Beispiel #1
  * Create a from statement
  * @param SugarBean|array $bean
  * @return string
 protected function compileFrom($bean)
     $alias = "";
     $return = array();
     if (is_array($bean)) {
         list($bean, $alias) = $bean;
         $this->from_alias = $alias;
     $this->from_bean = $bean;
     $table = $bean->getTableName();
     $table_cstm = '';
     $from_clause = "{$table}";
     if (!empty($alias)) {
         $from_clause .= " {$alias}";
     //SugarQuery will determine if we actually need to add the table or not.
     $this->sugar_query->joinCustomTable($bean, $alias);
     if (!empty($this->from_alias)) {
         $this->primary_table = $this->from_alias;
         $this->primary_custom_table = $this->from_alias . '_c';
     } else {
         $this->primary_table = $this->from_bean->getTableName();
         $this->primary_custom_table = $this->from_bean->get_custom_table_name();
     $return = $from_clause;
     return $return;
Beispiel #2
  * This method generates sql that deletes a column identified by fieldDef.
  * @param  SugarBean $bean      Sugarbean instance
  * @param  array  $fieldDefs
  * @return string SQL statement
 public function deleteColumnSQL(SugarBean $bean, $fieldDefs)
     return $this->dropColumnSQL($bean->getTableName(), $fieldDefs);
Beispiel #3
  * This method generates sql that deletes a column identified by fieldDef.
  * @param  object $bean      Sugarbean instance
  * @param  array  $fieldDefs
  * @return string SQL statement
 public function deleteColumnSQL(SugarBean $bean, $fieldDefs)
     if ($this->isFieldArray($fieldDefs)) {
         foreach ($fieldDefs as $fieldDef) {
             $columns[] = $fieldDef['name'];
     } else {
         $columns[] = $fieldDefs['name'];
     return "alter table " . $bean->getTableName() . " drop (" . implode(", ", $columns) . ")";
Beispiel #4
  * @see DBManager::createTableSQL()
 public function createTableSQL(SugarBean $bean)
     $tablename = $bean->getTableName();
     $fieldDefs = $bean->getFieldDefinitions();
     $indices = $bean->getIndices();
     $engine = $this->getEngine($bean);
     return $this->createTableSQLParams($tablename, $fieldDefs, $indices, $engine);
  * Drops the table associated with a bean
  * @param object $bean SugarBean instance
 public function dropTable(SugarBean $bean)
     $this->tableName = $bean->getTableName();
  * @see DBHelper::deleteColumnSQL()
 public function deleteColumnSQL(SugarBean $bean, $fieldDefs)
     if ($this->isFieldArray($fieldDefs)) {
         foreach ($fieldDefs as $fieldDef) {
             $columns[] = $fieldDef['name'];
     } else {
         $columns[] = $fieldDefs['name'];
     return "ALTER TABLE " . $bean->getTableName() . " DROP COLUMN " . implode(", DROP COLUMN ", $columns);
Beispiel #7
  * Drops the table associated with a bean
  * @param SugarBean $bean SugarBean instance
  * @return bool query result
 public function dropTable(SugarBean $bean)
     // If we want drop table then we have to drop all FTS indexes if they are present
     foreach ($this->get_indices($bean->getTableName()) as $index) {
         if ($index['type'] == 'fulltext') {
             $this->dropIndexes($bean->getTableName(), array($index), true);
     return parent::dropTable($bean);
Beispiel #8
  * @param string    $_rel_name   use this relationship key.
  * @param SugarBean $_bean       reference of the bean that instantiated this class.
  * @param array     $fieldDef    vardef entry for the field.
  * @param string    $_table_name optional, fetch from the bean's table name property.
  * @param string    $_key_name   optional, name of the primary key column for _table_name
 public function Link($_rel_name, SugarBean &$_bean, $fieldDef, $_table_name = '', $_key_name = '')
     global $dictionary;
     require_once DOCROOT . "modules/TableDictionary.php";
     Log::debug("Link Constructor, relationship name: [{$_rel_name}], Table name [{$_table_name}], Key name [{$_key_name}]");
     $this->_relationship_name = $_rel_name;
     $this->relationship_fields = !empty($fieldDef['rel_fields']) ? $fieldDef['rel_fields'] : [];
     $this->_bean =& $_bean;
     $this->_relationship = new Relationship();
     $this->_db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
     // Following behavior is tied to a property(ignore_role) value in the vardef.
     // It alters the values of 2 properties, ignore_role_filter and add_distinct.
     // the property values can be altered again before any requests are made.
     if (!empty($fieldDef) && is_array($fieldDef)) {
         if (array_key_exists('ignore_role', $fieldDef)) {
             if ($fieldDef['ignore_role'] == true) {
                 $this->ignore_role_filter = true;
                 $this->add_distinct = true;
     $this->_bean_table_name = !empty($_table_name) ? $_table_name : $_bean->getTableName();
     if (!empty($key_name)) {
         $this->_bean_key_name = $_key_name;
     } else {
         if ($this->_relationship->lhs_table != $this->_relationship->rhs_table) {
             if ($_bean->table_name == $this->_relationship->lhs_table) {
                 $this->_bean_key_name = $this->_relationship->lhs_key;
             if ($_bean->table_name == $this->_relationship->rhs_table) {
                 $this->_bean_key_name = $this->_relationship->rhs_key;
     if ($this->_relationship->lhs_table == $this->_relationship->rhs_table && isset($fieldDef['side']) && $fieldDef['side'] == 'right') {
         $this->_swap_sides = true;
     if (!empty($fieldDef['rhs_key_override'])) {
         $this->_rhs_key_override = true;
     if (!empty($fieldDef['bean_filter_field'])) {
         $this->_bean_filter_field = $fieldDef['bean_filter_field'];
     //default to id if not set.
     if (empty($this->_bean_key_name)) {
         $this->_bean_key_name = 'id';
     Log::debug("Link Constructor, _bean_table_name: [{$this->_bean_table_name}], _bean_key_name: [{$this->_bean_key_name}]");
     if (!empty($this->_relationship->id)) {
         Log::debug("Link Constructor, relationship record found.");
     } else {
         Log::debug("Link Constructor, No relationship record.");
  * Generic method for un-deleting records of all types
  * @param SugarBean $parentBean Parent bean module to get field definitions from
  * @param array $where_data Array of fields to filter on in the where clause
  * @param bool $updateDateModified Boolean to indicate if the date_modified should be updated in the query or not
  * @param string $tableName Table name to run the query from. If excluded will use the parentBean->table_name passed
  * @return Array $results Results of query
 private function unmarkDeletedRecord($parentBean, $where_data, $updateDateModified = false, $tableName = "")
     if ($tableName == "") {
         $tableName = $parentBean->getTableName();
     $usePreparedStatements = false;
     $dataFields['deleted'] = $parentBean->getFieldDefinition('deleted');
     $dataValues['deleted'] = '0';
     if ($updateDateModified) {
         $dataFields['date_modified'] = $parentBean->getFieldDefinition('date_modified');
         $dataValues['date_modified'] = $this->db->timedate->nowDb();
     $sql = $this->db->updateParams($tableName, $dataFields, $dataValues, $where_data, null, false, $usePreparedStatements);
     $sqlResults = $this->db->query($sql);
     //All supported dbs have affected_rows, but lets check just to be sure
     if (isset($this->db->capabilities["affected_rows"]) && $this->db->capabilities["affected_rows"] == true) {
         $unDeletedResults = $this->db->getAffectedRowCount($sqlResults);
     } else {
         $unDeletedResults = 1;
     return $unDeletedResults;
Beispiel #10
  * Joins the custom table to the current query (if possible)
  * @param SugarBean $bean
  * @param string $alias
 public function joinCustomTable($bean, $alias = "")
     if ($bean->hasCustomFields() && !$this->customJoined) {
         $table = $bean->getTableName();
         $table_cstm = $bean->get_custom_table_name();
         if (!empty($table_cstm)) {
             // TODO: CLEAN THIS UP
             if (!empty($alias)) {
                 $sql = "LEFT JOIN {$table_cstm} {$alias}_c ON {$alias}_c.id_c = {$alias}.id";
             } else {
                 $sql = "LEFT JOIN {$table_cstm} ON {$table_cstm}.id_c = {$table}.id";
             // can do a join here because we haven't got to the joins yet in the compile sequence.
Beispiel #11
  * @see DBManager::insert()
 public function insert(SugarBean $bean)
     $this->tableName = $bean->getTableName();
     $msg = "Error inserting into table: " . $this->tableName;
     if ($this->usePreparedStatements) {
         list($sql, $data, $lobs) = $this->insertSQL($bean, true);
         return $this->preparedQuery($sql, $data, $lobs, $msg);
     } else {
         $sql = $this->insertSQL($bean);
         $ret = $this->AltlobExecute($this->tableName, $bean->getFieldDefinitions(), get_object_vars($bean), $sql);
         $this->checkError($msg . ' Query Failed: ' . $sql, true);
     return $ret;