition[0] . ' on issue ' . $issue->getFormattedIssueNo() . "\n";
                             // String representation of parameters. Used for log message.
                             $parameters_string = "";
                             // Iterate over the list of this transition's parameters, and
                             // set them.
                             foreach ($transition[1] as $parameter => $value) {
                                 $parameters_string .= "{$parameter}={$value} ";
                                 switch ($parameter) {
                                     case 'resolution':
                                         if (($resolution = TBGResolution::getResolutionByKeyish($value)) instanceof TBGResolution) {
                                             TBGContext::getRequest()->setParameter('resolution_id', $resolution->getID());
                                     case 'status':
                                         if (($status = TBGStatus::getStatusByKeyish($value)) instanceof TBGStatus) {
                                             TBGContext::getRequest()->setParameter('status_id', $status->getID());
                             // Run the transition.
                             // Log an informative message about the transition.
                             $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Ran transition ' . $possible_transition->getName() . ' with parameters \'' . $parameters_string . '\' on issue ' . $issue->getFormattedIssueNo() . "\n";
         $issue->addSystemComment(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('This issue has been updated with the latest changes from the code repository.<source>%commit_msg</source>', array('%commit_msg' => $commit_msg)), $user->getID());
         $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Updated issue ' . $issue->getFormattedIssueNo() . "\n";
     // Create file links
     foreach ($files as $afile) {
         // index 0 is action, index 1 is file
         $inst = new TBGVCSIntegrationFile();
         $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Added with action ' . $afile[0] . ' file ' . $afile[1] . "\n";
     TBGEvent::createNew('vcs_integration', 'new_commit')->trigger(array('commit' => $commit));
     return $output;
 protected function _initializeColumns()
     if (!is_array($this->_columns)) {
         if (!strlen($this->_columns)) {
             if ($columns = TBGSettings::get('search_scs_' . $this->getTemplateName())) {
                 $this->_columns = explode(',', $columns);
             } else {
                 $this->_columns = self::getDefaultVisibleColumns();
         } else {
             $this->_columns = explode(',', $this->_columns);
Beispiel #14
  * @param \TBGUser $user
  * @return array
 public function getPlanningColumns(TBGUser $user)
     $columns = TBGSettings::get('planning_columns_' . $this->getID(), 'project', TBGContext::getScope()->getID(), $user->getID());
     $columns = explode(',', $columns);
     if (empty($columns) || isset($columns[0]) && empty($columns[0])) {
         // Default values
         $columns = array('priority', 'estimated_time', 'spent_time');
     // Set array keys to equal array values
     $columns = array_combine($columns, $columns);
     return $columns;
  * Get this users timezone
  * @return mixed
 public function getTimezone()
     if ($this->_timezone == null) {
         $this->_timezone = TBGSettings::get('timezone', 'core', null, $this->getID());
     return $this->_timezone;
  * Shortcut for the global settings function
  * @param string  $setting the name of the setting
  * @param integer $uid     the uid for the user to check
  * @return mixed
 public function getSetting($setting, $uid = 0)
     return TBGSettings::get($setting, $this->getName(), TBGContext::getScope()->getID(), $uid);
Beispiel #17
 public function runAddCommitGitorious(TBGRequest $request)
     $passkey = TBGContext::getRequest()->getParameter('passkey');
     $project_id = urldecode(TBGContext::getRequest()->getParameter('project_id'));
     $project = TBGContext::factory()->TBGProject($project_id);
     // Validate access
     if (!$project) {
         echo 'Error: The project with the ID ' . $project_id . ' does not exist';
     if (TBGSettings::get('access_method_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration') == TBGVCSIntegration::ACCESS_DIRECT) {
         echo 'Error: This project uses the CLI access method, and so access via HTTP has been disabled';
     if (TBGSettings::get('access_passkey_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration') != $passkey) {
         echo 'Error: The passkey specified does not match the passkey specified for this project';
     // Validate data
     $data = html_entity_decode(TBGContext::getRequest()->getParameter('payload', null, false));
     if (empty($data) || $data == null) {
         die('Error: No payload was provided');
     $entries = json_decode($data);
     if ($entries == null) {
         die('Error: The payload could not be decoded');
     $entries = json_decode($data);
     $previous = $entries->before;
     // Branch is stored in the ref
     $ref = $entries->ref;
     $parts = explode('/', $ref);
     if (count($parts) == 3) {
         $branch = $parts[2];
     } else {
         $branch = null;
     // Parse each commit individually
     foreach (array_reverse($entries->commits) as $commit) {
         $email = $commit->author->email;
         $author = $commit->author->name;
         $new_rev = $commit->id;
         $old_rev = $previous;
         $commit_msg = $commit->message;
         $time = strtotime($commit->timestamp);
         // Add commit
         echo TBGVCSIntegration::processCommit($project, $commit_msg, $old_rev, $previous, $time, "", $author, $branch);
         $previous = $new_rev;
Beispiel #18
								<span id="login_indicator" style="display: none;"><?php 
echo image_tag('spinning_20.gif');
TBGEvent::createNew('core', 'login_form_pane')->trigger(array_merge(array('selected_tab' => $selected_tab), $options));
if (TBGSettings::get('allowreg') == true) {
    include_template('main/loginregister', array('selected_tab' => $selected_tab));
		<div id="backdrop_detail_indicator" style="text-align: center; padding: 50px; display: none;">
echo image_tag('spinning_32.gif');
	<div class="backdrop_detail_footer">
						<td style="width: 580px; position: relative;">
							<input type="text" name="blob_url" style="width: 100%" id="blob_url" value="<?php 
    echo TBGSettings::get('blob_url_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration');
" style="width: 100;">
						<td style="width: 200px;"><label for="diff_url"><?php 
    echo __('Diff page');
						<td style="width: 580px; position: relative;">
							<input type="text" name="diff_url" style="width: 100%" id="diff_url" value="<?php 
    echo TBGSettings::get('diff_url_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration');
" style="width: 100;">
			<table style="clear: both; width: 780px;" class="padded_table" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
					<td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px 0 10px 10px; text-align: right;">
						<div style="float: left; font-size: 13px; padding-top: 2px; font-style: italic;" class="config_explanation"><?php 
    echo __('When you are done, click "%save" to save your changes on all tabs', array('%save' => __('Save')));
						<div id="vcs_button" style="float: right; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">
							<input type="submit" class="button button-green" value="<?php 
Beispiel #20
 public function isKeyboardNavigationEnabled()
     $val = TBGSettings::get(TBGSettings::SETTING_USER_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION, 'core', TBGContext::getScope(), $this->getID());
     return $val !== null ? $val : true;
  * Reinitialize the i18n object, used only when changing the language in the middle of something
  * @param string $language The language code to change to
 public static function reinitializeI18n($language = null)
     if (!$language) {
         self::$_i18n = new TBGI18n(TBGSettings::get('language'));
     } else {
         TBGLogging::log('Changing language to ' . $language);
         self::$_i18n = new TBGI18n($language);
				<td style="width: 580px;">
					<input type="email" name="mailing_from_address" style="width: 300px;" id="mailing_from_address" value="<?php 
echo TBGSettings::get('project_from_address_' . $project->getID(), 'mailing');
				<td style="width: 200px;"><label for="mailing_from_name"><?php 
echo __('Project from-name');
				<td style="width: 580px;">
					<input type="text" name="mailing_from_name" style="width: 300px;" id="mailing_from_name" value="<?php 
echo TBGSettings::get('project_from_name_' . $project->getID(), 'mailing');
				<td class="config_explanation" colspan="2"><?php 
echo __('By specifying an email address here, users can hit the "Reply" button on email notifications, and replies will be sent to the specified address instead of the usual generic no-reply address.');
		<table style="clear: both; width: 780px;" class="padded_table" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
				<td colspan="2" style="padding: 10px 0 10px 10px; text-align: right;">
					<div style="float: left; font-size: 13px; padding-top: 2px; font-style: italic;" class="config_explanation"><?php 
 public function getCharset()
     if (TBGContext::isInstallmode()) {
         return $this->_charset;
     return TBGSettings::get('charset') != '' ? TBGSettings::get('charset') : $this->_charset;
        echo image_tag($module->getAccountSettingsLogo(), array('style' => 'float: left;'), false, $module_name) . $module->getAccountSettingsName();
			<div id="account_tabs_panes">
				<div id="tab_profile_pane">
if (TBGSettings::getAuthenticationBackend() != 'tbg' && TBGSettings::getAuthenticationBackend() != null) {
    echo tbg_parse_text(TBGSettings::get('changedetails_message'), null, null, array('embedded' => true));
} else {
					<form accept-charset="<?php 
    echo TBGContext::getI18n()->getCharset();
" action="<?php 
    echo make_url('account_save_information');
" onsubmit="updateProfileInformation('<?php 
    echo make_url('account_save_information');
'); return false;" method="post" id="profile_information_form">
						<div class="rounded_box borderless lightgrey cut_bottom" style="margin: 5px 0 0 0; width: 690px; border-bottom: 0;">
							<p class="content"><?php 
    echo __('Edit your profile details here, including additional information.');
Beispiel #25
 protected function _addProjectEmailAddress(Swift_Mime_Message $message, TBGProject $project = null)
     if ($project instanceof TBGProject) {
         $address = TBGSettings::get(self::SETTING_PROJECT_FROM_ADDRESS . $project->getID(), 'mailing');
         $name = TBGSettings::get(self::SETTING_PROJECT_FROM_NAME . $project->getID(), 'mailing');
         if ($address != '') {
             $message->setFrom($address, $name);